Harold Silver Reporting From Jerusalem Describes People's Reactions to the War HAROLD SILVER Harold Silver, nationally promi- nent social worker who has made his home in Israel for the past six years, upon his retirement as di- rector of the Jewish Family and Children's Bureau of Detroit (for- merly the Jewish Social Service Bureau), sends us a dramatic ac- count of his experiences during the war in Jerusalem and of the reactions of the people to the dra- matic occurrences. Excerpts from his article follow: The War and I By HAROLD SILVER A few days before June 5, when full scale hostilities began, I brought my car to the garage for repairs. All the mechanics had been called up (that was the per- iod of partial mobilization). The manager said to me: "Come back after the war." I had lived through several wars (I, II, Korea, Viet- nam), and to me that meant a matter of years. Now, only 10 days later, the war is over, and in such a manner that I still can't believe it. Perhaps the best symbolic rep- resentation of these unbelievable events is to contrast two points in time, a week or two apart. Nasser shouting to a Cairo demonstra- tion: "No power in the whole world can compel us to give up Sharm-el-Sheikh and open the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ship- ping." AND—Sharm-el-Sheikh cap- tured by a detachment of Tzahal without firing a single shot! My own contribution to the war in Jerusalem area was two nights and three days spent either in the air raid shelter or in my blacked- out apartment, listening to the guns thundering on both sides, the ack-ack-ack of the anti-aircraft guns on the Jordanian side, and the heart warming sound of Is- raeli warplanes passing on the way to the Jordanian fastnesses. I can't even produce any material proof of my experiences beyond a piece of shrapnel and two machine- gun shells I found on my porch on Wednesday morning, (though a mortar shell landed in the garden, a couple hundred feet away and damaged the houses of two neigh- bors). I can't begin to give you an or- ganized account of those three days; better reporters than me must have done that in your pap- ers. But here are a few impres- sions and ideas. 1. The self-discipline, orderliness and quiet confidence of the Jeru- salemites was phenomenal. Though no one ever questioned the final victory of Israel, Jerusalem, sur- rounded on three sides by the best Arab army and within easy reach of mortar fire and even ordinary rifles, was in serious danger. And yet there was no panic, no evacua- tion, and until Monday, during the weeks of waiting for the diplomats Friday, June 23, 1967-15 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Canadian Groups Ask Federal Ban on Distribution of Hate Literature (Direct TPA Teletype Wire using the mails to distribute anti- to The Jewish News) to find a solution, there was busi- received from all over the world. Jewish materials. TORONTO — Three national ness as usual (aside from a two- As against that the caution and The organization, Lalerte del hypocrisy of friendly governments Canadian organizations announced Occident, recently resumed distri- days' run on food stores). opposition to the dissemination of were bitter to swallow. bution of an expanded 64-page 2. My apartment, just behind the 8. One speculates on what if—. hate propaganda and asked for brochure, "La Cle du Mystere," Israel Museum, faces the Valley Let us spin an imaginative yarn federal action to ban such distri- containing a variety of anti-Jewish of the Cross, at one spot of which that could easily have happened if bution. libels. there was a unit of soldiers operat- Israel listened to the advice of The Ontario Association of ing a set of mortar guns. It was friends not to do anything to "in- Mayors and Reeves accepted a mo- OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS one of the "unrealest" experiences crease the tension." tion from the City of London, Ont., that fell to my lot when, in the urging the federal government to The CARIBE MOTEL I listened to the Jordanian radio bright Jerusalem sunlight, the enact such a law. The action was PROVIDES YOUR neighbors would bring out benches the day Hussein signed the pact taken at the association's confer- WITH . . and folding chairs on to the cover- with Nasser (it was broadcast in ence. CONVENIENT LOCATION ed sidewalk in front of the apart- English and therefore relatively The National Council of Women Woodward near 7 M2e Rd. Minutes awn) from everything ments and watch the war as on a moderate): 'Now the Zionist mur- of Canada decided to examine and derers will get what's coming to huge movie screen. We could see discuss a bill against such distri- LUXURIOUS ROOMS • Phones • Air Conditioning clearly the little flames of light them. We will say to all these nice bution now before a joint commit. • Complete Kitchens shining up in the Valley when a Jews: You have overstayed the tee of the Commons and Senate. • Wall-to-Wall Carpeting traditional Arab hospitality in our gun was fired, followed a second The council wishes to present its COMPLETE later by the boom-boom of the house, Now go back where you views to the joint committee. ACCOMMODATIONS mortar shell as it sped eastward, came from. If in the process of The Ontario Command of the AT NO EXTRA COST the first day in the direction of persuasion we will rough them up, Canadian Legion adopted unani- • TV and Radio • Parking • Continental Breakfast Mt. Scopus and the Abu Tor south that, too, is in the Arab tradition. mously a resolution asking the of the walled city) areas, and the I have listened to the Voice of federal government and all .provin- PHONE Cairo broadcasting in Hebrew dur- second day in the direction of Mar cial and municipal governments in TO 8-2662 Elias, the Jordanian stronghold on ing the 60-hour war. Here are Canada "To act in concert to de- the south, near Bethlehem, the col- some of the gems: 'Residents of clare the activities of the Cana- lection of emplacements inside a Israel! Our glorious army is on its dian National Socialist Party. as Rates mountain. which visitors to Ramat way to Tel Aviv. Save yourselves. seditious and that the continued Moderate Rachel used to see across the bor- Your cheating government has al- existence of the party be forbid. Start at ready increased the price of gaso- den and that dissemination of its der. line, next will come bread and scurrilous and treasonable utter- $8.00 3. Aside from the neighborhoods meat. We take pity on you even ances and publications be banned." bordering the old city the damage though in war there is no pity. In Ottawa, Postmaster General Near 7 Mile Road in Jerusalem was minimal. Some Save your children's lives, go away Jean Pierre Cote told the House 500 wounded (a fraction serious- (didn't say where). We say to of Commons that he would forbid 19630 ly), about a thousand buildings Dayan: In the Sinai war we took an organization in Montreal from Woodward hit (in most cases partially, in- out one eye; we will take the sec- cluding the President's and Esh- ond now. Your rulers, the bastards, kol's homes). Water, gas, radio, are leading you to destruction.' Et electricity functioned normally in cetera, et cetera. I haven't the most of the city. slightest doubt that there would have been wholesale slaughter of 4. Overnight as it were, the in- civilians what with the inflamed ter-party bickerings, the greed and passions of the soldiers and the selfishness of citizens, that of late throngs of hate-ridden refugees. were targets of criticism, ceased 9. Now will come days of bitter as if by a wave of a magic wand. New York Carpet has the finest Perhaps the finest symbol of the struggle on the diplomatic and eco- selection of smart area rugs on newly-found national unity was nomic fronts. Our good friends, display, such as: the scene in the Knesset basement instead of being grateful for settl- when Ben-Gurion and Begin (in- ing the hash of the would-be Hitler, "Brasilia" "Rusticana" veterate political enemies—B. G. Hitler of the Nile, will try to re- 2'n4' $13.95 used to walk out demonstratively strict and cut down the fruits of 2'x4' S 8.95 during Knesset sessions when Be- victory. For the voice of Arab oil 3'x5' 24.95 13.95 3'x5' gin took the floor) when these foes still speaks louder than the voice 4'x6' 4'x6' 20.95 39.95 embraced each other. Thousands of of justice. THE WAR WAS BRIEF 6'x9' 6'x9' 59.95 89.95 ordinary citizens volunteered their but costly. The dislocation of the services, paid their taxes in ad- economy will contin'.e for months, See over 800 Rolls of luscious carpet on our famous mobile vance, contributed money to the and just as we have begun to racks ... all on sale Treasury. The youth of the coun- climb out of the recession. The try, which from newspaper reports Israelis will have to tax them- OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 6! prior to the crisis, you would have selves even more steeply. We hope thought was bent only on good Jewish help from abroad will ex- times; careerism and cynicism, sud- pand to the requisite degree. This 41/4/IrC, denly became the heroes and de- is a period of great joy and glory, C 0 M P4 NV fenders of the nation. Even the and also a precursor of harsh reali- ties to be faced. Natorei Karta suepended their hos- tility to the "Zionist state," and Harold Silver lust east of Telegraph Hassadic rebbes led their follow- Jerusalem Reunited ers in digging slit trenches for June 11, 1967. shelter—on Shabbat! First the Druzes and later the Arabs joined in expressing solidarity with the Jewish population. The only sour note was heard from two Knesset members of one of the communist parties who replayed the broken record of Israeli "agression." 5. Only those steeped in Jewish tradition can fully appreciate the depth of emotions aroused when the radio broadcast the brief cere- mony at the Western Wall, the blessing of Sheshechyanu, and the recitations of the Kadish, and the blowing of the Shofar. 6. The brilliant, unprecedented results of the war are a great tri- bute to two men (if one is to as- sess• contributions of individuals). One is Chief of Staff, Gen. Rabin for the organization and training of this wonderful citizen army. The other is Eshkol, for the plan- ning, preparation, stockpiling of weapons, supplies, transportation. Eshkol will never win a popularity contest with men like Dayan. Day- an's appointment as Defense Minis- ter was of great psychological im- portance, both at home and abroad, but obviously he had no hand in the military plans or in the or- ganization of the supporting ser- HARVARD ROW MALL vices. 7. The response of world Jewry 11 MILE & LASHER RDS., SOUTHFIELD to the danger was heart warming. Closed Saturday, Open Sunday Volunteers began arriving from abroad, messages of encouragement Everybody loves the "SHAGGY-LOOK"... r if) ti9/1/1 23140 W. 8 MILE ISRAEL TRAVEL BAN LIFTED! ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS TO ISRAEL CALL Elgin 3-5811 Pik& ODI2QA0.12 TRAVEL AGENCY