Do YOU Have to Be Called for a Contribution To the Vitally Needed Israel Emergen - cy Fund? Detroit's effort for the IsraelEmergency Fund—the vital task now being conducted to provide for Israel's reconstruction after a war which would have crippled Israel's economy without the assistance of American Jewry—is showing good results. The chairman of the campaign, Paul Zuckerman, reports that the sum of $5,200,000 has already been exceeded. But there are thousands who are yet to be enrolled in this great effort. Some have said that they have been waiting to be called for their gifts. Do YOU have to be called? Or ... will YOU be among the voluntary contributors who will assure the unity of our community in support of the most serious philanthropic undertaking in our community's history? Do not wait! Make your gift now! Call the Allied Jewish Campaign, WOodward 5-3939, or send your check at once to 163 Madison, Detroit, Mich. 48226. And YOU can render additional service by volunteering to contact the unsolicited. ACT NOW! Time for Action in Support of Israel Is NOW Editorial Page Four VOLUME LI — No. 15 THE JEWISH NEWS D E TROIT A Weekly Review I\/1 I 1—I I GA NJ of Jewish Events World-Shaking Events Affecting Current Crisis in Middle East Commentary Page Two Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 48235— VE 8-9364 —June 30, 1967 $6.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Dialogue for Peace Formulated by Eban Israel and Jordan, With Red Cross Aid, . Agree on Prisoners' Exchange Eshkol Sees Direct Talks as Only Solution Under constant attack by. Arab and Communist spokesmen at the United Nations General Assembly, Israel's spokesmen, headed by the coun- try's foreign minister Abba Eban, continue to outline Israel's role and place their emphasis on the urgency of direct negotiations between Israel and the Arab states. Replying to an attack by King Hussein of Jordan and his threat of a continuation of the war, at the session on Monday afternoon, Eban reiterated that "a dialogue" between Israelis and Arabs is the first essential to peace and presented a formula for action. At the same time, in Jerusalem, Israel's Prime Minister declared that direct talks are the only solution to the problem. An "all for all" exchange of prisoners between Israel and Jordan was agreed upon, as a result of negotiations conducted by the International Red Cross. ilots on At Jericho, 428 Jordanians were exchanged for two Israeli pilots Tuesday. the International Committee of the Red But in Geneva, Switzerland, that it had not as yet received permission from any Ara Cross stated on n Monday from the third state to as sist Jewish nationals who suffered reprisals Gallopin, said the Arab-Israel war . The committee's director-general, Roger Cross help as victims organization believed such Jews were entitled to Red of the war. / Editorial: In reply to the repeated attacks on Israel by USSR Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin at the press conference at the UN, Sunday night, Eban said: "There was nothing new in these statements. They repeated allegations on which I have already answered in my address to the General Assembly June 19. "Chairman Kosygin bases his proposals on the false allegation of Israel's 'aggression.' lie failed to win support for this charge in the Security Council. The charge of Israeli aggression is in total contradiction to truth and reality, and is rejected by progressive and peace-loving circles through- out the world, which uphold Israel's struggle for security. peace and right of self-defense. "Chairman Kosygin's only proposal was for a return in effect to the situation led to the recent hostilities. It is not Israel's insistence on the rec- ognition of her sovereignty. the respect of her security and the conclusions of peace which would create conditions for new hostilities in the Middle East. "On the contrary. insistence on the withdrawal without assuring peace would create such conditions. This has been specifically recognized not only by Israel but by other governments whose leaders have made statements in- side and outside the United Nations this week. The Soviet proposal is a prescription for new hostilities. (Continued on Pages 10 and 11) Democracy s Strength Despite Weaknesses: - Democracies' Duties on Humanitarian Front What is to be deplored, however, are monarch to the United Nations to threaten a U.S. billion-dollar fund for that purpose there be action on that score inune. Alexei Kosygin came here and was given con tinuation of war. need is to assure that diately—but without the previous aim of platform for his ideas. Nothing of the the inadequacies of the democracies' aims, con The i tinuat on mediate a sort could possibly have happened in the their complacency, their search for expe• hatreds. the parties involved in the conflict should fomenting Soviet Union. Many were disturbed by the diency rather than insistence on action to is f Let there b e a serious effort to use the clone, talking to each other. Until that an- aciles of democratic nations, the avail- fact that an enemy of democracy should solve the world's pressing and deplorable start to by other war within 10 years—especially if able assistance funds, to provide the food have been given so much freedom to ex• problems. repe- sanctimonious Russia proceeds with plans that is needed for the impoverished Arab i s talk of rearming the Arabs pound views that were ai masses. Let there be an effort to raise the contrary to our way of Soviet Russia, and there is constant is el to rearm the Arabs. an i deology that masses, by striving If this can not be attained at once, there standards of the Arab tion life. Nevertheless we must view the situa• tition of charges implying "aggression." And there But are what reports of the done flight in of their the are other responsibilities so pressing that to remove illiteracy, by teaching them the is being as being an inevitable, a compulsory refugees. It is only heartlessness can possibly stand in the modern way of life which defies the dic- p art of the democratic approaches. tatorships which perpetuate filth. Let there k, even if behalf? path of adhering to them. They are: "the that there should be talk, better The world's major powers have several to Instead of permitting "the art of lying" be an end to increased arms races. Instead of lying" (read James rReston become a basis for human relations, let of armaments. let the masses get the neces• views on Page 3) continues to p esent 'sa serious obligations: powers obtain the consent sities of life. An end to poverty and Miter- serious problem in fact-finding. There is poverty and suffering among th e w'orld's could well lead to a better understand- By this token, the United Nations, even the defeated peoples..Israel is cooperating of the Arab nations, and together with acy In its present unsavory role, must be view- with the International Red Cross in provid- Israel, proceed to settle the refugees, to ing among the kindred peoples in that area. provide work for them, to assure suttee• An end to the arms race in the Middle East ed as one of the most vital factors in the ing assistance to fleeing Egyptians across be one of the major inspirations search for peace, for amicable relationships the desert. But the Egyptian dictatorship ance for their children and to end the could well among nations. With all the venom that saw fit to shut off the water supply to the flight. Israel aids them but can not wel• for a permanent and lasting peace. Let has been poured out in the General As- Sinai Desert. Nothing has been said about come back to her territory a Fifth Column. these objectives be the aims of our democ- Sembly by the Arab spokesman and the that. The United States offers food and The democracies must strive for the solu• racies. Then will the democratic idea emerge as a working force for the best Soviet Union's instigators of hatred, it is medicaments, and is receiving little en- lion of this problem not by perpetuating a better that they should have this type of couragement to assure fulfillment of hu• status of pariahs among them but by settl- human relations. Then the UN could cease ing them among their kinsmen and by pro- being a mere debating forum and could platform and that Abba Eban should be proposals. i mantaran pp. i Refugees are running away from li reaty, ving work for them. The l a te e Scretary be transformed into a working force for heard in reply than that there should be di the constant threat of war and actual resort and all Jordan could do was to send its of State John Foster Dulles once offered the common good of all mankind. to it.