Purely Commentary A revolutionary spirit has enveloped the en- tire world. The approach of a New Year in this era of tensions, uncertainties, war threats and in- securities brings the Jews of the world to their respective synagogues in moods of greater solem- nity than ever. The tensions are so distressing, the internal problems are of so serious a nature, that our domestic issues have been interpreted with so much anxiety, bordering on fears, that they have been termed civil war. All of these developments present unpre- cedented challenges. In the Jewish spirit with which we turn to our houses of worship the fears are unjustified, the panic is unreasonable, the teachings that inspire us keep admonishing us that one never loses faith, that there must be a sense of confidence and an undiminished hope that the human mind is not bent on destruction, that when Man learns the values of the Spirit and the great worth of human life he will not tolerate the destructive and will strive to restore peace and amity everywhere_ • Rosh Hashana- 5728 occurs at a time when there are threats to human life in many areas of the world. The Far East is a volcano, bursting forth with menacing situations that have enveloped our own land and people. The Middle East re- mains a cauldron threatened by hates. There are suspicions wherever one turns on the international front. In our own land there are changes in social standards and disputes over just rights for minorities living amidst majorities that are af- fecting the thinking of all Americans. None of these occurrences are without hope of solution. We may see see an end to the Vietnam war in a very short time. That's the nation's hope and it is not unattainable. The serious differences of opinion have divided our people on this issue. But there are enough efforts to bring the two elements together on a peace program to offer encouragement. No one desires a permanent state of war. Therefore there must be an early solution. We must have faith in the American people that such solutions will come soon and will be effective and lasting. * * * While the Middle East remains an area of grave concern, what had happened in June offers By Philip Slomovitz Rosh Hashana Offers Hopes for Amity to a World Now in Tension new assurances that there will be an early solu- tion to tragic problems that are the result of cen- turies of injustice to the Jew and of discriminatory attitudes that kept the People Israel from the State of Israel. Now the two are reunited, there is a measure of pragmatism in the roles played by Jews amidst an antagonistic Arab world, and the chief aim is to enroll the rational elements among the latter in support of cooperative efforts to aid all peoples in the Mediterranean area. The Middle East's situation has reached a stage on which both contending forces could and should act with a sense of realism. Israel is there to stay, and those who advocate destruction must realise that they are propagating the unacceptable and the inhuman. Auschwitz, Dachau and Birkenau will not be repeated: this is a determined will of the people that faced extinction and has survived with sufficient strength to revive its sovereignty in a small parcel of its ancient land that is the Promised Land and the inalienable right of the descendants of the Prophets. Those who advocate our destruction must submit to this truism_ When they do, as they must, there will be peace in the Middle East — and out of it there will be encouragement for peace on earth. a * * Out of such a peace must come peace in the City of Peace: Jerusalem. The guarantees for religious freedoms by Israel in Jerusalem and everywhere else offer encouragement that there will be recognition that Israel alone can solve the age-old Jerusalem problem where various Christian creeds had fought senselessly for gen- erations for selfish supremacies. Many tragedies have resulted from the pre- judices that have been leveled at Israel by those who would not grant the Jewish people an inch of ground to be considered sovereign property by people who prayed for an end to homelessness for so many centuries. The time has come for total solution. When it is attained, it is certain to benefit not Israel alone but all her neighbors. Already Arabs who were held in bondage by Egypt and Jordon are free to travel as they wish. There is a great meas- ure of liberty for those who will not strive to destroy Israel. There is a good chance for 5728 to be the year of peace for that entire area and its peoples. Our dontestic problems are very serious. The battle for civil rights has brought in its wake many unfortunate incidents. Riots, looting, arson, anti-Semistism by the extremists — these have added fuel to the fires that have raged in our midst. These, too, are not insoluble. There can, as there must, be a return to sanity in our own midst. There must be an approach to good rela- tions among all Americans. There has been a regrettable rise of a new backlash in all ranks, among all faiths, as a de- ve/opment of resentment and retaliation aver the occurrences of the tragic summer of 1967. It is an unfortunate symptom of a nation's sickness, and in the process of curing the illnesses that ac- company racial strife it will be necessary to solve this problem as well No nation can survive such divisiveness, just as no nation can survive half slave and half free. A people must strive to avoid power clashes This applies to all elements in