12—Friday, September 29, 1967 r THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Navy's Secrecy an Indication That Liberty 11 James Jackson Kilpatrick, writ- men and wounding several others, ' ' =, in the National Review (Sept_ including McGonagle. A torpedo 5) indicated that the USS Liberty's boat appeared, signalled the Lib- presence 13 miles off the Sinai erty, and, when receiving no re- presence coast the day it was attacked by ply, torpedoed the boat, killing 25 Israeli planes and ships, was open men in the explosion. The Liberty was unable to read the torpedo to suspicion. sboat's message due to the thick I The American ship was smoke. Dr. and Mrs. Irving Frank of torpedoed 2 p.m. (local time) Sycamore, Ill., announce the en June 8, the fourth day of the Six- . After 40 minutes, the attack gagement of their daughter Re Day War, with the loss of 34 men, ended. Two hours later, an Is- becca Jane to Dr. Sanford M including a civilian from the U.S. ' raeli helicopter dropped a note Cohen, son of the David Cohens of , on the ship's deck asking for Department of Defense. W. Pasadena Ave. The bride-elect casualty reports. Israel had attended Northern Illinois Univer- Kilpatrick indicates t h a t the realized her error and apologized sity at DeKalb, was graduated from Liberty may have been a spy ship, 1 for the attack. Michael Reese Hospital School of saying that the Navy has secreted ■ Micha Limor, an Israeli Naval Nursing, Chicago, and now is study- the results of much of the investi- !reservist, reported reasons for the ing at Loyola University, Chicago. gations following the attack. Dr. Cohen was graduated from Sailing off the coast of the Sinai attack when he stated that on a Flint Junior College and the Illi- Peninsula, not far from El Arish, i windless day, the flag would be d nois College of Optometry, Chicago. the Liberty was subject to close drooping unrecognizably from the He is a member of Omega Epsilon surveillance by Israeli planes all mast. "About 2,000 yards from the ship," he wrote, "the high masts Phi, optometric fraternity. that morning. She had been order- • • 'a ed to that spot to await further and many weird antennae showed Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kraft of orders. These orders, according to that this was a warship. The side of was blotted out by New York City announce the en- Navy records, were "misrouted, ! the vessel gagement of their daughter delayed, and not timely received." i smoke, and apart from three num- Beverly to Donald A. Feinstein, Neither the ship's captain, William hers along her side, we could not see no son of William Feinstein of Clem- L. McGonagle (whose conduct , discern a thing. We could was anyone ent St. The bride-elect was gradu- won much praise), nor any of the flag on the mast, nor ■ to be seen on the decks and ated from Barnard College and ship's crew of 15 officers and 179 is completing her studies at the men knew the reason for their , bridge." New York University Medical position or subsequent assault. 1 Kilpatrick makes special note of School. Mr. Feinstein is a graduate The attack began with machine- 1 the unreceived message. While of Michigan State University. They gun strafing of the ship's deck by ; not speculating as to the contents plan to marry in the fall. three Israeli planes, killing eight of the message, he indicates that • • • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Velick of Grand Rapids. formerly of Flint, announce the engagement of their daughter Debra Beth to David Frederick Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Simon of Huntington Woods. Mr. Simon is a senior at Michigan State University and the bride-elect is a junior. He is a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi fra- ternity. An Aug. 11 wedding is planned. Flint News 1 Joseph Megdell Heads UN Birthday Week i n Flint Oct. 22-29 Kenneth West, president of the United Nations Association of Genesee County, has appointed Joseph Megdell chairman of UN Birthday Week Oct. 22-29. Megdell, president of the Flint Jewish Community Council was chairman of Flint's record-breaking 1966 and 1967 UJA campaigns; past president of the Urban League of Flint; and a member of both the National United Jewish Appeal Campaign Cabinet and the Council of Jewish Federations and Wel- fare Funds committee on campaign services. He recently was appointed to'the President's Council of Brandeis University for a three-year term. Comings .. . and . . . Goings Airman Gary Rotenberg, son of Mrs. M. Rotenberg, left Flint Sept. 23 to report to Traverse Air Force Base, San Francisco, and on Mon- day he left for Vietnam. • • • Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kahan (Gail Capitol) are spending the next few years in Camberra, Aus- tralia. Dr. Kahan is doing research in political science for the Univer- sity of Michigan; his wife is study- ing for her doctorate in Oriental art and is also studying Japanese. Engagements Group Calendar Circuit Court Judge Steward A. Newblatt was elected treasurer of the Michigan State Judges Associa- Bnai Brith Women will sponsor tion at the annual Judicial Con- a trip to the Fisher Theater Dec. ference at Boyne Mountain. 