- Moses Montefiore—A Message From the Queen /.4/ /883 A VERY OLD AMA/ .547 OPEN- WE Om7TNO.4y rEzec•RAims. ,............_,.__ AN/ //ERE /5. ONE / OHO NOT EAPErr./ .. . I w r.,......„ i • - sit..„ I. --. •/, - HE NELO /7 hy TREH4c/N0 HANDS--. 00r 4P . ...e.1., `...:_. .,,.. ■■ - • 4. -44......, z - . - ...._ - - ._ ik,,,,.. ..0 f-..-.-- --;-..-a ■ 11 4. 9.1/. l• 24'.. - Del ' 14'.1 ' - .5,,xi.g- -4,54. t1 /;:i5," lam ' ,,` 71 I"- - 04 I, SAMUEL BROS. CAFETERIA •-• • .• .<*(411r.A31-111 --1 - _ , .. ,,,,,... .,,,,,,/ `41•114 BROTHER/ I • ---. 4 Season's Best Wishes _.--- aii ._, 7Ne-6-w THiNa'S HE REMEMBERED /N /883 — ...-.. - .."--' SUN OIL COMPANY ..,:4 ‘.4. 4 -44.--....- C V1:1 'N'l t4 A , .7.7A D `.... .... •I-•It -: g.---3, A This cartoon and story are reproduced from "A Picture Parade of Jewish History" by Morris Epstein, published by Shengold Publishers, New York, by special arrangement with the author and publishers. Morris Epstein's essay on Moses Montefiore -follows: On a fall day in 1883, a very old man sat hunched in a chair in a huge house in Ramsgate, England. A large velvet skullcap covered his head and he scarcely seemed to breathe. A table held a stack of tele- grams and letters. One of the tele- grams had caused the old man to pause. It was from Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, and it read: "To Sir Moses Montefiore: I congratulate you on entering into the 100th year of a useful and honorable life. Victoria Regina.•' Sir Moses closed his eyes and thought back over the crowded span of ninety-nine years. It had been a full and happy life . . . Born in Leghorn. Italy. in 1784, to a family that traced its origin to a small Italian town of the same A Happy New Year To All Our Customers and Friends MR. MARIO'S HAIR FASHIONS MARIO and DAVID 19031 Livernois UN 3-6873 0000000000000000000000000 0000000 0000111110000I000 Greetings MITCHELL GREETING CO. Greeting Cards — Gifts — Table Prizes 47 E. Seven Mile Rd. FO 6-9030 Happy Holiday To All MITCHELL SYRUP & PRESERVE CO. Detroit 1951 E. Ferry WA 1-0800 Holiday Greetings MOTOR CITY TRANSIT MIX, Inc. READY MIXED CONCRETE 21420 W. 8 Mile Rd. 444-1290 Happy New Year NORTHLAND BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC.; Norman Tarackoff Eugene Bortnick New Year Greetings to All Our Friends and Customers NE •OIED IN /885 87 /0/..7-Ne4c,ge.,- DEEDS OF TM/5 ..;;HEA7- 144S,5/1../EJV ,w/zz 411v4)S. KEEP N/S NAME AL/y.6 . 4V..2.1---- .7, .... - -/ - h. aia .. r :lk TA 6-6600 3511 West Fort Street v. NI NE L/VED THE 4/FE as A F. /...,,, E../EW ON THE 5-4834TH Ns- 1/1/4,/eE .4 j SPEC/AL R.N.- t - _. • ,i4 . SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLY CO., Inc. • • ' t ' (Q i Best Wishes for a Happy New Year To All Our Friends and Patrons 1/4•70 .°1 4 'W ftil ■ Vg( 4:7- um/ HE SAW EvERvONE r0 NELP OuR PEOPLE: /SAGE[ , 4 0, 5:54/A, 4,0,0‘EoN-ZZ , , ILEx.44/...,ERZT 0, RC•5•544, THE 5N4N OF PENS/4 7,HE KWEL,,./..r oF EGYPT.. tlyste.-;-, 4 1 NaoRAY5/RAI0505, . 63f art ,WIE i• ! ARE FREE My FR/ENDS, / HAVE PRo ✓EA1 THE CHARGES ....IL SE? YOU HOspinALS, POORHOUSES, TREE-PLANT/NG' • .: /5 CUR DUTY: 0:7' . , MOSES,MS, . . . . . * . 44, . : , . • INNEN THE ✓ E-1.5 OP OAHASLY/s i✓ EPE ACCUSED OF ER/44E5% NE S'.4i.' THE SULTAN • •• WHOM OP YOU HELP TN/5 Thfiff , 2____ • • Eastern Market . 4r ..,_. -• • 30. . • a 401r411k7B --1111/11.:11grOr MY 05.4R 7 WONOERFUL, 11 . - ///182/, MONrEp/ORE RET/REO. NE V/r/TEP PAL 55 , r/NE 7 T/HfEs • A5R-414441. / NAVE SEEaREO 7WE .P07•YrE•efor/L P. ACCOUNT/ 1 A Happy New Year To All Our Friends and Customers 43•_7/aV .4,1/ /7$4,. AS .4 YOUNG AMA, NE EN75550 .4 zo,v,..sov ..^...74/4/T/A/67 NOUSE_ 4 . 