THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Aaron-Gilbert Rites Siegrist Held at Temple Israel Mr. and 31r. and 311s. Franklin Honevmoon in :11exico (in Trip in Bahamas 18—Friday, July 7, 1967 Phillip Stollman in Israel for Bar-Ilan called, with Dr. Joseph Lookstein Phillip Stollman, national chair- during man of the American Committee presiding. It will be held the coming week. for Bar-Ilan University, left Thursday on a special mission to The Knone Falls in Laos is 6.7 Israel. Stollman said that urgent needs miles wide. to assure the continued activities of Bar - Ilan University necessiate Music the Stein-Way deliberations. A confer- special ence of Bar - Ilan leaders has been DICK STEIN & ORCHESTRA LI 74770 National and Local Talent la r MRS. FREDERICK AARON MRS. HOWARD SIEGRIST MRS. JERRY FRANKLIN Edee Eaton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eaton of Huntington 1:1.. Huntington Woods, and Jerry Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Franklin of Sylvan Ct., Oak Park, were married recently at Temple Ewa nu-El Rabbi Milton Rosen- baum officiated. After a Bahamas honeymoon. the couple will live in Royal Oak. The bride wore a prineess-line, of tiers of hand- floor - lene.t'l gown Alencon lace appliqued corded with pearls of crystal beads. The bodice was accented by a square neck and short sleeves. The attach- ed watteau train was of the same length as the chapel veil fitted to a bonnet of matching lace. She carried a cascade of gardenias. Mrs. Gary Eaton was matron Bridesmaids were of honor. Laura Katzman, Judy Fleischer and Donna Weingarten. Murray Franklin. brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Ushers were Gary Eaton. brother of the bride. Niel Nowene and Bob Franklin. Cheese Carole Lynn Weinberg, daugh- ter of Mrs. Grace Weinberg of Freeland Ave. and the late Mr. Weinberg, and Howard Sheldon Siegrist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mer- rill Siegrist of Southfield Rd., Southfield, were married recently at the Raleigh House. Dr. Leon Fram officiated. The bride wore an Alencon lace gown over a taffeta skirt with flowering panels encrusted with seed pearls and crystal beads and a sweetheart neck line. Matron of honor were Sharon Gold, sister of the bride and Laurel Pass of Hollywood. Viv- ian Linder of Beverly Hills was bridesmaid. Carol-Ann Weinberg and Sharon Steinman were bridesmaids. Debbie and Laurie Gold of Hollywood were flower girls. Gene Siegrist, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Ushers were Laurence Weinberg, brother of the bride. Daniel Silver- farb and Arnold M. Gold. After a Mexico honeymoon. the couple will live in Los Angeles. Volunteers to Help in Project Equality Sought by Council Professional Shows for Any e Occasion 4C 356-8525 4r :*********** 44 Berkly, Mich. •.• PHILLIP STOLLMAN 4( See Morris Watnick FINE JEWELRY 283 Hamilton (Just East of Demery's) Open Thursday and Friday Ill IP p.m. GIFTS Tel. 644-7626 ORCHESTRA CALL: LI 7-0896 or LI 5-2737 ■ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• • • • • • AMERICA'S No.1 10" PURE BEEF PRODUCTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • An appeal for the assistance of volunteers to advance the program • of Project Equality has been di- • rected to Je,wish organizational leaders and synagogue social ac- ... only the finest in taste and tion chairmen by the Jewish Com- quality from Kosher Zion . . . munity Council. mode fresh doily in our new, modern, clean stainless steel A pioneering and unique inter- kitchens, under strict U.S. faith effort to use the purchasing Government inspection and Or- power of the major religious de- thodox Rabbinical Supervision. nominations to secure equal em- ployment opportunities, the project U. S. INSPECTED is supported in this city by the ARO PASSED IIT Archdiocese of Detroit, the Detroit DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Council of Churches and the Coun- EST. 1 cil of Eastern Orthodox Churches. • as well as by the Jewish Commun- CHICAGO SI, IA, fe SAUSAGE COMPANY