Israel Prepares to Resist UN Pressures; Only Face-to-Face Talks With Arabs Acceptable -entatives at the plan to reject all United N..!. • pressures Intermediaries in • agreements and forrnulatim: • .rt talks with the will insist Aratt-, 36:li•n the UN General Assembly conlmen , •. it sessions on Sept. 19 — and at the special session to be held Sept 15 to deal with the M.(1 ,11•• East situation — Israel's d.•legation sill he heade'd by Gid- eon Rafael who. when he assumes the nev,too t of director-general of •the Israel Foreign Ministry, will be Succeeded by Yosef Tekoah. In tlne Israel delegation also will be Mr, Lend !Carman. Michael Co- mal. and Sh. btai Rosenne. It is be- lieved that Israel'., Foreign Min- ister Abba Eban also may actively participate in General Assembly debates. JTA reports from Jerusalem that guidelines being formulated by the Israel Cabinet for procedural ac- tion at the UN emphasize demands for face-to-face talks with spokes- men for the Arabs. The JTA report states that Israeli ministers were forcefully reminded Sunday that only the prime minister and the foreign minister were authorized to make public declarations on the future of the territories occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol re- affirmed this condition at the Cabinet meeting after Foreign Minister Eban referred to state- ments on this issue by mem- bers of the Cabinet and said they had no right to make "per- sonal" statements on matters of policy. The discussion was precipitated by publication in the London Sun- day Observer of an interview with Defense • Minister Moshe Dayan who speculated on the possibility that Jordan might regain sov- ereignty over the west bank area but that the area would remain under Israeli aid to Jordan in the supply of water and electric power. Two other members of the Cab- inet have also recently aired their views on the future of the occupied territories in sp"eches and inter- views. They were Minister of Labor Yigal Allon and Minister of Transport Moshe Carmel. cease-fire observance chief, blamed Egypt. Under the Israeli-Egyptian canal agreement. neither side is to use the canal_ As for the approaches, Gen. Dayan said. the same rule must hold — if one side can use them. the other can. or else neither can. In Moscow. Pravda, Communist Party organ, challenged Prime Minister Eshkol's declaration that the canal was a "natural - frontier and asserted that the canal was the - inalienable" property of Egypt and "will never he anybody's bor- der." The military governor of East Jerusalem refused to accept a complaint by a Moslem religious body because the grievance had been written on stationery head- ed: "Hashemite Kingdom of Jor- dan.' The complainant was the Waqf, the institution administering Mos- lem religious properties in East • Jerusalem. The complaint was against action by the Israelis in opening another entrance into the Mount of the Temple area where the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque are located. As a re- sult of the opening of the new gate, visitors are able to enter the area without paying the Waqf gatemen , an admission fee the Waqf has • extracted from all non-Moslems for 13 centuries. —Israel denied Syrian charges that she was "expelling by force" Syr- ian civilians from occupied Syrian territory. and said the question of the return of civilian evacuees to Israeli-held territory was a ques- tion for Israeli-Syrian negotiation. United Nations military observers supervising the cease-fire be- tween Israel and the Arab states, informed UN headquarters that he was trying to get Egypt and Israel to agree to keep their ship- ping off the Gulf of Suez and Bay of Suez, in an effort to avoid further clashes between the two Ambassador Gideon Rafael, Is- rael's representative to the UN, sides in that area. told the secretary-general that the In his detailed report, Gen. majority of the inhabitants of the Bull reiterated that his staff had area had been evacuated by the that Egypt had started the found Syrian authorities in the course of firing last Sunday, which had the fighting there, apparently for escalated into full-scale battles military considerations. "Many of between the two sides. His ob- these people have been in the di- servers on the spot, he stated, rect employ of the Syrian army. reported that they had not seen whose camps, bases and extensive "at any time any Israeli vessels Lalyil fortifications and installations ac ending toward the channel en- been the predominant administr trance to the Suez Canal." Egypt Live and economic factor in the had claimed that its artillery had area•" he said. He also challenged fired at Israeli vessels headed the accuracy of the figures used for that entrance. in the Syrian complaint. Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, chief of the 30—Friday, September 15, 1967 Egypt complained to the presi- dent of the Security Council that, as a result of Israel's "sneak at- tack to force the passage of three of her boats through the Suez Canal at the Suez entrance," on Monday, 42 civilians were killed, 161 wounded, of whom 14 were in serious condition, and 30 build- ings were destroyed, as well as two mosques and two hospitals. In a letter to the president of the Security Council, the Ambassa- dor Mohammed El Kony said that, as a result of Israel's shelling, a Greek freighter with a cargo of cement, a dredger belonging to the Suez Canal Authority and a motor- boat belonging to the Eastern Pe- troleum Company, had been sunk. In addition to that, an Indian ship was damaged and the tower of Port Tewfiq was demolished. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (The British Tradi Union Con- gress went on record favoring direct Israel-Arab negotiations j to o Settle differences arising from the Six-Day War last June. (Direct negotiations including in- ternational guarantees of frontiers, and the settlement of the Middle Eastern refugee problem as a "world responsibility" were advo- cated in a resolution adopted at the 20th anniversary congress of the Liberal International, held at Oxford University. (The congress held that "there can he no lasting peace in the Middle East without direct negoti- ations between Israel and the Arab countries.••) Prime M i n i s t e r Eshkol said that as long as there was no possibility of arriving at a peaceful settlement with the Arab countries, the oaly way for Israel to establish a demarcation The Cabinet meeting evinced line was to keep the "natural concern over the low Jewish frontiers" of the Suez Canal with birthrate hi; Israel. After consid- Egypt and the Jordan River with ering a report from Prof. R. Jordan. He made his statement Baki, government statistician, of the cabinet decided'on establish- • while visiting the east bank the Suez Canal during a heli- ment of a Government Authority copter visit to Israeli units in on DeMography. Mrs. Har- the occupied Sinai Peninsula and man, wife of the ambassador to the canal area. Standing on the Washington, was named to head canal bank, looking across to the new agency. Egyptian positions, Eshkol said Acting on the recommendation Israel's reply to the Arab con- of Prime Minister Eshkol and Min- ference in Khartoum last week, ister of Police Eliahu Sasson, the which took a series of stands of Cabinet voted to. transfer head- opposition to any negotiations quarters of the Israel police de- with Israel, was that "we are partment from Tel,Aviv to East here." Jerusalem. The move, which may cost as much as $12,000,000, will bring the central police head- quarters into• closer relationship with other government depart- ments. In the three decades of the British mandate over Palestine, central police headquarters were in the Old •Rusian Compound in the Jaffa Road near the Old City. Defense Minister Dayan told the Israel Cabinet that the policy of "mutuality" or recip- ' rocity on shipping rights to which Israel and Egypt had agreed on _navigation of the Suez Canal, . held with equal force for ship- .; ping in the Bay and Gulf of Suez. _ Gen. Dayan's declaration came In a report he made to the Cab- inet on last week's fighting in the approaches to the canal for which Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, the He added that . he was sorry, being so near to Cairo,- that he could not meet with President Nas- ser of Egypt "man-to-man" to dis- cuss the situation. He also said it was a pity that Nasser "puts his prestige ahead of the well-being of his people and tkeir needs." He reiterated that Israel's unchanging aim was to achieve peace with the Arab states. He also expressed the hope that agreement might be reached so that the "enormous quantities" of water now going to waste from the Litani River in Lebanon could be used for irrigation purposes, • • • Isrfael Denies Expulsion of Syrian Civilians, Bids Syria Negotiate Return UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JT A ) Jews visiting the Soviet Union hear this anguished questkin again and again from their Soviet coreligionists. BETWEEN HAMMER AND SICKLE tells why. It tells why Stalin turned savagely against Soviet Jewry after World War II. Why the State of Israel is vital to Soviet diplomacy. Why devout Jews are persecuted and at the tame time secular Jews are not allowed to assimilate. The author, an Israeli born in Russia, has traveled extensively there and obtained his story firsthand. He offers a specific and sensible plan to help alleviate one of the tragedies of our time—the slow dying of Soviet Jewry. A best seller in Israel, BETWEEN HAMMER AND SICKLE is available at your bookseller or The Jewish Publication Society. of America, 222 N. Fifteenth St., •Nr Phila., Pa. 19102. Price, $6.00