10 925-5600 "Visit Our New Home" Pr , NE BEE4A45 ONE Op THE /7 ✓EIN/S/1 BP0A-KR5- L/cENSE, BY L ONDON • ha- R.E.T.S. ELECTRONIC SCHOOLS immisoftwor - ivHEN v/EroPNI BEE-INE Oz/EEN /.4/ •837, SHEREr.,R.I.E., 7-NE ,e,,NONE55 ko,t11.' C O 1625 E. Grand Blvd. / .24/8 Y04/ Ea? MOSES/ I tiv Happy New Year AeL:versN0/4, 7-,e. C/POiy.OS MUST,..cya./,,e-N vo,/..8? • .... ....„.......„._..r. t INA . - .mv, - . Iasi id 4 - 9 120000000000 V Q09 (ULU 0..2.2_C.12.9..12.9 0..5t9 0 Q9 HE REMEMBERED W.44,7 7///4,05- ... .„11 4 -4441,, 1„,,i,ii .11 . )- s'4'S17 ,0-04- 8'z J 1 1 PZL SENO HER YHE KEY TO MY 6".840EN 50 SNE CAN STROLL 4Mo/s-ruE8E0. I 000171 7.9 ze /.43,f, -17-87R0.405.74/P.5,EvEZ4N0.-. MM. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 46—Friday, October 6, 1967 name, Moses Montefiore was taken to England as an infant. His early manhood was spent in a business partnership with his brother Abra- ham. By 1821, he had amassed enough wealth to retire from the Stock Exchange. He turned to developing new business enterprises and to help- ing people. He visited the Holy Land seven times, on each occasion founding hospitals and schools and aiding the poor. He bought land for agricultural enterprises and encouraged Jewish colonization. He established the first girls' school in Jerusalem. He aided the Jews of Damascus when they were falsely accused of crimes, and visited the Sultan of Morocco to plead for better treat- ment of Moroccan Jews. Queen Victoria knighted him in 1837 and the same year he was elected Sheriff of London. Audiences had been granted to him by the world's great — Queen Victoria, Queen Isabella of Spain, Napoleon III, the Shah of Persia, the Khedive of Egypt, and many others. He had always remained a de- vout Jew. He attended the syna- gogue regularly. On his travels he had his own cook and special utensils. A Tora Scroll traveled with him, and on the Sabbath he wore a ring engraved with the word "Jerusa- lem." A beloved figure, his pic- ture hung in Jewish homes the world over. On his birthdays, he would give to public institutions sums of money corresponding to his age, and on the Sabbath, when he handled no money, he would dis- tribute meal-tickets to the needy. The old man's eyes closed. Moses fell asleep . . Sir Less than two years later, on July 25, 1885, Sir Moses Monte- fiore died. The Lord Mayor of London reported to his Council that "the most distinguished citi- zen of London" had passed away. Sir Moses had no children, but the places and institutions that bear his name — Zikhron Moshe near Jerusalem, Sh'khunat Hospi- tal near Tel Aviv, Montefiore Hos- pital in New York, and others— are a memorial to his name and his noble deeds. VANNELLI'S American and Italian Food — Steaks — Chops — Sea Foods Cocktail Lounge — Private Room for Banquets and Parties TO 9-6040 — TO 9-8759 18300 Woodward Between 6 and 7 Mile Rd. — Parking Facilities Holiday Greetings to Our Patrons and Friends VINCENZO'S RESTAURANT Luncheons — Dinners — Cocktails 18211 TO 9-567 John R Free Parking • — • — Holiday Best Wishes WILDE REGISTER & GRILLE CO. Special Sizes Made to Order Elmer and Art Wilde. Proprietors 424 Bellevue LO 7-4890 Holiday Best Wishes Meyer Weingarden & Sons, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Industrial Commercial 20900 Hubbell Oak Park, Mich. 48237 547-1021 Holiday Greetings WOODHOUSE CIGAR CO. 7645 Gratiot WA 5-7000 New Year Greetings to Our Friends and Patrons Jordan Pest Control Company CONTROL OF ALL HOUSEHOLD PESTS Roaches . . . Mice . . . Rats . . . Bedbugs Member — National Pest Control Association 7814 Morrow Circle, Dearborn 931-2222 A Very Healthy and Happy New Year to the Jewish Community FIELD'S EMPLOYMENT TR 3-7770 •