our population_ The challenge revolving around the race is- sue is the most serious in American experience and it must be faced with confidence that it can and will be met with dignity and with the earnest desire to provide total solution to the iSaltlett at hand. No one dares speak or think in terms of defeatism. A nation overcomes many problems; we shall overcome this one * * * Time and time again we return to the matters involved in our cultural heritage, to the needs related to the perpetuation of the ideals and teach- ings which have been banded down to us through the ages. There is the need to strengthen our spiritual forces. Everything in our existence as Jews and as Americans has a relationship to the principles that have been handed down to us by the Founding Fathers of this land and the Sages of Israel who have framed the ideals that are imbedded in the legacies of Judaism. Faith, always the sustaining force, remains the major factor that influences our lives. It is with a stregnthened faith that we face the New Year, confident in the hope that the problems that plague us today will be mere echoes of passing time in the immediate course of human events. Carmichael's 'Study of the Shaping of the Arabs': Timely Guide to Understanding of M. E. Situation Had his work been written be- fore the June war, Joel Carmichael might have made some alterations in "A Study of the Shaping of the Arabs," the impressive work that has been published by Macmillan. In the main, however, this remains a most authoritative review of the existing conditions in the Arab world and a fair comment on the position of Israel in this sphere. A keen student of events in the Middle East, having mastered Arabic, possessing a knowledge of Hebrew and the Zionist movement, Carmichael has in his study thrown light on an area that has exploded because of perpetuated hatreds and may explode again. He indi- cates that the very term "Arab" is under question since so many in the Arab world are not of Arab origin. He observes: "The intellectuals and poli- ticians who have been tinTang to promote the idea of Arab unity bare had v bard row to hoe. The acceptamee of the con- cept of 'Arabs' as a cohesim ' e ethic entity, imbued with self- awareness, has bad to make its way against both the pervasive fasetimalis ' of the Arable- speakiog world and the mover- =Mom of Islam. To this day the word 'Arab' arms "mite cm- tradictory attitue, splendidly contrasted, for instance, between mersevally minded, purely Ms- Km seal of the present Wag of Samna Arabia, Faysal, and the highly contemporary opportun- ism of Nasser, the former 'Egyp- tian' insurgent turned 'Arab nationalist' leader. Faysal, of course, while ethically an Arab of the Arabs and a pure-bred scion of the Arabian heartland, 2 — Friday, October 6, 1967 is essentially an old-fashioned pious Muslim whose proclaimed goal is still Islamic unity, in .w day surely a utopi Faysal would like to see Arab union, whatever that might mean to him, as a stepping stone to the broader aim of the revival of a powerful Islam. Nasser would like to me Islamic sofidarity primarily as a means of extend- Mg the hegemony of Egypt and its Arabic speaking hinteriand. The current political molest be- tween the two leaders thus laws an intrigulog element of con- fusion at its ewe." As Carmichael indicates, the confusion is widespread. The con- stant revelation of Egyptian use of poison gas against the Yemen- ites is an indication of the fathire to use Arab teethe hood to unite the peoples. There is the selfish motive, and it becomes evident in the study by Carmichael. And as the author of this re- search into the shaping of Arab irlemity inmates, it is Zonis: that has "provided an axis for the formation of Arab identity." It is noteworthy that Carmichael in this respect does not use the term "unity" but "identity." There are historic factors of unusual interest in Carmichael's study.. For instance, he makes the comparisons between Arabic and J wig rwppriences and notes: but it is hard is me how dims mid It is a them,' to be sure. have tamed out otherwise. deed transformed Id history and "One el the ways be Midi dad, defined in our day by Emceed the aside tram de political coallict wid embiem of ethnic " - that its dightsed adobes taltieseaMet llama has become paramonst-ebe same cri- the !fide East be in the lateMr aa- terion of lammage. oddly mud. that traeitional dassimmt cassacteridie at served dm be the cradle of their ma- the new society L dad sad she Malted too as the mange of their in the demi maim et word Not collective Medley. My de amen completely odd ..Costrarywise, the dm, thanes Med nocially irgaty in dad knows as de people for soillesda and bunt the ideal et equality has been regarded as unitary despite their ma- redid eves it We Milted domed dded, adds dad mamit ladadd el the ald7 merry service ie cono- chantrim deas ormselende ease twined Is gels aa well as boys. as they sand demaa One ma space lis the acid drac coinaries. oa the and retddia holden mod as the otter bawd, the parsed day Arabic- dared awe learned lammod 'peaking -alit: base Merited de -A ememace of this was. that I. great tradlitind Ism their omits= the Medietb modry, when damage =„ettit are Mad. to mate a dm and de added seem mad arlskrart this positina as On hale of brad. I base mesitimed Om be- criterion el seitheastiar, Me Azad lard ad is On moseade Mina el despite all the prolinda didisso et We early dad Mold Mid ceder gededdy, society, maid and eons. laded dm on mime la vetoed odd tnaick bate as Ma did deir adiedm tar Mir Mat the dare is On lemormat tradition " melt as amid ead Isom indadd b. Pada MI Creme ma ="re cam adam mas m ad at Lend May la smey madries od the accepted initamt the bigger s-hiss of de ed wad ledge rad AL sli=itair Magartamse dad, slam maim than thee mg a tbis respect mom half addenda as an klastiltaaka as& min religiose, de, dere vas dm ma- lartbritar .4.