Arabs Cry 'Nazi' to Israel, Convict Only Themselves were made in late February be- BY SID GOLDBERG NEW YORK (NANA) — The . cause attendance at the forth- Arab nations and their Soviet coming San Francisco Conference, allies have trundled out a parade setting up the United Nations, re- of charges that Israel is following . quired a declaration of war on Germany no later than March 1, in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler. On June 20 President Nureddin 1945. el-Atassi of Syria told the United Of the Arab states the only one Nations General Assembly that that played any military role in "the Arab people is indeed being the war was Transjordan, which subjected today to an operation of declared war on Germany as extermination surpassing in di- early as 1939. Transjordan was mensions what the Nazis did." totally dependent on British grants The day before, Premier Alexei for its existence, and its army, the N. Kosygin of the Soviet Union Arab Legion, was in effect a part told the same group that Israel's of the British Army, under Brit- behavior "b rings to mind the ish officers. heinous crimes perpetrated by the Iraq declared war on Germany Fascists during World War Two." in 1943 after it was clear the Nazis Radio Cairo has been compar- were losing. Before that, pro- ing Israeli administrators in Gaza Nazi sentiment was powerful in to "Nazi gauleiters." Other Arab Baghdad, and a Nazi puppet gov- and Soviet propaganda mills have ernment was installed there in referred to the "Hitlerite death 1941 under Rashid Ali, who went merchants" of Israel, "Moshe so far as to declare war on Britain. Dayan's stormtroopers" and Rashid Ali received congratula- "Zionist plans for genocide." tions from Arab leaders in Egypt The irony, of course, is that the ( King Farouk himself sent a con- Jews were the chief victims of the gratulatory telegram), Lebanon, Nazis' most heinous crimes, six and Syria. The latter permitted million of them massacred in gas German bombers and transports chambers. Thousands of Israelis to land on its fields while the arc the sole survivors of families Nazi regime lasted in Baghdad. that vanished in the Nazi furnaces. The whole temper of the Arab But doubly ironic is the fact world before and during World that the Soviet and Arab accusers War Two was neutralist at best, of Israel stand guilty of their own pro-Nazi at worst. When Italian charges. troops in August 1940 invaded Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Egyptian territory, Egypt did not Eban has pointed out that it was consider this a cause for war. The Soviet Russia that signed a non-' fighting was left to the British. aggression pact with Naii Germany Even General Ervin Rommel's in 1939. a pact. incidentally, which invasion of Egypt, in May 1941, was ultimately broken by Germany, couldn't nudge the Egyptians into not Russia. a declaration of war. And so Some of the other Communist strong was the pro-Nazi sentiment countries accusing Israel of "walk- in Egypt that when Premier ing the Hitlerite path" also know Ahmed Maher did declare war — that route very well. Hungary, on Feb. 24, 1945 — he was Romania. Bulgaria, Albania and assassinated while reading the Slovakia (dismembered f o m royal decree. Czechoslovakia) not only were Actually, the Arabs did do some allies of Nazi Germany in World fighting during World War II War Two but had native Nazi — but on the side of the Nazis. movements that vied in vicious- Several thousand Arab volunteers ness with the German one. were mobilized into Nazi units by What is less known is the rec- the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, ord of the Arabs in World War ' Hitler's man in the Middle East. Two. On June 20 President el-1 The Mufti (Haj Amin el-Husseini), Atassi of Syria told the General who operated out of Berlin from Assembly. "the Arabs fought in 1941 to 1945, organized his pro- both world wars and contributed Nazi Arabs into sabotage squads, to the liberation of Europe from espionage cells and an actual Nazism and to the realization of fighting unit called the Arab Le- Allied victory." gion. The fact is that Syria, Egypt, The Mufti also helped organize Saudi Arabia and Lebanon did the Moslems of Bosnia and other not declare war on Germany until Balkan areas into special SS units February 1945, when the war was called "The Black Legions." He little more than a mopping-up op- praised them as the "Cream of eration by the Allies. Islam" and they were dispatched But the inevitability of German to the Eastern Front in the Cau- defeat had little to do with the casus to stir Soviet Moslems into Arab declarations of war. They an anti-Communist crusade (with Ibrahim Mustafa, formerly Also in Egypt, according to the some success). Some 3.000 of these Joachim Daemling, wanted by troops of the Mufti were held latest information from the Anti- West Germany for crimes com- prisoner of war as late as 1946 in Defamation League of Bnai Brith, mitted in Dusseldorf while a are the following: Camp Opelika, Alabama. stormtrooper there. He is an Colonel Naam al-Nashar, The Grand Mufti was among the adviser to the Cairo police on formerly Leopold Gleim, who most popular Arab leaders before, concentration camps. was head of German security in during and after the war. So ef- All Mohammed, f or merly Poland. He arrived in Egypt in fective was his hate-sputtering George Brunner, one of