• 2 Egyptian Boats Destroyed in Attack on Patrol (Continued from Page 1) critical situation continued and na- tional unity was so urgent, the gov- ernment of national union formed by the broadening of the coalition last May, would be continued. Two Egyptian torpedo boats at- tacked an Israel patrol cruising Tuesday night off the Sinai coast and both were destroyed, the Israeli army spokesman reported Wednesday. Both of the attacking torpedo boats apparently ex- ploded, and Israeli boats cruising the area reported they could find no survivors. Eight Israeli sai- lors were injured in the clash, most of them slightly. The patrol consisted of the de- stroyer Eliat, and two Israeli tor- pedo boats. It was cruising along the Sinai shore some 25 miles east of Port Said when the Egyptian vessels approached and opened fire. One of the Egyptian vessels was claimed by the Israeli torpedo boats and the other by the de- stroyer. The spokesman said that the at- tackers saw only the Israeli tor- pedo boats and were not aware that the destroyer was part of the patrol. Navy Commander Shlomo Erel was in constant contact with the unit and reported Wednesday morning to headquarters on the battle. One of the Egyptian boats was so close to Eilat when it blew up that it caused some damage to the port and injuries to some of the Israeli sailors. * • Egyptian Bomber Shot Down in Foray Israeli officials reported that one Egyptian Soviet-made Sokhoy-7 jet bomber was shot down Tuesday and another driven off by Israeli anti-aircraft gunners near Kantara in occupied Sinai Peninsula terri- tory. Last week, an Egyptian Soviet-made MIG was shot down in a similar engagement. The incident took place when the two jet bombers came in low over Israeli positions and were engaged by the anti-aircraft units. The pilot of the downed jet bomber was seen to bail out. The Israel government official- ly announced Tuesday that it had agreed to the posting of United Nations observers along the cease-fire line at the Suez Canal. The Israeli agreement specified that the observers must be posted on both sides of the cease-fire line on the basis of strict reci- procity. Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, Secretary- General U Thant's personal repre- sentative in the area, will fly to Cairo in the next few days to work out arrangements with the Egyp- tians for the posting of observers on their lines. He will then work out arrangements with the Israelis. Both countries have the right to de- termine from which contries they will accept observers. (Ambassador Gideon Rafael at the United Nations notified the sec- retary-general Wednesday morning of the Israeli acceptance. An Is- raeli mission spokesman said the Israeli action reflected his coun- try's desire to see the cease fire effective. It is understood in UN circles that Egypt does not want to admit Canadian nationals as obser- vers. A UN spokesman said the ob- servers will not set up a buffer zone. They will, he said, have ob- servation posts and will have free- dom of movement.) The Israeli decision had been de- layed pending receipt in Jerusa- lem of the exact text of the Secur- ity Council's decision. What Israel sought to avoid at all costs was any situation which would perpetuate the 1949 agreements which Israel insists the Arab attack last month rendered void. Israel has agreed to permit Gen. Bull to use Government House, former headquarters of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organi- zation, as headquarters for the cease-fire observation team. The building and the 150 dunams (37.5 acres) on which it stands have been declared the property of the — — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30—Friday, July 14, 1967 thority threatening military meas- the respect of universal spiritual state of Israel. interests. It has forthwith ensured Prime Minister Levi Eshkol re- ures in the current crisis. EVERYBODY Authorities said the Soviet naval that the holy places of Judaism, ceived the Vatican envoy, Msgr. Angelo Felici Tuesday for discus- units at Alexandria and Port Said Christianity and Islam be admin- is TALKING comprised the biggest force of istered under the responsibility of sion of the various proposals re- •bout the garding the holy places in Jerusa- Communist power ever to visit the religions which hold them FABULOUS lem. Following the meeting, a com- Egypt. The Russian units include sacred." He said the Israel government munique described the talks as two missile cruisers, other war- marked with "great understand- ships, and at least two submarines. was currently engaged in "a con- structive and detailed dialogue ing." Monday night Msgr. Felici The Soviet admiral said his ves- met with Foreign Ministc: Abba S. sels were shadowed by the U.S. with representatives of universal CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 6th Fleet and were observing religious interests" to assure "the Eban. It is understood that Israel's con- the movements of the Americans. universal character of the holy 7070 YARDS (ON PREMISES) The Soviet presence in Port Said, places." • • • tacts with the Vatican will con- PARADE OF STARS LONDON (JTA)—Soviet Foreign tinue, probably in Rome after Am- only a few miles from where Is- GREAT BROADWAY SHOWS bassador Ehud Avriel's return. raeli planes bombed hostile Egyp- Minister Andrei Gromyko was ac- ALL SUMMER LONG Ambassador Avriel met with Pope tian artillery on Saturday was cused Tuesday of having displayed INDOOR POOLHEA' CLUB Paul VI last week and it is ex- seen here as a Soviet show of an anti - Semitic attitude in a AA . speech he made reporting the pected that another meeting will solidarity with Egypt. Weatloor TENNIS COURTS Naval sources said a Soviet mis- United Nations' handling of the take place soon. ,4 • FISHING • BOATING sile cruiser and another cruiser Middle East crisis. • • . TOP B'WAY SHOWS of conventional design were docked The Soviet foreign minister, ac- GOURMET CUISINE ,, (dietary laws) at Port Said which is on the north- cording to the report of his speech TEEN-AGE PROGRAM ern end of the Suez Canal. Ad- published in Izvestia, official So- SUPERVISED DAY CAMP miral Molotsov said the visit was viet organ, said that "Israel would being made at the invitation of have liked to convert our honor- the Egyptian government. able assembly into a srnalltown The