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September 29, 1967 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1967-09-29

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Purely Commentary

Hussein's Bluffs . . . Tragic
Abuse of Charity Appeal ...
Centuries Divide Us and UN

By Philip


Arab Refugees' Fund: Where Were the Philanthropists Earlier? I close to the truth. Time will enlighten all of us. All we can hope is
for the interim between war and peace to pass quickly.
It is highly commendable that people should mobilize for philan-

thropic purposes. Danny Thomas is certainly a man with a heart. So are
those who, with him, undertook to sponsor relief efforts for the Arab Our Calendar .. . 40 Centuries Between Us and the UN
refugees. One is compelled to ask, however, where these benefactors
Goodman Ace envisioned "Peace" as "Hell" in the "Top of My
were in all of the past 19 years, when Nasser, Hussein, al-Atassi and Head" column in Saturday Review. It was when the Jerusalem story
their cohorts were bent upon taking charity funds from the world powers broke that he became nervous and began to make contacts. A friend
—70 per cent of that money came from the American taxpayers—but of his in Oklahoma City put him in touch with an Israel official,
themselves refused to lift a finger for these refugees. Instead of teach- gave him his telephone number, and his call to him resulted in this
ing them to become self-sustaining, they taught them to take alms. dialogue:
Instead of freeing them, they were incarcerated—as in the instance
"I'm getting pretty nervous about what's happening in Jerusalem.
of the refugees in the Gaza Strip who were denied Egyptian citizenship Don't you think you fellows are unreasonable to hold on to Jerusalem
and could not travel freely until Israel assumed control of the area.
just because of the war?
There are all aspects to charity. The major aim is to put an end
"What war?" he asked. "There's no war in Jerusalem."
to charity and to teach the impoverished to earn their livelihood. That
"Yes, I know. But the United Nations wants to establish peace
wasn't the Nasser-Hussein way. Perhaps the Thomases and the new there."
"That's what we have—peace. It's very peaceful here. The Arabs
relief movement will introduce a more humane way of approaching a
problem which certainly will not be solved by Arab dictators.
and the Jews are mingling. Life is beautiful."
"Yes, but you're not supposed to make life beautiful unilaterally.
Matters involving hump deeds and relief are seldom if ever
questioned. We share in respect for those who join efforts in behalf of The UN has to make peace there."
UN has to make something we got already? Everybody is
oppressed and needy. But when a so-called relief campaign is
lies and deceptions it must be exposed. The letter from the American happy in Jerusalem."
"Yes, I know, but the Russians are very unhappy about it."
Arab Relief Agency with an East Grand Boulevard address of an
"We don't have any Russians. We have only Christians and Mos-
office in Detroit made an appeal in behalf of "200,000 Arabs killed and
wounded." This is an outright lie. Israel is not mentioned but is cer- lems and Jews. No Russians."
"I know the Russians aren't there. They're here at the UN and
tainly implied. The Detroiters whose names are appended to the appeal
for the Arab benefit show in which Danny Thomas shared owe an they're making a lot of trouble."
"Oh that's too bad. Do you want us to help you get peace there?
explanation — and an apology — to the Detroiters they misled.

