Early History of Reform Judaism Recapitulates Former Opposition to Zionism, Dr. Franklin's Stand "The Reform Movement in law is not contrary to our con- right ought to be at home in all Judaism" by Dr. David Philipsonscience, which happens perhaps in lands" and that "the mission of first appeared in 1907. A new edi- I the majority of the questions the Jew is to witness to God all tion was published in 1930. It is asked, Reform rabbis much prefer over the world." Then came the Central Confer- now available in a revised edition 1 to follow it. The newer attitude to with an introduction by Dr. Solo- the law in the Reform movement once gathering of 1920 over which Jerusalem's Status Quotations concerning that city, from the Bible, Talmud, and post-talmudic Hebrew classics. ed residence. (Isaiah, chapter By SAUL KLEIMAN 33, verse 20) Editor's Note: The compiler of 6. Rehabom, King Solomon's son, these classic quotations, Saul strengthened himself in Jerusa- Kleiman, is a noted Hebrew lem and reigned. For 17 years scholar and educator of Kansas be ruled in Jerusalem, the city City. Mo. He is observing his 85th which the Lord had chosen birthday this month. They who from all the tribes of Israel, to currently oppose handing over put His name there. (Chroni- Jerusalem to Israel, and they chorum 2, chap. 12, verse 13). who oppose Israel's possession of certain cemeteries and certain 7.•Thou that bringest good tidings to Jerusalem fear not; lift up sacred places would benefit cult- thy voice with strength. (Isaiah urally by reading the article "Jerusalem's Status." 40, 9). 1. The name JERUSALEM has 8. Jerusalem has 70 names. (Baal Haturim, Exodus 11, verse 61). been given this city by GOD.— (B'rayshit Rabba, chapter 22, 9. Ten measures of beauty came down to the world; nine Jeru- verse 14). salem took, and one—the rest 2. If I forget thee. 0 Jerusalem. mon B. Freehof, published by Ktav l may be defined in the phrase that Rabbi Franklin presided, and Dr. the Halakha is not our governance Philipson's report on that confer- (120 E. B'way, NY2). ence reads: Tracing the Reform movement but our guidance." from earliest times, outlining the "The San Remo Conference of Dr. Freehof makes this im- the Allied Powers who had been history of the development of ' portant declaration regarding change in Jewish religious observ- ! recent changes and the readop- victorious in the World War is- ances through the centuries and j tion of 'ceremonials: "Changes in sued to Great Britain the man- reviewing the movement's history increased ceremonial observance date over Palestine. The presi- ' have not nullified the basic Re- dent of the conference Rabbi form principle that ideals and Leo M. Franklin had declined the invitation of the Zionist Or- ethical devotion are the essen- ganization of America to appoint tial and the ceremonials are only a delegation to participate in a auxiliary. Just as certain cere- monies have been adopted for meeting to be held in the city of of the world took. (Tractate let my right hand forget her their mood, so they can very New York on May 9, and 10, 1920 Kidushin page 49a). cunning ! Let my tongue cleave well be rejected again if they to celebrate this event. In his to the roof of my mouth, if I re- 10.Comfort ye my people, said message read at the meeting of cease to be helpful in promoting your God, I return to Zion and member thee not, if I set not the conference held in Rochester shall dwell in the midst of Je- basic ideas and attitudes. If, for Jerusalem above my chiefest in June, 1920, he reported that he example, Bar Mitzva, which rusalem. (Zachariah 8, 10), joy.' (Psalms, chapter 137). had refused the invitation on the 3. Jerusalem is destined to be- 11. Jerusalem shall be called "The has been almost universally adopted in Reform synagogues ground that the conference had City of Truth". (Ibid). come the metropolis of all placed itself on record very defin- in recent years proves for var- countries in the world. (Midrash 12.Jerusalem is called "a beauti- itely in this matter. He quoted the ious reasons to be a drawback ful district," a joy to the whole Rabba, Sh'mot, B'shalah, Par- resolution adopted at Chicago in to spiritual progress, it may worlds. (Book of Psalms, Psalm sha 23). 