Jerusalem's Reunion Into One City Fait Accompli (Continued from Page 10) expressed the hope that this would Hussein repeating the familiar soon be a reality. Arab charges of Israeli aggression. Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin In his address, the Jordanian mon- told his press conference that he arch, who called for the "forth- reached no agreement with Pre- with return" of Jerusalem and sident Johnson on the Arab- other areas captured from Jordan, Israel situation during their sum- asserted that Jordan would learn mit meeting in Glassboro, N.J., to use modern weapons of war because he insisted on the im- and would rise again against Israel mediate withdrawal of the Israeli when the time is ripe, unless Israel forces from the conquered Arab Withdraws its forces immediately territories while President John- from territories it had taken from son wanted this question to be considered a part of the entire Jordan. complex of problems relating to Eban's address was a reply to the situation in the Middle East. numerous statements made pre- viously, during the current ses- The Soviet premier added, how- ever, that there was agreement sion, by the Soviet Union, Brit- ain, France, King Hussein of between him and President John- Jordan and many other Arab son that, with regard to further speakers. But the only govern- efforts and activities on the Middle ment he castigated outright was East issue, Secretary of State Dean the Soviet Union. He charged Rusk and Soviet Foreign Minister that the USSR had "stimulated Andrei Gromyko would remain in and is now renewing an arms contact to work on all the issues race in the Middle East." He relating to the situation in the noted that, in the last 15 years, Middle East. the Soviet Union had not once To the question whether the called on any of Israel's neigh- Soviet government would favor dis- bors "to respect her statehood continuation of arms sales to coun- and sovereignty." tries in the Middle East, as well The first essential, Eban in- as freedom of passage through the sisted, is "a dialogue" between Gulf of Aqaba and the Suez Canal, the Arab states and Israel and Kosygin replied that, first, Israel the recognition that "intermedi- must withdraw its troops behind ate armistice arrangements have the armistice lines, then the other had their day." If Egypt claims questions could be "considered." there is a state of war between On the question of whether the her and Israel, he said, "then Soviet Union would contribute to there is a state of war, and Egypt the prospects of peace in the cannot complain of the conse- Middle East by embargoing arms qences of its own doctrine." The shipments in the area, as it is be- only course to assure a future ing done by France and Britain, of peace, he declared, is peace Kosygin said that "this is a ques- itself. tion between the Arab countries In the kind of peace settlement and the Soviet Union." He reiter- Israel seeks, he pledged, "we shall ated that he considers "the first establish all the conditions of a and most important issue" the stable and secure peace by mutual bringing about of the withdrawal agreement. If there is a doctrine of the Israel forces behind the of peace. contractually expressed, 1949 armistice lines. "When that then freedom of navigation follows is done," he stated, "then all the spontaneously. There is a common other questions that may arise can interest in avoiding topographical be considered and resolved." and tactical situations congenial to border disputes. conditions of peace, there is no incentive to perpetuate a re- fugee problem. We should all strive to ensure that those who are now refugees become the productive citizens of sovereign states. In this spirit, we have already established a Settlement Authority to work for the integration of refugees into economic life. "Similarly, we are taking steps to ensure that the interest of the world's religions in the peace. sanc- tity of the holy places and free access thereto is expressed in agreed form. For the first time in 20 years, Jerusalem is not divided, is not a military frontier and of- fers access to the shrines of all three great religions. Conditions are thus ripe for the fulfillment of spiritual yearnings and ideals. In his address, King Hussein charged that Israel had planned its aggression for 19 years and had finally perpetrated "a mon- ster, sneak aggression" that has been paralleled in history only by Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. charged Israel with "vicious a different stand than the other countries of the Soviet bloc. He appealed to the Arab states to recognize Israel and advocated direct Arab-Israel talks for a settlement of all differences. The Romanian Communist leader also stressed that Israel must re- tire to the June 5 armistic lines, but he did not make the request unconditional. In warning against "the use of force to assert a right," he did not—as have all other Soviet bloc spokesmen, including Kosy- gin—single out Israel as the target of charges of aggression. Romania is the only Soviet bloc country which did not follow the lead of the Soviet Union in break- ing diplomatic relations with Israel. Turkish Foreign Minister Ishan Sabri Caglayangil told the As- sembly that Israel must evacu- ate the territories its 'forces had occupied. Queried whether he would comment on reports of a new wave of anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union as a result of the Arab-Israel war, Premier Rosy- gin replied: "Well I can only surmise that that is an invention trumped up by the author of the question himself. There has never been and there is no anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union and so there can be no question, either, of any new wave because there hasn't been an old one. The Jews in the Soviet Union enjoy all the rights on an equal basis with all the other citizens of the Soviet Union. Many of them occupy very high, responsible posts. One of my deputies, a Deputy Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, is a Jew, and there are many Jews among the scientists and states- men and men in other positions in the Soviet Union. There is no anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union, and I think that allega- tions to that effect are designed to create certain difficulties and to depict in a false light the He in our country." treatment" of Jordanian civilians situation In reply to another question, as and prisoners of war. He accused to whether his talks with Presi- Israel of aggravating the Arab re- dent Johnson will not affect his fugee problem. He demanded that relations with the Arab states, . Israel's policy with regard to "the unity of Jerusalem" and freedom of access to the holy places there to all religious faiths was reiterated Sunday by Eban in a nationwide television program. "Access to the holy places is assured under the unity of the city," he said, adding that the question of "securing access" is a matter for negotiation. He was interviewed on the "Meet the Press' program of the Na- tional Broadcasting Company. Israel's parliament approved readings this week of three bills presented by the government to authorize it to realize unification of New and Old Jerusalem under conditions which it hoped would avoid diplomatic difficulties. The measures provided for pro- tection for the holy places, for for- mulation of laws in "newly-freed" territories and permitting the gov- ernment to name new municipal areas and new municipal council- ors. Three readings are required for enactment into law. The meas- ures would place all holy sites under the protection of the Israeli government. The laws were pre- sented by Justice Minister Yaacov Shapiro, Religious Affairs Minis- ter Zerach Warhaftig and Deputy Interior Minister Israel Ben-Meir. The "basic law" on protection of the holy sites would cover shrines sacred to Christianity, Juda- ism and Islam and would impose prison terms of up to seven years for desecration of the sites or for preventing worshipers from attend- ing services at the sites. The muni- cipality bill would authorize the interior minister to include, by ad- ministrative decision, an area into an existing municipality or to com- bine existing municipalities. Under the measure, the interior minister also would be authorized to name municipal councilors from residents of the new municipal ter- ritories. While Jerusalem is not mentioned by name in the three measures, it was clear that the law was specifically designed to make possible the capital's legal reuni- fication. the assembly recognize clearly that Kosygin said he did not discuss had invaded three Arab Israel • its Soviet-Arab relations with John- countries and must wi immediately. lie told the son. Ile declared: "We maintain forces that Jerusalem is "now very good relations with the Arab assembly foreign hands for the first time world, very good relations; the in years." Arab states enjoy great trust and in Premier 1,000 Levi Eshkol told an confidence in the Soviet Union." with foreign When asked whether, in the light impromptu conference his direct talks with President journalists that as long as Israel ' s of Johnson, he favors direct talks be- neighbors continued to make plans tween the leaders of Israel and for Israel's destruction, "we are the Arab states, he said: "That is not going to evacuate any of the a question which the Arab states territories under our control neces- should decide upon and reply." sary for our security." A topic of conversation among He added that if the Arab rulers UN delegates of various coun- would agree to negotiate with Is- tries during the weekend was rael, "all problems could be solv- the attitude taken at the Gen- ed" and he reiterated an earlier Assembly toward the Arab- statement that "chances for peace eral Israel conflict br Romanian better today than at any time are Prime Minister Maurer. In his in the past 20 years." The premier address before the Assembly, Jews emphasized his belief that leader took quite live in peace and the Romanian and Arabs could gave them assurances of religious freedom. It was believed that the government was examining the possibility of creating a re- ligious council, formed from rep- resentatives of the three reli- gions, to supervise the holy sites and religious freedom for all. Meanwhile, Israel began today to switch supervision of Jewish holy sites in Old Jerusalem from military to civilian auspices with an announcement that the Reli- gious Affairs Ministry had assum- ed direction of the Western Wall ane the Cave of Simon. It was as- sumed that the ministry would soon take responsibility for the other Jewish holy places in the Old City. The ministry will soon name a team of supervisors to work out arrangements for visits to the sites and also take responsibility for their maintenance. Until now, su pervision has been under direction of the chief chaplaincy of the Is- rael armed forces. Representatives of Jerusalem burial societies submitted a report on the status of the graves on Mount of Olives. The report said that several thousands burial stones had been removed by the Jordan- ians, presumably for building pur- poses. Some graves had been des- troyed by the Amman regime when it built highways across the tradi- tional Jewish cemetery area. How- ever, graves in the "Rabbis' Sec- tion" — where some of the most famous rabbis are buried — were reported intact, including the grave of the late Chief Rabbi Kook. The premier and Dr. Warhaf- tig received representatives of the three major religions and settlement in the Middle East, including the future status of Jerusalem. It was pointed out that Rev. Blake had already said that the status of Jerusalem and the holy places there were poli- tical matters. This stand, it was noted, contrasted with the stand of the Vatican, and represented the attitude on this question by 200 Protestant and Orthodox de- nominations around the world.) The Standing Conference of Or- thodox Bishops in the Americas unanimously urged that the holy places in Jerusalem be given an "internationally guaranteed status, irrespective of the results of pres- ent efforts for a political settle- ment." The conference also set up a Holy Land Refugee Fund to as- sist the "hundreds of thousands" of refugees in the area. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 30, 1967-11 (From Geneva it was report- ed that the Rev. Eugene Carson Blake, head of the World Coun- cil of Churches, said that the council and the Israel govern- ment were consulting on a num- ber of issues involved in a peace For Some of the best buys on new Pontiacs Tempests and Firebirds ASK FOR SAUL BERCH AT Packer Pontiac 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 UN 3-9300 HURRY LAST 2 DAYS STOREWIDE SALE ! 20% °,17 14 r: Stock : in • SUITS • SPORT COATS • RAINCOATS • SLACKS • SHIRTS & all FURNISHINGS . FREE ALT RATIONS TUXEDOS • FORMAL ACCESSORIES SALES & RENTALS • TAILORING—Quality alterations on Ladies', Men's and Children's Clothing RADOM TAILORS 22141 COOLIDGE SO. OF 9 MILE OAK PARK PHONE: 393-9118 THE UNIROYAL MASTER IF IT SAVES YOUR LIFE ONCE ... IT'S A BARGAIN With Uniroyal Masters on your car, you'll never know when you pick up a nail. Because we put a Seal Rite lining in our tire. Seal Rite is a special compound that covers the inside of the air chamber. 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