Friday, September 1, 1967-31 `Between Hammer and Sickle' Reveals How THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Paul Robeson Has Inspired USSR's Jewry Women in Iirael A re Praised by Uris Continued from Page 1) States the Jews have great cul- tural institutions, s e m i n a r i e s, teachers, schools, academies of literature, poetry, drama and Jew- ish song." As he continued in this vein, with the crowd applauding every sentence, I saw that the in- terpreter was virtually choking over her translation and that Pole- voi was shooting furious looks at the unfortunate woman and at Robeson. When Robeson finished his complimentary remarks about Jewish culture, he concluded: "Fine, now I will sing some songs in Yiddish, a language I love." In his deep and wonderful voice, he opened with some folk-songs — "Suntig bulbes," and others — and the audience, spellbound, enjoyed every minute of it and responded with peals of laughter and applause. Then Robeson raised his hand and said: "I shall now go from folk-songs and cheerful tunes to a special kind of song, sad but wonderful, which I heard from Jewish par- tisans when I visited the ruins of the all Ghetto . . . As you all know, the Jewish heroes of • the ghetto fought a battle which was probably the most desperate and courageous of all peoples' wars for independence and honor. I learned this parti- san song from the survivors who sang it on the barricades and in the bunkers as they fought their people's war. I'll sing it for you: "The Song of the Jewish Parti- sans'!" As the words were trans- lated, I felt an electric cur- rent coursing through the audi- ence. The people froze in their seats, stunned. Jewish fighting songs, Jewish partisans fighting for their people — these were concepts every Jew in the Soviet Union carried deep in his heart; but they were never to be men- tioned aloud, because they did not exist in the eyes of the authorities. And here, one of the greatest singers in the world, a man who was loved by the Soviet people, was talking about it openly and with such pride! In a spellbound hall, Robeson sang in Yiddish: "Never say this is the final path I tread." I shall never forget those moments, nor will the thousands who were pres- ent. It seemed as though Robeson sensed the significance of the un- usual tension in the hall and that he utterly surpassed himself in the power of the feeling he poured into this superb war song. When he finished, there was a long moment of silence. The audi- ence was too deeply moved. Then, all of a sudden, like an approach- ing storm, there arose a thunder- ous wave of applause, and it went on and on, and it would not end, it seemed as if it would never end. All their suffering, pain and humiliation, all their yearnings and longings, were put into their clapping hands; and in the rhythm. ic pounding of thousands of hands, the audience let everyone know what they bore in their hearts and minds. Robeson repeated the last bar of the song again and again until the crowd grew calm. He was the last to appear that evening. But since it was impos- sible to conclude on such a note, Boris Polevoi, pale with fury, got up and, turning to the Negro singer, asked him, demanded of him: "Will you please now sing a Rus- sian folksong, and may I request that you sing one which we love so much, 'Broad and Wide is My Homeland." Robeson obliged and sang the beautiful Russian patri- otic song, which' ends, "For like ours, there is no ,other where man draws his. breath so proud and free." And when Robeson con- eluded the last stanza, Polevoi rose again and repated it with em- phasis. He directed his hand at the people, and, pointing a finger which was almost threatening, said: "For like ours, there is no other where man draws his breath so proud and free." The Jews un- derstood the inference. I don't know whether anyone conveyed to Paul Robeson what he had done that wonderful night, what chords he had touched, what springs he had opened, if only for a few minutes, in the hearts of his Jewish audience. Why did Khrushchev and those who followed him retain the waste- land policy they had inherited from Stalin? What are the motives that caused him and his successors to perpetuate that policy to this day, though without resorting to Stalin's threats of physical terror? Young women in Israel, most of whom serve in. the Israeli army, are total strangers to anything "beet" or "hip, " writes Leon Uris in an article in September Ladies' Home Journal. "Few Israeli youngsters drink or smoke. 'Pot' is unheard of. Ju- venile delinquency is a minor prob- lem," the article reports. With few exceptions, young Israelis must serve for 20 months in the army Of Israel after completion of high , school. Most of them want to go to college after military service. . The training of women and chil- dren took on grim importance in the recent Arab-Israeli conflict when Israeli soldiers discovered the bodies of Egyptians carrying orders to "slaughter every woman and child." Women in Israel are aware of the price of national In order to answer this we must survival and their training is leave aside for the moment the tough, Uris says in The Journal. national aspect, the millions of The Women's Army Corps trains solitary Jews who are registered every young woman to handle fire- as Jews despite the fact that they arms though she is not called upon have no real basis for their na- to fight in the field. In the war tionality — Judaism as a reli- Israeli women carried on "every gion in the Soviet Union. conceivable military work to back (The next installment will re- up the men and allow them to veal the Soviet attitude on cir- concentrate on combat." T h e cumcision, Bnai Mitzva and gen- women served in communications, eral Jewish religious practices.) transportation, secretarial a n d quartermaster units. Col. Stella Levy, the Israeli Women's Army Corps commander, p ays the corps "is a continuation of the women's duty to stand beside her man and build with him." `Stuffed Bear Must Go!' KC Jewish Center Says (Direct JTA Teletype wire to The Jewish News) KANSAS CITY — A stuffed Alaska brown bear that was to have stood permanently within the main entrance of the Jewish Community Center here, will be removed because of sharp pro. tests that killing animals for the sake of sport violates Jewish law and custom. The bear was shot by local attorney George S. Lewis, Sr. during a hunting trip to Alaska. After having it stuffed he offered the animal trophy to the Jewish community center, which ac- cepted it. A ceremony was slated for its presentation to the center. A special meeting of the center's board of Directors, however, was called in response to opposition to the presentation. The board then rescinded acceptance of the bear—for which another location will be sought. Vocational Agencies Told flow to Bring Service to Nearby Communities NEW YORK (JTA) — A list of guidelines for possible extension of the work of Jewish vocational services from large cities to near- by communities where no such ser- vices currently exist was distribut- ed this week to communities throughout the country. The guide- lines were prepared jointly by the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and the Jewish Oc- cupational Council. The proposal listed, in order of priority, the following services that are needed in the vocational field: 1) career counseling for young persons, not only those who are in high school but also some who are in college; 2) special placement problems for the aged, mentally and physically handicapped, emi- gres, marginal workers who need Tripoli Business Hurt by Emigration of Jews LONDON — The business com- munity of Tripoli, Libya, has "not recovered from the sudden loss of several thousand Jews and Italians, many of whom were in control of import-export business, banks and ships," reported Clare llollingworth in an article from Tripoli for the Guardian of London. She reported that only a third of those who left off for Italy are expected to return. The article states: "The frus- trated young Libyans who listened to Cairo Radio on June 5 sought an outlet in totally unjustifiable local violence and lawlessness directed against the Jews. Twenty people were killed in Tripoli — all Jews except one, a Maltese who was mistaken for a Jew — and the ruins and burnt-out shops es- pecially in the old Turkish quarter illustrate the madness of the mob which rioted while members of the government of Hussein Maziq melted quietly away to their own tribal -areas." special handling and some who re- quire rehabilitation counseling; 3) adults between the ages of 25 and 35 who present problems of inade- quate preparation for today's labor market. The joint memorandum noted that there are 23 Jewish voca- tional !.service agencies in the United' States, most of them in cities with a fairly substantial Jew- ish population. Most of these agencies were established during the depression era of the 1930s. In addition, other services in the vocational service area were listed, including the Bnai Brith Voca- tional Service, school guidance and counseling services and public em- ployment services. UN Bodies Urged to Pass Measures Against Race Bias UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) — The next General Assembly, to open here, Sept. 19, was called upon to 'take measures against racial intolerance and to condemn "any ideology, including Nazism, which is based on racial intol- erance and terror." The requests were made by the Commission on Human Rights and one of its principal subsidiaries, the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. The two groups also asked the assembly to call on all states "to take immediate and ef- fective measures against any such manifestations as Nazism and rac- ial intolerance." In a review of recent develop- ments in its field of concern, the commission reported that, as of May 11, 1967, 58 governments had signed, and 12 states had ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Intolerance. Jews visiting the Soviet Union hear this anguished questicin again and again from their Soviet coreligionists. BETWEEN HAMMER AND SICKLE tells why. It tells why Stalin turned savagely against Soviet Jewry after World War II. Why the State of Israel is vital to Soviet diplomacy. Why devout Jews are persecuted and at the same time secular Jews are not allowed to assimilate. The author, an Israeli born in Russia, has traveled extensively there and obtained his story firsthand. He offers a specific and sensible plan to help alleviate one of the tragedies of our time—the slow dying of Soviet Jewry. A best seller in Israel, BETWEEN HAMMER AND SICKLE is available at your bookseller or The Jewish Publication Society of America, 222 N. Fifteenth St., Phila., Pa. 19102. Price, $6.00