5. The play, "How to Be a Jewish Mother" starring Molly Picon and Godfrey Cambridge, will be pre- sented for one - veek only in a Esther Goodstein has just gradu- pre-Broadway production. Tickets ated from the University of Miehi - ' will be available from Bnai Brith can; her brother Jack is starting members in October. Bus transpor- MIT; and her sister Rachel is' tation will be provided and also off torKingswood. They're the chil- box suppers for those who desire dren of the Sanders Goodsteins. it. :k • • • Frank Shoichet and Solomon Beth Israel Men's Club is plan- Goldman are already at work at ning a Father and Son Dinner Nov. the University of Michigan. Off to 12 featuring prizes and entertain- Michigan State University are ment. Howard Benyas, Maura Elford. Eddie Kirsbaum, Mark Engelman Susan Osher. Arnold Schwartz. Aged Care Programs Linda Shapiro ant Cathy Winston. Get Increase in Grants Andy Covitz will be at Bradley; NEW YORK (JTA) — Pro- Andy Koffman at Ferris; Richard Gordon at Oakland; and Barbara grams for care of the- aged in the American Jewish community re- at Northwood College. Rosenblatt . ceived the largest increase in com- munal allocations to local Jewish Mike Gellis, son of Mr .and Mrs. David Gellis, is residing in De- services during the 1956-1966 dec- troit. where he is attending Wayne ade, with the next largest increase , going to programs providing em- St3te University Medical School. • • * ployment services. According to a report by the Billi Epstein. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein, spent the Council of Jewish Federations and weekend at the Americana in New Welfare Funds, such allocations to Jewish care for the aged pro, York. grams rose in that decade by 65 PRE-TEEN BOWLING PROGRAM per cent and by 62 per cent to Boys and girls in the 5th - 7th Jewish employment service agen- , grades are invited to a Flint Jewish cies. Next came Jewish centers, Community Council 'cowling session for which allocations rose by 62 2 p.m. Sunday. Shoes and refresh- per cent, then Jewish education; ments are included in the nominal with a rise of 58 per cent, followed fee. For reservations, call the Coun- by family and child services, for which allocations rose 51 per cent, cil office. 767-5922. • then local community relations, boosted by 39 per cent. Alloca- tions for refugee care dropped in that decade by 45 per cent. I Not all of this money comes The Bar Mitzva of Michael Allan from strictly Jewish sources, the Hyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- report noted. Nonsectarian com- ward Ilyman. will be observed munity chests and united funds also provide money for such Jew- Saturday,- at Temple Beth El. ish services. Federations constitu- ted the major source of contribu- ........................................................ . . . . ted income for local Jewish service Youth on the Move' •Bnai Mitzva Births agencies in 1965. They provided about $41,500,000 in 1965 to local Sept. 6 — To Mr. and Mrs. Jewish services . in the fields of family and child care, g Stefan Tucker (Marilyn Miller), refugee ai Jewish centers, Jewish formerly fo Flint and now of Silver Spring, Md., a son, Lawrence education, aged care, Job services Elliot. and community relations. COADINI RENO OF MUTED IMMO. SU RIM OUL 06.8 PROOf. SEAGRAM DISTILLERS COMMIT. it was this message that precipi- tated the attack. Kilpatrick writes, "One would like to know a great deal more, of course, about the specific purpose sought to be served by Liberty's position so close to the Sinai shore. Why 13 miles out? . . Skeptical observers will continue to assume that the Liberty was en- gaged upon a general mission of intelligence-gathering and c o d e- breaking; and they will wonder what might have been received, translated, tape-recorded, and fed into computers between, say, 10 o'clock and noon on June 8 that resulted in the pinpoint deitrue- tion of the very hull compartments — frame 53 to frame 66 — where the electronic gear was housed." * DO YOUR SHARE * FOR F REEDOM * * A DOCTOR TALKS Fifty Years of Practicing Medicine, Dr. Robert Mayburn, while recount- noiuthed bier sehr of. hsaiscrceadre, • in medi- cal theories. At your bookseller's or VANTAGE PRESS, INC. 120 W. 31 St., N.Y.