14—Friday, August 13, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS1 —"— Rabbi's Study Concludes That Rate Intermarriage Lower Than Pre-1840 Flint Community News 7 of 1 • The Washington. D.C. study and NEW YORK (JTA)—The results of a comparative study on inter- the college campus survey dem- marriage released by the Central onstrate that "assimilation will oc- Conference of American Rabbis cur in a large metropolis with a Willowood Country Club was the is. son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin The family of the late F. E reveal that the rate of intermar- mobile population and the absence locale for the Yankee Open Tour- Lewis, weight 4 lifting. nament. thanks to Joe Megdell, for- Fivenson announces the unveiling nape and consequently assimila- of home and family influence." Joey Harris. son of Dr. and Mrs. of a monument in his memory 1 mer president of Yankee Stores, tion of the Jew into the predomin- Our greatest challenge con- Bernard Harris, won the Flint p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27, at Mach- antly Gentile environment of fronts us today on the college who was responsible for bringing Soapbox Derby, and is represent- pelah Cemetery, Flint. .American society is lower at pres- campus, - he stressed. "In the pre- this ladies' tournament to the city ing Flint in Akron, accompanied ent than during the early years of 1840 period. religion played a of Flint. Megdell placed second in the by his entire family. Jew ish settlement from 1654 to greater role in influencing the In previous years, both his Wondering about 1840. lives of individuals than today. In Pro-Am Tournament preceding brother, Rick, and his cousin, t $25,000 Yankee. He had come The study was conducted by these times we are living in an the investments as a Steve Katz, have won the Flint agnosticism, material- in with the first team in the Buick Rabbi Malcolm Stern of the age where Soapbox Derby. possible next step CCAR, who noted that only on ism and apathy have replaced the Open Pro-Am Tournament - Willowood Country Club's first the college campus does an inter- church and the synagogue for in your family's experience in handling a national marriage ratio of 15 percent be- many." financial planning? tournament had the assistance of tween Jews and non-Jewish stu- Rabbi Stern concluded that "the dents match the historic figures. more organized the Jewish com- club committee chairmen Syd *Bo to begix...then $ 2 5 a mond& Osher, Dr. Maury Taylor, Harvey y . unnecessaril "We should not be will start you on a systematic in- munity becomes, the greater the alarmed at claims of a sharp rise tendency for Jews to remain Jews Shaprow, Dr. Arnold Hartz, Gil- 1 vestment program in the United • h spouses bert Gottlieb, Ed Elk, Irving Nack, Funds group of mutual funds. in the rate of inter-marriage be- • Irving L. Geisser, executive di- For free Booklet-Prospectus tween Jews and non-Jews," Rabbi' to identify with the Jewish corn- Aaron Weston, Leonard Bragman, giving detailed information,writo Dr. Ray Engelman, Bud Schwartz, rector of the Flint Jewish Com- ■ Stern said. munity. The continued vitality of or call... munity Council, will be chairman Megdell, Mrs. Osher, Mrs. Iz Sug- He claimed that records show synagogue life will prove an ef- of the Small Cities Executive Con- that by 1840 there were 15,000 fective brake to the assimilation arman and Mrs. Hartz. ference to be held next week in • • • Jewish settlers in this country trend and continues to keep Juda- Mark Engelman, son of Dr. and Greenfield Park, N. Y. mostly on the Eastern Seaboard. ism and the Jew a vital force on The conference is sponsored From 1654 to 1840 there were 942 the American scene." Mrs. Raymond Engelman, was the jointly by the Council of Jewish Jewish marriages, and of these Rabbi Max Eichhorn of the Na- only Michigan boy to qualify in Federations and Welfare Funds 150 or approximately 15 per cent the U.S.A. Junior Amateur Cham- were between Jews and Christians.. tional Jewish Welfare Board, an pionship Golf Tournament at Twin and the National Jewish Welfare 1 Orthodox authority on conversions, has Hills Golf and Country Club in Board. ince at that time Sessions this year will empha- Judaism existed, these mixed mar- found the conversion of non-Jews Ooklahoma City. 11211miaditrlialoncflk riages were performed either by to Judaism to be on the increase Wind Fmds wait Mark tied the course record with size community organization proc- bah if ess and will analyze the impact of Christian clergymen or in civil over the years, mostly d u e to a 34 on the front nine. He also reasons. . although in recent ceived a citation, being one of six the recent Middle-East Crisis on marital reasons ceremonies. convert growing number b cone exist on years a grow boys in the country to have played campaigning and leadership for A variety of statistics s n ll t to Judaism f for intellectual i reasons. i REPRESENTED LOCALLY BY three times in the junior tourna- 1968. current rates of intermarriage A , study by the These conversions are voluntary, March 1957 sample MARVIN S. GREEN Jewish community does ment. since the * The greatest recorded age for a Federal Bureau of the Census pro- 353-6300 not openly engage in any program Several Flint youth participated horse is 61 years, credited to "Old duced an intermarriage statistic of s _ of proselytizing. h er di e two ot w hil Billy," an English barge horse in the annual Flint-Hamilton Ca- Per tent. 7 Classified Ads Get Quick Results nusa Games Aug. 11-13 in Hamil- who died on Nov. 27, 1882. puled studies of the Jewish com- ton, Ont. Participants in the Olym- munity in Washington. D.C. and Canada Sees Number pic-type competition, have been 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIMMIE 91111IIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111 11 produced intermarriage fig- Iowa of Jewish Tots Go winners in various events in a ures of 13 per cent and 42 per cent. F- - Down, Teens Increase week-long competition in Flint. Rabbi Stern stated that ac- g.." Paul Seigel, son of Mr. and Mrs. MONTREAL (JTA) — Significant curate information on the rate changes have been reported in the Saul Seigel, won three swimming of intermarriage was lacking. WITH -a-- .Jewish youth and child populations events in the Flint Olympics. _ He said that a CCAR commit- E in Canada in a study by the Cana- Other winners representing Flint tee was engaged in an extensive = scientific study which they ex- dian .Jewish Congress. The study, in various events are Arthur. made by Louis Rosenberg, was Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- = F-- -- - pect to conclude in a year or m published as one of a series of re- tin Cohen, badminton; Jeffrey E- "The farther away Jews are search papers on Canadian Jewish Aaronson, son of Mr. and Mrs. = from centers of organized Jewish population data. 1Myron Aaronson, Olympian band; 1 . r g Fore & Hotel Fore-1st Class The statistics in the study are Lisa Braun, daughter of Mr. and = life. the greater the tendency to- ward intermarriage and ultimate based on the official census statis- Mrs. Percy Braun, and Janice Hotels-7 Full Drays assimilation." Rabbi Stern em- tics of the number of Jewish chil- Palmer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Tours = phasized. He said that the Iowa dren in 1961 plus information pro- Sherwin Palmer, senior girls' golf; 2 Meals per Dray - k.- - Scott Feiler, son of Mr. and Mrs. survey proves this point as does vided by the census branch of Julian Feiler, and Libby Shapiro, = Dominion Bureau of Statistics. the statistic on the college campus. Call 353-6750 or KE 5-3386 FOR RESERVATIONS: 1 The study estimated that in Idaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shapiro, volleyball; and Jeff Lew- TOIMMIMM0991901111911111111111000111UMMIU10000191101MIMMIIMIIMMOMMIIMUM 0MMIMUMink : 1966, the number of Jewish chil- dren of elementary school age in Only women's reducing Canada declined over 1961, by resort in the midwest 12.7 per cent to 34,780 and the SUPERVISED TEEN PROGRAM number of Jewish teenagers in- 821 Lake Shore Dr. creased by 31.6 per cent to 35,- Michigan City, Indiana Sportsmen Score in Flint Unveiling Geisser Heads Small Cities Executive Parley Waddell &Reed TOUR ISRAEL YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH Oct. 29-Nov. 8 .$449 $549 SHERIDAN SPA TR 2-8595 REILLY'S HURON HAVEN On Lake Huron 2 & 3 BEDROOMS Rents $90 to $140 per Wk. Sete, Privote Beoch- 1450 Feet Not Stony Better Phone: Write — or TAWAS CITY—BOX 303 Zone 48763 PHONE: 1-517-362-2626 AI Mid-America's fabulous resort ... a playtime paradise whereyou'll enjoy: • • • • • Now low Ratee NNINT VACATION BIATAS COME Terrific food Beautiful heated pool and patio All sports Gala floor shows Suana Bath!. Planned Children's Activities Tputr• ✓ SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN U1•5Ill VIU LAI Oa 111I) 490. Percentage of children of ele- mentary school age among the Jewish population increased from 12 per cent in 1951 to 16 per cent in 1961 and dropped to 12 per cent in 1966. The study reported t hat Jewish teen-agers formed only 8 per cent of the total Jewish popula- tion in 1951 and rose to 11 per cent in 1961 and 13 per cent in 1966. There were 15,776 Jewish chil- dren of elementary school age in metropolitan Montreal in 1961 and 11,210 Jewish teen-agers. There were 14,042 Jewish children of ele- mentary school age in metropolitan 1 Toronto in 1961. most of them in the city's suburbs. The percentage of the total Jew- ' ish population living in the smaller towns, villages and rural areas in 1961 was slightly more than 5 per cent, with comparable percentages for Jewish children of elementary school age and Jewish teen-agers. 3 Hungarians Executed LONDON (JTA) — Three war criminals convicted some time ago of murdering Hungarian Jews during the Nazi occupation were executed in Budapest last week, according to dispatches received here from the Hungarian capital. The men, identified as W. Kresel, L. Nemet and A. Sandor were con- victed in a district court at Buda- pest and sentenced to death, but the executions had been delayed while they appealed unsuccessfully for clemency to the state council ahiva WeLrew Zay School ANNOUNCES REGISTRATION FOR KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE for school year beginning September, 1967 At Our Beautiful New School Building 24061 COOLIDGE HIGHWAY, OAK PARK * Kindergarten through 8th Grade * Intensive Hebrew program * Accredited by Mich. Depart. of Instruction * Advanced General Studies program * Individualized instruction * Staff of 22 qualified teachers * Bus transportation provided * Scholarships available "Your child is offered a superior Hebrew and General Studies edu- cation during the course of the normal school day. Small-sized classes add to the caliber of education that your child receives."