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August 18, 1967 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1967-08-18

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SNCC Condemned for Adopting Nazi-Arab-KKK Line

(Continued from Page 1)
touches it whether it be Nazi Ger-
many or Czarist Russia. It is also
particularly devastating that
SNICK should have adopted a pro-
gram of extremist Arabs and Sov-
iet anti-Semites who are at this
time advancing the same argu-
ments as SNICK did in its news-
letter this week.
"The obvious purpose of the
Soviet Union and its Arab allies is
to divide and weaken the United
States in its search for a just and
honorable peace in the Middle
East. American will not be divided
by the Arabs, Soviets or SNICK."
Maslow, commenting on the
newsletter, said:

"The shocking and vicious anti-
Semitism expressed in the SNICK
newsletter must be condemned as
a kind of poison that can only
cloud the atmosphere in which
white and black, Christian and
Jew, must work together in the
common effort to make the prom-
ise of equality come true for every
"By its racist attitude, as re-
flected in the statements published
in its official newsletter, SNICK
has disqualified itself from any
claim to be taken seriously in the
struggle for human decency.
"There is not room for racists
in the fight against racism.
"As partners in the common
struggle for racial justice — a
struggle that concerns all Ameri-
cans—the Jewish community has a
right to expect that those who
claim to seek equality will neither
give voice to nor tolerate anti-
Semitism, publicly proclaimed or
privately whispered.
"At the same time as Jews we
reiterate the moral and historical
imperatives that have determined
our commitments to the brother-
hood of all men and to the goal of
full equality in a free society for
all Americans."

Schary stated: "The ADL re-
gards this development to be a
tragedy in the race relations situa-
tion in the United States. SNICK
is no longer a responsible civil
rights group. It ties itself to the
Chinese-Soviet and now Arab pro-
paganda machines in the United

"I do not think the majority of group sterotypes and racial
Negroes go along with SNICK hatred themselves."
It was pointed out that, among
which represents a minuscule mi-
nority of the Negro people. Amer- the three young men killed while
icans generally rejected this kind working for SNCC in Mississippi,

of extremism, whether it comes
from a group like SNICK or one
like the Ku Klux Klan. It is an
irony that SNICK should tie itself
to the Arab cause when an Arab
country, Saudi Arabia, still main-
tains slavery."

While further condemnations
were voiced here Wednesday
against the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee for its

attacks against Zionism, Israel
and Jews, leaders of the extrem-
ist, "black power" organization
continued their attacks which
have been widely termed "anti-

Three of the SNCC leaders held
a press conference at their head-
quarters at Atlanta, Ga., repeating

the attacks which SNCC had previ-
ously made in its newsletter. They
said Jews were "imitating their
Nazi oppressors, committing some
of the same atrocities against

Arabs." Ralph Featherstone, SNCC
program director said: "Israel is

and always has been the tool and
foothold for American and British
exploiters in the Middle East and
Africa." Miss Ethel Minor, another
SNCC leader, told the press that
the organization would expand on
its anti-Israeli charges to the ef-
fect that Zionist had "conquered
Arab homes through terror, force
and massacre." The same attitude
was voiced by Stanley Wise, ex-

ecutive secretary of SNCC.
But prominent Negro civil

rights leaders, labor leaders and
human rights advocates on
Wednesday joined Jewish organi-
zations who condemned SNCC.
Whitney Young, Jr., executive
director of the National Urban
League, compared the SNCC
newsletters view on the Israeli-
Arab issue to those of the Amer-
ican Nazi Party, and declared:
"Negro citizens are well aware
of the contributions for equal
rights by Jewish citizens. Ne-
groes have been the victims of
racism for too long to indulge in

20 Israeli Scholars Delivering Papers
at Huge U-M Parle y for Orientalists

.. 7=t1T re wZFIre

given as the reason for consider-

ing that the time was inopportune

ANN ARBOR—A delegation of for an East-West scholarly ex-

20 Israeli scholars from the change.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
and the University of Tel Aviv
are among the 1,200 experts from
20 nations gathered at the Univers-
ity of Michigan for the 27th Inter-
national Congress of Orientalists.
Prof. Uriel Heyd, head of the
department of Near Eastern
Merchants in the riot-affected
Studies of the Hebrew University, areas of Detroit have been invited
and Prof. Schmuel Yavin, head of by the Jewish Community Council

