24—Friday, October 27, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH - NEWS LETTER BOX Laredos Perform for President Ellen Krugel Engaged to Sheldon I. Weisman Fascists in France Weren't Outright Racists Until Nazi Occupation Violinist Jaime Laredo and his wife, pianist Ruth Meekler Laredo, formerly of Detroit, look on as President Johnson chats with the wife of 'Niger President Diori Hamani. Laredo was accom- panied by his wife in a performance at the White House dinner honoring the Niger Republic's chief executive (left). Also in the photograph are Mrs. Johnson (second from left), and to the right of President Johnson, Mrs. Hubert Humphrey, Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas and Vice President Humphrey. Justice Fortas, an ama- teur violinist, introduced the Laredos, and himself as well, with "I am Abe Fortas; I am a violinist." He said the Laredos "have achieved worldwide fame as artists." They also are his "great friends, marvelous artists, marvelous people." Accomplished Inbal Dancer to Perform in Tamarack Event A Family Dance Weekend at Although dance will he the focus Camp Tamarack beginning Nov. 24 of the weekend, additional work- will feature as guest artist Hadas- shops will offer activities like na- sah Badoch, internationally known Lure study and arts and crafts for dancer, now studying with Martha those not participating in the dance Graham in New York and a fea- classes. tured soloist with Israel's famous Modern dance te chnique Inbal Dance Theater. classes will be given Friday A series of dance classes and through Sunday by Harriet Berg, director of the Festival Dancers workshops, along with a perform- and Young Dancers Guild, and .- ance, will be presented to encour- Leslie Berg of the Bennington age appreciation of the unique College Dance Company. quality of Yemenite and Israeli dance as well as contemporary No background in dance is neces- American dance idioms. The Jew- sary for this weekend. Transporta- ish Center is sponsoring the three- tion, all meals, modern heated day event. cabins are available for all parti- Besides leading classes in Israeli cipants. Registration ends Nov. 5. En- and Yemenite dance, Miss Badoch will give a performance of Yemen- rollment is limited. For information, call educational ite dances with authentic cos- services at the Center, DI 1-4200, tumes, music and instruments. ext. 246. Miss Badoch came to Israel from Yemen with Youth Aliya. She has an extensive dance back- ground of classical ballet, folk, and modern. After serving in the Arnnotincernents Israeli Army, she joined the In- bal Dance Theater. As a featur- 'Oct. 18—To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ed soloist, she twice toured the Brown (Esther Lerner), 17326 great cities of Europe and North Jeanette, Southfield, a daughter, America. In New York she ap- Linda Ethel. peared at Madison Square Gar- * $ • den, the City Center and the Oct. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Martin Beck Theater. Black (Lynda Judith Greengood), Currently on a grant to study 15219 Northgate, Oak Park, a dance and choreography in the daughter, Stacey Ann. United States, Miss Badoch also teaches and does choreography for Oct. 13—To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel a number of professional groups as R. Snyder (Susan Jacobs), former well as young Zionists and Junior Detroiters of Ann Arbor, a son, Hadassah organizations. Her own Andrew Mark. concert work includes touring on • • • behalf of the United Jewish Ap- Sept. 12—To Mr. and Mrs. Er- peal and a program of the classi- win Hollander (Carole Rochlin), cal dance of India at the United 22010 Sussex, Oak Park, a daugh- Nations. Miss Badoch has taken part in ter, Susan Wendy. four films made in Israel and has been seen here on the Dinah Shore Recommended by Physicians Show and a number of television RABBI LEO specials. Her most recent work on the New York stage was in the Lincoln Center production of "The King and I," after which she re- Expert Mahe! Serving Hospitals and Homes turned to Israel for a six-month LI 1 - 9769 LI 2 - 4444 engagement with the newly form- ed dance company of Bethsabee de Rothschild. There, under the di- CERTIFIED EXPERT MOHEL rection of Martha Graham, Miss Badoch performed several impor- RABBI tant roles from the Graham reper- toire. Birth GOLDMAN Israel Goodman 334-7031 334-4149 Serving In Hospitals and Homes REV. GOLDMAN L. MARSHALL MOHEL 353-5444 The AMERICAN BALLET THE- ATER, embarking upon its 29th year brings its lavishly mounted productions, brilliant stars and glit- tering ensembles—plus the music of Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Mah- ler and Prokofieff—to the Masonic Auditorium for one performance, 8:20 p.m., Nov. 18. Four ballets will be presented during the De. troit appearance. Editor, The Jewish News: Paul Serant, in his book "Le Romantisme Fasciste" (Fasquelle, 1959), sheds