Or CHICAGO Ira ity Council. The goal of the project • is to encourage the purchase of goods and services from business establishments which have demon- TM GET THE BEST ... PAY LESS ! strated their intenions to eliminate racial and religious discrimination in their employment practices and which have taken affirmative ac- Lb. tions to hire and upgrade minority group employes. PROF. RICIIARD ELLMANN Thousands of employers in the Detroit area, suppliers of goods Lb. Prof. Richard Ellmann, son of and services to denominational Judge and Mrs. James I. Ellmann, institutions, have signed "com- Franklin Bliss Snyder Profes- now mitment" fornis pledging them- sor of English at Northwestern selves to hire and promote per- University, has been named a sonnel without racial or religious professor of English at Yale Uni- discrimination. To make the versity. his appointment to become program more effective, Project effective July 1, 1968. Equality is now undertaking con- Prof. Ellmann, considered the tacts with the separate religious foremost Yeats and Joyce scholar, institutions to aid them in taking has authored several books on whatever internal measures are edited and has Yeats and Joyce necessary to insure that pur- other works. .ont . 38c 4c C P chases are made from coopera- Born in Highland Park, he is tive employers. a Yale graduate, holds a degree Simultaneously, approaches are from Trinity College, Dublic and being made to employers who have earned his doctorate at Yale. He indicated their support to give was on the faculty of Harvard Uni- them such assistance as possible to doz. $1" LE versity before and after serving bring them into compliance with in the Navy and has been on the the aims of fair employment prac- Northwestern University faculty tices. It is for these approaches to Above Specials Good July 7 thry July 13 since 1951. religious institutions and employ- ers that volunteer assistance is sought. * PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE The Community Council letter 4, was signed by Walter Klein, John 4c 13400 W. 7 MILE RD., Cor. Snowden * YOUR HEART IS — IN AMERICA H. Shepherd and Hubert J. Sidlow, * Sign up for PARKING AMPLE who are the Council representa- DI 1-4525 FREE DELIVERY * U.S. Savings Bonds tives to the Project Equality board *******4 wir-******************** * New Freedom Share of directors. Prof. Ellmann Named to Yale U. Faculty Kreplach Blade The Tasty Italian Way * Joan Barbara Gilbert, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Gilbert of Warrington Dr., and Frederick Harold Aaron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Aaron of Mendota Ave. were united in marriage last week at Temple Israel. Rabbi M. Robert Syme officiated. The bride wore an Empire-bodice gown of silk organza over peau de soie. The floor-length skirt and chapel train were appliqued in borders of Duchess lace. Her man- tilla was bordered in matching lace. Mrs. Martin Goode served as ma- tron of honor. Bridesmaids were Deborah K a y n e and Margaret Mazer. Mrs. Louis Aaron, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Ushers were Robert Gilbert, brother of the bride, Robert Kosak and Dennis Littky. After a Toronto honeymoon, the couple will live in Oak Park. '7, -4C SEYMOUR SCHWARTZ "Or AGENCY ENTERTAINMENT • • • • • • • : • • KOSHER • ZION • ......•••••••1911•••••••••••..••••••••••••••• •••1,11111 • k********************************************** Just heat "n" eat Chef Boyakike Cheese RaDioll If you like cheese kreplach, you'll love this tasty Cheese Ravioli—tender little macaroni pies, filled with tangy Italian cheese, simmered with sa- vory tomato sauce, seasoned. , the real Italian way. Thrifty, too, for delicious low-cost nourishing meals. NAYS SOME SOONI * 69` i FRESH LAKE TROUT PelilaiDif KOSHER CUT-UP 59' LEGS BREASTS : 4 Z,;. 99 ROKEACH BORSCHT or SCHAV HOROWITZ GEFILTE FISH MANISCHEWITZ TAM TAM CRACKERS MA COHEN'S Pickled Schmaltz Herring WHITE STAR SOUR CREAM E 3 7 c:7; 891 GEISHA ,r4 :Z i t', TUNA E 3 SUNKIST ORANGES REISMAN'S POULTRY MARKET 1