THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24—Friday, June 23, 1967 Israel Luncheon Yields $105,000 At the Israel emergency luncheon and fashion show where S105.000 in Israel Bonds was subscribed are (from left): Mrs. Max StoIlman, honorary chairman, Detroit Israel Bond women's division; Sam Cardinal, fashion co-ordinator and commentator; Mrs. Morris L. Schaver, women's division chairman and Mrs. Gerda Weissmann Klein, survivor of the Nazi holocaust, who made an impassioned appeal for help to Israel. Mrs. Brandwine spoke and Mrs. Schaver pronounced the invocation. Mrs. Stollman made the Bond announce. ments. A special feature was the presentation of the sixth annual "Star of Israel" diamond designed and contributed by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allan. The emblem, depicting a map of Israel, was won by Mrs. Irwin Weiler. Land Purchased for Shiffman WSU Medical Library A site for Wayne State Univer- sity's Shiffman Medical Library will he purchased by\he univer- sity from the City of Detroit. The library, which is expected to he started this year, was made possi- ble in part through a $500,- 000 gift from the Abraham Shif f- ma n Foundation. A 1'4-acre site at the corner of Brush and Can- field is available from the city for S60.362. Authori- zation to WSU of- Shiffman ficials for its pur- chase was voted by Wayne's Board of Governors at its June 15 meet- ing. The library will serve the school and the medical profession of De- troit. The Shiffman grant, together ith $200,000 already raised by medical alumni, will be matched by funds from the state and fed- eral governments to cover the li- brary's cost, expected to be $2,000,- 000. The library building site is a cen- tral one in the Detroit Medical C e n t e r, near WSU's completed Medical Research Building, the first to rise in the Medical Center. It will also be near WSU's Basic MediCal Science Building for which it is hoped ground-breaking will begin this year. The oldest national flag is that of Denmark, adopted in 1219. Recommended by Physicians RABBI LEO GOLDMAN Expert Moltel Serving Hospitals and Homes LI 1-9769 LI 2-4444 CERTIFIED EXPEPT MOHEL RABBI Israel Goodman 334-4149 334-7031 Serving In Hospitals and Homes REV. GOLDMAN L. MARSHALL MOHEL 1,.; at Homes and Hospitals DI 1-9909 Business Brevities Ten per cent of all sales by the K M YARN CO. during its $50,000 sale on all knitting supplies will be given to the Israel Emergency Fund, it was announced this week. Imported and domestic yarns, nee- dles, accessories, books, tapestries, kits and rug yarns will be sold at up to 70 per cent off, with every- thing in the store on sale. Store hours at K M, 18695 Wyoming, are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily including Saturday; and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday. Security and Michigan Bankard plates are accepted there. For information, call DI 1-5070. • r • AMERICAN SAVINGS AND L 0 A N ASSOCIATION has an- nounced the appointment of SIMONS-MICHELSON CO., Detroit, as its advertising agency. A spokes- man for the agency said American Savings it the largest state-char- tered savings and loan association in Michigan, with 14 offices in the Detroit area. BiriA Announcements June 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Dworkin. former Detroiter of New York, a son. Benjamin Abraham. • • June 15 — To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Landau (Sheila Kagan), 20138 Warrington, a daughter, Julie Beth. June 7 — To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sislin (Phyllis Barr). 18400 Cher- rylawn, a daughter, Kate Eliza- beth. • • • May 29 — To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wine (Elaine Bobroff ), 2400 Parmenter, Royal Oak, a son, Jason Brandt. r • May 26—To Mr. and Mrs. David Ilorowitz (former Detroiter Pam- ela Kessler) of Fullerton, Calif., a son, Steven Michael. • May 24 — To Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Schiff (Sheila Katz), 20516 Meyers, a son, Adam Paul. • • • March 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Dishell (Marlene Boyd), 10631 Corning, Oak Park, a son, Jeffrey Scott. • • • May 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Shel- don Satovsky (Sharon Samoss) of 14825 Lincoln, Oak Park, a daugh- ter. Michele Ann. Wetsman Renamed' .hiss Jo Ann Saperstein Grant Is Among JVS-CW President to Wed Harold Hauer New WSU Gifts William M. Wetsman was re- elected president of the Jewish Vo- cational Service and Community Workshop at the r agency's annual meeting June 21, at the Detroit Standard City Club. Other officers elected were: Kaye G. Frank, Arthur Rice and Melvin Kolbert, vice presidents; Wetsman Julian H. Scott, treasurer: William M. Davidson, secretary. The following were reelected to the board of trustees: Melvin Binder. Paul Randleman, Bruce E. Thal, Dr. William W. Wattenberg, Robert Brody, Peter D. Brown, Mrs. Joseph G. Gilber t, Mrs. Nathan N. Kaplan, Morris Lieber- man, Robert F. Phillips, William M. Wetsman, Paul Broder. Newly elected trustees for three years are: Judge George Brody, Mrs. Arnold E. Frank and Thomas I. Klein. In his presidential report, Wets- man highlighted developments within the agency during the past year. He particularly emphasized the move of the Community Work- shop to its present larger facility at 1025 Brush Street and the in- novation of a new Pre-Vocational Program. He also mentioned the decision of the Veteran's Adminis- tration to use the Jewish Voca- tional Service as a guidance center for veterans. The Jewish Vocational Service and Community Workshop is sup- ported through the Allied Jewish Campaign. Albert Cohen is execu- tive director of the agency. LETTER BOX Gifts, grants and contracts ac- cepted by the Wayne State Univer- sity board of governors at its monthly meeting June 15 totaled $1,456,200 for a one-month period. The largest single grant, $631,- 900, was given by the U.S. Office of Education for Educational Op- portunity Grants to assist WSU students in extreme financial need to enter or remain in college. A grant of $32.655 from the Theodore and Mina Bargman Foun- dation will be used to purchase equipment in the cardiac labora- tory in the WSU School of Medi- cine. MISS JO ANN SAPERSTEIN Mr. and Mrs. George Saperstein of Hartwell Ave. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Jo Ann to Harold Hauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hauer of Freeland Ave. The future bridegroom attends Wayne State University. A December wedding is planned. HENRY M. GOTTLIEB, local at- torney and former social worker, was guest speaker Sunday at a forum meeting of the Mt. Calvary AME Church. His topic was "Ju- venile Delinquency in Our Midst." The speaker was introduced by the Reverend E. G. Clements, pastor of the church. Larry Freedman Orchestra and Entertainment - Dr. CHARLES J. WOLFE, 16575 Huntington, executive deputy super- intendent of Detroit Public Schools, has been elected president ,of the Wayne State University Alumni Association for 1967-68. He will take office July 1. FOR THE LIGHTEST TRANSPORTATION NEXT TO FLYING 647-2367 For the largest assortment of area rugs and beautiful carpels ... never forget Carpets International See your decorator or dealer for an introduction Nor- - Wrole lot folder 3131 W. McNICHOLS .,_ pPi-scples Phone: 864-9145 HACK SHOE COMPANY • 33 East Adams • 19360 Livernois • 20901 Kelly Rd. • 235 Pierce, Birmingham Open: Daily IP to 5:30; 'HI 1 on Sat. Eves. by appointment Carl Alpert, St. John Agree on Nasser Role Editor, The Jewish News: This is a small world. In your issue of 12 May, 1967, -you published a letter from Robert St. John, commenting on an article of mine which had appeared a few weeks earlier. I had written that in 1948 the Israelis had captured Gamal Abdel Nasser and had re- leased him. How different things might have been today .... The issue of The Jewish News carrying the above letter reached me during the war here. A couple of days later I found myself trav- elling with St. John on a behind- the-lines inspection of Bethlehem, Ramallah and old Jerusalem. As our car skirted burnt-out tanks, and sought to avoid buried mines that might still be in the road, we also found time to discuss the Nasser matter. Technically St- John was correct. Nasser was one of a large group of Egyptian soldiers who were sur rounded by the Israelis in 1948 in the Faluja pocket. They did not surrender—and after the truce was signed they were permitted to re- turn home. St. John and I agreed on the following formula: Nasser was never captured, but he was re- leased by the Israelis. Standing in a bookstore in Beth- lehem, where Jordanian flags and pictures of King Hussein were still for sale by the way, we agreed on something else—what a good paper The Jewish News is. Sincerely. CARL ALPERT Haifa June 18, 1967 Thou shouldst not decide until thou hast heard what both have to say.—Aristophanes OSS REALTY CO. ORCH ESTRA CALL: LI 7-0896 or LI 5-2737 EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZVAH? Cranbrook House Motel Is Conveniently Located at 20500 JAMES COUZ ENS hem Northland) (8 Mile & Greenfield—A Call 342-3000 For the Finest Accommodations! Dine at the SCOTCH & SIRLOIN RESTAURANT Airport Limousine Service Available Sumer fun at PLAYFAIR DAY CAMP Licensed by the State of Michigan Complete Day Camp program for boys and girls ages 3 1/2 to 14. We feature: • Swimming with instruction • Arts and Crafts • Baseball • Sports and games • Cookouts • Nature Lore Compare our prices and services. For further information call LI 8 - 7682 or 546 - 7772 Lyle Parr, director ■•■ . - • . .... '''''''''' ....... "Smartest Move You'll Ever Make" 17350 LIVERNOIS DI 2-1300