a new light upon the phenomenon of French anti-Semi- tism. Anti-Semitism and racism were not central to French fascism until rather late in the day, writes Paul Serant. It was only in 1936, the year Blum's Pupular Front gained a victory at the polls that the fas- cist press in France made anti- Semitism a cardinal issue for at least two reasons, neither of which had much to do with racial theory. Blum's Popular Front government, the major threat to French fascism at that time, was particularly vul- nerable to such a campaign, and the charge could also be made that it was the Jews in France who, because of their hatred of Hitler, were trying to drag France into a war with Germany. That this campaign was more a matter of expedience than con- viction is seen from the fact that even after 1936 most spokesmen for French fascism equivocated agonizingly on the question of race, not becoming outright rac- ists until the German occupation. It is worthy of notice that Marcel Deat, one of the stump orators of French fascism, as late as 1942, differentiated between the Jew who was "harmful" to the French com- munity, and the Jew who fought and shed his blood for France and who should be accepted as "an honorable and honored ally." The French fascist group around the newspaper Je Suis Partout did go for anti-Semitism, but one fel- low wrote in his article that "one could have good relations with a 'foreign' (sic) people like the Jews." ALBERT ZEITLIN Landsmanshaften Heads to Hold JNF Meeting A breakfast meeting of Detroit Landsmanshaften leaders will be held 10 a.m. Nov. 5, at 'the Jewish National Fund office. Key officers are invited to meet and review the current position of Israel regarding the resettling of several new areas in the Jewish state. Discussion will be held on the new challenges facing Israel and immediate responsibilities and ob- ligations to the state, it was an- nounced by Harry Kaminer, chair- man for the Jewish National Fund Committee of Landsmanshaften. The Jewish Community in Af- ghanistan, which dates back hun- dreds of years, today numbers some 800 persons, the majority of whom live in Herat. MISS ELLEN KRUGEL Mr. and Mrs. Max Krugel of Stoepel Ave. announce the engage- ment of their daughter Ellen Dale to Sheldon Irwin Weisman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Weisman of Constitution Dr., Southfield. A March 10 wedding is planned. WE CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN'S FEET FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT SAM EMMER And His Orchestra DI 1-1609 PREMIERE DANCE STUDIO LI 7-4470 22111 COOLIDGE, OAK PARK LESSONS and PARTIES 33 last Adams • 19311 lininais • 20901 Kelly Rt • 235 Pierce, Birminham Classified Ads Get Quick Results Mach gitt and Ms Ordiestra New Phone: 358-3642 • Letter Writer Concerned by British Moves in ME Editor, The Jewish News: Have read with extreme anx- iety your article in the Jewish News that Great Britain stands accused of pursuing an anti-Israel policy and of seeking to prejudice the existing condition to find ways and means to establish peace be- tween the Arabs and Israelis. The Middle East now is not a British territory and it should be up to the delegates of the United Nations to stop Britain's anti-Israel interference in the Middle East. I cannot overlook reminding the British people, the present leaders of the English Parliament, that it was the Jew Benjamin Disraeli who made Great Britain Great. It was Lord Reading the Jew, who made the whole world adopt, re- spect British laws and British jur- isprudence. It was Herbert Sam- uels the Jew who made England's education and school system the envy of the whole intellectual world. Haman, leader of Persia, Tor- quemada of Spain, Hitler of Ger- many, all of them tried to ex- terminate Jews, but never suc- ceeded. They left only a shameful and disgraceful record in history. WOLF LEVITAN Club Sets Costume Ball The Criterion Club, organization for single adults, will host a mas- querade ball 9 p.m. Saturday at Cong. Beth HilleL Costumes will be optional, but prizes will be awarded for out- standing costumes in all categories. The public is invited. Music for dancing will be pro- vided by George Grossett and his orchestra, with social mixers, a grand march and the serving of refreshments included. For information, call program chairman Frances Kircidel, 398- 2730. if 4, 'At /3" .44 • ,. • Norman Allan& Tor. 17540 WYOMING • TEL. 341-1330 • THUR., FRI. TIL 9. WE RENT AND SELL A COMPLETE LINE OF FORMAL WEAR ALSO FEATURING A FINE SELECTION OF MEN'S CLOTHING "AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN Tow' HAN DELSMAN 7651 W. McNICHOLS at Santa Barbara UN 4-7408 Fall Cleaning Special FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! SLACKS SHIRTS (Plain) WITH THIS COUPON . ONLY! Coupon must be brought In with cleaning. Northwest Area's Most Modern Plant 13336 W. 7 MILE Near Snowden Call: DI 1-2800