Merchants in Area
of Riot to Air Woes
With JCCouncil

the department of archaeology of
the University of Tel Aviv, lead
the delegations from their respec-
tive institutions of learning.
The Israeli scholars will join
their colleagues in discussing var-
ious aspects of ancient and mod-
ern Asia at the week-long sessions
at which some 500 papers will be
delivered. Prof. W. Norman Brown,
president of the Congress, express-
ed his regret that the Russian,
Czechoslovakia, Bulgarian and East
German scholars who had been in-
vited to attend had decided to
withdraw "at the next-to-last mo-
ment." The war in Vietnam and
tensions in the Middle East were

Poland Refuses Visas
to Israeli Deaf Mutes

TEL AVIV (JTA)—Five Israeli
deaf mutes could not take part in
the International Conference of
the Deaf held in Warsaw because
the Polish government refused to
grant them visas, although they
had been officially invited to at-
tend. The Association of Deaf
Mutes in Israel announced it had
lodged a complaint with UNESCO.

6—Friday, August 18, 1967

three years ago, two — Michael
Schwermer and Andrew Goodman
— were Jews.

A joint statement issued by A.
Philip Randolph, president of the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Port-
ers, and Bayard Rustin, executive
director of the A. Philip Randolph
Institute, said they were "appalled
and distressed by the anti-Semitic
article" in the SNCC newsletter.

The famous Negro singer, Harry
Belafonte, said he was not sur-
prised at the SNCC attitude. Bela-
fonte noted he has frequently sup-
ported pro-Israel causes, perform-
ing at fund-raising events on Is-

rael's behalf.
The SNCC statement was at-
tacked as "vicious anti-Semitism"
by Dr. Martin Peretz, a director of
the National Conference for New
Politics, a "new left" organization.
A spokesman for the Israeli gov-
ernment said that SNCC was tak-
ing the Arab propaganda line. Ir-
win Schulman, southeastern direc-
tor of the ADL said that atrocity
photographs reproduced in the
newsletter which purported to show
massacres in the Gaza Strip in
1956 had been published previous-
ly in Arab propaganda publica-
Bernard Katzen, vice-chairman
of the New York State Commission
for Human Rights, called the
SNCC charges "scurrilous," said
they were designed to step up dis-
cord among ethnic groups in the
United States, and that they were

the result of a "desperate approach and this is now happening in the
for sensationalism by a small, dis- civil rights movement. The danger
is that SNCC's racist ranting and
credited group."

The Jewish Labor Committee,
saying that SNCC has now "irre-
trievably joined the anti-Semitic
American Nazi Party and the Ku
Klux Klan as an apostle of racism
in the United States," declared:
"It has become increasingly
clear in recent months that SNCC
has cut itself off from this coun-
try's constructive and responsible
civil rights movement, and that it
is firmly in the grip of a small
group of black racists under
Castroite influence.
"Unfortunately, as those of us
in the liberal-labor movement
knew from experience, every move-
ment for social change produces
its little extremist splinter groups,

Larry Sternn

its appeals for violence will be

used by racists on the other side
to block urgently needed social
and economic reform in our coun-
try. No responsible person, organi-

zation, Negro or white, wants this
to happen."



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to a meeting Monday to discuss

the new problems created by the
recent destruction and displace-
The meeting, convened by

Lawrence Gubow, chairman of the
council's community relations
committee and Zeldon Cohen, who

heads the neighborhoods subcom-
mittee of the council, follows a
series of meetings that had been
previously called by the council to
discuss neighborhood situations
with the Jewish merchants. Gubow
and Cohen said the purpose of the
session is to review the problems
now being faced, to discuss the
possibilities of cooperative actions
and to consider community re-
sources that may be utilized.
Representatives of the Jewish
Vocational Service, Jewish Family
and Children's Service and the
Hebrew Free Loan Association
will be present for this meeting,
in addition to a representative of

the Small Business Administration.
Merchants interested in attend-
ing, and who were not included in
the mailing, are invited to call
the council office, 962-1880, for


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