== its readmil sallisdime jor ditiereneet. as god .se's at. from tilmic is addiso-der, agaissit, or im .The maid over Poled ste„ is wbst diblesesd-ts a mom of dad lmmt- edge. Memo In Muslim costries ont. my be cad& imaid dace is Id me harem are rimmemly Medea !Medal endboodida of dm ana Math it ist Men ids_ l Maw Maim is a sidalla Met sad awes* who On Mod stale of belief is. These Mood be Mid On add me dad it a ism nicelabie last deride cams I7 meddled lay On Wed, doe gam Prima prix gendessioa amg• pdmer had Or Or Mudd mar of their liobser. midge Mir bead Mile Mid Or daui ler mesprad Mao, denamases seeldfbat hp Id dad West, are MIS dellosa is asidmat Or 'fie is a reasardide coduidease West, Mad Mir idler an data brewed On estabiladma et added meded bp Wadies indassesseid and natimband he Or Jed sad dad of dinned opposed le dead as a de list dabdepeddist Mita- 7fle at dr lied year Med am the estalidoese awls of dad Loma die Mat great Indlependest •voe,openalm-doegis ad yet Ambit has itmd dem araltar Mastassdasit he stud. was Ms tbe year the Jewish On Tad Maim at Lang ad. lam& alum Natimell name la Padeside won smo- am. art Amaisdandim addeins,. mid apalla. dorned on an denuded wad he Mg up ass Metatit halt War p 1125 Use University of Cade -tad On Ma at tweet Metare Uniwersity et Jettrudent were "Ten de he mom be sow ease- BO both opened_ Israel became am Me- alantair ditatid alms Is he he de peadrat state eery a short wide deer Mid- The issadslansder et the ond Leland ad Syria and was altie tar tomordy dab dim Is ai ast Me in de United Nationt dembley meeritmee at ism' as d ad ter the estaidalmed of Libya. Mead Melt astatrattr Masai on mad .The oddity of the Jewidi revival 'do additass, tbe renal—me 1W is MUMS is me Mat anomm ralestac mos, perhaps, teat user berm and Made dastrates Oe d midi minds lalwasa atm We preitaged cometioa of Use Jews parallels Mt have sacked the NM mei& imetalealla assaMir ampasila atillasiam ads droped earidatina the revival odes of led group. throughout the tbe optheidie, or sentimmad caw only of Jewish statehood in our own gen- ages, though here there is an equally hope that life will produce one of its eration, though engendered by the curious element of irony. surprises." movement of ideas in Europe, was "The actually to be realized in the heart devotion of Arabic-speakers With a political solution thus of an area that was itself beginning to their language was in marked con- to be roused from a millennial slum- trast to the custom of the Jews. Through far "not in the offing," Carmichael ber by the same leavening of European the dual purpose of islamization and takes into account the problem in- thought. The paradox is exacerbated arabization the Arabs' love of their by the hostility that has developed, language facilitated the imposition of volving the refugees. Carmichael Arabic on many of the peoples ab- views the refugee problem as fol- sorbed by Islam. In the twentieth THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ce ntury, indeed, it was to reshape them lows: 'Beyond eitsesidea the mod serials effect at liar table Arab-Jewish esallict was Or miontim at a flood of redid*, rebated" ma* be :saber, to he me, he a mold dolt had Mem, familiar Mispose IN We madams Moe Wood ant as altarnati‘ a m bar seam at bitterness sad fear trailed Same IMAM POSOSEMS seem as doe left dlinolde miser um period of las mate otallise beinom Me Malt ad Arad* armed he mod tigetber wild hole andal lemur they SOO am add to modIde sondibing abort of a aml.S. sum dim paid tr by pods DEM a.i pyafeair mauled la camps dads rte MO= of lateeS- tat syd lehomod and kends-pd a sedemed of salload odes le pod ot ralsollart that was Mad dot by dada sat is am pad at ft bas awes imps-a4 be rigs this galeallan, Maar aur agenda ream Is mama ma magram at namicidism fors pane -name roe mbodell JIM• seder on acct amen semieditios amg seen limmehnes ady anlit at lama- at all. M aser MI hod spasm,. dome add domads at amain boo galgannalt Mabalial ass Mee owls at liar BMW et ligami as men /Mat Silt Or Iola papulallma awn Mat Or wee nagalhana anggslay s mar W s Sam ads Arab amallena. earl as 'kings,. -mar,, mat aim ag. Ivan E . oil gym. a -a -7- i r Itatmatflag ant at mataginglIgn an long dam at Oa Walitiatk ganap .11la IL boom, alma eat lag man gagallas was snag air as a kmat ! • algingmmit war. id Namatasaltm. adios .aaswari Oar larrillmelaa aft = he annalka all__ the Sigamt la as Or gnaw it all Ills amnia Mg Dams bar taw mmala. Mawr a am amm.-arr /mom I =ma at Maim .111Imar lags tagmar is bee a. it Daft Malmailig- Oa On man. the Arai IMPS 11110 1/****6 MOO affillIMSPOSI la a iarra ar lan e=r iza all C amlwaing at satat ididday Sa slow an sag"' et at mismaine 17 - lamilars. SO Carmichael's study of the shap- ing of the Arabs is of vast impor- tance as a guide to an under- standing of the Arab position and of the conflict with Israel. It is a timely work that was written before the Jilne 1967 war and is even timelier now.