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August 25, 1967 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1967-08-25

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LBJ Reaffirms M. E. Peace Program; JWV Assured of En d to Arab Trainin 9

dent Johnson reaffirmed last week-
end his position in support of the
"five-point program" he outlined
June 19 for peace in the Middle
East. The President restated his
position on the basic requisites for
a peaceful settlement during a
meeting with National Commander
Malcolm A. Tarlov of the Jewish
War Veterans of the USA. Tarlov
called at the White House to see
the President in connection with
the 72nd annual national conven-
tion of the JWV.
The five points enunciated June
19 included the "recognized right
of national life, justice for the re-
fugees, innocent maritime passage,
limits on the wasteful and destruc-
tive arms race" in the Middle East.
Samuel Samuels, guidance direc-
tor of secondary schools in Revere,
Mass., was elected national com-
mander to succeed Tarlov.
The U.S. government meanwhile
informed the JWV that there were
"no plans for any new training for
military personnel for any of the
countries which have broken rela-
tions with the United States." This
took place when Tarlov called on
Assistant Secretary of State Lucius
D. Battle to protest published re-
ports that the numbers of Arab
military officers to be trained here
wasj being increased from 326 to
Battle reassured Tarlov in per-
son and by letter that no new

'67 !WICKS


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programs were to be undertaken
with Arab states that severed
relations. He said 20 Arab offi-
cers were still here from Sudan
and Iraq, both of which broke
off relations with the United
States in June. Battle stressed
that they "will depart as soon
as their existing training is
Opposition to such training of
Arab officers was expressed earlier
by Rep. Bob Wilson, California Re-
publican and member of the House
Armed Services Committee.
Addressing the convention Wil-
son said that he would continue to
seek the expulsion of Arab mili-
tary officers still under training
here. "If any nation is entitled to
training assistance and the sale of
military supplies, it is Israel, which
stood singlehanded against the
Communist-equipped and Commun-
ist-trained Arab onslaught," he
(The Los Angeles Herald-Exami-
ner, California's largest daily, also
expressed opposition to the State
Department's policy of continuing
to provide military training to offi-
cers from the Arab states which
had broken their U.S. diplomatic
The Jewish War Veterans
voted to prohibit its 100,000
members and 750 posts from par-
ticipating in any patriotic observ-
ance with members of the John
Birch Society. Tarlov warned the
delegates that the "alarming ac-
ceptance by respectable groups

of the John Birch Society repre-
sents a threat from the right and
must be reversed at once." He
did not identify these groups.
In an address before the con-
vention banquet, Gideon Rafael,
who served as Israeli representa-
tive to the United Nations during
the Middle East war, emphasized
that Israel would agree only to
direct face-to-face peace negotia-
tions with the Arabs. He reiterated
that Jerusalem was not negotiable.
Ambassador Rafael charged that
Russia was directly responsible for
arming the Arabs and causing the
war. He urged measures to re-
strict the flow of Soviet arms into
the region.
The convention delegates en-
dorsed for the third year the
United States policy in Vietnam
but, for the first time, the resolu-
tion noted that the war had re-
sulted in "suffering and death to
the Vietnamese on both sides."
Rep. Robert Taft, Jr., Ohio Re-
publican, reported to the House on
"increased anti-Semitism" in Com-
munist countries, noting a speech
by Tarlov on the rise of anti-Jew-
ish pressures emanating from Mos-
cow. The Congressman termed the
situation "disturbing."
Tarlov told the convention
that "all illusions about SNCC
being any part of the community
of civil rights organizations has
been dispelled by their now bla-
tant anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and
pro-Communist line."
Tarlov said the SNCC attack in-

Union of Israel's Three Labor Parties
Will Be Decided Over the Weekend

I8—Friday, August 25, 1967

dicated an "Arab line now dictated
by their Communist advisors." He
said it now was "apparent that
SNCC no longer deserves either
the financial or moral support of
Americans, whatever their race or
religion." The JWV commander
said the latest SNCC action follow-
ed a series of pronouncements
"that parallel the Communist line."
He cited SNCC efforts to organize
riots and rebellion, activities of
former SNCC leader Stokely Car-
michael in Cuba, and other SNCC
Tarlov termed it "regrettable"
that the civil rights movement
"may suffer from these few but
vociferous extremist agitators." He
said "there is little doubt that this
statement was not only inspired by
but drafted by the Arab propagan-
da arm in this country and ap-
proved by the Soviets."

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(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
Under the Mapai formula, the
to The Jewish News)
executive body of each of three
TEL AVIV — The hot issue of parties is to either elect or ap-
unification of Israel's three labor point its delegates to the planned
parties — Mapai, Ahdut Avoda joint convention, and that parley
and Rafi — into one united labor is to be held well ahead of elec-
party is expected to be decided tions to the Knesset or to Hista-
here this week-end, after sep.. - lte drut. Mapai calls that formula,
meetings scheduled by the general proposed by Finance Minister
council of Ahdut Avoda and the Pinhas Sapir, as its "last line."
secretariat of Rafi.
Ahdut Avoda leaders, however,
All three parties have been ad- insist that the Sapir proposal vio-
vancing a desire for unification. lates the agreement made by
However, it is not certain at this Mapai and Ahdut Avoda for their
point whether Ahdut Avoda will present alignment. Rafi is re-
accept a decision on the method portedly in favor of accepting the
of electing delegates to a joint Sapir formula.
Ahdut Avoda's general council
convention adopted by Mapai.
opened a two-day meeting here
Wednesday night to discuss the
issue. Rail's secretariat is to meet
Thursday night. Former prime
minister David Ben-Gurion , who
formed Rafi in opposition to the
leadership of Prime Minister Levi
Eshkol, is confidently expected
to attend the meeting of the Rafi
leadership. He has been on vaca-
By the time the two meetings
have been held, it is expected
that the long-pending issue of
forming one strong, united, labor
party in Israel will have been de-

Have You Looked at


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Oct. 29—Nov. 8

Liberty Strafing Called
`Tragedy of Errors'

Newsweek's current "Periscope"
writes the inside story of the U.S.S.
Liberty and calls it a "tragedy of
errors," stating:
Defense Secretary McNamara is
satisfied that the strafing of the
U.S. ship Liberty by Israeli pilots
during the Mideast war was unin-
tentional. He recently told a closed
session of a Congressional commit-
tee that "there is no evidence that
the individuals attacking the Lib-
erty knew they were attacking a
U.S. ship." McNamara blamed the
attack on "inadequate communica-
tions and an inexcusable error of
professional tactics." The Israelis
are yet to report on their own in-
vestigation into the attack in which
34 U.S. seamen died.


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