Purely Commentary Israeli Potpourri—Notable Medley About Heroism, Enemies, Friends Schools in Israel: Heroism of University, Hebrew Technion, ORT, Boys Town Faculty, Students Heroism was a common denominator in Israel. Young and old were ready to make sacrifices to retain life for state and people. The reason for emphasis on the courage of students in Israel's higher institutions of learning is that many of the students and faculty are non-Israelis. Yet all shared alike in the struggle for liberty and justice. The story of the Hebrew University and Technion student-faculty share in the battle has already been told. Many of the incidents will be recapitulated in the decades to come. Their story is duplicated among the research scientists at the Weizmann Institute and among faculty and students at Tel Aviv University. Rabbi A. S. Linchner, the man who inspired the founding of the magnificent and creative Boys Town near the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was a saddened man when he called us from New York the other day to inform us that five of the students and one member of the faculty are among the dead. Dr. William Haber and Harry Platt, the Michigan members of a 'Devotion Between Comrades' In his address of acceptance of the honorary doctorate awarded special delegation to Israel, who returned from a survey tour last him by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, on Mount Scopus, the week, were filled with admiration for the courage of the ORT schools' original location of the university from which the rightful owners had students and teachers. ORT has received a report from Eleanor Finkelstein on the activ- been barred by Jordan for 19 years, Maj. Gen. Itzhak Rabin reviewed the events that marked Israel's victory last month and he made this ities of the Jerusalem ORT during the week of the war. A part of her report outlines activities that will be recorded with glory. She stated: comment: To be a war veteran at 19 is not at all unusual in Israel; to be one at 17 is "Whoever has not seen a tank crew continue its attack with somewhat special. in this special class are scores of ORT seniors, topflight Its commander killed and its vehicle badly damaged, has not seen students in mechanics and electronics who,. although not in actual combat, never- decisive contribution to Israel's magnificent victory sappers endangering their lives to extricate wounded comrades from theless, made a direct and Jordan and Syria in the war just ended. toe armies of Egypt, before the war broke out, these ORT seniors volunteered for services a minefield, whoever has not seen the anxiety and the effort of the over Even in essential defense industries and vital civilian posts where regular staffs entire air force devoted to rescuing a pilot who has fallen in enemy had been seriously depleted by the extensive mobilization of military reserves. A particularly proud group these days is the one from the ORT Vocational Cen- territory, cannot know the meaning of devotion between comrades in ter in Jerusalem, for they rightly feel that they—and their school—bad a share arms." in the defense of their beloved city when it came under Jordanian attack. Eight of the ORT Jerusalem seniors took over production and supervisory In a simple statement, Gen. Rabin explained the heroism that was in defense industries; 13 became the backbone of the maintenance staff inspired by a people's determination not to be exterminated, never Jobs in the huge mechanical complex of Hadassah Hospital. They worked like fiends, again to be faced by conditions that could have meant—had Israel lost cheerfully disregarding the clock. At Hadassah, they slept and ate on the premises. And they delivered a performance so precise and skillful that their —other Auschwitz and Dachau and Treblinka annihilation camps. eredeve one a permanent job. offered present Many of the heroes who fell in the Israel war on the combined our maintenance plant run so smoothly," says their chief at Hadassah. "Never have the charts; graphs and gauges that record the function- forces of an overwhelming army of enemies were the commanders. An ing of the boilers, ventilating system and electrical network shown such a Israeli commander leads: that's why he has a following; he leads steady line." words were as welcome as war medals to ORT Jerusalem's Director because he has his back to the wall—to the sea!—in an encirclement Max These Ringart and Technical Director Ivan Livni. They eased the strain of of antagonistic nations. That is why the story of the War of June 5 those high-tension weeks during which the two men had to put forth a cease- effort just to keep the school going. will be recorded among the most courageous demonstrations by a less Thirty teachers out of a staff of 40 were called up. With the aid of engi- neers, above military age, from civilian life and girl students from the Hebrew people with a will to live. Desecrations on Mount of Olives An Age ice Frances-Presse report from Jerusalem reveals that gravestones from the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives were removed to build Jordanian army camps at Al Azarlya and Sur Bahir. The report states: "Newsmen who toured the camp, on the road to Jericho, saw dozens of gravestones, their inscriptions still legible, in walls and floorings." Based on experiences, Christians and Arabs who have lived away from the terrorism of Arab rule now have cause to be thankful that holy places will be under Israeli rule, that freedoms will be guaranteed and the abuses of the past will be wiped away. There is no doubt that the fair-minded at the United Nations knew and understood the situation, else all the resolutions that aimed at undermining Israel's position might not have been defeated. It's the old story, as taught by Lincoln: "You can't fool all of the people all of the time . .. " * Poor Hussein! Hussein, as the grandson of Abdullah who was assassinated be- cause he wanted to make peace with Israel, himself faced death when he was an eyewitness to his grandfather's death at the hands of an Arab assassin. A bullet struck a medal on his chest—that's how Hussein survived. Ile was in danger of death many times, and Nasser threat- ened him time and again. Ahmed Shukairy was his enemy. Yet Hussein fell victim to the wiles of both Shukairy and Nasser. Now he is the poor little king who threatens Israel and is himself in such great trouble! This tiny king's role was depicted in a Column-One-Page-One Comment in the June 28 issue of the London Daily Mail and News Chronicle whose description of "The Fading Charm of King Hussein" was described as follows: The appealing manner of King Hussein of Jordan has lost something of its appeal. The admiration has worn a little thin. The soft charm, the dignified pathos, the air of bravely defy- ing the lightning, came over as well as ever in his television inter- view the other night. But there was something not quite right. Many viewers sensed this. Recalling recent history they may have felt that the king was not so frank as they had always imagined—not to be trusted as far as they thought. Questioned about false reports that British and American war- planes had assisted the Israelis in the desert war, he said: "I would not like to accuse people. I have no proof." Yet if a taped recording of a telephone talk between Cairo and Amman is correct, Hussein knew all about this lying propa- ganda, because he concocted it with Nasser. For years Cairo radio had hounded him and called for his "extermination." Yet on the eve of the conflict the king was in Cairo embracing Nasser and hissing him on both cheeks. Such weathercock conduct does not commend itself to the British. Some who watched the interview may have reflected that Hussein is king by grace of Britain which created Jordan, and for years ran it. Jordan has never been a viable state. It lives largely on British and American aid, which accounts for two-thirds of the annual budget. Such dependence has not, however, prevented Hussein from spreading damaging falsehoods about his benefactors. Nor has it stopped his current begging-bowl visit to the U.S. In a speech to the UN he has threatened to renew the war —a rash and foolish utterance. The welfare of his people demands that he seek peace with Israel—the only sensible course for all the Arab countries. It must be said for Hussein that he is in an extremely difficult position. He is the puppet of conflicting forces and bitter rivalries which have swept the Middle East for 50 years. But this does not alter the fact that he and other Arab leaders must, sooner or later, sit round the table with the Jews. Nor does it lessen the responsibility of the Powers. The situation which has led to three local wars can be traced to the contradictory British promises to Jews and Arabs during World War I. But Britain was not alone at fault. Both France and Russia joined with her in signing the Sykes- Picot Agreement which carved up the Middle East. The U.S. cannot cry "holier-than-thou" either, for she refused the Palestine man- date, preferring to pass by on the other side. Now, if Russia will play and Western aid is generous, comes a chance to take this frenzied region off the boil. It will mean years of patience, a lot of statesmanship and a load of forgiveness. But it can be done. If it is not done the Middle East will boil over into the rest of the world. The poor Hashemite monarch! He had such a wonderful oppor- tunity to retain a role in Jerusalem, to share a road between Israel and Jordan. He chose war! And now he has his punishment. 2—Friday, July 14, 1967 University, and by imposing triple schedules on the regular staff that remained, instruction was maintained on a fairly normal level. The real problem was one of discipline. Virtually every boy was in a state of exhilaration. This gen- erated terrific energy, but it was anti-study energy and it had to be directed toward some constructive activity. On that fateful morning when -Jordanian shells began falling on Jerusalem, a considerable number of students were actually in the classrooms. Because of some confusion concerning the warning siren sounded by the city, the race for the shelters did not begin at once. Only when the din of firing turned sharp and crackling did the actual situation become clear. Then Ivan Livni dashed into the courtyard and sounded the alarm by beat- ing on an iron column that had been placed there for such a purpose. Within five minutes, all students and teachers were in their assigned places in the shelters. The ORT Jeru :stem Center was in a direct line of fire, standing as it does on the narrow street that is part of the famous No. 9 bus route that ran across undivided Jerusalem in the old days (and will now run again across reunited Jerusalem). From the shelters, students could see shells piercing the walls and windows of the Electronics Building. A heavy shell fell directly into the emergency exit of the shelter in the Mechanics Building. The force of its explosion blew a hole in the wall, shattered all the rear windows and scattered broken glass and metal around the yard. Providentially, the shelter was empty at the time, for somewhat earlier when there had been a lull in the shooting, the students had been sent home. An indication of the manner in which ORT students prepared for action before the outbreak of the war was given in a report submitted by Joseph Harmatz, ORT general director in Israel, who wrote: By Philip Slomovitz Now Israel Needs Safety From Friends Acquired security from enemy attacks, Israel now urgently needs protection in the arena of friends. The period of admiration may have ended. There was general acclaim for Israel in the hours of triumph. Now we are beginning to hear repetition of calumny. The refugee issue is being exaggerated. The status of the Israeli Arabs is mis- represented. Even Drew Pearson, who is better informed than he has indicated, has potrayed the status of the Arabs in Israel as being so appalling that all would have to sit down and weep. The truth is that Israeli Arabs are today the most affluent of all Arabs everywhere, that they have been provided schooling for the children, elec- tricity and water for their villages, jobs for the jobless. The newspapers are filled with letters to the editors maligning Is- rael and the Jews. The truth is that the Red Cross has received aid for prisoners of war and for refugees from Israel and not from the Arab states. In 19 years the Arabs have not given a dime to- wards the upkeep of refugees-70 per cent of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency funds come from the United States. Prisoners of war and the refu- gees are being fed by Israel and the International Red Cross has affirmed the truth. But the Arabs have not permitted Red Cross rep- resentatives' visits to Israeli pri- soners of war. And too many are being misled by false propaganda, with the re- sult that some who have hailed Israel's victory now are unfriendly, are spreading the false propagan- da against Israel, are shedding crocodile tears over the poor, van- quished Arabs who, as losers, would like to dictate the peace— but without meeting "the enemy" face to face, as is proper and to be expected in the striving for peace. That is why we now compelled to pray: "Protect us from some of our friends!" * Our first concern was for the safety of students and teachers in the schools. Consequently, all existing shelters were readied and where non-existent, or in- sufficient, new ones were built as well as trenches. Instructions were issued as to how to organize classes in case of air-raids and the students were told how to behave to and from school in such circumstances. Temporary replace- ments were appointed for any school principal or teaching instructor called up. Fire-extinguishing equipment, stretchers and thousands of sand-bags were distributed to the schools. All this without restriction of cost involved, as cus- tomary in such emergencies. We next turned out attention to keeping the schools functioning, in spite of the shortage of teaching personnel who as from the first were called up in the hundreds. In some schools, only two or three teachers remained. To meet this situation, all non-mobilized staff were called to fill In their places and in addition, students of the higher classes were turned to teaching the lower grades. What is more, school principals were asked to seek outside personnel and engage temporarily some teachers for those tasks that could not be filled in by our own forces—this again regardless of the heavy strain on our budget. A wave of volunteering passes over Israel, the like of which has not been felt in ages—anyone who can do anything, offers his services. We. in ORT, have fitted well into the spirit. Hundreds of students were mobilized for various jobs in various parts of the country. Some went to work in the mili- tary industries, the aircraft industries and in electronics, to replace those called up. Many youngsters are busy digging trenches, others, still, help out in kibutzim and moshavim where there is an acute shortage of working hands. Our students are also found in the postal services. • Annihilation? By Whom? Especially disturbing are letters of the type that was written by the former president of Union Theo- logical Seminary (Henry P. Van Dusen) to the N. Y. Times. He had the gall to follow the Arab and USSR line of equating Israel with the Nazis and to imply a threat of "annihilation" by Israel. All Israeli actions — post-war — have been to aid the refugees, to assist in re- union of families, and Arabs have rejoiced to be able to travel freely from the territory won by Israel into Israel. Yet a theologian speaks Such reports are multiplied a thousand-fold and more. They are of "murderous and tragic holo- part of the story of modern Maccabean heroism. Now it is to be caust" possibilities involving Is- hoped that the courageous will have the freedom to carry on peaceful rael! Once again, Israel would be a efforts of reconstruction for the benefits of the entire area. They have nice guy if he could be pitied. But the ability to solve the refugee problem, to establish a happy relation- to grant him the right to protect ship with neighbors, to encourage trade for the entire area, to teach his life with his own means? a lesson in amity to the nations who scramble for power in the UN Heaven forbid! . . Somehow we and who are embittered by religious differences. If only the enemies refuse to believe that all Christians subscribe to the Van Dusen view. of Israel will work with Israel for these peaceful solutions ! • • • • • • • • • The Internal Controversy — Israel's Most Serious Problem Israel will face so many problems in the months—the years—to come, that her friends will be staggered, her enemies may gloat, the citizens of the embattled state will have so much to contend with that they are not to be envied. There will be the issue involving the refugees, the need to defend the borders, the com- pulsion to keep tens of thousands alerted in a permanent army to prevent renewal of a war more deadly than any yet experienced. Most serious of all in the immediate future will be the internal challenges over poli- tical supremacy. On the eve of the war it was already evident to those of us who were in Israel that the clamor was for Ben-Gurion and Dayan and Peres. Yet it is so obvious that the preparations for the war were made by Eshkol and Rabin and Hod and that they are the heroes, that the great hero on the Diaspora front, at the UN, is Abba Eban. Now there is a sad division, and even Mrs. Dayan comes to our shores to build up a stronger case for her husband who, undoubtedly, had a role in victory, but who came in for the glory at the tail end. Jews outside Israel must not be misled by claims that seek to build up a new cult of hero worship. The truth is that the hero in the new Maccabean victory is the people of Israel, and that its guide were the chiefs of staffs who had built up the defensive machine during the years of their command—especially the last five years. Let credit go where THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS credit belongs and let's hope politics will not prove detrimentally divisive in Israel.