Purely Commentary Another Admonition of Great Importance There is much that needs to he known and understood in relation to the devel- oping Middle East situation. There is the matter involving the world menace known as Gamal Abdel Nasser. In a revealing letter to the Nation magazine from Seattle, which appeared under the heading "Phoenix of Egypt." Karl Oscar Pisk wrote as follows: Seattle, Wash. Dear Sirs: Exactly ten years prior to the day, June 1, 1967, on which the feuding Jordan and Egypt patched up their differences with a five-year defense pact, and Israel let it be known that it would "undergo every sacrifice" to reopen the blockaded Gulf of Aqaba, The Nation (June 1, 1957) treated the question "Is Nasser Kaput?" in an editorial as follows: Is President Nasser of Egypt finished, kaput? The New York Times thinks so. In an editorial the other clay, it wrote, The power of President Nasser as the dominating and domineering leader of the Arab nations has been broken. - It went on to devote a column to offering thanks for his political demise. We hate to intrude in the Times' fun at Nasser's wake. But we don't like to see a reputable paper encourage public delusions. It's true that King Hussein's emergence as master of Jordan was a setback for Nasser. So, too. was the Baghdad meeting of Saud of Arabia and Feisal of Iraq. . Who really believes, however, that these Nasser reverses offset his historic triumph in the Suez conflict? One after another the United States, Britain and all other maritime nations—except, for the moment, France— have capitulated to little Egypt's terms. His victory is the more impressive when one matches the West's armed might and money against Egypt's military impotence and impoverishment. If the "silent diplomacy" of the West—this time allegedly aiming at a total revision of its Mid East policy—fails to take a deep look into the record of its past misconceptions about Nasser's final intentions. then we may better brace ourselves Karl Oskar Pisk against a rerun of the West's capitulation of a decade ago. There is a serious warning in this message. Will responsible state s men look at the record and be guided by experience or will they insist upon expediency? The world is endangered by complacency and indifference, and when the record is set straight 1.‘e should feel deeply indebted to men like the Seattle correspondent whose warnings are so timely. • ♦ * Important Historic Data About 'The Wall' A great deal of ;interest attaches to the so-called Wailing Wall which is really the . Kozel Maaravi—the Western Wall of the Ancient Temple in Jerusalem. It was not until the Grand Mufti, Hadj Amin el Hussein, utilized arguments over the Wailing Wall, which necessitated the formation in 1929—after the horror-inciting Arab riots—of an International Wailing Wall Commission and resulted in a famed report by the late Dr. Cyrus Adler. that the Wall assumed a - symbolic role of enmity and strife. Until then Arabs paid little attention to it and the Wall was treated like other areas, subjected to filth and stench in the ancient Old City. There are some details about the Wailing Wall controversy that deserve recapitulation. On July 5, 1931, the late Joseph M. Levy, then its correspondent. wrote an interesting account of the controvery for the New York Times. In his report from Jerusalem, dated June IR, he stated: Ever since the riots of August, 1929, in Palestine much has been said and written about that small corner of the globe. Being the cradle of the three great religions of the world, it has always been a center of interest. The riots of two years ago, however, brought forth an acute problem there which, though it had already existed for some time, had previously been comparatively insignificant. With the recent publication of the report of the International Wailing Wall Com- mission- the occasion is opportune for an analysis of the entire Palestine problem. On the surface it might seem that the Wailing Wall is the major factor in this problem, but such is not the case at all. It served merely as one of the principal elements that helped to arouse the Arabs and create a strong Arab national and anti - Zionist movement in the country--a movement which the Zionists are now finding most difficult to combat. While it may he disputed whether the Prophet Mohammed. when he came from Mecca to .lerusalem. flew to heaven after tying his horse Buraq to the wall (as Moslem legend relates) at just the site now known as Al Buraq, which is the present Wailing Wall area, one thing is admitted by every one who has lived in Jerusalem during the past twenty to thirty years. That is that never before did the Moslems consider Al Buraq as one of their holy shrines. Decidedly to the contrary, the Moslems living in the neighborhood never hesitated even to throw refuse on the pavement. much to the annoyance of the Jewish worshipers at the Wailing Wall. Yet there is no question that actual ownership and title to the Wall and the entire area surrounding it is in the Moslem Waqf (endowed religious estates and public property). To the pious Jews, on the other hand, this place has been a sacred shrine for centuries as the only remains of the Temple of Solomon, where they still go to lament the downfall of Jerusalem. Weapon Sharpened for Them Without a doubt, this Wailing Wall has served the Arabs to a degree beyond all expectation to