Loans to Finance Arms Deals With Arabs Condemned; Sales for Profit' Assailed THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel Issues Victory Coin A sterling silver "Victory Coin" with a nominal value of 10 pounds (S3.33) is being minted by the Bank of Israel and will be dis- tributed in North America in September. One side of the coin shows the Wailing Wall of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and the date on which it was restored to Jewish worship. The other side will bear the emblem of Israel's Defence Forces and the nominal value. Only 50,000 coins will be minted in proof condition. They are dis- tinguishable by their highly polished surface and the tiny Hebrew letter 'mem' which appears on all Israeli proof coins. Advance mail orders will be processed by the Israel Discount Bank and the Bank Leumi le-Israel in New York. Since an extremely heavy demand is anticipated, orders will be limited to one proof coin per customer. The official government issue price is 510 plus 50 cents for postage and handling. the Israelis, "with one-fith of their own airforce destroyed, take the darkest view" of Arab intentions. -The columnist said that President Johnson had not yet endorsed the idea "but a consensus of his sub- ordinates is reluctantly espousing the shipment of weapons to Israel and Jordon as the only discernible means to avert a new war if the' Russians keep up the pace of their resupplies to the United Arab Re- public." He added that" the Presi- dent's advisors have on intention of urging that he abandon the West's stake in the Arab nations but they see no way to avoid the necessity of insuring that Israel is strong enough to rebuff any second-round attack by the Arabs." In July 1964, Frederick Smith found in his possession a book overdue since 1827 from the li- brary at Bishop's Stortford, Eng- land. The accumulated fines were estimated to be 550 pounds (S1.540.) PL FIc()Pri... 15ETIEF-Alet,YRTIT's siETIT DEAL WITH. A REPUTABLE BROKER MEMBER DETROIT REAL ESTATE BOARD 1967-7 Libya Expels Its Jews; 1,500 Leave Tunisia ` WASHINGTON WASHINGTON (JTA) —Chair- well for the Isra ells on June 5 It n‘ tat on to another world war ... man Stuart Symington of the Near is hard to believe that the Rus- Denouncing Israel at this time will Eastern Subcommittee of the Sen- sians have this in mind but the surely weaken that nation's posi- ate Foreign Relations Committee Israelis, with one-fifth of their lion." accused the Administration of own air force destroyed, take the Noting Moscow's support of the using " a trick of backdoor finan- darkest view of their intentions." Arabs Burke said: "It is treason- to ship arms to Arabs and In a survey of the current at- ous to world democracy that we others without the knowledge and titude here toward the Mideast should not back Israel." consent of Congress. The Missouri arms race, Bartlett wrote that The Senate Foreign Relations • Democrat, former Secretary of the "President Johnson has not yet Committee 'amended the Foreign Air Force, criticized the "Country endorsed the idea but a con- Aid Bill to require the adminis- X" loans made by the U. S. Ex- sensus of his subordinates is re- tration to provide more complete port-Import Bank to finance information on proposed arms arms luctantly espousing the ship- purchased largely by the Arab ment of weapons to Israel and transactions. The committee ac- states. He said he doubted that a Jordan as the only discernible tion followed disclosure that single senator knew of the arms means to avert a new war if the Arab arms acquisitions had been financing program initiated in financed by secret "Country N" Russians keep up the pace of 1964 and he announced that he their resupplies to the UAR." loans by the U.S. Export-Import would vote in the Foreign Rela- ' Bank e report said "the Presi- b Committee to abolish the re- The committee deferred action dent's advisers have no intention vowing fund from which "Country dent's of urging that he abandon the on proposals of the limitation of X" loans are made. e rs S ec- West s stake in the Arab nations. arms sales until after it hears State Department spokesman But, they see no way to avoid the retary of Defense McNamara. Sen. Robert McCloskey said consulta- necessity of insuring that Israel J. , William Fulbright Arkansas tions were continuing on the' is strong enough to rebuff any see- Democrat and chairman of the corn- question of American arms ship- and-round attack by the Arabs." , the , noted that in some cases meats to other nations. He de- U,States gave economic He said "it is depressing that the U dined to comment on congres- I aid to certain countries es and thus, • sional criticism of secret finan- a nation as powerful as the United he said, enabled them to buy arms States cannot make a more solid ing of arms for Arab states. from France. France had been the contribution to the fragile peace. main source of aircraft for Israel At Columbus, Ga., U. S. Army , The risk of reviving the arms race authorities said Monday that I is emotionally repulsive but realis- prior to the June war. seven Arab officers from nations tically it seems to be the only lev- The State Department and the , that severed relations with Ameri- erage that Washington can exert Embassy of Israel both issued de- vials of a widely-publicized and can