Eich- oratory that few if any Arab 1955 and organized the Egyptian mann's assistants, in charge of Security Service along Nazi leaders dared oppose him. As spiritual and political leader of lines. deportation of Jews from Greece. the Palestine Arabs he had learned He lost an eye and an arm in Lt. Col. Ben Sala, formerly to hate Jews in the '20's and '30's Egypt when he opened a parcel Bernard Bender, a stormtrooper as their numbers increased in the he received in the mail (alleged. still on the Polish list of war Land of Zion. ly sent by Israeli agents). He criminals. He is head of the now works in the Egyptian prop- Now 71 and last reported — in Jewish Department of the Egyp- aganda industry. tian Security Service. March of this year — in Old Jeru- The list goes on and on. The Hassan Soliman, f or m erly salem, the Mufti had been Hitler's Arabs, by raising a "Nazi issue," Heinrich Sellmann, wanted by chief adviser on Arab affairs and convict only themselves. West Germany for crimes com- the friend and confidant of Adolf In World War II, 1,300,000 Jews Eichmann, who implemented the mitted while he was Gestapo were in uniform in the Allied chief in Ulna. He now holds a "final solution" for European armies. In Palestine, 85,800 Jewish senior position in the secret Jewry. men and 50,400 Jewish women vol- Gideon Hausner, chief prose- police in Cairo. unteered for war service, and 27,- cutor at the Eichmann trial in Is- Col. Ahim Fahumi, formerly 028 Palestine Jews served with the rael, established that the Mufti Dr. Heinrich Willerman, wanted British forces in various Middle asked Gestapo Chief Heinrich by West Germany for steriliza- Himmler to provide him, after the tion experiments he conducted East, North African and European war, when he planned to enter in several Nazi concentration fronts, many of them in the most Jerusalem at the head of the Axis camps. He now runs the Egyp- hazardous missions. troops, with a 'special adviser' tian political prison at Samara, What makes a mockery of the from Eichmann's department to near Alexandria. "debate" in the General Assembly help him solve the Jewish ques- Louis al-Haj, formerly Louis is that the Communists and Arabs tion in the same way as it had Ileiden, director of a Nazi press well know their respective roles in been done in the Axis countries. agency in Berlin. He is now an World War Two. It is a display that Eichmann offered the job to his adviser to President Nasser and would do proud a Dr. Goebbels, assistant, Dieter Wisliceny." it was he who prepared a pocket- who, incidentally, was royally wel- comed in Cairo on the eve of the The Grand Mufti spouted his sized Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf" for Egyptian officers. war. anti-Jewish venom throughout the war over Radio Berlin. On Nov. 2, 1943, for example, he praised the Germans for "knowing how to get rid of Jews." On March 1, BY AHARON ROSEN 1944, he urged his Arab listeners to "kill the Jews wherever you sells (m.s.) field .3 6 6 find them." On Sept. 20. 1944, he 1`1(17 .361 moh-khehr sah-de gave the number of Jews "still to be dealt with" as 11,000,000, rep- store-room himself .3 6 7 .362 resenting the Jewish population mah-satin ats-moh of America, Russia and other produce (noun) takes (m.s.) countries beyond Hitler's reach. .3 6 8 .3 6 3 All this would signify no more toh-tse-ret !oh-keh-ahh than the ravings of one madman — for building 111 .3 6 9 except that the Mufti was returned rp .3 6 4 b'and been-yahn to his role after the war as leader of the Palestine Question. He di- row cooperative store 71 3 6 5 I1 .370 rected the policy from a lavish shoo-rah tsahr-khah- and fortified home in Cairo and, as one of the Arab delegates to nee-yah the United Nations in 1947 said, "the Mufti is the irrefutable lead- 7 tom .lit;? — er of the Holy Land Arabs." 71D-1.i — To this day none of the Arab leaders have repudiated the Grand 71V17 12'tpp_7, 3 11141. 2.11171 g Mufti, nor his pro-Nazi assistants who worked with him in Berlin during the war. Nor is this tolerance of a Nazi in their midst surprising. Egypt, 2t3t1lin Dv — the chief victim of the "Hitlerite" Israelis, has given sanctuary to i17 hundreds of former Nazis, among them up to 100 of Hitler's rocket .rr1717in and missile experts. Unified Enclave of Holy City of Jerusalem HEBREW SELF-TAUGHT inin 79rp 17 r . 2irl npil, 13n12 . Drip 117? 99? qt iarrn trkr;7? nipti rfno 14vin r1 3 ltP1 1 !rp 0'14.117 olgRi7 D' -piv nl — 'O irkt witin--prr 7977P1 l2t# n1Yin7 Tint115 1 •;1:412;1 Ti=Vr.11 ,i74v; rInps7 ntz trtp.pizn 1371rt V- rhn .rao?s?ip •r19 ax gin . . - ;Irby t3 17, te: E.4n nn .niaiztgg 71.1.W? .ny.inn 1 2V n:4?-iun T. 14 - .t1'3 7.1 — irq 9 -47;71 — • nn iint?/1:171 - Inr?V1 ,1e2 .1 3'"14 i?4 !rim .. . !mkt rri:413. -pin rYlip '7tgr1139n .1i1#7; "min in? ,Di' 17?4 nimp 13rtt ;1, 1??144 - ' el tn4 '17 4 1771. t347 47 7? Or.)X. — trit? . ? t i1$ ,nitr nr ;q: ritetrm rpm P — , 4tt ?r??: 13 There is no longer any restriction on movements between the New and former Old Cities of Jeru salmi which now are one enclave. The unified Holy City is shown on this map. Reading material in vocalized Easy Hebrew. and also material for advanced students may be obtained through your local Hebrew Organization or by writ- ing to: Brit Ivrit Olamit, P.O.B. 7111, Jerusalem. Israel. Published by Brit IvrIt Olamit 40—July 14, '1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS