26—Friday, July 14, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Scrap Dealers Buy $12,000 hi Bonds s ,,34Eu Announcing the purchase of $12,000 In Israel Bonds by the Greater Detroit Scrap Trade Association from its treasury, are, (from left) Lewis Stern, president of the association; Norman Allan, a vice chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond Committee, and Lester Miller, financial secretary of the association. People Make News Dr. HARVEY NUSSBAUM, 23440 Church, Oak Park, associate professor of business administra- tion at Wayne State University, has been elected cahirman of the Detroit-area chapter of the Insti- tute of Management Science (TIMS). TIMS is an international society concerned with identify- ing, extending and unifying scien- tific knowledge pertaining to man- agement. • • • Morton L. Scholnick and Associ- ates announce the appointment of GEORGE A. NETSCHKE as man- aging director of Thirteen Hun- dred. the 30-story apartment resi- dence in Lafayette Park. • • • Col. YAACOV K A PL A N, on leave from his post as command- ing officer of the northern defense area of Israel, will arrive in Dallas, Tex. next week to serve as an emissary on behalf of the JNF Foundation, it was announced by Herman L. Weisman, president of the Jewish National Fund. * • * LEE FRANKLIN WEINSTOCK, president of national award-win- ning University of Buffalo Alumni Club, Metro-Detroit area, appeared in an interview recently on the WXYZ-TV "Morning Show". • • • HERMAN SHUMLIN, director or producer of such hits as "Grand Hotel" and "The Little Foxes," has dramatized part of Peter de Vries' novel "Reuben, Reuben." It is Shumlin's first attempt at play- writing, and he will direct the production soon. • • • Lt. Col. ENIMANUEL M. GINZ- LER. 21971 Avon, Oak Park. is on active duty at the 5033rd U.S. Army Reserve School from Lan- sing. The 5033rd is conducting the command and general staff course, a five-year program de- signed to provide officers from the 5th Army area with a working knowledge for wartime and peace- time duty as commanders and general staff officers of divisions and logistical commands. • • • DR. LEONARD STITELMAN, Wayne State University political science professor, is the author of a chapter in the new book, "Data Processing." He writes on the use of computers in teaching, grading, class scheduling, and counseling. The book is published by the Data Processing Manage. ment Association of Chicago. Dr. Stitelman resides at 26201 Harding, Oak Park. • • • JOSEPH SCHORE is the new director of the Wayne County Office of Economic Opportunity. He is a former director of the Jewish Labor Committee here. BENSON B. LEET, 12800 Oak Park Blvd., Oak Park, has been re- assigned as a plans analyst to the operational readiness directorate of the U. S. Army Tank-Automo- tive Command (ATAC) in Warren. Leet has 16 years of experience in civil defense areas as a senior medical aide, a medical self-help instructor, and appointment as auxiliary captain of Engine 21, De- troit Fire Department. • • • Mrs. MILDRED F. STERN, so- cial service consultant at the Me- tropolitan Society of the Blind, is presenting a paper at the con- vention of American Association of Workers for the Blind in Miami Beach. Mrs. Stern's paper, "Use of Supervision," discusses super- vision with regard to home teach- ers and social workers for the blind. Detroiter to Head American Assn. of Foot Specialists DR. SIDNEY Z. LEIB Dr. Sidney Z. Leib, surgical and foot specialist, podiatrist whose office is at 15228 W. Seven Mile, was elected national presi- dent of the American Association of Foot Specialists at its recent annual national convention in Washington, D.C. Dr. Leib has held all national offices and was national president- elect in 1966. At present, Dr. Leib also holds the office of vice president of the National College of Foot Surgeons. Israeli Air Force Pilot to Address Industrialists Lt. Col. Joash Tsiddon- Cbatto, Israeli Air Force (Ret.) manag- ing director of E. W. Bliss Co. (Israel), will speak to a group of industrialists at a dinner here at the Statler Hil "- 1 ton Hotel 6:304 p.m. Tuesday. Bliss - Israel, with a plant in Natanya, is a subsidiary of E. W. Bliss Co., Canton, 0., a di- versified m a n u- facturer of me- talworking press- es, rolling mills Tsiddon-Chatto and mill rolls, can-making ma- chinery, public safety equipment, electrical components, road main- tenance machinery and aerospace products. This speaking engagement is with the Israeli military forces, of which 18 years have been as a jet pilot and Air Force staff offi- cer. In 1963-66, he was chief of planning and weapons develop- ment. Previously, he had been in command of fighter squadrons and project development. He flew as a strike jet fighter pilot during the recent Mid-East conflict. The 41-year-old air force veteran is married and the father of three children. He is a member of the International Society of Experi- mental Test Pilots. Bliss - Israel's 35,000-square-foot plant is equipped with machine tools and other manufacturing equipment that rank among the heaviest