executive committee of bazaar." To a Russian audience, WASHINGTON (JTA) — Rep. Americans for Democratic Ac- in the contex of the history of Your Host: HARRY DINNERSTEIN Leonard Farbstein. N.Y. Dem., a tion, a liberal political organiza- Russian Jewry and in the Rus- member of the Foreign Affairs SWAN LAKE 14, N.Y. tion, has adopted a policy state- sian parlance, this remark would ant. for cow aroman Committee, told the House of Rep- ment urging an Arab-Israel set- be the equivalent of accusing the Sr phone Hotel (914) 292-8000 resentatives that by its desecra- tlement providing recognition of Israelis of having tried to make or SEE TOUR TRAVEL AGENT tion of Jewish holy places in the all Mid East nations, security for the General Assembly an East NOW acioioNc MID-WEEK S. WEER END CONVENTIONS Old City of Jerusalem, "Jordan borders, and freedom of passage Side London street market. has forfeited its rights in Jeru- through international waterways. (Related stories Pages 13, 14) salem forever more." ADA urged that solution of the He said Jordan had forfeited any Mid East situation could only come claim to act as custodian of the through direct negotiations be- holy places and he said the United tween the Mid East states them- States must not countenance a selves. The ADA statement asked return to the situation that existed the great powers to bring the Mid prior to June 5. East states into direct negotiations; State Department spokesman commended President Johnson for HAVE FUN ON YOUR VACATION Robert McCloskey said "we have restraint during the recent crisi s SHEDDING POUNDS MACFADDEN FUN WAY noted with increasing concern and condemned the Soviet Union GOLF • TENNIS • POOL • ROOF TOP DANCING reports of continuing shipments for one-sided support of the Arabs. DIETS • MASSAGE • NEW SAUNA BATHS • • • of aircraft and other arms from the Soviet Union to the UAR and Israel Tells UN It Expects 18 HOLE STEVENS LE Congressman Says Jordan Forfeited Jerusalem Rights TEVENSVILLE WEIGHT LOSS - GUARANTEED SLIM other countries of the Near East." He said these shipments were "significant" and at a level that indicated Moscow is "try- ing to replace the equipment lost." The department spokesman said that "it seems clear to us that the great powers should be working for a limitation of arms in the Near East and not a resumption of the old race." He recalled Presi- dent Johnson's statement of June 19 that the recent Middle East conflict was "a demonstration of the danger of the arms race in this area." In separate statements, three members of the Senate who have just returned from Israel, urged that the United- States supply Israel with the arms and equip- ment necessary to offset the Soviet supplies to Egypt and Syria. Sen. Daniel B. Brewster, a mem- ber of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Tuesday that "there can be no doubt that the Arabs were the aggressors who be- gan the war" and that the United States should supply arms to Israel to balance the renewed flow of Russian weapons to the Arab states. The Maryland Democrat vigorously opposed all military and economic aid for the Arabs. He said it was "incredible" that America should support any na- tion with hostile intent ions towards Israel.- Sen. Vance Hartke, Indiana Democrat, said that "there is not any question but that we are going to provide arms to Israel." He said Israel was ready to talk peace but that the Arabs were not and he said he would press World to Welcome Reunited Jerusalem UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) —The Israel government told the United Nations it was confident that "world opinion will welcome the new prospect" of a Jerusalem thriving "in unity, peace and spiri- tual elevation," and gave no in- dication that it intended to com- ply with a General Assembly de- mand that it rescind its legislation which made the formerly Jordan- held Old City part of the mu- nicipality of Jerusalem. The Israeli reply to the letter addressed to Foreign Minister Abba S. Eban by Secretary-General U Thant "as a matter of urgency" was delivered to the secretary- general by Ambassador Gideon Rafael Monday and was made public Tuesday. Thant made no comment on the reply nor did he give any evaluation of it. A UN spokesman said that would be the function of the General As- sembly. Eban reviewed the status of Je- rusalem for the past 19 years when it was governed "by a regime which refused to give due ac- knowledgement to universal re- ligious concern. The city was di- vided by military demarcation lines. Houses of worship were de- stroyed and desecrated in acts of vandalism. Instead of peace and security, there was hostility and frequent bloodshed. The principle of freedom of access to the holy places of all the three monothe- istic religions was violated with regard to Jews, but not to them alone." Referring to the Pakistan resolu- tion, Eban said "the term `annexa- tion' used by supporters of the resolution is out of place. The measures adopted relitte to the integration of Jerusalem in the the State Department for an American initiative to bring the Arabs to a peace conference. Another Indiana Democrat, Sen. Birch Bayh, expressed hope the administrative and municipal United States would implement its spheres and furnish a legal basis agreement to sell jet planes to for the protection of the holy Israel and to take other necessary places in Jerusalem." Eban then outlined the Israeli steps. Admiral Igor Molotsov, com- mander of the Soviet Naval Flo- tilla that has arrived in Port Said and Alexandria, served notice that his ships were "fully prepared to cooperate with the United Arab Republic armed forces in repelling any aggres- sion." This was the first known state- ment by a responsible Soviet au- laws and regulations for the pro- tection of the holy places and "the new mingling of Arabs and Jews in free and constant association." He described the measures taken by the Jerusalem municipality to improve conditions in the Old City. As to the holy places, Eban said that Israel does not doubt her own will and capacity "to secure ( DOWN Wm. Fromcheck, Director 2 $16 DAY STORMS from INCLUDING 3 MEALS tay 14 FREE!s stay 12 2P, carnmzErm DANSVILLE, N. Y. S pA Phone (716) 987-3121 RATES 44.0,w _Tar AMERICA'S FAMOUS Original SPA . OUR 37th YEAR N.Y.C. 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