THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, June 30, 1967 Silence of Christian Spokesmen During War Hit LOS ANGELES — The head of Reform Judaism's commission on interfaith activities accused the FALLSBURG, N.Y. (JTA) — organized Christian establishment Rabbi Pesach Z. Levovitz, presi- AMSTERDAM (JTA)—A poll of with failure to back Israel's posi- dent of the Rabbinical Council of the Dutch population on the Middle tion in a time of hostilities and America, Or thodox rabbinical East situation showed Monday that crisis. body, called upon Jewish leaders 67 per cent of those queried fa- Rabbi Balfour Brickner, New and organizations engaged in ecu- vored the Israeli cause in the con- York City, director of the com- menical dialogues and interfaith flict with the Arab states. More mission, told 500 Reform rabbis discussion "to reassess and review than 25 per cent of those polled at the 78th annual meeting of the the value of their participation in were neutral on the question and CCAR at the Hotel Ambassador these programs." another seven per cent had no that "the official spokesmen of Addressing the annual conven- opinion. Less than one half of 1 American Christiandom were not tion of the organization attended per cent favored the Arab cause. only silent in support for the in- Meanwhile, the Ashkenazi, tegrity of the state of Israel, but by some 600 rabbis, Rabbi Levo- vitz said that "all recent evidence Sephardi and Liberal Jewish com- by their silence or their prayer- seems to point to the essential in- munities in the Netherlands wired ful calls for peace which urged adequacy of interfaith exchanges." Foreign Minister Joseph Luns that the question be placed in a He cited the failure of the Christian drawing his attention to the cur- paralyzed United Nations, these community "to raise their voices rent wave of persecution and at- leaders also failed the cause of in defens of Israel and its inhabi- tacks on Jews in various Arab world peace." tants when President Nasser issued countries and urging the interven- A number of rabbis were disap- a proclamation threatening the tion of the Dutch government in pointed at this lack of understand- cooperation with other members of 2,500,000 Jews of Israel." ing on the part of the Christian The controversial issue of Fed- the United Nations in ending the hierarchy since they felt that the Jewish passion for survival, espe- eral aid to private religious edu- excesses. The Jewish community con- cially after the dreaded holocaust cation came in for sharp disagree- efforts on tinued with additional has not been fully comprehended Wednesday among four ment behalf of Israel with the depar- by these groups. Jewish Educators, all of whom are ture of another group of volun- prominently identified with Ameri- Other rabbis responded that teers to help in the reconstruc- can Orthodox Judaism. in their own communities large tion of Kibutz Gadot in Galilee numbers of Christian laymen The three-hour debate before which suffered during the recent and clergymen came forth with 600 rabbis attending the annual fighting with Syria. financial and other aids to their convention of the Rabbinical Coun- The Dutch Order of Freemasons Jewish colleagues and friends cil of America reflected the mod- donated 25,000 guilders (about on behalf of Israel. They point- erate, middle of the road and ex- $6,000) to its Israeli counterpart ed out that the Christian laymen treme positions that Orthodox along with a similar sum to the were not acting under the theo- Jewish leaders have taken on Dutch Red Cross for aid to Israel. logical doctrines and directives church-state issues as they relate of their faith, but rather as to public support of private edu- Romania's Support Americans who have warmly cation. pioneering and received the Dr. Jacob I. Hartstein, presi- of Direct Peace Talks democratic spirit of Israel. dent of Kingsboroug,h Community by Israeli Rabbi Joshua 0. Haberman, College in New York City, took Hailed (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Trenton, N.J., found Christian lay a middle-of-the-road position. In to The Jewish News) NEW YORK—Ambassador Mor- people far ahead of their clergy supporting the program adminis- tered under the federal Education decai Kidron, member of the in coming to the support and ex- Act of 1965, Dr Hartstein em- Israeli delegation to the United pressing sympathy for Israel. In his sermon before the CCAR phasized that government aid Nations, told an emergency meet- benefits now available to children ing of the American Jewish League group, Rabbi Brickner said, "Chris- attending schools under religious for Israel here that "a positive tianity was faced with an acid test auspices should be viewed pri- note in the Middle East crisis" of American inter-religious rela- marily as an opportunity "to im- had been introduced at the current tions and by and large Christians prove and enrich educational emergency session of the General were silent and in some instances their suport was for the wrong programs. to raise quality, not as Assembly by Romania. He said that the position of the reasons — anti-Communism — red the bread and butter of educa- Romanian delegation in support of baiting." tional support and financing." direct peace talks between the He sharply criticized the Ameri- On the other hand, Rabbi Uri Arab states and Israel, the only can Jewish Committee, who said Miller, a former president of such stand by any Soviet bloc in a report that there existed the Rabbinical Council, strongly country, "is the only realistic and "widespread Christian support for upheld the principle of the practical method of achieving any Israel's position as a reflection of separation of church and state. kind of stable peace in the Mideast the growth of Jewish Christian He asserted that "every escala- understanding that has developed area." tion of government aid to pri- Rabbi Isidore Breslau of Wash- through inter-faith dialogues." schools parochial vate and ington, D.C., was elected president Rabbi Levi Olan, Temple