in use in the Middle East. The plant is currently producing Bliss presses up to several hun- dred tons and can-making ma- chinery. With an engineering staff and skilled machine tool operators, Bliss-Israel can also perform con- tract work from basic components to finished products. part of a nationwide tour being made by Lt. Col. Tsiddon. He also is appearing in Chicago, Canton, Cleveland, Boston, Philadelphia, New York and Los Angeles. His talk will be concerned with current events and economic con- ditions in Israel, with particular reference to its potential industrial growth. A graduate of the Ecole Supe- rieure de Guerre Aerienne, Paris, France, he has served 21 years Singer-Harwin Vows Planned for Dec. 24 Look Carries Story of Arab 'Peace Feeler' in 1919 "We feel that the Arabs and Jews are cousins in race, having suf- fered similar oppressions at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, and by a happy coin- cidence have been able to take the first steps toward the attainment of their national ideals together." This sentiment, expressed by letter March 3, 1919, by the Emir Feisal to Felix Frankfurter, was published as part of an article in the current issue of Look maga- zine. The article's author, Maurice Samuel, described Feisal—son of the old King Hussein—as the "un- disputed leader of the Arab world" in his time. Frankfurter, later a U.S. Supreme Court justice, was a member of the Zionist delegation to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. The letter continues: "We Arabs, especially the edu- cated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yester- day by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through: we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home. "With the chiefs of your move- ment, especially with Dr. (Chaim) Weizmann, we have had and con- tinue to have the closest relations. He has been a great helper to our cause. . . . "People less informed and less reponsible than our leaders and yours, ignoring the need for coop- eration of the Arabs and Zionists, have been trying to explain the local difficulties that must neces- sarily arise in Palestine at the early stages of our movements.... "I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we are mutually inter- ested may once again take their places in the community of the civilized people of the world." Israel By ESTHER BUCHSBAUM (Editor's Note: Esther, 11, who lives in Montreal, wrote this poem and sent it to her cousin, Mrs. Daniel Weinbaum, in Oak Park. Esther's mother is a con- centration camp survivor and has relatives in Ein Hashofet, Israel.) Tam O'Shanter. Rally Way down in the Middle East, Nets $32,000 in Bonds Where things are mostly sand; There stands a tiny strip of green, Tam O'Shanter Country Club Land .. . members at a recent Israel Bond That is called the Jewish Emergency Campaign gathering The Jews that first came there, purchased $32,000 in Israel Bonds. Did everything they could; Active in organizing the affair They began to build a land, were Joseph Brave r, Nelson So rich, so free, so good ! .. . Dembs, Irving Auslander, presi- dent of the club, and George M. The Arabs are trying to get this land, Zeltzer. It was a spontaneous gathering initiated by the group It's happening today; of leaders in response to the criti- But the Jewish people will not give up, cal needs of Israel in restoring No matter what they say ! its war-torn economy. PRESENTS Hal Gordon MUSIC BIG BAND OR SMALL COMBOS MISS SARA-LINN SINGER Mr. and Mrs. David Singer of UN 3-8982 UN 3-5730 Elgin Ave., Huntington Woods, announce the engagement of their daughter Sara-Linn to Frederic M. Harwin son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul * 4( ENTERTAINMENT Harwin of Nine Mile Rd., Farm- Professional ington. f e ;1,_y o " Occasion Miss Singer is a student at the University of Michigan. Her fiance 4_ SEYMOUR SCHWARTZ t, is a graduate of Wayne State Uni- AGENCY versity and will receive his MA 91 ( 4( 356-8525 in medical illustration at the Uni- Berkley, Mich. versity of Michigan in December. A Dec. 24 wedding is planned. ********** .A ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. • • • • • MID-SUMMER SALE • • • • • : • • • Between 9 a 10 Mile, Southfield • so 358-1360 MOST COMPLETE SELECTION THE MOS OF UGHTING! 24200 TELEGRAPH • • • • MIMCO • • • „1) - 9 hti, i 9- • • Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. : "Thurs. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 to 12 Noon • t elell•••• • •••••••••• • •••••••••••• ■ ••• • •••••••••• • •••". Tin Our raal Registry. Crystal • Sterling • .00 Silverplate • Pewter • Diamonds • watches • Sailfil;9• • • Stainless Steel Large selection of china in many designs and colors. Bridesmaid and Usher Gifts STERLING SILVER Save 25% on Such Famous Brands • Gerken, • Reed a Barton SAVE 25% • Wallace • International • Lunt • Heirloom ALI. SILVIA FIRST QUALITY Phone Order. Acu,ptest Moil An This is our Everyday Discount on Sterling Silver ORTHWOOD JEWELRY CENTER 2602 N. WOODY/ARO at t14, Mite Send ROYAL OAK , 9-1885 Al Ileigler, Your Host