and declared war against on the situation as it now stands." news report asserting that Israel were taking military train- Rep, J. Herbert Burke, Flori- detailed Israel was offering this country ing courses at Fort Benning, the da Republican, said Tuesday that army's infantry and paratroop cen- criticism by President Johnson captured Soviet-built arms and ter. Two Iraqi and five Sudanese of Israel's annexation of Jeru- equipment in exchange for special categories of American-made officers will be permitted to com- salem amounted to an appease- weapons. The report, which eman- plete their studies "as a matter of ment of Communisim and "So- ated from Bonn, said the Israeli practicality:" viet-backed Arab states. offer included several secret United States arms supply to Referring to Soviet demands for weapons which had not even been the Arabs continued to be an Israeli withdrawal, Rep. Burke released by Moscow to its Com- issue here Tuesday as Rep, told the House that "backing down munist allies. Thomas M. Pelly, Washington to the Communist demands at this Rep. Seymour Halpern, N.Y. Republican, accused Secretary time could cause another perma- Republican, told the House that of Defense McNamara of justi- nently divided city such as Ber- the administration was quietly fying arms sales for profit, lin." seeking methods of financing new Rep. Pelly said "McNamara has Rep, Burke announced "I fully arms shipments to Jordan. He taken the position that the admin- back Israel's claim to all her ter- said be would oppose the fiscal istration arms sales were good for ritorial gains and President John- authorization unless Jordan first American business, This may ex- son should keep his nose out of made peace with Israel. plain the role of the government the issue at this late date." The New Yorker referred to the in making arms available to both He said that Israeli single-hand- Soviet rearmament of the the Arabs and the Jews." ed action saved the area from a heavy Arab states and said that "the Charles Bartlett, syndicated col- Communist victory and rescued least we can do is to assure Israel umnist, wrote in the Washington the United States from another of all the necessary jets and other) Evening Star that the Soviet re- Vietnam. equipment to replace the equip- I supply to the Arabs was such that Burke said that "it we don't ment depleted during the conflict ; "they will be able before long to honor our commitments and back and balance the flow of MIG-23s contemplate an imitation of the Israel in the face of the Soviet- pre-emptive strike that worked so backed Arab states, it is a direct and other super-sophisticated weapons from Russia to the Arabs." The Soviet resupply of arms and equipment to the Arabs has reached such a level that the Arabs "will be able before long to contemplate an imitation of the pre-emtive strike that worked so well for the Israelis on June 5," a Washington Star columnist re- ported. Charles Bartlett said that Friday, July 28, DUSSELDORF — The expulsion to the Jewish community and ask- restore order, but of Jews from Libya has started, ed measures according to Allegemeine Wochen- more than 1.500 Jews have left zeitung, newspapaer published in Tunisia. Dusseld6rf. Despite efforts of the Moroccon Jews are receiving exit docu- government to protects that ments and an order to leave the country's Jews. -hundreds have re- country. being told to take only portedly i,:ft Morocco. clothes and a small amount of Of the original 750.000 Jew•; money. It is expected that, in time. all 5,000 Jews in Tripoli will re- living in Arab countries, the Times reported, there are now about ceive the order. Jewish synagogues and shops 100,000 still living in Arab coun- were set on fire when the war be- tries. Some 500.000 have moved to gan June 5. Some Jews were at- Israel. tacked on the streets and killed. About a thousand inmates of the ghetto in Tripoli were reportedly For Some interned in a camp. of the The London Times reported mob best buys violence in Tunisia, resulting in damage and loss of life. President on new Bourguiba expressed -his regrets Oid 1111'x, Pontiacs Tempests and Firebirds III ASK FOR rr 104.0 SAUL BER CH AT man's conscience and not his mattress has most to "A Packer Pontiac 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 do with his sleep." UN 3-9300 NOW AVAILABLE AT SPITZER'S! "STRIKE ZION" By Wm. Stevenson 8. Leon 95 Uris $1 00 "BLINTZKRIEG" Comic Pictorial of 6 Day War First on Best Seller List "THE CHOSEN" By Chaim Paoli Reg. $4.95 SPITZER'S 542-7520-1 IN THE DEXTER DAVISON SHOPPING AREA Open All Day Sunday HARRY THOMAS FINE CLOTHES FOR OVER 30 YEARS SUMMER SALE FINAL CLEAN-UP WE COMPLETELY DISREGARD COST AND OFFER FAMOUS MAKERS SUM- MER AS WELL AS YEAR ROUND SU:TS AT REDUCTIONS THAT DE- MAND INSTANT ACTION. ORIGINAL FEATURED PRICES 141.30 TO $145.00 NOW 49 50 to 7950 THOUSANDS OF GARMENTS—ALL MODELS ALL SIZES—ALL HAND TAILORED 'CUM AND GET 'EM HARRY THOMAS FINE CLOTHES FOR OVER 30 YEARS W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Blocks East of Greenfield, Corner Sussex OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 6; MON. & THURS. 9:30 TO 9 OPEN SUNDAY 11 to 4 WE HONOR MICHIGAN BANKARD (0' CENTER S, SECURITY REALTY 19495 LIVERNOIS TELEPHONE $39 5 6, HEB6,7CEB:TOE11 24900 COOLIDGE Cor. 10 MILE 15200 6 CO. 863-7400