Friday, November 3, 1967-19 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS omen's Out, activities KINNERET CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a farewell meet- ing in honor of a longtime mem- ber, Sarah Kaplan, noon Wednes- day at the Labor Zionist Institute. Mrs. Kaplan and her husband Phillip, residents of Detroit 50 years, are planning to make their home in Miami. Friends are invit- ed to the meeting, at which hos- tesses will be Edith Shapiro and Rebecca Warren. For information, call Frances Shayne, Kg 3-7290. * • • United HIAS Director to Close Forum Series Mrs. John Greenberg is chair- Gaynor I. Jacobson of New York, director of United HIAS Service, man of the day. will speak at the final session of the 1967 fall forum on "Focus on Survival" 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Jewish Center. s \\\ / //// Temple Beth El Sisterhood will MASADA CHAPTER, Pioneer present Irene Malin, dramatic per- Women, will mark its 42nd year sonality, at the monthly meeting at a birthday party noon Monday 12:30 p.m. Monday in the temple. at the home of Bess Finn, 25342 A petite luncheon will be served. Montmarte, Oak Park. Luncheon Miss Malin, a graduate of the Lon- will be served. For reservations As director of IHAS, Jacobson don Royal Academy of Dramatic call Mrs. Finn, 546-8189. guides an organization active in 40 • • • Art and Music, also holds degrees countries through from the London Guild Hall School PRLMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB the world. In the 471.. of Music and Drama and the Lon- will hold a social meeting 8:30 p.m.. past 10 years it don Academy of Dramatic Art. She Monday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Hus- SAVE! SAVE. has aided ap- was a leading charazter actress bands are invited. Final arrange- proximately 14,- BUY DIRECT with the BBC before coming to the ments are being made for the 33rd FROM THE IMPORTER 000 Jewish people U.S. shortly after World War IL annual donor luncheon 12:30 p.m. annually to reach SISTERS OF ZION, Mizrachi During the war, she formed her Nov. 14 at the New Raleigh House. lands, other than Concert Party, a group of friends The committees include Mesdames Women, will hold a mother in Is- who Israel, of safety. Samuel Nadek, donor chairman; rael luncheon noon Wednesday at around traveled He will speak the coun- Harry Brown, program; Hyman Beth Joseph Synagogue. Mother in t r y entertaining on "Diaspora" at Sweet and Celia Kaufman, pledges; IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS Israel charms will be presented by the troops. Mar- the forum, spon- Thomas Zohott and Lawrence Sha- OF FINE DIAMONDS Mrs. Henrietta Kelman, chairman. ried to an Amer- Jacobson sored by the Jew- piro, journal; Louis Friedman, 15738 LIVERNOIS Guests are invited. The luncheon i can, she con- ish Welfare Federation women's darling and memoriam; Sam Wein- DI. 1-5515 is sponsored by Mrs. Anna Char- tinued her drama- division. Mrs. Norman Katz is man and Nathan Sandler, prizes. ness and Mrs. Henrietta Kelman. tic career as a forum chairman. • • • Social chairmen, Mrs. Rose Beile- teacher and per- CHANA CZENESH CHAPTER, wich and Mrs. Pearl Gold, will be former on radio Pioneer Women, will meet noon assisted by Mesdames Molly Fin- and TV in New Monday at the Labor Zionist Insti- kelstein, Meyer Beigler, Walter York. More re- tute. Toby Slobosky will speak on Epstein and Morris Servetter. cently she moved Miss Malin Nellie Sachs, Nobel Prize winner NOW LOCATED AT • • • to the Detroit area and has taught for her poetry. Refreshments will Brandeis University National at both branches of the Jewish Cen- be served. Guests invited. At 10 Mile Ook Park Women's Committee, Detroit Chap- ter and directed theater at the • • • ter, will hold an open board meet- Dearborn Civic Center and Dear- BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD will born Children's Theater. She lec- hold a regular meeting 8:30 p.m. big 10 a.m. Nov. Phone: 548-5590 tures twice weekly at the Main Monday in the synagogue. Mrs. I. 16 at the Jewish YWCA and the Highland Park Katz, Center,- in con- LUGGAGE • HANDBAGS program chairman, has ar- Branch, and will be appearing on ranged junction with the for the showing of a film WXYZ-TV in the near future. Book Fair. Presi- REPAIRING "The Thread of Life." Friends are dent Mrs. Harold • • • invited. (Estelle) Robin- V • • HANITA CHAPTER, Pioneer son will preside Women, will meet 8:30 p.m. Mon- AVODAH CHAPTER. Pioneer at the meeting, day at the Labor Zionist - Institute. Women, will meet for lunch noon to which friends Guest speaker will be David Roth, Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Mor- 1," are invited. A director of the American Jewish ris Goldman, 24031 Seneca, Oak new film will be Congress in Michigan, who will Park. Mrs. John Hock, chairman shown, and used Mrs. Robinson discuss his work on intergroup for the open housing committee of books in all categories will be ac- committees during the summer the League of Women Voters, will s mic cepted for the forthcoming sale. riots and subsequent work in this be guest speaker, Friends are in- The chapter also has a dropoff area. Guests are invited. vited. For reservations, call Mrs. station at 704 W. Seven Mile. Goldman, LI 1-8729. • • • • • • • • • DETROIT LINK, Order of the PURITY CHAPTER, Order of CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women, the Eastern Star, will meet under Golden Chain, will hold a "feather will meet '12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the of new officers 7:45 p.m. Monday at party," 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Labor Labor Zionist Institute. The club is Eureka Temple. There will be re- Zionist Institute. Games and prizes presently soliciting pledges for the will be featured. For information, better freshments. call Mrs. Jean Hollander, 353-8453, annual donor event, which benefits • • • or Worthy Matron Mrs. Ruthe Gold- the social services of the Working Costumes... Women's Council (Moetzet Hapoa- NORTHWEST CHILD RESCUE ' stein, 5469058. There will be tickets lot) in Israel. Chana Michlin, presi- WOMEN will hold a board meeting at the door. dent, announces that all those 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of and • • • wishing to contribute to the Rose Mrs. Jerome Ziegler, 18231 In-1 Jewish Women's European Wel- Naimark memoriam fund may call diana. A regular meeting will be 11;ilking held 8 p.m. Thursday at Howard fare Organization will meet noon her at UN 4-3629, or the Pioneer Johnson's Restaurant, Coolidge and Monday at Cong. Ezras Achim when Women's office, 341-0722. final plans will • • • Suits Eight Mile Rd. Mrs. Joseph Gor- NEW STUDY CLUB will hold its don, who just returned from a visit be made for the annual charity luncheon and games in Israel, will give a report on pro- Nov. 13 luncheon at the synagogue. party noon Wednesday at Federal's jects there. Sponsor of the Department Store, Grand River noon event will Ave. and Oakman Blvd. Guests be Mrs. Leo Lau- are invited. ,VH460PifiN a SOito ' fer, vice pres • • * dent, in honor of X IT TARES e0.4, ZEDAKAII CLUB will hold a her son's ap- meeting 12:30 p.m. Monday at the GENI-US pointment as as- 14, W CL EA 4 EN N 11: 311 home of Mrs. Sam Sloben, 20299 YOUR 0 sistant professor MI 41.04,1 CARPET ii . St. Marys. Plans for the Nov. 28 from Mrs. Laufer of sociology donor luncheon will be discussed. Antioch College and consultant on ARS ', STAYS Ile Z African affairs in Washington. For For information, call Mrs. Jack CLEAN) ► Z IPS information, call Mrs. Jack Seder, Greenberg, 353-0232. EA* a • • ticket chairman, 342-1627. VI AL ja SPOTS 0 eM) wrisir z Chemicals SUBURBAN CHAPTER, Ameri- AND Ca • • • vi SEAL lint", STAINS Jewish Congress, will meet CITY OF HOPE CANCER FIGHT- can luncheon REMOVED 0 U (ea • noon Tuesday at the BY DIRT ERS will hold an , executive board for • home of Mrs. Fred Benderoff, EXPRT long CHEMISTS meeting 8 p.m. Monday at the home 22334 , 1. Chatsworth, Southfield. The WEAR of Mrs. Lawrence Benderoff, 23161 program, "Information Beverly, Oak Park. Mrs. Jerome Congress' approach to Please— it O R AN Current Kornheiser will report 'on the plans Problems," will be presented Fur trimmed by LI 8.11300 for the luncheon for paid-up mem- a panel moderated by chairman 4-55.88 and Tailored bers to be held Nov. 20 at _Bnai Mrs. David Logan. Hospitality 15180 W. 8 MILE RD. NI. 1,1011.1LAND David Synagogue. OFF chairman Mrs. Marvin Davis will be assisted by Lucille Bendix and Selected Joyce Gottlieb. Members will Group nominate a member for the com- Regular munity service award given by the Detroit Junior Board of Priced from Commerce Auxiliary as its can- $89.95 to didate for "outstanding young $389.00 women in Michigan. A paid-up Hanuka party is planned for Dec. 20. Prospective members invited. DIAMONDS ROBINSON'S LEATHER SHOP 25250 GREENFIELD • a SALE 3111 , ,,,, *** * **** * **** * **** ** **1 tc.„ GIGANTIC SALE! : -1 LIGHTING FIXTURES ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! : -lc • • • Mintco etiefiting- YOUNG ISRAEL CENTER OF OAK-WOODS SISTERHOOD will hold its annual "Mystery Bus Ride" 24200 TELEGRAPH Bet. 9 and 10 Mile Roads * beginning 7:30 p.m. Saturday at 358-1360 * Southfield * Daily to 5:30, Thurs. to 9, Sat. to 4 p.m. the synagogue. Limited reserva- tions will be taken. For informa- tion, call Sonia Ribiat, 547-2772, or Blanche Engel, 398-3075. Security & Bankord save6att MON., THURS-. FRI. NITES 'fit 9 DAILY Ill. 6 NINE 61114 AT Cir0061., OAR: !AAR