further and strengthen an Arab nationalist movement in Palestine. And it was the Zionist leaders themselves who sharpened the weapon and presented it to the Arabs to use against them. Prior to the Wailing Wall incidents, which began on the Day of Atonement. Sept. 25, 1928. anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist feeling in Palestine in the Arab ranks was con- fined to a group of politicians who desired to imitate the national movements in neigh- boring countries, such as Egypt, Syria and Iraq. They met, however, with but little success, for the Arab population hardly paid attention to the anti-Zionist propaganda. Even the disturbances of 1920 and 1921 in Jaffa and Jerusalem respectively did not create a real spirit of animosity toward the Jews. Iladj Amin El Hussein, the Mufti and president of the Moslem Supreme Council, a most intelligent person with an exceptionally charming personality, was but a youth when chosen for these two high offices by Sir Herbert Samuel, Palestine's first High Commissioner, despite strong opposition by the majority of Palestine Moslems. Opposi- tion was not so much to his occupying the position of Mufti, but rather to his being president of the Moslem Supreme Council. In this latter capacity not only has he un- limited powers over all Moslem religious institutions and courts, but he has, besides, practically sole control of an annual income of more than $300,000 from the Moslem Waqf. As he saw opposition to himself constantly growing stronger, he enlisted the serv- ices of his nephew. Jamal Effendi El Hussein, who resigned as a senior government official to become secretary of the Moslem Supreme Council. With Tama], the Mufti began devising schemes for fortifying his position as president of the council. They decided that the best way would be to enter politics by starting a real Arab Nationalist and anti-Zionist movement. They would expose the "menace" of Zionism to the Palestine Arabs. They began first by reviving and injecting new life into the already existing Arab Executive, a purely political body. Christian Arabs Join Several Chrstian Arabs joined with them in the anti-Zionist campaign. It is note- worthy that these Christian Arabs did so not for actual nationalistc and patriotic mo- tives, nor because they really feared this "Zionist menace," but because—as a very Prominent Christian Arab leader once told the writer—they were a very small minority 2—Friday, July 7, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Vital Data About the Western Wall in Jerusalem .. . A Vital Admonition By Philip Slomovitz in Palestine, and it was a matter of self-protection. And as time passed they became the most important factor in the Arab movement. But the Arab population remained almost unmoved, and the seeds sown by the Mufti and his entourage bore practically no fruit. In the meantime, opposition to the Mufti was ever on the increase, and in 1928 the opposition leaders, representing more than 75 per cent of the Moslem population, began pressing the Palestine government for the enactment of a law calling for elections to the Moslem Supreme Council, when they knew the Mufti would have a faint chance of being elected. Hadj Amin and his followers became desperate. But it was the irony of fate that just then he should be saved by the very people against whom he bitterly fought—the Zionists. As the result of a lack of an elementary understanding of the Arab and a lack of the use of diplomacy and tact on the part of the Zionist leaders in Palestine, these latter allowed the Wailing Wall incidents, which began with the removal of a partition (used for the purpose of separating men and women worshipers in accordance with Orthodox ritual) on the Day of Atonement, 1928, to become a vital issue. Instead of leaving this Wailing Wall affair to be fought out between the Jewish religious heads and the Moslem ecclesiasts, the Zionists made such an issue of the matter that it began to appear to an outside observer as though the fate of 16.000,000 Jews throughout the world depended on the Wailing Wall, which according to archaeologists, is not even the authentic remains of the temple. as not a single stone of the present wall dates back that far. (Editor's Note: This has long ago been refuted. The fact is that temple walls had been repaired and rebuilt and the Western Wall is definitely ac- cepted as the last remains of Solomon's Temple. If the stones are not the originals, they certainly are the replacements in repairs dating back to the ancient times when the people of Israel worshipped there under guidance of the Kohanim. The location and the sentiment is undiminished by the possibility that stones were replacements in repairs. The Western Wall is on the western spot of the ancient Temple. Its significance to Jewry remains intact). The Mufti and Jamal seized their opportunity. With the partition incident as a bait, they began to set a trap for the Zionists in which the latter allowed themselves to he caught. Every means possible was employed to provoke Zionist protests, and the Mufti was successful. Stirred By Religion While ordinarily the Arab fellaheen (peasants) and the masses are simple-minded and peaceful, with no interest in national or political movements, they are, neverthe- less, extreme fanatics where their religion is concerned, and can easily be aroused to the wildest passion. The