Friday, September 22, 1967 23 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS omen's Women's Auxiliary to the Mai- Menides Medical Society will hold its opening fall meeting Tuesday at Town and Country Club, an- nounces Mrs. Norman R. Schakne, president. Mrs. Hyman S. Mel- len, past presi- dent, will give the invocation, and Mrs. Michael yin, vice-presi- dent, will wel- lcome the new members and honor the aux- iliary's active Mrs. Schakne past presidents. Mrs. Levin will also present a short resume of the organization's history. Wives of Jewish doctors are invited to join the auxiliary. For information, call Mrs. Levin, UN 4-4098. Highlight of the meet- ing will be a showing of fur fash- ions modeled by Mesdames Victor Horwitz, Jack Kaufman, Sander Klein, Jack Litwin, Hersche 1 Mozen and A. B. Solomon. • • • BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY NA- TIONAL WOMEN'S COMMITTEE will again offer the study group in "Twentieth Century Music" pre- pared by Robert L. Koff, associate professor of music and artist in res- idence at Brandeis. For informa- tion, call Mrs. Max Warren, 353- 3915. Mrs. Jay Allen, vice presi- dent of projects, states that books are now being collected for the 1968 "New Books for Old Sale." Those who have books in good con- dition in any category may call Mrs. Allen. DI. 1-2461, to arrange collection. Mrs. Lawrence Weiner, chairman of the chapter's volun- teer program at the Detroit Public Library, reports that there is now an urgent need for volunteers due to school closing because children are looking for diversion in the library. Workers who can volun- teer one hour, one day weekly, can reach Mrs. Weiner at UN. 2-4873. Mrs. Bernard Farber, vice-presi- dent of book fund contributions, has appointed the following area tribute chairmen: Detroit — Mrs. Gerald Apteker, UN. 2-3798; Oak Park and Huntington Woods, Mrs. Dennis Rands, 353-0220; Birming- ham, Southfield, Franklin, Mrs. G. Lionel Willens, 626-2352; and Send It Yourself Packets, Mrs. William Mazer, 861-4352. Mrs. Stewart Mit- tenthal is secretary. • • • SIIARONA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a board meeting 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lewis Deitch, 14510 Tal- bot, Oak Park. Plans will be finaliz- ed for a games night to be held Oct. 24 at the Labor Zionist Insti- tute. The chapter will meet 2:30 p.m. Oct. 10 at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Shapiro, 26100 Raine, Oak Park. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Mattie Frederick, who will discuss the history of jewelry-antique and modern. • • • HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will hold a regular and board meeting noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Saul Katz, 18065 Fairfield_ Dessert luncheon will be served. .gleGOPIPIN &sot, • • = WHEN WE CLEAN Y OUR ... • IT TAKES A GENI...US C ARPET ''''' or 0 .... 1 STAYS a LEAN)* IA SEAL OUT OR :e DIRT %. AND • 3, WEAR M ja 2 O. SPOTS 1.11 AND STAINS 2 REMOVED vi m `VPIAN 184-55111 15180 W. 8 MILE RD. C BY Ern, • CHEAUSTS it & SO+ S-1316 NI A. NORTHLAND Cluh activities Infants Service Group, at a recent luncheon, installed Mrs. S a u 1 Ginsburg, president; Edwin Roth, Dennis Sil- ber and Nathan Peiss, vice presi- dents; Sam Katz and Val Valen- • sky, case chair- men; Albert Kap- 1 a n, treasurer; Gilbert B ore n- stein, Joseph .Ru- bin, Sam. Rosen- Mrs. Ginsburg berg, Jean Bale and Joseph Schane, secretaries; Nate Elkins, memorial fund; Phil Rosenbloom, "happy day fund;" Nathan Silvers and Sidney Cohen, sunshine chairmen; Jack Freeman, community rela- tions: and Stanley Blum and Max Baskin, Comniunity Council dele- gates. • • • CHANA CZENESH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Monday at the Labor Zionist Insti- tute. Esther LaMed, Fay Rabino- witz and Reva Schoichit will pre- sent readings in Yiddish and Eng- lish. Ethel Silber is chairman. Luncheon will be served. Guests arc invited. • • • BETH MOSES SISTERHOOD will open the season with a mem- bership tea and fashion show, "Smart and Handsome" 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the so c i al hall. Daughters of sisterhood members will be models. Mrs. Arnold Ber- man is program chairman. For in- formation call Mrs. Leo Papp, membership chairman, KE 5-6897. Guests invited. • • • DAVID - HORODOKER WO- MEN'S ORGANIZATION will meet noon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Leo Heiman, 19600 Roslyn. Arrangements will be discussed for the 30th annual donor event Dec. 5 at Cong. Ahavas Achim. • • • NEW 'STUDY CLUB will meet 12:30 p.m. Wednesday a' the Labor Zionist Institute. • • • BRANDEIS CHAPTER. Pioneer Women, will hear a delegates' re- port on the 20th biannual conven- tion at a meeting 12:30 ,33.m. Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Leo Hei- man, 19600 Roslyn. Guests invited. • • • BETH AARON SISTERHOOD will meet noon Monday in the syna- gogue social hall, it was announced by Mrs. Joe Medwed, president. Mrs. Bernard Gaspas, vice presi- dent in charge of programing, an- nounces Mrs. David C. Fredrick, one of Detroit's leading dealers in antique jewelry, will show some of her collection and discuss the subject as a preview to the sister- hood's "Antique Village" show Oct. 22-23. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited. • • • BETH SHALOM SISTERHOOD is sponsoring a rummage sale at the Ferndale Women's Club 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday. For information, call Mrs. Harvey Pollock, LI 4-2612. • • • DIMONA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold its annual Presi- dent's Tea 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. David Shuster, president, 22121 Kenosha, • Oak Park. Mrs. Movsas Goldoftas will speak of pioneer homes and in- stallations she visited during her year's stay in Israel. For informa- tion, call Mrs. Shuster, LI 7-1438. • • • LADIES OF YESHIVATII BETH YEIIUDAH and WOMEN'S SAB- BATH LEAGUE will hold a luncheon meeting sponsored by Mrs. Louis Honigman and Mrs. Leo Lauter noon Monday at Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah Synagogue. Social chairman is Mrs. Walter Epstein. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash of Shorn- rey Emunah Synagogue. Plans are being formulated for the annual donor luncheon Oct. 31. - Akiva PTA to Install New Officers at Meeting DETROIT No. 41, UNITED OR DER TRUE SISTERS, will mee 2 p.m. Tuesday at Northland Au ditorium. Program chairmen are Mesdames Abraham Miller and Norman Robbins. Mrs. Lawrence Wember will review the book "Gates of the Forest" by Elie Wei- sel. Guests invited. • • • SOUTHWOODS CHAPTER Womens' American ORT, will meet 12:1.5 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Irwin Goren, 28355 Tavi- stock, Southfield. Vice President of Membership Mrs. Norman Gal- lant and Vice President of Pro- gram Mrs. Ilershal Sandberg have planned the meeting and petite luncheon with guest speaker Rob- ert Siegel, interior designer, speak- ing on "The Electric Look." Mrs. Jerome Rosman, president, asks members to bring a new member. • • a CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Labor Zionist Institute. High- lights of the National Pioneer Wo- men Convention in Chicago will be given by delegates Chana Mich- lirn and Gertrude Lewin. Friends invited. Refreshments will be served. • • • JERICHO REBEKAH LODGE, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, will hold its annual fund- raising dinner 6 p.m. Sunday at Jericho Temple. Guests are invited. • • • OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 3 p.m. Saturday at the home of Itzchak M. Kagan. 23410 Geoffrey Ct., Oak Park. Rabbi Kagan will be guest speaker. • • • UPPER NORTHWEST NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 4 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Simon Fishman. 19171 Le- sure. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash. • • • NORTHWEST NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 3 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Mor- ris Carmen, 18035 Greenbaum. Mr. Carmen will be guest speaker. • • • MIS I IKAN ISRAEL SIS rhatHOOD will meet 8:30 p.m. Monday in the social hall. The program will in- clude an address by Sidney Selig. Detroit educator. Refreshments will be served. The public is in- vited. • • • RADOMER AID and LADIES SOCIETY will hold a special meet- ing 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Work- men's Circle Center, to plan for the coining year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sherman, 21644 Stratford, will serve refreshments in honor of their grandson's Bar Mitzva. • • • GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pio- neer Women, will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zionist In- stitute to hear a convention report A social will follow with refresh- ments. Guests invited. Akiva Hebrew Day School Par- ent-Teacher Association will meet 8 p.m. Monday in the school audi- torium. Frank Lederman, chairman of the evening, will install the follow- ing officers: president, Harold Lax; vice president and program chair- man, David Tanzman; secretaries, Mesdames Mai-ylyn Hershman, Fay- ga Greenbaum, Miriam Kelman, Lil- la Isenberg and Blanche Engel and Mr. Sam Gingsburg; fund-raising chairman, Joan Levi; treasurer, Beno Levi and hostesses, Mesdames Carolyn Lederman, Gloria Pesis and Ruth MeTinilstein. All parents and friends olf Akiva Hebrew Day School are invited to meet the staff and hear the choral group of the seventh and eighth grades. The new staff members include Mesdames Claire Arm, Barbara Crandall, Estelle Galper, Maxine Lieberson, Marilyn Beiss and Elsie Yellin, Messrs. Robert 'Giles and Burton Hurshe, and Rabbis Itzhak Kalmar and Melvin Sachs. \\\ \\ t IAMONDS SAVE! ele9 91r43"21f".. Custom Fitting by Experienced Corsetieres 15842 W. 7 MILE ROAD BR 3-2509 fr Nr SAVE! BUY DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER CORSETS BY EVA 3 Blks. W. of Greenfield Open to 6 p.m., Mon. thru Sat. , I / ///, IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 15138 LIVERNOIS DI. 1-5515 PARKING IN REAR MAX LEIB Now Accepting A Limited Number of Violin Students 542-5329 soki nfo aSlllil and Trimmed is Cavalry all wool twill fabric makes the longer jacket in this 2-pc. walk- ing suit a very slendering c o s - t um e. Trimmed with black Per- sian Caracu/ fur making the collar a face framing ring of beauty. Available in beige.. red, green or taupe. 8 to /8. $129.95. . Harvest Ball Slated by Criterion Club Members Criterion Club, organization for single adults, will hold a "Harvest Ball" 9 p.m. Saturday at the Knights of Pythias hall. The public is invited. Dress will be informal. Music for dancing will be pro- vided by George Grott and his orchestra, and social mixers, prizes and refreshments are planned. A floor show will be headed by "Happy" Parks and his accordion. Walking suits with dresses or with skirts fur trimmed or tailored in our very large cellec- tion from 89.95 to $400 Yeshiva PTA to Meet The Yeshivath Beth Yehudah PTA will hold its first general meeting 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Southfield Building. Rabbi Eric Greenbaum is program chairman. New teachers at the school will be introduced. and the installation of officers will be held. Security & Bankord MON . , THURS., FRI. NITS 'TM 9 DAILY 'TIL 6 NINE Milt AT COOLffIGE, OAK PARK