1918. But he stated at the same 4. Thus said the Lord: I return to very well be. widely rejected as 48, verse 3). it was once widely reintroduced. time that he believed the con- Zion and I shall dwell in the 13. God said to David and to his ference would lend its coopera- Reform still holds firm to the son Solomon: "In this house, in midst of Jerusalem, and Jeru- tion to any movement for the basic principle made clear in Dr. Jerusalem, which I have chos- salem will be called "The City rehabilitation of Palestine, so en from all the tribes of Israel, Philipson's , book that only the of Truth." (Zachariah 8, 3). that it be made not only a "ref- 5. Look on the town of our sol- ideals and the spiritual faith I shall put my name "forever". DR. LEO M. FRANKLIN are the essentials and such ob- uge for the down-trodden Jew (Chronicles 8, chapter 33, verse emn assemblies; your eyes shall servanees as the various cere- but as a place where a fuller 7). see Jerusalem as an undisturb- in this country and in Europe, Dr. monials are incidental and dis- expansion may be given to the Philipson's work emerges as inter- , pensable." spiritual genius of the Jew." He esting today as it was when it first , Dr. Freehof refers to Dr. Philip- asked that the conference en- appeared. dorse this letter. The committee iv AHARON ROSEN Dr. Philipson pointed out at the son's anti-Zionism. He explains in on the President's Message in re- outset that: "Some striking in- 1 his introduction: "To him nation- sponse to this request submitted is similar to stances may be cited0o prove alism was a denial of the role of shoemaker 130 .4 61 riDil .4 6 6 a majority and a minority re- that, although the moviement for . Judaism as an ethical and cultural satin-cflahr doh - me port, the former signed by was a con-I influence in the world. It religious reform as a distinct, fifteen members and the latter wait (m.s.) shoe modern new isolationism . . . He was 8 7I13 .4 6 2 .467 certed movement is a by two." ndh - ahl m'Izah-ke phenomenon, yet the reinterpreta,1 proud of the fact that as a young The majority report which was religious I rabbi in Baltimore he was called interesting tion and revaluation of doctor r.4177? .4 6 3 Kpin .4 6 8 teachings and the accommodation : to the Pittsburgh Conference in adopted by a vote of 58 to 8 follows m'ahn-yehn roh-feh of religious institutions to meet' 1885, at which the clear statement this explanatory note. (Rabbi Franklin, who had was made that we are no longer a sole help (m.s.) changed conditions and situations : .4 6 9 .4 6 4 reform ' nation. So he remained an un- been associated with the Amer- soo-l'yah oh-zehr which are the motifs of the yielding anti-Zionist to the end of ican Council for Judaism, was movement, appear in Jewish ex -; his life. Of course as all members among the first of the associates stone occupation .4 70 Mit .4 6 5 periences from very early days." of the Reform movement, he sup- of the anti-Zionist organization meek-tsoh-ah E-ven Among his emphases is this ported Jewish settlements in Pales- to quit its ranks and to repudi- explanation: "In t a 1 m u d i c a 1 tine, but the concept of a revived ate its policies. He supported days, great rabbinical authorities Jewish nationalism was to him a many Palestinian causes and his J set np hermeneutic rules where- were primarily in opposi- by biblical laws were occasion- betrayal of all the dreams of the views rp? tion to "political Zionism.") past." interpreted in a spirit of ally Referring to the struggle over Many changes have taken place accommodation to changed Zionism that lasted for decades, since then. The Reform rabbis are needs and circumstances. A clas., instance of early reform is Dr. Freehof comments that among in the main not only pro-Israel but 1?7 ,13!1211 17414 1/711 sical strongly pro-Zionist. But Dr. Phil- the Prozbul which Hillel institu; the changes that have taken place ttiiv ted to ameliorate the hardships' since Dr. Philipson's presentation ipson's review of Reform history of the case for Reform "the coop- ends long before the great changes. caused by the as observance of the' nr: Among the great changes was laid down in the' eration with the national State of Sabbath year Mosaic law." Israel is the onicome of the disillu- the condemnation of the American i 1139 ,"1:D .1 sion with the immediate possibili- Council for Judaism at the Reform HEBREW SELF-TAUGHT ;pm? vispp that was instituted by Hillel by ties of In world comradeship." this connection, an interest- which the borrower obligated him- ing reference to the role in the self that the law requiring release debates over Zionism by Detroit's of debts at commencement of the Dr. Leo M. Franklin deserves Sabbatical Year should not apply special attention in Dr. Philip- to the transaction then to be en- son's chapter dealing with "Re- tered. This law operated until the form in the United States." Year of Release was abandoned in Dr. Philipson quotes the resolu- the Middle Ages. Hillel's prozbul is tion that was adopted at the con- regarded of historic significance indirect abrogation venting of the Central Conference as it was the of American Rabbis in Chicago in of biblical law. Its issuance denoted June 1918 which expressed appre- the passage of the Jewish state from agricultural to a commercial ciation for the Balfour Declaration, affirmed the right of Palestinian statute He shows how through the ages Jews to equal rights but refused reforms have been instituted and to subscribe to the idea of a Jewish his volume deals with the treat- "national home-land" because "we that Jettish people are and of ment of kahrut which was abro- hold gated; the abrogation by many reform groups of circumcision: the discarding of the tallith. In his introduc- tion Dr. Freehof explains Philip- s o n's attitudes, his view of Re- form as "a volt against the legal Jewish codes. He points out, for example: "If a certain commandment in Tewish law is di- rectly contrary to o u r conscience I Dr. Freehof as, for example,a law based upon the inferior legal status of women, this law would not be deemed to lave authority. But wherever the rabbis' convention in New York in June 1943. The resolution asking for the dissolution of the anti- Zionist-now also in large measure anti-Israel-Judaism Council was introduced by Dr. reehof. The minority resolution was presented then by Rabbi Sam el Goldenson of New York's Temp e Emanu-El. Soon thereafter Rabbi Franklin was among the Reform rabbis who resigned from the Council for Judaism. But these occurrences post-dated Dr. Philipson's book. As history of the Reform movement Dr. Philip- son's remains a most valuable ex- planation of Reform and its his- tory. 7 0? itle, znul tortri - ;Tx rin 'L.? "Pot? ., 7 ,mtirp tni2R, ,vr1 egin ttritp 'n73rt ririx ipn'? ne7 114 ,r91%7-14o 0??# wispypn- rivy ,ktim .vann .1r: n0717.11 .113; ; rix ..t?4;7_01 ,17nv ni10? vi'77i4 re217, - ,n''23-1 1tm mtp n!‘211 'Ow nix r`n? ?4-1 Imo '7321 ningzi re7 1:31 ▪ .7173??1 nr11? my?* • rirkt) ,nr_a3 nrtrt '7:t .n'-11=T '7;? otn trnin4 rt3 Dit$71 rik? TRIM l t?171 rI3 17 4'i ,1 :7? 07'217471 Tk 137417n 13" ."1•• rkqp 11417? ke7 71; — 'PP •"'2k371114 -1rl 1-1* .17vp7,n37 1]7 itra9 — 1 1701? !DiT 17V tx.:21pri .nurp ,nini4 t?in 'Rt.; '741 V? TT • • • 1:PI ,141 2P, '712n anii ?r 0u. — 't?4 I'm 112in girl 3 Egyptian Troop Carriers Damaged in Two Attempts to Use Suez Canal Teletype Wire (Direct later, to get through. The Israelis Jewish News) to The TA opened fire again from the east TEL AVIV — Egyptian attempts bank, hitting one of the vessels. to transport troops on the Suez There were no casualties on the Canal in violation of an agreement Israeli side from the Egyptian re- under which both Israel and Egypt turning fire. were to refrain from use of the Under a "mutuality" cease-fire waterway, resulted in two inci- arrangement, negotiated by Lt. dents Wednesday morning and the Gen. Odd Bull, the United Nations damaging of three Egyptian ves- secretary-general's personal repre- sets by Israeli guns. senative on the spot, neither side Both incidents occurred at the is to use the waterway unless both southern end of the canel, near sides have equal access. The Egyp- Port Tewfig. The first came when tians have steadfastly refused to six E g y p t i a n vessels, carrying agree to Israeli use of the canal troops, moved into the waterway. and the only shipping permitted is The Israelis opened fire, hitting of the vessels supplying foreign two of the vessels. The Egyptians freighters which were stranded in made a second attempt, two hours the canal during the June war. t -eriagti 7 :43 - MR E!'? TW? s'irP? %PTV cvs)? lntt • v v 8• ,foo V • • ♦ • Ault f V Reading material in vocalized Easy Hebrew, and also material fee advanced students may be obtained through your local Hebrew. Organization or by writing to: Brit Ivrit Olamit, P.O.B. 7111 1 jerusalem, Published by Brit Ivrit Olamil 48—Friday, September 22, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS