26—Friday, October 20, 1967 Dropsie Memorial Lecture to Honor Sol Satinsky THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Boy's Survival in Auschwitz Relived by the Man He Became; Detroiter Welds Memories Into Copper Model up on people who took-a few min- BY CHARLOTTE DUBIN "1 was only 12 when this tragedy utes rest. Those who received a happened. Most children think of beating from him did not live games and good times at that age, i long." but I was all of a sudden confront-; David said goodby to his father ed with a struggle for survival." at Plaszhau. He never saw him At 36, David Bergman is a model , again. of suburban respectability. He lives In another camp, David and with his pretty some 14 other youngsters were wife, Sally, and turned in. Underage. their 41/2 - year -1 "We were told that we were not old son, Aaron, ; useful for work anymore and that in a nice house in the morning we would be taken on ParklaWn, in back to Auschwitz . . . I had never Oak Park. An Air given up hope before nor lost faith, Force veteran but this morning I realized that the and a graduate end is coming . . . All of a sudden, of Lawrence In- the camp commandant conies stitute of Tech- toward us and points a finger at nology, he has a me, saying, 'You, go join that Bergman good job as a group of workers!' One of the men senior service engineer. in that group had passed out and When David Bergman turned 13, they needed a fill-in. . . . Shortly he was riding in a cattle train with thereafter a truck came and took his father. They ware on their those children to an extermination way from Auschwitz to Plaszhau, camp." Other tests more of spirit than a concentration camp in Poland. "1 was so 1■ 17101 looking forward of physical strength—because that to this day of Bar Mitzva. I had was fast ebbing away—followed for had several years of preparation Bergman. There was the train ride for this event. My parents even to Dachau, in which three of 150 had all the gifts set aside. Indeed. persons survived. There was the today I have become a Man - and forced march into the Tyrol Moun- am heading for an unknown desti- tains at the close of the war, when nation. . . Only my father and I the Germans used their prisoners were together: no mother, brother, as a buffer against the Americans. ("The Germans were hoping sister or any other relative . . . That is how I celebrated my Bar that we would get killed by American fire power and they Mitzva." Bergman has put his memories then could say that the Ameri- cans did it.") into writing—some 34 typewritten Liberated at last by the Ameri- pages "for my son"—but, even more graphically, into copper. His cans, the boy was placed in a pri- vate home and then a sanitorium in stylized model of Auschwitz, which will go on display during Book Garmisch. It was a source of amaze- ment to his liberators that David Fair at the Jewish Center, is one man's testimony to an unbelievable had survived; "nothing but bones were protruding out of my body." crime. With recovery, the heartbreaking The product of some 50 search or family began. Back to hours' work, Bergman's copper Czechoslovakia, through Hungary model shows the "selection proc- and Romania, David traveled—once ess"—the arbitrary choosing of lying flat on top of a train because prisoners for slave labor or for there was no room inside. Fifteen the "showers" and eventual miles from his home town of Boc- crematoria. kow, David started to walk. Bergman well remembers the "Whenever I met someone from cruel system. my hometown I asked them if they "A few feet from where •ve got saw or heard of my family, but not off the train, there was a Nazi of- one was able to help me. . . . Even f•er standing and giving three- though I was tired and exhausted, tions for people to go to different the thought of being home again lines. We had no idea what it was soon kept me going. As I was get- all about. Fortunately, I stayed to- ring closer, some places started to gether with my father, and when look familiar again. . . . Places the Nazi officer asked me how old where I used to play were empty I was. I was about to say I was now. All my friends of my age were only 12. but something held me gone. . . . The emotion that came back. and my father said that I over me when I walked into the was 14. So I went with the group home is hard to describe. This is that were designated for working camps. Had I said that I was 12 r years old, I would have gone with _Lois SITI 11 belg Bei Mt ha the older women and children who were shortly killed by gassing." /0 _41a R it-ha rd II 1IICl' Born in the town of Bockow. Czechoslovakia. in the Carpathian Mountains. Bergman knew happy times as a child. It was the mem- ories. t h e impossible hope of re- union with his family, that kept him alive when others, older and stronger. perished. The nightmare that Bergman lived took less than a year (Hun- gary took over Carpathia in 1939; the Nazis arrived in '44). but in that year, Bergman was transport• ed from Hungary, to Germany, to Poland. back to Germany—Ausch- witz, Reichenbach, Dachau. In Plaszhau: "My father worked at his profes- sion as a tailor and I worked as a bricklayer. We were happy that at least part of the family was to- gether. The work was very hard. MISS LOIS STEINBERG We had to build a five-by-four wall every day. If we did not complete Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Stein- I the wall, we did not get any food. berg of Sussex Ave. announce the The walls were built from stones engagement of their daughter Lois mined from a huge. rocky 7110U11- Anne to Alan Richard Winer, son tail?. The laying of stones would of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Winer of , not have been so bad, but we had Pinehurst Ave. to carry each stone by hand front The bride-elect and her fiance the mine to the area where we both attend Wayne State Univerd were building the wall .. . There sity, she majoring in special edu- - was one Nazi overseer who used to cation and he in accounting. A June 23 wedding is planned. ride around on a horse and sneak I (Direct JTA Teletype Wire David Bergman, a survivor of Auschwitz, has rendered his test- imony to the horrors of the con- centration camp with a stylized diagram, sculpted in copper. The model, which is being shown in the Jewish Center during Book Fair, is accompanied by two other pieces of work by Berg- man, one showing the state of Israel surrounded by her nu- merically superior Arab neigh- bors (left), the other depicting the Western Wall. what I was hoping and struggling for. I achieved part of my goal, but the most important goal I have not achieved yet. 1 went all around the house; just touching things that my family touched once meant a lot to me. So many memories were brought back. The games that we used to play as children, the long walks we used to take in the big garden . . . . Some of the memories were not so pleasant. With the Hungarian takeover of Carpathia in 1939, se- vere restrictions were imposed on the Jews. When David's family was deported to Hungary, their house was "assigned" and a receipt given for their property. The formality was no doubt a little private joke among the authorities; their sense of humor was not so pleasant in the central deportation point, where Jewish prisoners were tor- tured by the Hungarians for "mis- conduct." These were the memories that came crowding back when David stepped into the home of his child- hood. "Another family was living in my house. The man of the house asked me what I am doing here, since he claimed this was his house. I left, deciding that when my parents come home, they would settle this matter . . . " But the realization had to be accepted: he would not find his parents. At that time, a new movement was springing up in the ashes of Europe: Aliya. David joined 150 other homeless youngsters on a kibutz. In a year, the teen-agers learned to live again, sharing as their families once had done. Above all, they shared a com- mon goal: Palestine. David never got to Palestine as an immigrant. Uncles living in America found his name among the lists of refugees and sent for him. Later he would see Israel as a tourist. The adaptability that served him well in the concentration camps saw him over many adjust- ments in America, and following graduation from high school, he enlisted in the Air Force. "After about the sixth week of basic training, I started to get a pain in the leg. I went on sick call, and the doctors could not find anything wrong.The pain got worse and I finally told the doctor that -I cannot walk anymore . . . I never had such pain before, even when I went through all the tor- tures in concentration camps . . . After they told me that I would not have to take the gas training, may pain went away." With typical bureaucratic per- versity, the Air Force sent Berg- man to Bremerhaven, Germany. "Seven years ago I left this place thinking that I would never see it again, and now I came to protect this country from the Russians, who at one time were supposed to be my liberators. The Russians are now the enemies. Life just did not make sense." Bergman has started a new life that does make sense, but to that senseless era he has dedicated a model of Auschwitz: "This is dedicated to the six million Jewish people who lost their lives by gassing, starvation and brutality under the Nazi regime in Germany. May their memories be an eternal light for future . generations and may those living ; be strong to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again. DAVID BERGMAN" Jewish Journalists Plan Convention in Jerusalem (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM—A world conven- tion of Jewish journalists will be held in Jerusalem Feb. 12 to which leading authors and novelists from the United States and Europe will also be invited, it was announced Tuesday by the World Bureau of Jewish Journalists here. The gath- ering, to be opened by Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, will provide a forum for an exchange of views on the functions and tasks of Jew- ish journalists and writers against the background of the six day war and the upsurge of national spirit it aroused among Jews the world over. to The Jewish News) PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — Es- tablishment of an annual Sol Satinsky Memorial Le c t ure at Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning was announced Tuesday by Dr. Abraham I. Katch, president of Dropsie. The memorial lecture has been established by the Satinsky family and will be delivered each Novem- ber. In addition to the lecture, Dr. Katch announced establishment of the Sol Satinsky Award by the college's board of governors. It will be given each year at com- mencement exercises to an out- standing graduate. The lecture series and awards commemorate a personality active on the national scene as well as in his native Philadelphia. His national activities included leadership in the United Jewish Apeal, Council of Jewish Federa- tions and Welfare Funds, Joint Distribution Committee, American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the Jew- ish Theological Seminary. In Philadelphia, he had served as president of the Allied Jewish Apeal, vice president of the Fed- eration of Jewish Agencies, presi- dent of the Jewish Publication Society, and vice president of the Albert Einstein Medical Center. Ile died last November. 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