Is that why you called me? Tell you what—we'll send over Moshe
Dayan and in five days your troubles will be over."
Hussein: Big Bluff or Peace Bargainer?
"No, no! Don't send anybody. Not him especially. All the UN
In view of recent events, the position of King Hussein of Jordan wants is for Jerusalem to be a free city."
remains a puzzle. Abba Eban, in his speech in Strassbourg, France,
"Free? That's what it is now. It's never been freer. You should
on Tuesday, linked Jordan with Lebanon as possibilities for a peace see it."
merger with Israel. Yet;
"I know. But the UN . . ."
Amman, Jordan:
"All the holy place of all the religions are free and open for
Jordan said it will join other Arab countries in boycotting Ford
everybody. It's wonderful here."
Motor Co., but the action won't affect sales of 1968 model vehicles.
"But the UN is the citadel of peace. And the Russians in the
A government statement said Jordan would blacklist Ford be-
UN . . ."
cause of its dealings with Israel, but that transactions already ar-
"Russians? You mean the people that sold those war machines to
ranged to import '68 models would be permitted.
the Arabs?"
At the same time, a veteran foreign correspondent, Harry B. Ellis,
"Yes, the Russians."
writing from Bonn in the Christian Science Monitor, had this to say:
"What now? They want back their war machines we captured? O.K.
A faint hope that King Hussein of Jordan might make peace
We'll send them back—free. Of course there will be a small charge for
with Israel has all but disappeared in the two months since this
handling and mailing."
reporter left the Middle East.
"They don't want the war machines back. They want Jerusalem
Israeli smypathy for the king has eroded to the point that some back as it was before the war."
Israelis say it would be better for Israel if King Hussein were to
"Before? You mean they want us to tear down all the health
lose his Hashemite throne. Then, it is said, the 750,000 Arabs of the
stations we put up for mothers and children?"
Jordan River's West Bank would have lost their symbol of allegiance
"No, that isn't what they . . . "
and authority and might become more amenable to Israeli occupation.
"And the schools we just opened up?"
On June 5--opening day of the Middle Eastern war — Israel
"No, but the U.N. must establish those health stations and schools."
urged King Hussein through Gen. Odd Bull, Norwegian commander
"So all right. Let the UN say they did it. We're just working for
of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, to sit tight peace and enjoying it. Moslems and Jews and Christians mingling,
and avoid involvement in the fighting. King Hussein has acknowl-
every religion allowed to pray in its own way. This is peace."
edged receipt of the message. But he ordered his Arab Legion into
"All your peace talk is making me nervous. I know you're anxious
action to support Egypt.
for peace, but you're ahead of yourself. The UN will establish peace
Many Israelis now charge that King Hussein deceived them. This
for you in due time. The world must learn to live and work together
is one aspect of an altogether more rigid Israeli attitude on the
for peace, to interchange ideas and cultures. We can make beautiful
future of its occupied Arab territories.
music together if we live in harmony."
Amman Radio has branded Sheik Mohammed Ali Jabry, mayor
"Music? Didn't you read in the papers that we had Bernstein here?
of the city of Hebron on the West Bank, as a traitor for his out-
Your Leonard Bernstein. He gave a symphony concert on Mount Scopus.
spoken willingness to cooperate with Israel. This is taken as one more
It was a happening on the mount. Like you have happenings in your
sign that King Hussein cannot be relied upon to open the way to
Central Park. Who ever thought Bernstein would be playing here in
cooperation with Israel through the West Bank.
the year 5727?"
It is possible that Hussein's procedural tactics are based on his
"My dear fellow-5727! The year at the UN is 1967. You're ahead
having been forced during the last few years to bargain for his life. of yourself again."
He was in danger in Amman and in Jerusalem and he was threatened
"We're not ahead. The UN is behind. I would say, about forty
hy Ahmed Shukairy's Palestine Liberation Organization and Nasser. centuries."
Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that his policies have
"Well, now I'm more nervous than ever. I'll have to hang up.
always been anti-Israel.
He was exposed in a lengthy speech that was delivered in the
"And shalom to you at the UN"
U.S. Senate by the courageous Alaskan Ernest Gruening who said in
Goodman Ace's "Peace Is Hell" charms us. His humor is de-
the course of his revelations about happenings in the Middle East and . lightful. Yet, let's avoid chauvinism. And
if we are not ahead of
the threats to Israel:
time, let's recognize: UN has often proven that it is behind the times.
It is now evident that the statements of King Hussein of Jordan
regarding his solidarity with the Arab cause, which the United
States tended to discount since it conflicted with its picture of a
plucky little ruler strongly aliened with us by the massive economic
and military aid the United States had furnished him, provided a
precise account of the course of action Jordan would follow.
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Presi- for health and happiness.
On June 2, 1967, King Hussein said:
dent Johnson issued the following
"The High Holy Days exhort your
"There is no doubt that I am looking forward to further frank statement of greetings on Rosh people to sanctification through
cooperation with Egypt and the other Arab states both to the Hashana:
mediation, prayer, penitance , and
east and to the west, so that we may march forward along the
"As my fellow Americans of the love of God and neighbor. This mis-
road which leads to the wiping out of our shame and to the libera- Jewish faith observe the coming of sion lends inspiration to all men
tion of Palestine. This is a basic cornerstone of Jordan's general a New Year, I am happy to extend of goodwill.
policy, both within the realm of Arab affairs, as well as in the to each of you my warmest wishes
"We are in the midst of a trying
spheres of internal and foreign policies."
That "plucky little ruler" then proceeded to initiate hostilities
against the Israelis, employing the tanks, aircraft, and other
weapons the United States furnished him to carry out plans which
(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
the total number of arrivals was
had previously been made in coordination with the Egyptians,
to The Jewish News)
far greater than those who reg-
placed his forces under the Egyptian command, and opened his
GENEVA—The greatest exodus
for assistance. It pointed
country to Iraqi forces which began to move several hundred of Jews from Arab countries to
out that on the basis of past
tanks into the Jordanian salient 15 miles from Tel Aviv.
France since the evacuation of the
many arrivals who
This action by King Hussein came after a plea to him by majority of the Jews from Algeria
have not sought assistance, will
Israel not to attack, accompanied by Israel's pledge that if he did in 1962 was reported Monday by
in coming months.
not, there would be no Israeli invasion of the territory then held the Fonds Social Juif Unifie, cen-
Funds to cover the additional
by him.
tral French Jewish welfare agency, demands will be woefully inade-
It is time that the United States took a good, hard look at the to the European headquarters of
statements coming out of the Arab countries and begin to recognize the Joint Distribution Committee. quate, the report noted, since
neither the French agency nor the
that no matter how illusionary and irrational they may seem to
From the middle of June, follow. JDC had made provisions for these
us, they represent the hard convictions of the Arab rulers. Unless
extra demands in 1967.
we do this, we will continue to base our policies and actions on
A breakdown of the registra-
the fanciful notions of what we would like the intention of the middle of September, a total of
showed that 2,800 families
Arab governments to be rather than on what is actually planned.
The fact are that while Hussein bargained for U.S. military aid — to the FSJU affiliated welfare registered for help, including 850
children sent to France by fam-
and in spite of the above-quoted anti-American step he is making he is
now again receiving American financial support — he has nevertheless ance. About 700 of them applied ilies which remained behind in
for relief between Sept. 11 and North Africa. Most of the new
mimicked Nasser and cohorts in threatening Israel's existence.
Our feeling is that King Hussein is a big bluff and can not be Sept. 15. These services are arrivals paid for their own trans-
depended upon; that Ellis' view in the Christian Sciene Monitor is financed jointly by the FSJU and portation and applied for help in
the JDC.
France only when their own funds
The FSJU report stressed that
ran out.
2 — Frblpy, September 29, 1967

Kollek to Write
Illustrated Book
on `Jerusalem'

Teddy Kollek, mayor of Jeru-
salem, has signed with Random
House to do an illustrated book on
the city he administers, it was an-
nounced by Robert L. Bernstein,
president of the
publishing house.
To be co-au-
thored by Moshe
Pearlman, author
and military
spokesman for Is-
rael during the
recent war, the
book will take
the reader from
the earliest times
of Jerusalem to
the present day,
with approximate.
ly 60,000 words
of text and at
least 200 illustra-
Kollek tions, many of
them drawn from ancient prints
and engravings taken from the pri-
vate collection of Mayor Kollek.
Kollek, who became the first Jew-
ish mayor of all Jerusalem since
the year 70 when Israel acquired
the Old City from the Arabs during
the recent war, is the second lead-
ing Israeli statesman to sign with
Random House within the past
month. The publishing house re-
cently announced the future pub-
lication of two major books by
Abba Eban, Israel's foreign minis-
Broadly speaking, the book will
consist of three parts: the history
of Jerusalem from biblical times;
the city as a shrine, an account of
the successive pilgrimages to Jeru-
salem during the last 2,500 years
as seen through the eyes of travel-
ers who set down their impres-
sions; and, finally, the Jerusalem
of today and tomorrow.
Many of Mayor Kollek's personal
collection of prints, maps and en-
gravings, said to be one of the
finest available, are used as illus-
trations for the historical sections
of the book.

Jewish Educators
to Meet in Workshop

NEW YORK—"The Teaching of.
Israel in the Jewish School" will
be the subject of an all-day con-
ference of Jewish educators Oct.
8, at the Jewish Agency.
Convened by the department of
education and culture of the Jew-
ish Agency-American Section in co-
operation with the Jewish Educa-
tors Council for Israel, the main
address will be delivered by the
noted Israeli educator, Prof. Aldva
Simon of the Hebrew University,

Johnson Greets Jewry on the New Year

France Gets Jews From Arab Lands

and troubled time—a time that
tests the bedrock beliefs of our
fathers and the founders of this
land. No citizens are better
equipped than you to meet the
challenge before us.
"For those who have sought the
way of justice and mercy the road
has always been a thorny one.
For every friend of freedom,, the
history of man records at least one
foe. But in every corner darkened
by despair, there has always been
the sterner duty of hope. For every
convenient compromise to prin-
ciple, there has been a human con-
science to bear the burden of its
own inequity.
"Adversity and distress have
been the constant companions of
your people. But valor and endur-
ance have been your steadfast
friends—and our own pathfinders
in need.
"So as you, gather in these pen-
tenial days under the fatherhood
of God, the brotherhood of man
is enriched by a well-remembered
past and a resurgent hope for that
which is to come.
"And all of us are humbled—
and heartened—by the sustaining
faith of Judaism in our midst."
—Lyndon. B. Johnson

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