Mufti and Jamal, well aware of this trait, discovered in the Wailing Wall an excellent means of making the former a hero in the eyes of the Mos- lem masses. He would become the protector and defender of Islam's sacred shrines in Jerusalem. With the aid of the legend which relates how Mohammed flew to heaven from the Wailing Wall area, it was a simple matter to convince the Moslems of the sanctity of the place. As a matter of fact, the propaganda went further. The Jews were aiming to rebuild their temple on the site of the Haram El Sherif (Mosque of Omar), the Moslem masses were told. (The Haram El Sherif includes also the Mosque El Aksa, which is one of the three most sacred shrines of Islam.) As the Wailing Wall forms part of the Mosque enclosure the masses were quite ready to believe that their holy Mosque El Aksa was in danger. When this juncture was reached, the Mufti organized a "Society for the Protection and Defense of the Moslem Holy Shrines," with himself at the head. Yet, in spite of all this, the Zionists did not foresee the disaster threatening them and failed to drop the issue. Quite to the contrary. the Wailing Wall became a major matter at the Zionist Congress in Zurich in the early Summer of 1929. The speeches delivered and decisions adopted there were cabled to the Hebrew press in Jerusalem, then translated by the Arabic papers—all of which served to strengthen the contention of the Moslem leaders that the Jews had designs on Islam's most sacred places, and that they were using the Wailing Wall merely as a step toward a higher goal. At the beginning of August 1929, Arab hostility toward the Jews grew more and more. By this time it was accepted among the Moslem masses in the towns and villages that the Jews had designs on their sacred Mosque El Aksa and the whole of the Ilaram El Sherif. In isolated places Arabs would throw stones and beat Jewish passers-by. The issue was also the cause of inciting hot-headed Jewish youths and the militant Zionist-Revisionist party. Like all militant groups. they refused to recognize the danger and the serious con- sequences that were bound to result from their acts of provocation. With an attitude of defiance, several hundred of these Revisionist youths marched to the Wailing Wall on Tisha b'Av (Jewish fast day commemorating the destruction of the temple) and raised the Zionist flag there. Demonstrations Begin On the very next day, which happened to be Friday, the Moslem Sabbath, when they congregate in the Mosque of Omar, the Moslems retaliated after their prayers at the mosque with a demonstration of about 2,000 persons at the Wall, burning and tear- ing the prayer books used by the Jews there. This was followed by a series of almost daily squabbles. With tension raised to such a pitch, it was an easy matter to fan the kindling flames of animosity. Rumors were circulated among the Moslem masses in the towns and villages that their sacred Mosque El Aksa had been threatened and letters were sent urging all to come to Jerusalem on Friday, Aug. 23, to protect Islam's shrines. It was on this day that matters came to a head and the notorious riots broke out throughout the country, costing the lives of 132 Jews and as many Arabs. Although anti-Zionist propaganda prior to the Wailing Wall incidents had been practically unheeded by the masses, the religious campaign served as an effective me- dium to arouse them and they became willing to lend a ready ear to any anti-Zionist talk. Thus gradually the importance of Al Buraq, the Mosqe El Aksa, the Haram El Sherif and the "danger to Moslem shrines" diminished, and the aspect of the issue changed from religious to political, with the Christian Arabs actively joining in. Among the Arabs the air was full of talk of "the wretched Balfour declaration," the Zionist menace," "our land is being taken from us." The Mufti was now firm in his saddle and to all outward appearances opposition to him disappeared. Even his bitterest foe, Ragheb Bey Nashashibi, the Mayor of Jerusa- lem, who had headed the opposition, was now forced to join him, because the Mufti wag almost idolized by the masses. To have tried to oppose him under such circumstances would have been futile. Ragheb Bey had always displayed a most friendly attitude toward the Jews and has innumerable friends among them. When Jewish leaders expressed astonishment at the sudden unity between him and the Mufti, the Mayor replied: "It is you Jews who have brought it about. It is you Jews with your Wailing Wall that forced me to join hands with the hero that you created." Whether this unity unprecedented in Arab ranks was genuine or not, on the surface and to the outside world it undoubtedly gave the appearance of a strong, united front of all Palestine Arabs, ready to fight the "Zionist menace." And the Zionists are regarded as having themselves only to blame for this strong movement against them. Joseph Levy was not a tzaddik. He was an embittered man who, in the later years of his service as New York Times correspondent, turned anti-Zionist and rendered disservice to the Jewish people. His report just quoted was taken with a grain of salt by many. Nevertheless, as an historical background in relation to Arab charges, the above material has merit in a current discussion in which so many elements who don't give a damn for Jerusalem or religion suddenly make sanctimonious demands on Israel.