Dr. Abba HiIlel Silver's Powerful Role Shown in Volume of Chosen Writings "'Therefore Choose Life"—what a glorious and well selected title for a series of books which will contain the writings of the late Dr. Abba I lillel Silver, his ad- dresses and sermons! The first volume in the series has been issued by World Publishing Co. It will serve as an incom parable guide and even as a text DR. ARRA HILLEL SILVER book for rabbis. There were few orators who matched the forceful- ness o - Rabbi Silver. and there were not many who equalled him as a scholar, as a great Hebraist. as an author. as teacher and man of great learning. Therefore his approa•he• to the art of sermoniz- ing are well worth studying. Primarily. the collected works should serve as an inspiration to laymen. There are new ideas to be found in every one of his utterances. There are inspired factors in his appeals to justice and his pleadings for his people's honor. Young and old will find messages of great value in his reconstructed works. An able man. Rabbi Herbert Weiner. has been chosen to do the editing of these collected essays. and another brilliant rabbi. Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, has writ- ten a memoir ap9ended to the first volume in the series. Dr. Silver's powerful role as a Zionist. a, a Jewish leader. is mirrored in this volume and in his selected writings. Rabbi Weiner. pre'acing "There- fore Choose Life" by introducing it as Rabbi Silver's "intellectual a n d spiritual legacy, - empha- sizes that Rabbi Silver's ministry of nearly 50 years at The Temple. Cleveland, was never allowed to be blurred by his leadership of men and movements, that he al- ways "spoke as a rabbi:" that "he consciously tried to confront the issue at hand not only in terms of his own personal analysis or the context of the moment, but also from the perspective of a moral tradition which had been tested in the crucible of Jewish history." Dr. Freehot's recollections of Dr. Silver are written from the viewpoint of a classmate and a colleague at Hebrew Union Col- lege and the eminent Pittsburgh rabbi states about Dr. Silver: "He was an original. Whatever thoughts he had learned from people or hooks were reworked and remade into new forms and ideas. He was an embodiment of the best of our Jewish literature. He was a man of ideals and powerful conviction. While he lived, he was a tower of strength to us all, and his honored memory will, we pray, remain to unearthen and to bless." Recalling the debates at Reform congregational conferences over the Zionist ideal, Dr. Freehof pays honor to Dr. Silver as the guide of the younger rabbis, as the genius o' the Jewish national movement. He states about him: "He became very quickly the outstanding young , man in the Zionist movement in America, soon one of the coming leaders, and after a while, the leader. He contributed more than any other American Jew to the establishment of the independent State of Israel . . The selections for this volume were wisely made. Sections are subtitled The Vision. The Way The People and The Rabbi. They deal with science and religion. with the home and the nation. with the environment and social influences. Rabbis will find special merit in the section dealing with spir- Julius Horwitz's ‘The W.A.S,P: Exceedingly Frank Negro Novel; Gives Reason for Hatred of Jews In view of occurrences in De- i out their history the Hebrews itual guides of the religious com- fru ith novel "The never gave up a part of them- munities, and the concluding W ' A " S •" P by Julius Horwitz is selves. This has been their extra- sermon in the final section, ordinary triumph. This is why the almost prophetic. "There Is Yet Room for Vision." Jewish people are hated by the The race issue, the c h a r g e s black people of Harlem. The Jew- the text of a commencement ad- dress at Hebrew Union College- against whites by Negroes, the ish people have always lived in Jewish Institute of Religion, is power struggle, the social implica- the world of men. This is another a lasting inspiration to young tions, make this Atheneum-pub- reason why the black people hate men aspiring for the rabbinate. lished story stand out as a chal- them. Today the black man is more isolated than he has ever It is interesting to note that lenging work. Here we read the tragic story been. This is the black man's di- "The People" section concerns it self with matters related to "Where of the impoverished and of their sease. Isolation . . ." Judaism Differs"—a subject that' problems and their struggles. A bit later on, the hero of the later became the title of one of All the factors leading to illegit- novel goes a bit far when he the great books written by Dr. imacy, to sex aberrations, to de- speaks of the Jewish people of fiance of social regulations are the Lower East Side of New York In "The People - collection there part t of the experience of the Ne- having invaded America. that "for are essays and sermons on the gro characte almost 50 years New York has e rs P ie n r this volume . ers Baal Shem. "The Jew to Jesus." been a Jewish city." He says the There is a murder story as personalities like Max Nordau and black man has been unable to Sholem Aleichem, and a prophetic part of the plot, and a white understand "the Jewish victory," sermon delivered in 1926 on the I lawyer with a sense of social or to "imitate it," and again he responsibility is among the subject "Nationalism—the Struggle says "this is why the Negro in- for Survival," in which Dr. Silver , major characters. tellectuals hate the Jews." dealt in part with Zionism and Dialogues, a series of confes- Thus we have an interesting miracles and commented that sionals, boastings about colored comment on the possible Negro- "Israel's life has been so full of sex superiority are elements em- Jewish differences. miracles, its existence and sur- phasized in this novel. Horwitz's is a very interesting, vival has been such a marvelous There are several references to exceptionally well-written narra- miracle that I am ready to take a one of his tive. It is surely one of the most Jews and as part of chance upon this miracle." Numerous of the republished letters evaluating his role, the vital social commentaries and in- essays are prefaced by corn- hero of the novel, the Negro Har- terpretations of the Negroes' role - mentative statements which point Yard graduate, Thomas Emerson. in a world of poverty, and it is especially brutal in its realistic to Dr. Silver's attitudes on wrote: "How do I know God exists? and frank approach to the sex many subjects, his way of life, issues. his idealism. For instance, the How could he not exist? Through- sermon delievered in 1936 on the subject "The Seven Pillars of the Home" is preceded by a deeply moving reference to Rabbi Silver's deep interest in his home and his family. Under the title "If I Am Only for Myself, What Am I?" this one-page statement is a gem. It is in itself a great mark of honor in Dr. Silver's memory. In its totality. "Therefore Choose Life" is one of the great collections of sermons and of addresses by one of the most eminent and most in- spired leaders of our time. Those who read this volume, those pos- sessing it, will look forward anxiously to the appearance of the follow-up books in the series. His great Zionist appeals should Festival stamps depicting stylized scrolls of the law will be form the substance of forthcoming issued by the Israel Ministry of Posts in September. In five denomina- volumes. The complete collected tions, the stamps are multicolored, gold and silver. They can be works are certain to be amon4 ordered from the ministry's philatelic service in Jerusalem at a the most treasured literary works minimum order of $1. in all libraries. on all bookshelves. Israeli Stamps Show Scrolls of Law Soviet Jews Franticallv Beg Not to Be Deserted, Newly-Published JPS Volume Reveals Plight • other tourist describes how he was asked culture, literature, art—how much more so basis of any description or analysis of (Continued from Page 1) the same question by a Jew at the exhi- , then your is it true in the case of the Jewish prob- the situation, 4- . i st h e case bition held at Gorki Park, and still ' criterion is inherently wrong. Where• indeed tem. where Soviet authorities do not even another in the lobby of the Bolshoi One summer evening I was sauntering : are the rest of the Jews, those who do not acknowledge that a problem exists, or else Theater. And this makes me think that go to the synagogues? On your own admis- claim that the problem has been completely along the walk of a Black Sea Resort in the restless Jew at the Black Sea resort sion. those who attend the synagogues are resolved and that they have little or nothing the company of an Israeli family. The ' and others like him are, in a sense, only a small minority of the Jews there. ' to publish on the subject. Hence, to gauge resort was crowded with thousands of wandering Jews who, while rushing from the precise value of cumulative personal holiday seel7ers from every corner of the one town to another, between train and I had no ready answer to these goes• impressions gathered through direct con- country. It was not difficult to identify us plane, between festival and theater, man- tions. Such answers are not easy to come tact with Soviet reality, is a far more diffi- as foreigners, and our clothes, bathing suits, age to spot Jews "from there" and ask by even for a person like myself who has cult matter in the Jewish sphere than it is and the beach balls of the children—all them the same question: "Why have you of foreign manufacture—made us the cen- made several trips to the Soviet Union forgotten us?" and has lived there, all told, quite a lengthy in any other, ter of natural and lively interest on the Nly survey is of a collective and cumu- part of the people on the beach. The Jews period of time. Needless to say, they are This Jew is one of the mosaic stones in much snore difficult for one who has been lative nature. I was not the only one to on that beach recognized us immediately as my cumulative model or image. But there travel the length and breadth of the Soviet Israelis, what with the noisy sabra Hebrew is another kind of Soviet Jew. When he there only briefly. I must admit that it is, and will re- Union, from Birobidjhan to Brest, from of the children and the El Al flight bag my recognizes an Israeli he presses his nose main, impossible to make a systematic Leningrad to Sochi. Nor was I the only wife was holding. closerto the book he is reading, or veils and scientific social survey of the state one to meet old and young Jews, men and We sensed hundreds of eyes following his face more closely with the paper he is of the Jews in the Soviet Union, just as women, scientists and ordinary folk, where- us as we walked along, and these included scanning; and when, at some international it is impossible to conduct such a survey ever they happened to live in the fifteen • many Jewish eyes (bear in mind: in the congress, he sees "Israel" on the identity on the various other social problems of Soviet republics. Before me, during my Soviet Union there quickly develops inside tag pinned to a delegate's coat, he turns that country. The scientific area of study . stay, and afterwards, Jews from the `"ou t - one a special sixth sense that helps him to now known in the West as Sovietology side" had met many of the Jews "inside." tell. by looking in a person's eyes, whether 1 is also one of the components of rests on the analyisis of data published In past years thousands of Jews from the . or not he is a Jew). Then a Jew got up awHaey. the mosaic. And so are the young Jewish West visited synagogues and relatives. from a bench, came to us hurriedly, and, students who clasp hands with an Israeli on specific topics in the Soviet Union, rt and is supplemented by impressions beaches and resorts, festivals and con- as though meaning to ask casually, "Ex- tourist in the dark ; amidst a crowd of I gained during tours, visits, and conversa- grosses. This is true of tourists from Amer- cuse me, what time is it?" asked "Why have thousands, in the open space before the tions, as well as by various guesses, ica, businessmen from England, visitors you forgotten us?" Still walking, and as synagogue on Simhat Tora, and who awk- opinions, analogies, and conclusions. ' and delegates from Israel, scientists from casually as if we meant to say, "It is ten wardly dance the hora with him and his These observations are not intended as many countries, sports groups, musicians. after five." we answered just what he children, and joins him as he sings. a derogation of Sovietology in any way. or just "folk" who came from Western expected to hear: "We have not forgotten Thus, after lengthy visits to the Soviet Rather, they are meant to give some idea lands to meet a brother or cousin whom vou." That was the end of it. ,The Jew (1 Union, after traveling thousands of miles of the difficulties and obstacles encount- they had not seen for decades. All of these N . v en t back to his bench and we contini , by train, boat and plane from one end brought back with them a rich store of sauntering along ; the walk, ered in dealing with Soviet Russia. ; of the country to the other, after hundreds If this is the case with regard to sub- impressions, conversations, and experiences. of conversations and meetings with Jews, When I relate this little incident to jests about which the Soviet Union pub- They spoke at length or briefly with count- someone else who has also visited the ' one manages to collect in his bag a varied lishes a great deal of information—such as less Jews throughout the Soviet Union. assortment of mosaic stones from which he economic matters, the situation in agri- ; This extensive sampling must form the Soviet Union, he smiles and says: "This tries to reconstruct the collective face of : happened to me at the Kiev railway sta- the Jew in the Soviet Union. I lion," or "at the Tashkent airport." An- go i n g on^ If th a t 40 Friday, August 18, 1967 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS