THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, MiCh. 412a3. VE 8-9364 S•ibscription 16 a year. Foreign 17. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the serenth clay of Taniuz, 5727, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Num. 22:2 - 25:9. Prophetical portion, Micah 5:6-6:8. Candle lighting, Friday, July 14, 8:43 p.m. Page Four VOL. LI. No. 17 July 14, 1967 ZOA's 70th Anniversary Convention Conventions are routine and while their deliberations often are of great significance they are seldom history-making. This is not the case with the annual convention of the Zionist Organization of America which opens in Israel next Wednesday. That conclave is an especially vital one. In the first place, it marks the 70th anniver- sary of the founding of a great movement. Under the leadership of Prof. Richard Got- theil of Columbia University and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, who served, respectively, as presi- dent and secretary of what was then known as the Zionist Federation of America — as a branch of the World Zionist Organization that was founded and inspired by Theodor Herzl — a movement began on a small scale but was destined to play a great role in the liberation of an oppressed people. Besides, the convention takes place soon after a war — the briefest world conflict on record — Brig. Gen. S. L. A. Marshall calls it "the three-hour war" because the decisive act was in the first three hours of Israel air attack on its enemies — a war that should. if all libertarian forces stand firm in defense of justice, put an end to the threats to an- nihilate the Jewish people. * The ZOA convention should serve once again to call the world's attention to a basic truth: that the movement was founded to end Jewish homelessness, to challenge the indignities that were imposed upon our peo- ple by an untold number of nations who turned Jews into pariahs, who hounded and molested them, who deprived them of basic human rights. These basic rights were attained by sur- vivors from a horrible holocaust, thanks to the groundwork of the Zionist movement in Palestine, as a result of pioneering efforts that resulted in the restoration of life to a land that had been turned into a desert by peoples who devastated it during 1,900 years of neglect, indifference, contempt for civilized needs in an ancient land. Now the land has begun to flourish again. The 2,500,000 Jews settled there — most of them survivors from Nazism and from the persecutions in Moslem countries — are dedicated to the proposition that peoples of all faiths can live together in harmony. This is a Zionist aim and the ZOA will undoubted- ly emphasize it during its historic convention in Israel. * The convention has a major task: to re- enroll worldwide Jewish devotion to its cause and to indicate to the non-Jewish world the validity of a cause that was aimed at and continues to strive for justice for the People Israel for whom The Land of Israel is a fulfillment of prophecy, a realization of an historic 2,000-year-old dream and a return to land that was and is the land of Israel — Eretz Israel. Non-Jews enter into the discussion as a basis for renewed clarification because there has been so much abuse of the term Zion- ism, resulting from two sources: the Arabic effort to divert the world's attention from the justice of the Jewish cause by speaking of Zionists as if they were culprits in a world plot. differentiating them untruthfully and unrealistically from Jews; and the anti- Semites' attacks on world Jewry under the implication that Zionists and Communists form a single combine to threaten the world. The ZOA convention should expose the double lie. • • There is ample reason for taking seriously the non-Jewish confusion over the status of Zionism. Seventy years after the founding of the Zionist movement, after seven decades • during which it was to have been expected that a world freed from religious and racial animosities would know how to respect a libertarian cause, a writer in the otherwise liberal Catholic weekly Commonweal, Wil- liam V. Shannon', discussing "Futility in the Middle East," took occasion to state: On the economic side, Israel has not yet proved that it is viable. The Doty of remit- tances from American Jews has been impor- tant in keeping the economy from a serious balance-of-payments crisis. Israel would un- doubtedly be viable if its neighbors would trade and cooperate with her. Indeed, if the Arabs were capable of making and acting upon a rational assessment of their own self-interest, they would welcome Israeli help. Where else in the Middle East is there such a valuable concentration of European-trained technicians and professional people as in Israel? Viewed unemotionally, this treasure house of talent de- posited in their midst is as much a beneficence for the Arabs as the oil that flows beneath the sand. But, of course, the Arabs are, like most human beings, incapable of this kind of de- tachment. They will probably never turn to the Israelis for help in modernization. On account of these adverse political, mili- tary, and economic circumstances, the long- term outlook for Israel is depressing. To my mind, it calls in doubt the wisdom of the Zion- ist solution for the difficulties of the Jewish people. How much better it would have been if Britain and the United States had absorbed all of these Jewish refugees after World War H. If the Jews had been admitted, Britain today would not be worrying about the "brain drain," and the United States would not be concerned by the shortage of doctors and other trained people. The Jews themselves and their des- cendants, would be safer living in Britain and the United States than they are now and prob- ably will be in the future isolated in Israel and ultimately dependent on American military power for their permanent survival. How could any one who has a sense of history and reality possibly say this now? Even if Jews could be rehabilitated else- where they will not leave the ancient Prom- ised Land. Jews have traveled in many lands, have been expelled time and again, have found a home. Can any one possibly imagine that they will ever leave their ancestral home again? * * * It is no secret that ships bound for many ports were turned away when they roamed the high seas in search of havens of refuge, that Great Britain resorted to military force to prevent Jews from entering what was then Palestine while failing to assist in inter- national efforts to rescue the millions who were doomed to death under Nazism, that the strict immigration laws of this country prevented the Nazi victims from escaping their Nazi-planned destiny. Now there still are hundreds of thou- sands to be rescued, there are 100,000 Jews in Moslem countries who are in jeopardy, Jews behind the Iron Curtain need to be taken out of areas in which they can not live in peace. How unrealistic! No one wanted Jews! Millions could have been rescued during the Holocaust. Neither the United States, nor Great Britain, nor any other land wanted the Jews who were threatened with an- nihilation. That's why Six Million perished! To speak, now, of resettlement is an act of blindness, broaching upon cruelty, insulting to libertarianism, abusive of reality, blind to historic facts! The Zionists, the ZOA convention, face many issues. They can be solved only if Jews generally will once again come forth with encouragement to the Zionist cause. The convention in Israel will have its historic moments. We greet it as an occasion linked with the immensity of a great period in Jewish history. 'Dictionary of Bible': General and Christological Approaches Bible students will be greatly aided by "Dictionary of the Bible" by John J. McKenzie, S.J., published by the Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee. Major biblical themes, persons, events, are recorded and defined, and while the volume has a Christological approach—an inevitable factor in such a work by a Jesuit Father—there is an impartiality in dealing with Old Testament as well as New Testament subjects that is most commendable. The author has referred to some Jewish sources but he did not have a Jewish adviser in collating his work. He commences with Aaron and concludes with Zorab (a town of Dan) and Zur (Beth Zur, a town of Judah ). Much research has gone into this work. An example of Fr. McKenzie's scrupulous efforts will be found in this paragraph explaining a biblical term: "Shibboleth (Hebrew sibbolet, •ear of grain'), the word used as a test after Jephtha's defeat of the Ephraimites to catch the fugitives of Ephraim at the fords of the Jordan. The passage shows a dialectical difference between the speech of Gilead and the speech of Ephraim; the men of Ephraim could not sound the consonant Shin. In a few rare instances in biblical Hebrew there is a variation between Shin- and Samech or Sin." The term Crucifixion does not appear in this volume, but the references to the subject are incorporated in other subject matter. There is, of course, a long, a five-page, article on Jesus Christ. It is followed, with only Jethro in-between, by a page and a half explana- tion of the term Jew as it appears, primarily, in the New Testament. It concludes with the paragraph: "The Jerusalem community fled to Pella when the Romans came to suppress the Jewish rebellion; after AD 70 its numbers and influence were diminished to very little. The Fathers mention some obscure sects such as the Nazareans and the Ebionites which were later degenerations of Jewish Christianity." This is an indication of incompleteness of the references to mat- ters of specific Jewish or Judaeo-Christian subjects. Why not more about the Ebionites—the Evyonim—meaning the poor—who were a sect in Christianity among Jews, in Rome? (Maurice Samuel wrote a novel on the subject of the Ebionites under the title "The Second Crucifixion"). There is a lengthy, two-page article on Circumcision, refer- ring to mention of it in both the Old and the New Testaments, divided into separate portions. The second part speaks of the rite as performed for the Christian characters: "Jesus Himself was eircumcized on the 8th day of His birth (Luke 2:21). Paul mentions his own circumcision to show that he is fully an Israelite (Philippians 3:5), and Paul had Timothy circumcized after he had reached adult years because he was the son of a Jewish mother (Acts 16:3), although Titus, whose parents were Gen- tiles, did not have to undergo circumcision (Galatians 2:3) . . etc. (The capitalizations are out of respect to the author and his faith.) The article concludes with: "Circumcision is the work of human hands (Ephesiaus 2:11), but the initiation of Christians into Christ is effected by Christ Himself through baptism (Colos• sians 2:11)." Here the Christological aspect is fully evident, and it is ex- plained, of course, by the direct quotations and references. There are scores of examples that could be quoted to indicate the unprejudiced approach of the author who, writing as a Christian, naturally followed his Christian inclinations. Nevertheless, the general values of "Dictionary of the Bible" are equally fully evident, making Fr. McKenzie's work valuable for Jews as well as Christians. 'Pathways Through Holidays' - Sulamith Ish-Kisbor is an expert as a short story writer on Jewish themes and as author of descriptive essays on the Jewish holidays. She has recorded a new high mark with her latest book, "Pathways Through the Jewish Holidays," published by Ktav (120 E. B'dway, NY 2). Edited by Benjamin Efron, the book's design and art supervision ' by Ezekiel Schloss, chapter drawings by Stuart Diamond, this volume has the special merit of a vast number of illustrations that depict not only holiday customs but also include many historic manuscripts re- lated to the festivals. The added significance of the volume, which begins with a review of the year's American festivals, are the glossaries. Each chapter cov- ering a festival or fast day or the Sabbath is supplemented with a series of related Hebrew words and their translations. Included in the festive days is a Yom Hazikaron—Day of Remembrance—in tribute to the victims who died during the Holocaust.