Why They Ran By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1967, JTA Inc.) Friday, September 22, 1967-21 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dr. Edward Levi Elected President, Earliest New Year Service on Guam The first Rosh Hashana evening in that embattled area with Chap- U. of Chicago where in the world to lain Sholom Gliksman, chaplain of An Israeli paper tells of an first arrival, Einstein was in dis- amusing incident. A soldier back in tress because, in his hotel room, his kibutz took off his shoes and there was no piano. Margulies with gun in hand, ran wildly to came to his rescue and, after that, CHICAGO (JTA)—Dr. Edward service any- the U. S. Military Advisory Com- the dining hall. "Why are you run- the man who got him the piano Hirsch Levi has become the first usher in the Jewish New Year mand. Chaplain Sheldon M. Kirsch be held at 5 a.m. New rung like that?" he was asked. could get any favor he wanted Jew to head a major American uni- 5728 will of Detroit, the third chaplain in time on Tuesday, Oct. 3, for . York "I am an Egyptian soldier," he from Einstein for Zionist purposes. versity, with his election as presi- a group of Jewish airmen and sai- Vietnam, took up his new post in He had planned to visit Israel dent of the University of Chicago. replied. September, in time to prepare for Dr. Levi, 56, is grandson of Rabbi lors on thegsland of Guam through the conduct of holiday services Martha Gelthorn, one-time wife this summer. We asked him about arrangements made by the Nation- of the novelist, Ernest Hemingway, it later. "I gave the money for the Emil G. Hirsch, a founder of al Jewish Welfare Board. for Jewish men of the First Marine has written several articles about trip to the Israel Emergency American Reform Judaism and also Wing. - Hour by hour as the sun sets in Aircraft the Arab refugees for the Manches- Fund," he said. It was charac- one of the first members of the Ch aplain Kalman L. Levitan, faculty of the University of Chi- each time zone during the next 24 Jewish chaplain at Wright-Patter- ter Guardian and she tries to teristic. cago. A native of that city, Dr. hours other High Holy Day evening son Air Force Base,-Ohio, is going explain the running of the Arab Levi attended classes from kinder- services will be conducted for on a special mission to combict refugees. She quoted an Arab War Nazi on Probation garten in the laboratory schools Jewish servicemen in Vietnam and High Holy Day services in Taiwan. woman remarking to her on the After Conviction for through law school at the univer- at more than 600 other overseas Chaplain Azriel C. Feltner, who kindness of the Israeli officers. It Complicity in 4,000 Deaths and doniestie installations, it was sity. wasn't Jewish mistreatment that is stationed at the U. S. Air Force BONN (JTA)—A former SS As provost, Dr. Levi has been announced by Rabbi Selwyn D. caused them to run. What did convicted of complicity in the university's chief academic Ruslander, chairman of JWB's Chaplain School, Maxwell Air make them take to their heels? officer, the murder of 4,000 persons, was officer since 1962. Last year, he commission on Jewish chaplaincy Force Base, Ala., is going on a sim- Here is her explanation: ilar mission to Bermuda. "Radio Cairo had promised de- sentenced to 61/2 years in jail Sun- was named to the board of trustees. and spiritual leader of Temple The last large military service struction of the Jews. King Bus- day—and promptly set free on The new president-elect joined the Israel, Dayton, 0. celebrating the New Year will take probation. The officer, Dr. Albert On this side of the international , place in Hawaii and the very last sein's broadcast before his 'cease- Widmann, 54, was convicted in a faculty in 1936, as an instructor in the law school, whose dean he was date line, Rosh Hashana begins at fire is memorable: `Kill the Jews, Stuttgart court for his participation from 1950 to 1962. During a leave sundown on Wednesday, Oct. 4,1 one will be attended by two men wherevei you find them. Kill them stationed at Wake Island. Inter- in the killing of mental defectives from the law school, he held a and will continue through sundown mediate places where services will with your hands. With your nails number of posts in the office of on. Friday, Oct. 6. Yom Kippur will be conduct ed f Jewish military and teeth,' Now the Jews had won, in Russia in 1941. The court president, Dr. Wolf- the United States attorney general begin at sundown on Friday, Oct. so the Jews would kill them in- gang Fischer, noted that Widmann and with the Department of Justice. 13, and will end at sunset on Sat- personnel through JWB's world- stead. wide arrangements include the had already served 31/2 years in Dr. George Beadle, present head urday, October 14. They had concluded that the Philippines, Okinawa, Japan. Ko- Jews would do to them as they jail on another conviction, for of the university, whom Dr. Levi JWB is the government-accredi- rea, Thailand, Europe, Iceland, taking part in human "guinea pig" will succeed in 1968, said that he ted agency Vit. religious, morale' Greenland, Alaska, Panama, the had planned to do to the Jews. But, after all, maybe running is tests on prisoners at the Sachen- was "so clearly and obviously the and welfare services to Jews in the United States, the Caribbean are-a, just a quaint old Arab custom. hausen concentration camp in 1942. right person to serve as president U.S. Armed Forces, their families, the Seventh Fleet's Amphibious Longfellow in his poem, The Concluding that Widmann had al- that it had been difficult to think and Jewish patients in Veterans Ready Group off the coast of Viet- Psalm of Life refers to it. 