International Community Aske d to Safeguard Lives, Property of Jews in Six Moslem Lands A "systematic campaig n" of neighbors. As a result, the remain- atrocities against Jews in Egypt, ing Jews of Morocco live in fear Iraq and Syria in the wake of the of a gradually deteriorating situa- Israel-Arab war was reported by tion as anti-Western and a nti- the Conference of Presidents of Jewish forces grow in strength. Major American Jewish Organiza- SYRIA: An unknown number of tions I Jews have been arrested by local Dr. Joachim Prinz of Newark, police and held for ransom. Many chairman of the Presidents' Con- private acts of harassment and ference, released a report on thej abuse have been reported. Jews condition of Jews in six Moslem! are under close surveillance by countries since the Middle East Syrian security forces and no Jews June war. are permitted to leave the country. He charged the governments TUNISIA: Strong leadership by of Egypt, Iraq and Syria with President Bourguiba halted a wave having "carried out or tolerated of attacks on Jewish communal cruel and inhuman treatment" of local Jewish populations, includ- ing "arrest, imprisonment, de- struction of property, physical , abuse and murder." Dr. Prinz called on governments! and religious and humanitarian organizations here and abroad "to demand that human rights and human dignity be restored to the defenseless victims of national and religious hatred." "The barbarous treatment of in- nocent civilians of the Jewish faith' in these lands has been attested to be witnesses of unimpeachable integrity," he stated. "We call on the international community — governments. organi-1 zations and humanitarian traders— to safeguard the lives and property! of these innocent men, women and children and to protect the institu- tions of these ancient communi- ties." A summary of the current status of Jews in Arab countries, issued in the name of the national Jewish religious and secular bodies that compose the Presidents' Confer- ence, contained these highlights: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 29, 1967-3 Ukrainian Paper Labels Jewish Faith Capitalistic LONDON (JTA) — A prominent Soviet newspaper has published a institutions which took place at the violent attack on the Jewish reli- beginning of the Arab-Israel war. gion, asserting that "the Jewish Permission for emigration has been religion has always been the maid- granted and considerable numbers servant of the capitalists." of Jews have been leaving Tunisia The article by Dr. B. Taicher ap- each month, most o f them to peared under the heading, "In the France. Service of Reaction," in the Sept. 6 edition of the Ukrainian Pravda, organ of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Copies of the paper were received here. Most of the recent numerous anti-Jewish attacks featured in the Soviet press have involved Israel and, apparently, were aimed at creating anti-Israeli sentiment. KAPLAN BROS. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler HARVARD ROW MALL 11 MILE & LAHSER RDS. PLEASE NOTE: WE WILL CLOSE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2 AT 2 P.M. AND RE-OPEN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8th BECAUSE OF ROSH HASHANA 18229 WYOMING Phone: 353-3146 Open Daily 9-6; Thurs. 9-6 See our complete collection $65 to $1000 WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association • EGYPT: Mob violence that broke out even before the war resulted in the death of an unknown number of Jews. On June 5 all Jewish heads of families were dragged from their homes and thrown into prison. Jewish community leaders. most of them aged persons, have been placed under house arrest. Jewish property has been seized and families made homeless. Some 350 persons are still in custody in the Afousabel prison in Cairo and another 100 in the La Barrage prison in Alexandria, living under inhuman conditions and suffering from extreme maltreatment. No visitors are allowed these prison- ers. Their families have lost their means of livelihood. While approxi- mately 200 Jews with foreign nationality and a smaller number of stateless Jews have been per- mitted to leave the country, Egyp- kian Jews are b a r r e'd from emigrating. The condition of Jews in Egypt is regarded as extremely grave. IRAQ: A vicious campaign of persecution, discrimination and ar- rests has been launched by the state against the Jews of Iraq, resulting in a veritable reign of terror against the Jewish com- munity. Jewish property has been confiscated and Jews may not leave the country. Many run the risk of physical injury if not death if they leave their homes. Jewish stores are boycotted and the nor- mal banking and commercial serv- ices used by businessmen severely restricted. LIBYA: After an initial period during which mob violence caused the death of an unknown number of Jews and heavy financial losses resulting from the destruction of property, the government has suc- ceeded in protecting the physical security of the Jewish community. More important, exit visas have been granted to large numbers of Jews, who have been evacuated to Italy, although most were not per- mitted to take their possessions with them. MOROCCO: Initial outbreaks of mob violence in early June were quickly put down by the govern- ment. Private boycotts against Jew- ish shopkeepers, however, and in- dividual acts of violence have 'widened the nail .between the Jew- ish community and its Moslem American Savings makes mortgage loans. All kinds! They're the only loans we make, so naturally, we're experts at it. 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