Israel's Role: Good Treatment for POWs By CARL ALPERT HAIFA — More than ten years ago, after the Suez-Sinai campaign of those days, Israel also held some 6,000 Egyptian prisoners of war. Before their repatriation to Egypt we provided many hundreds of the officers and large numbers of the enlisted men among them with the opportunity to see Israel as it really is. I was one of the first observers in Israel to report in the press at the time on this magnificent proj- ect. The prisoners were in effect released from camp for a day in the custody of civilian hosts. We could take our guests wherever we wished, or wherever they wished. The purpose was to let them see with their own eyes the nature of Israel and its people. * * * Many of us who served as hosts took our guests home for lunch, and to meet the family. Our lan- guage was English, and most of the Egyptian officers spoke' it surprisingly well. The prisoners were dressed in khaki clothing, without insignia. They were permitted to walk the streets with their hosts, to buy newspapers or souvenirs. Many got haircuts, at their hosts' expense. Upon request they were .taken to Arab villages, where they could speak freely to Israeli Arabs - and learn for themselves what life was like here. The project was a radical inno- vation in the treatment of prison- Israel Appeals for Immigrants "AT 71 *7 to Duna N at i on JERUSALEM (JTA) — A mani- festo calling upon "every family in the Jewish people" to partici- pate in the upbuilding of Israel and ensuring the future of the Jewish State was made public jointly by the Israel government and the executive of the World Zionist Organization. Noting that the events of recent weeks had provided "a decisive turning point in the history of the Jewish people and of Israel" the manifesto declared "A holy duty to upbuild the country speedily and to ensure the future of the Jewish State now faces the Jewish people. The inescapable call of this hour is for aliya of the whole people, young and old; a return to Zion of the whole house of Is- rael." The statement urged that "every family in the Jewish people" par- ticipate "in this aliya movement for the upbuilding of the land of Israel." Referring to the historic events of last month, the manifesto de- clared: "The .Israel Army, a people's army, daringly over- came and vanquished vast hos- tile forces who had gathered to exterminate Israel. The enemy siege was broken, the heritage of our ancestors liberated and Jerusalem deemed to become once more a city that is one. The fears and hopes of the entire Jewish people were identified with the fate of embattled Is- rael fighting for its existence." Every Jew, the manifesto con- tinued, "felt that not only the fate of Israel but the future of the whole Jewish people was in the balance for a second time in a generation that has witnessed both the agony of the Holocaust and the wonder of resurgence. Among the deeply stirred Jewish com- munities throughout the world, there was a fresh awakening of Jewish consciousness manifesting itself in a will to volunteer and participate in the struggle for Is- rael." "In the present hour of deliver- ance, though the time of danger is not passed, new vistas have been opened and immense challenges present themselves." ers of war. One foreign observer here at the time commented that the Geneva Convention had been given new meaning. * * * The purpose was not to indoc- trinate the men. One day of kind treatment could not be enough to undo the years of propaganda to which they had been subjected at home. We did not lecture them or argue with them. The important thing was to let them see with their own eyes. They could not understand why, even after they had been identified in public, Israeli children did not spit on them or throw stones at them. The relative comfort of the Israeli Arabs was at complete vari- ance with all that they had been told. One of my "guests" stared in disbelief at the serene streets of residential and industrial Haifa. He had heard over Radio Cairo that the city had been bombed to bits by the Egyptian destroyer that had steamed into our waters. Whereupon we pointed out to him the former Egyptian ship, moored at the docks, and now flying the Israel flag. Emphasis was on informality. There was nothing bureaucratic or even military about the sightsee- ing. We were not armed. The THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 21, 1967-3 $632,784 to support Jewish educa- $632,784 for Education PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — The tion in Philadelphia. The budget "guests" were on their honor, and tops that for 1966-67 by $49,000, it should be added that there was Federation of Jewish Agencies according to Frank L. Newburger, has announced a record budget never a single incident of any kind. for the 1967-68 school year of Jr., federation president. The only difficulty was that each one wished to go back for more trips, but their numbers made that WE WILL CLOSE FOR VACATION impossible. And soon thereafter all JULY 24th thru AUGUST 7th 6,000 were returned to Egypt. WE WILL OPEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 8th * * * GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Was the effort worth while? Per- Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler haps no one will really ever know. UN 1-8184 18963 LIVERNOIS Upon repatriation all of them were locked up in camps and subjected to an intensive Egyptian re-indoc- Strictly trination program. Yet no matter Kosher how thorough the re-education, the Meats and fact is that these men had seen with Poultry their own eyes and heard with their own ears. They would never READS' FOR THE BAR-B-Q-GRILL! again be able to accept unques- • CUBE STEAKS • SALISBURY STEAKS tioningly the Nasser propaganda line about Israel and the Israelis. • Bar-B-Q Beef Ribs • Bar-B-Q Lamb Ribs They would not necessarily be- • TENDERLOIN CARTWHEELS come good will agents for Israel - but deep in their hearts they • HAMBURGER PATTIES in three sizes would know the truth. • THIN Furthermore, in the event of another war, they would not be • REGULAR afraid to become captives again. Would this perhaps explain why • JUMBO so many prisoners have again this time fallen into our hands? That POW project was carried Member Detroit Kosher out after the 1956 Suex campaign. WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Meat Dealers Association Again, in 1967, we hold in stock- ades a similar number of prisoners. WII ■0 ■000•■■■■■•■■ •"4 •00.44 ■06 KAPLAN BROS. 18229 WYOMING ". 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