'Shall ready served more than two-thirds seriously about other possibilities." Administration hospitals. nam and other carriers and troop fold their tents like the Arabs, of his jail sentence on this charge, During a 10-day official visit to transports at sea, weather and ra- The greatest profit ever made And silently steal away'." Dr. Fischer released him on four dar stations and .widely dispersed South Vietnam this summer, Rabbi Meanwhile, Nasser refuses to years' probation. He also ordered by one company in a year is $1,734,781.55 by General Motors Ruslander discussed plans for the areas to which Jewish Peace Corps recognize the existence of Israel. Widmann to pay a fine of 4,000 Corp. in 1964. observance of the High Holy Days volunteers have been assigned. Egypt can't operate the Suez Canal, marks ($360) to charity. but maybe it's haunted. It can't be Israel that's stopping her. Be- cause "don'tcherknow" Israel doesn't exist. And some spooks are draining away the Sinai oil too from Egypt. It can't be Israel. She doesn't exist. Ezer Weizmann is given much of the credit for the training of the Israeli air force. • • • Morris Margulies One may be a soldier and never don a uniform. Such was Morris Margulies, who passed away after a life devoted to the Zionist cause. He allied himself with the move- ment almost from the beginning when, a young lanky fellow, Louis Lipsky, came to New York from upstate. In Rochester, Lipsky had been the editor of.a Jewish weekly, The Shofar. In New York, Lipsky became the editor of the American Hebrew published by a man named Cowen, who was a cousin of the - American western writer, Bret Harte. The times had their own drama. Herzl never came to America but he sent Jacob de llaas, and Re- form rabbis opposed the movement. but there arose men like Magnes and Stephen Wise in their ranks to challenge them. hillier, the author of the Hatikva. meaning Hope. seemed to get most of his hope ordinarily from the bottle of alcoholic spirits in his pocket. Brandeis was beginning to ponder the Jewish question while sitting on the Supreme Court, and Weiz- mann was mixing chemistry with the Jewish problem. Margulies, as secretary of the ZOA, was in the center of this beehive. He bore some physical resemblance to Ben-Gurion and, "Oh, here in the shop the machines roar only in the lesser Yiddish papers.. But when he was in Israel in 1948, he they were sung and resting in the shops on mealy . was warned not to expose himself. and in the workers' meetings. And they I often forget I'm alive, or have been . lest some Arab sniper mistake his were memorized and chanted by the I sink and am lost in the awful tumult; identity. On one of his visits to .And void is my soul; 1 become a machine." lowly in their tenements. Thus it was Israel, he had an all-night con- until 1597, when a Harvard professor, Morris Rosenfeld was his name. His versation with Orde Wingate, the Leo Wiener. translated' some of Rosen lot was the sewing machine, steam iron British general who was instru- and intolerable conditions of New York's • fehi's work into English and published it mental in founding the Haganah and teaching young Moshe Dayan 19th century garment industry. And his as "Songs of the Ghetto". Rosenfeld quickly gained internatiohal destiny, ultimately, was an invitation to how to shoot. No one knew more of the in- renown. Ile was translated into French, read his poetry—in simple, unadorned sides of Zionism than Morris, and Yiddish—before the scholars of Harvard, Berman, Polish. Into Roumanian and one heard from him part of his- Russian—even Japanese. He toured Eu- .Wellesley and Radcliffe. tory which usually never gets into rope and was acclaimed in England, Born in Poland in 1862, Morris, at 24, print. There was Dorothy Thomp- Austria and G alicia. The .songs—and was withering on a diet of persecution son. A non-Jewess, she was a kind praises -- of the Yiddish poet were sung and poverty, and escaped with his family of Joan of Arc for Zionism, when to America. Like most Jewish immi- world-wide! suddenly she became pro-Arab. In the movement to outlaw the sweat- grants, he found underpaid work in the No one understood exactly why. shop; Morris Rosenfeld was a cultural garment trades; and soon began to de- According to Morris, her second P. LORILLARD COMPANY force. For, while those about him sewed husband, a Czech anti-Zionist, scribe, in verse, the numbing, dulling, ESTABLISHED 1760 whom he suspected to be Jewish, grinding, despairing plight of the needle and suffered in silence, the immigrant poet raised a small, yet eloquent voice. was to blame. First with the Finest Cigarettes worker. No one had better access to through Lorillard rases's:II A significant voice. And it was heard. At first, his writings were published Einstein than Margulies. On his The "piece work"poet -