Emanu- breaks down the wall separat- of the league, succeeding Samuel ing church and state and may Daroff, who died recently. harm the public school system Dr. Judah L. Shapiro reported on which has been the crowning current Zionist reorganization ef- glory of the American social forts and said that the World Zion- economy and which has brought ist Organization's reorganization about an integrated society." committee had reaffirmed the posi- Rabbi Simon A. Dolgin, vice tion that there could be only one president of the council and active united Zionist movement. The in Jewish education, assumed an matter will be considered at a extreme position by asserting that meeting of the WZO in Jerusalem "Our American democracy provides July 17. for the right of parents to select Orthodox Rabbis Hear of Dialogue Disillusionment 67 Pct. in Dutch Poll Back Israel; Less Than 1 Pct. Support Arab Cause the type of education they desire for their children so long as it meets minimal requirements." He contended that to deprive a stu- dent of state-supported courses in these areas because his parents choose private schools or schools under the auspices of religious in- stitutions is to deprive him of ben- efits which the state offers. Hebrew U. Governors Meet on Mt. Scopus JERUSALEM—Fifty-five Ameri- cans were in Israel this week to attend the annual meeting of the international board of governors of Hebrew University, it was an- by Samuel Rothberg, nounced chairman of the board of Ameri- can Friends of the Hebrew Uni- versity. Rothberg said at least one session will be held at the original Hebrew University campus on Mt. Scopus. This will be the first governors' meeting at this historic spot which has been cut off from Israel since 1947, and only re- cently recovered. It is expected that the board of governors, which is the supreme policy-making body of the univer- sity, will officially accept the re- turn of the Mt. Scopus facilities. Israelis Praised in Protecting Iloly Sites in Jerusalem Israel has been given fullest credit for having protected the holy places in Jerusalem. In a Catholic News Service syn- dicated article, Max Lazega cabled from Jerusalem: "Religious leaders in the now- reunited city of Jerusalem have expressed their complete admi- ration of the restraint used by Israeli forces in seizing the city from its Jordanian defenders. "Pointing to orders limiting Israeli soldiers to band-to-hand fighting in the streets and to the guards stationed to protect shrines from damage, the re- ligions leaders s a id that the hand-to-hand fighting had result- ed in minimum damage to the city . . . "Once the safety of the holy places was assured, the refugee problem occupied the attention of the area's Christian, Jewish and Moslem leaders. Although . . . agencies found many refu- gees, Israeli cooperation has eased what might have been a tragic situation." El, Dallas, was named as the new president succeeding Rabbi Jacob J. Weinstein, K.A.M. Temple, Chi- cago. The new president is the second Texan to hold the highest post of the Reform rabbinic body of 1,000 spiritual leaders in the United States and Canada. The CCAR sharply criticized the United Nations as having been "manipulated by many as a convenient sounding-board for the big lie, for vicious propagan- da and for a callous distortion of facts." "As with the League of Nations some 30 years ago, the interna- tional body's credibility and honor is on the line," the unanimously adopted declaration of the rabbis stated. This was a direct reference to Soviet and Arab criticism of Israel at the international body's recent and continuing delibera- tions. In an emotionally charged set- ting, the rabbis called for intensi- fied financial support of the United Jewish Appeal's Israeli Emergency Fund and the campaign of the Israel Bond Organization, whose receipts are used to consolidate Israel's economic 'framework. The adoption of the resolution represented a sharp departure from the rabbinic body's position of supporting the United Nations, which it has done consistently. Rabbi Weinstein was sharply criticized by National Commander Malcolm A. Tarlov of the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. for "deliberate distortions and mis- statements of fact, particularly in his accusations against the JWV." Rabbi Weinstein, in his key- note address to the CCAR con- vention, was reported in the press as criticizing "the Jewish War Veterans, who have object. ed to liberal rabbis using the pulpit to state opposition to U.S. policy." "This charge," said Commander Tarlov, "is completely false, as Rabbi Weinstein has every reason to know. The JWV, which has long supported U.S. policy in Vietnam, has coupled public expressions of such support with affirmations of the right of full and responsible dissent. Wayne County Republican Chair- man Henry R. Sladek has an- nounced the appointment of Mrs. BARBARA M. KOMAR as the new public relations director of the county GOP committee. She re- places HILARY WHITTAKER who expects to leave in July to set up a pilot training and public re- lations program for the U.S. Peace Corps in India. PORT HURON MOTOR INN —THE IDEAL SPOT TO STAY ON YOUR TRIP TO AND FROM EXPO '67 a MIL _ - ra .1.1; i- i -watitZ1 thrilling, stunning leap into tomorrow is yours at Expo '67—Montreal's delightful world's fair. Immediately north of the 1-94 entrance to Canada and ideally located for your Montreal motor trip is the exciting Port Huron Motor Inn—offering a two-day Expo '67 package for-just $67 per couple. Port Huron Motor Inn has everything including fine accommodations, Indoor and outdoor pools, steam and exercise rooms, nightly entertainment, cocktail lounge, excellent restaurant and 22 bowling lanes. A Phone: 964-2661 FOOT OF THE BLUE WATER BRIDGE AND 1.94 RABBI LEVI OLAN HAVE YOU ENROLLED YOUR CHILD (age 5-116) IN OUR SUNDAY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Bnai Moshe Religious School 10 Mile Road and Kenosha, Oak Park Brochure sent upon request—LI 8-9000 , Sessions Begin Sunday, September TO