‘Jerusalem Must Remain Israel's Capital' (Continued from Page 36) peace with Jordan, was issued by Mapam, the left-wing Israeli political party which is a mem- ber of the coalition government. Under the Mapam plan, the west bank of the Jordan River would be given back to Jordan, but "only after certain border ad- justments." The unification of Jerusalem, Mapam a d v i s e d, should stay as it is now. Jordan and Israel, the party also stated, could solve the Arab re- fugee problem. Part of the solu- tion would call for Israel to per- mit the return to the west bank area of more Arabs among those who had taken refuge in Jordan during the June war, but only for purposes of reunification of fami- lies. The rest of the Arab refugees would be settled in Jordan. In re- turn, Jordan would be granted by Israel an outlet to the Mediterran- ean Sea. As for Jerusalem, Mapam made it clear, the reunified city must re- main as Israel's capital. All the plans would be however, subject to direct peace negotiations be- tween Israel and Jordan, Mapam declared. ItLgarding the Gaza Strip, Ma- pam stated, that area, "which never belonged to Egypt," should be re- tained by Israel. The Sinai Penin- sula and the (Wan Heights on Syria's former .corder with Israel should be demilitarized. Mapam also reiterated its traditional in- sistence on "neutralization of the Middle East with the int,.ntion of creating "a federal relation among the countries in the region." • • • Minister of Transport Moshe Carmel told the executive of the Ahdut Avoda Party Tuesday that while Israel must not waver In its determination to achieve peace, it must nevertheless pre- pare for continuation of the state of war and a resumption of hostilities in the future. The former brigadier general spoke at the opening session of the party's policy-makers who will formulate its stand on the security situation and on merger with the Mapai Party of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and with the dissident Israel Workers Party headed by former Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion and Def ens e Minister Moshe Dayan. Carmel stressed his belief that Israel must have borders that will ensure its peace, security and de- velopment. Both Carmel and Minister of Labor Yigal Allon, who spoke in Jerusalem Tuesday night, advo- cated an immediate start by Israel on a model project for settlement of the Arab refugee problems with- out awaiting a peace settlement. Both said establishment of two or three villages for Arab refu- gees of the 1948 War of Libera- tion could set an example for broader schemes. Both agreed that the refugee problem as a whole, however, could only be settled with the full cooperation of the Arab states and with inter- national economic aid. Gen. Dayan also discussed se- curity Tuesday night in a speech to the executive of his Rafi Party. He warned that Israel had to stand firm against any pressures—eco- nomic or otherwise—and must not retreat. He said that Israel must continue to have a military hold on the west bank although there could be an agreement giving Jordan special status there. He said, how- ever, that since King Hussein was unwilling to negotiate with Israel, Israel would have to continue to govern the area whether or not the population liked it. • • • UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) — Spokesmen for the American, British and Soviet delegations de- clined Tuesday to comment on widely-circulated reports that they were meeting here in behind-the- scenes efforts to secure big power agreement on a resolution for an Arab-Israel settlement in the Mid- dle East. A final meeting of the fifth emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly is to be held before the opening of the annual session of the assembly on Sept. 19 and it is expected that strong efforts will then be made to produce an agreed resolution. The tri-power talks were said to be based on the American-Soviet agreement reached between For- eign Minister Andrei Gromyko and Ambassador Arthur Goldberg at the conclusion of the last emergen- cy meeting of the assembly — an agreement which the Arab states summarily rejected. As Gromyko and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad opened talks Tues- day, Pravda, official organ of the Communist Party, advised militant Arabs that a new war with Israel was not "the only way out" of their troubles.) The Syrian government, in a letter Tuesday to Secretary-Gen- eral U Thant, accused Israel of blocking the return of Syrian refugees to their homes in terri- tory now occupied by Israel. The Syrians asserted that Israel had rejected efforts by the Interna- tional Red Cross to secure the return home of "these innocent civilians expelled by force by the Israeli invaders." The letter said the Syrian refugees num- bered 110,000 and denounced Israeli attempts "to exploit their sufferings." The Syrian letter charged Israel with violation of the Geneva Agreement and resolutions of the Security Council on the cease-fire and humanitarian problems. The Syrian government requested the secretary general to investigate this matter and report on it. American aid to Arab refugees since the end of the Arab-Israeli war in June amounted to $9,900,- 000, it was reported this week by the U.S. mission to the United Na- tions. A note detailing the contribu- tions, sent to Secretary-General U Thant, listed the following contri- butions: 10,000 tents air-lifted to Jordan; a donation of $2,000,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refu- gees; 24,000 metric tons of wheat flour and 1,200 tons of vegetable oils given to the same agency; $140,000 in cash donated to the American Red Cross; and $1,800,- 000 worth of food donated to vari- ous American voluntary agencies in the Middle East. The note stated that the United States is keeping the needs of the refugees under constant review, and that shipments of food for needy persons in the Gaza Strip and on the west bank is continu- ing. • • • Israel Foreign Minister Abba S. Eban told a press conference in Jerusalem Tuesday night that Israel's ideas and proposals for an interim solution of the prob- lem of the Arab refugees from the 1948 war will be disclosed to the United Nations General Assembly when the refugee ques- tion is discussed. These proposals, he said, would concern the refugees now in terri- tories held by Israel. A general solution of the refugee problem, he said, would be possible only on a regional basis, with the coopera- tion of the Arab states. Eban asserted that the position taken by the Arab leaders at their Khartoum conference, which he summarized as no recognition of Israel, no negotiations and no peace, emphasized Israel's need and right to maintain her present positions. He said Israel's evacua- tion in 1957 of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula had been a "tragic error" and he affirmed that Israel would not repeat this mistake by returning territories to states that continued to assert their belligerency and intention to destroy her. (In a reference to the Suez Canal situ a ti on, Eban said that, for the present, there was an agreement of mutuality between Egypt and Israel on its use as part of the cease-fire agreement. If Egypt should remove the physical obstacles she placed in the canal and allowed international shipping to resume, he said, this principle would have to be maintained. (Eban did not clarify this state- ment but his aides later said that he meant that if Egypt did not permit Israeli ships to use the canal, Israel would not permit Egyptian ships to pass through.) Reopening of the port of Gaza mainly to enable the export of citrus fruit grown in the Gaza Strip is being considered by Israeli authorities. The proposed move would reduce transit ex- penses for supplies for Arab refugees cared for by the United Nations Relief and Works Agen- cy. The supplies are now shipped by way of Ashdod, entailing many extra miles of transporta- tion costs. Israeli health authorities have launched an anti-polio campaign among the inhabitants of the strip following the discovery of a num- ber of polio cases among children in the area. The health drive was taken as a precautionary measure in view of the fact that Gaza Strip residents are now free to travel across Israel to the west bank. • • * WASHINGTON (JTA) — Yugo- slavian Foreign Minister Marko Nikezic conferred with Secretary of State Dean Rusk after visiting President Johnson to deliver a mes- sage from Yugoslavia's President Tito, dealing with the latter's ef- forts to work out a settlement of the Israeli-Arab crisis. The Tito message concerned a proposal that a resolution be back- ed in the next session of the United Nations General Assembly, calling on Israel to withdraw its armed forces from captured Arab territories and implying that the Arab countries note the fact of Is- rael's existence. (Nikezic also met with Secre- tary-General U Thant at the Unit- ed Nations headquarters in New York and handed him a copy of President Tito's letter which he presented this week to President Johnson dealing with solution to the problems of the Middle Fast. Similar letters were delivered in Paris, Moscow and London.) George Christian, White House press secretary, declined to dis- close the contents of the Tito mes- sage, but said: "We are interested in any effort to arrange a durable peace in the Midcre East" The meetings with Nikezic were described by both the White House and the State Department as "part of a continuing exchange with a number of interested governments on the current situation in the Middle East, in an effort to bring about a just and peaceful solution." The Yugoslavian foreign minis- ter said here he would not charac- terize the message he delivered to President Johnson from President Tito as containing "new proposals," nor would he describe his confer- ence with Secretary Rusk as offer- ing any fresh approaches to the situation in the Middle East. The meeting, he told newsmen, touch- ed on various "ideas and esti- mates" of the Middle East prob- lem. Attending the White House meet- ing with the Yugoslav foreign minister were Special Assistant to the President Walt Rostow, As- sistant Secretary of State Lucius Battle, and the new Yugoslavian ambassador, Bogdan Crnobrnja. The meeting with Rusk took place at a breakfast this week, lasting an hour and a half. A spokesman for the State Department said "we will study the viewpoint expressed by Yuogslavia and respond at a later date." • • • LONDON (JTA) — A long per- iod of cold war between the Arab states and Israel—with the even- tual possibility of a partial thaw— was foreseen by seasoned Middle East watchers here following the Arab heads of state conference at Khartoum, the Sudan. The confer- ence wound up with an agreement whereby oil-rich Saudi Arabia, Ku- wait and Libya would chip in some $392,000,000 to bail war-bankrupt Jordan and Egypt out of their cri- tical economic situation. The "have" shiekdoms, for their part, were relieved of moral obli- quy for continuing to receive royalties for exported oil from the "western imperialists," since the conference accepted the principle that each Arab state was at liberty to decide how to deal with sugges- tions for oil embargoes and other economic measures. This meant, in effect, that these nations would be free to continue "business as usual" with their good customers. Britain and the United States, whom they had accused of impli- cation in Israeli "aggression." There were many discordant as- pects of the conference—particu- larly when the leftist Syrian re- gime—one of the most militantly anti-Israel Arab nations—boycotted the proceedings, earning the re- sentment of the other Arab states. But the conference did indicate that it was taking steps to end the civil war in Yemen, in which, in effect, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are engaged in military action against the other, since each supports op- posing sides. The Yemen ruler voiced angry protest against this decision, which, it was hoped,– would enable Egypt to liquidate a costly adventure. It was reported in Damascus that an emergency congress held by the Syrian Socialist Baath Party, declared that only "a war of liberation" could ev:ct the Is- raelis from conquered Arab areas. The meeting decided that Syria should boycott the Khartoum meet- ing but should cooperate only with the "progressive Arab regimes." The Baathists consider Algeria and Egypt as "progressive." (It was confirmed this week that, for "attempting to stage a miltary comeback," the deputy supreme commander of the Egyptian armed forces, UAR's former Vice Presi- dent Abdel Hakim Amer, will be courtmartialed, together with 50 other top Egyptian generals.) The largest legislative assembly in the world is the National People's Congress of China (main- land). The third Congress elected in September 1964, has 3,040 mem- bers. 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