12—Friday, October 6, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Remember Tomorrow and you will be Remembered Forever through a legacy to the JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION ENDOWMENT FUND You can perpetuate your desire to help your fellowman by assuring the future of our medical, educational and communal service institutions. * Include Federation or any of its agencies or services in the planning of your estate * Name Federation as beneficiary of an insurance policy * Develop a trust fund in the United Jewish Charities Today we benefit from the courage, foresight and generosity of our fore- fathers who built our Jewish community and made it strong. So can our children and our children's children enjoy the results of our foresight. Your attorney, accountant or Federation can help you make your plans for the future. Best Wishes for the New Year! JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION Hyman Safran, President UNITED JEWISH CHARITIES Louis Tabashnik, President ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE Milton J. Miller, Chairman 163 MADISON • DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 • WO 5-3939