Rabbi Lelyveld Insists Anti-Semitism Not Rising Among Negroes Hits SNCC , Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, presi- Carmichael's itinerary." Car- dent of the American Jewish michael, former head of the Congress, said in Detroit Wednes- group, attended a gathering of day that latent Negro anti-Semit- the Communist Latin American ism is being exploited by some Solidarity Organization in Ha- black power leaders but stressed vana this summer, has been to that anti-Semitism is not growing North Vietnam and Czecho. among! Negroes. slovakia and was fast reported Rabid ,Lelyveld spoke at an in Algeria Rabbi Lelyveld Le said there is a AJCongress gathering Wednesday frustration in the Negro ghetto" evening at Temple Israel. Rabbi Lelyveld, who co-operated that Carmichael's brand of "gar- with the Student Non-Violent Co- bage" appeals to. Negroes who ordinatiug Committee in 1964 when rioted in Detroit looted many Jew- stores because the he was helping Mississippi Negroes ish - owned s register for the vote, said SNCC stores happened to be located in has changed since that time. "-he I the Negro ghetto. Anti-Seinitis don't think SNCC is in any way said. had nothing to do with it, he representative of the American Rabbi Lelyveld compared Jewish Negro community," he said. nationalism to Negro nationalism, He charged that the Coinniti- saying he felt the Negro leaders mist Party has infiltrated SNCC, could be helped by an understand- saying his evidence was "Stokely ing of Jewish history. . Negro Group Compares Experience in Ghetto to That of German Jews NEW YORK (JTA)—A chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality, several of whose members are un- der a city investigation on charges of anti-Semetic behavior, issued a manifesto here comparing Negroes in the United States with the Jews in Nazi Germany, asserting "as it happened to them, it can happen to us." The Brooklyn chapter of CORE made the comparison to explain why it planned to leave the ghetto to "establish a new world. - The Israelis Asked to Host Volunteers on Holidays TEL AVIV (.TTA) — Jewish Agency officials have called on Israeli citizens to serve as High holy Day hosts to the volunteers who came to Israel to help during the May-June crisis and the Six- Day War. An agency official said that 1.000 families were needed in this city as hosts to volunteers planning to spend the holiday here. There are about 6,000 volunteers still re- maining in Israel. A survey carried out among 2,500 volunteers showed that over 60 per cent have decided to remain in the Jewish state, it was reported Wednesday by Amichal Tzur, head of the gov- ernment office for volunteers. Tzur said that many have opted to settle permanently in kibutzim and that others have chosen to reg- ister at universities or to stay on in their positions long enough to investigate the conditions for per- manent settlement. "Most volunteers are different from our Israeli youth," Tzur add- ed. The majority of them are in- dividualists, he said, with whom "a common language" must be found. He emphasized that immigration to Israel was still a basic need, even though the country "wel- comed" the volunteers. "They can- not save Israel," he said, "the vol- unteers always come too late." Classified Ads Get Quick Results document declared that "the Ger- man plan was to exterminate the Jewish culture and the Jews. Whitey's plan is the same" for the Negro. "We Black Militants note the similarity" between Negroes in the United States "and the Jews in Germany. We pray that the hand of death will pass us by. As it happened to them, it can happen to us." In recent months, members of the CORE chapter had been active in a struggle for better schools for children in slum areas. That struggle brought a charge from the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith that CORE members in Brooklyn and Queens had been guilty of "blantant and vicious anti-Semetic outbursts and racist behavior in four school. corn mun i t y controversies in largely Negro sections in the two boroughs. At the ADL's request, the City Commission on Human Relations ordered on Aug. 7 that two com- mission members investigate the charges of anti-Semitism. 250.000 Africans Treated by Israeli Eye Experts Stokely' Carmichael Accuses ,U.S. Officials of Helping 'Zionism' (Diirect JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON — Black power advo- cate Stokely Carmichael was quot- ed Tuesday in Damascus dispatch- es as accusing "high officials" in the United States o f cooperating with "Zionism" and as condemn- ing "Zionist ag- gression" against the Arab states. Carmichael visited Syria in defiance . of United States ,passport regula- tions and attend- ed meetings aTuesday with the Carmichael members of the Syrian Arab delegation to the re- cent Havana Tri-Continental Soli- darity Conference at which cooper- ation betw e e n the "liberation forces" of Asia. Africa and Latin America and "the black revolu- tion in the United States of Amer- ica" was discussed. „ Carmichael, according to the dis- patches, will remain in Syria for a week and will visit the cease-fire lines to obtain at first-hand "evi- dence of Israeli aggression." Palestine 'Liberator' Gets Life Sentence treated '2.50.000 patients in pro- grams initiated by Uadassah, the government of Israel and the Afri- can governments of countries con- cerned. Some 6.000 major eye operations were 'performed in this period. Many of the patients — who had been completely blinds — have had their sight restored as a result of this surgery. The program, devised by Pro- fessor I. C. Michaelson. head of Hadassah's department of ophthal- mology, was initiated in Liberia in 1960. Since then, it has been ex- tended to include Tanzania. Malawi and Rwanda — at the re- quest of these governments. Today. these joint clinics with Hadassah are responsible for practically all the eye services in these countries. D® YO U KNOW c oo you prefer the frankly luxurious, you can find here the proudest creation of America's most prestigi-:,.^ ous maker — oy Z.?"- XISC /17 SPECIALLY PRICED $9850 "EXCLUSIVE" at HARRY THOMAS HARRY THOMAS FINE CLOTHES FOR OVER 30 YEARS 15200 W. 7 Mile Road 3 Blocks East of Greenfield, Corner Sussex OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 6; MON. & THURS., 9:30 TO 9 Open Sunday 11 to 4 WE HONOR MICHIGAN BANKARD and SECURITY ....) TALEISEM IN RAYON SILK WOOL DO YOU Vecrhaes WERE INTRopucep $175 t t OF PEOPLE LIVED OUT TEIEIR LIVES NEVER BEING ABLE TO SEE MOUNTAINS, CLOUDS OR STAQS BENJAMIN FRANKUN INVENTED' BIFOCAL LENSES t N 1764te IF For All Your HolidOy Needs . VISIT BORENSTEIN'S! seven years. have examined and UNTII-1300, 13EFORE hard was also one of the German leaders who helpeg,Layork out the German-Israel reparations agree- ment, in 1952 and 1953—a pact under which Israel obtained $800,- 000,000 in material goods and services. BONN (JTA) — Former Chan- cellor Ludwig Erhard will go to Israel at the end of next month for a "private" visit as a guest of the Israeli government, it was an- nounced here Monday. He will be accompanied by his wife. It was Erhard, when he headed the West German government, who decided, in May 1965, to estab- lish diplomatic relations with Is- rael. Earlier, under the chancel- lorship of the late Dr. Konrad Adenauer, he showed himself a friend of Israel during his tenure as minister of economy. Prof. Er- Normally Sold S145.00 TEL AVIV — A three-man mili- tary court in Gaza imposeda life sentence .Monday on a local Arab who confessed to being a sergeant in the Palestine Liberation Army and in whose possession a whole arsenal of weapons was found. Jusef Abu Gerad, 23 was found guilty after investigators testified that they, had uncovered in his home and in a nearby citrus grove two artillery pieces, 200 six-milli- meter recoilless guns,0 80 shells, 55 plastic anti-vehicle mines, sev- eral hand-grenades and several Russian-made assault rifles. The same court sentenced a number of other Arabs from the Gaza Strip to terms of five and ten years' imprisonment for pos- session of weapons. ophthalmologists, serving in four African countries during the last 11- IAT TIME, MILLIONS Ex-Chancellor Erhard Planning Israel - Visit Fine Imported Worsteds (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Nineteen Israeli Friday, •September 22, 1967-9 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS and up I • • • HOLIDAY PRAYER BOOKS (Machzorim) Choose From Our Large Selection or Tell Us What Synagogue You Attend and We Will Give You The Proper Uniform Prayer Book IT'S NOT LATE TO ORDER YOUR PERSONALIZED IMPRINTED NEW YEAR _CARDS BORENSTEIN'S BOOK & MUSIC STORE 13535 W. 7 MILE ROAD, at Schaefer I DI 1-0569 or DI 1-3268 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT, ALL DAY SUNDAY