Ancient Aden Jewish Community Liquidated- , Report Arab Pogroms of Jews in Many Lands (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — The ancient Jewish community of Aden, which once numbered about 7,000, passed out of existence Monday with the arrival of mast of the protectorate's Jewish remnant in Israel. A mem- ber of the group of 150 which ar- rived here on a chartered plane said two Jews were left in Aden, one who was wounded and one who refused to leave. All of the newcomers had British passports and 75 decided to continue on to London. After the British annexed Aden in 1838, the number of Jews rose rapidly, mostly by emigration from Yemen. After Israel's war of libera- tion, serious attacks were made on Jews by Aden Arabs and after Israel was established, more than 6,000 of the Jews were brought to Israel in operation Magic Carpet. In 1965, the Jewish population was listed as 400. Several Jews were killed, and Jewish property put to the torch recently by Arab mobs who went into action after Israel's victory in the war which started on June 5. ROME —At least 18 Jews have been killed during the past two weeks in Libya by ramapaging Arab mobs and some 4,000 others in have barricaded themselves their homes in Tripoli, an Italian journalist reported Monday. Giorgio Fattori. writing in La Stampa, reported that 6,000 Jews live in Tripoli and that "more than 1,000 are for the moment safe in the gargaresh barracks outside the city." Several hundred other Jews with foreign passports are protect- ed by their embassies, he reported. He also reported that this infor- mation left 3.000 to 4,000 "hiding in the city." He also reported that Libyan police were stopping assaults on Jewish homes but doing nothing to assist the Jews, who have been barricaded for 13 days. If they leave their homes in search of food or medicine. "they risk death," the journalist wrote. The Italian government is in- vestigating complaints that Italian Jews have been tortured and beaten by police in Egypt. Five Jewish refugees from Egypt said police stuck burning matches under their fingernails, beat them up and kept them standing in a crowded cell for 48 hours, without anything to eat. Meanwhile a flood of anti- Jewish propaganda, stemming from the Arab defeat in the war and distributed by the opposi- tion Istiqlal party, has prompted many of Morocco's 50,000 Jews to remain in their homes behind locked doors, it was reported here from Rabat. The Istiqlal newspapers are pub- lishing what Moroccan Jewish leaders call falsehoods hostile to Moroccan Jews, who are being de- nounced in the publications as Zion- ists responsible for the Arab's de- feat. Moroccan authorities have is- sued stern warnings against moles- tation of Jews but the Istiqlal cam- paign is causing anxiety among the Jews. .Jews have been observing a voluntary after-dark curfew since an Arab gunman shot and killed two Jews last Sunday in Meknes and since then there have been re- ports of Jews being molested by Arab hoodlums. Jewish sources said Moroccan officials had warned that anyone caught molesting Jews would get five years in prison, despite the fact that the government of King Ilassan II gives "total support" to the Arab League stand that Pales- ; tine is properly Arabic. JERUSALEM — A number of members of parliament from vari- ous parties sought Tuesday to ob- 1 tain action of some sort for Jews in Arab countries who have been harassed, beaten and killed in the wake of Israel's latest victory over the Arab countries. Their activities were in response to reports that Jews in Damascus and Aleppo were attacked in a manner reminiscent of European pogroms. Similar reports concern- ed maltreatment of Jews in Libya, Egypt, Tunis and Lebanon. The Knesset members approached the government to take up the prob- lem. Letters to Israeli newspapers suggested that the re:ease of Egyp- tian prisoners of war still held by Israel be made conditional on ex- change for Jews now held in Egyp- tian captivity. * * Expressing NEW YORK (JTA) deep concern for the welfare of Jewish communities in Arab coun- tries. the International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Serv- ices requested the United Nations and the United States Government to intervene on their behalf. At an INTERCO meeting, Mur- ray I. Gurfein, president, and Charles H. Jordan, executive sec- retary, said member organizations, which include the Joint Distribu- tion Committee, Central British Fund, Jewish Colonization Associa- tion, Standing Conference on Euro- pean Jewish Community Services, United Hias Service and World ORT Union, are making every ef- fort to bring the plight of Jewish communities in Arab countries to the attention of the world. Histadrut Labor'Leader Says All Israel Feels Middle East Could Live In Peace people of the Arab countries and Israel. I have spoken for the work- rep- ers of Israel but all the Israeli ers of Israel, but my appeal resents the thinking and the striv- people believe that the countries ing of the entire nation and of its Middle East could advance of the toward world progress "When they government. "I believe firmly t hat the live in peace with each other," Aharon Becker. secretary-general strength of the Middle East does not belong only to its great past, of Histadrut, the Israel Federation when it served as the cradle of of Labor, told a plenary session of civilization. I am sorry to say that the International Labor Organiza- we have had no response to this tions Conference Wednesday. call for cooperation in the ad- Participating in the general de-1 vancement of man and the improve- bate of the conference being held ment of his living standards, which here by the ILO, a specialized are the ILO's major concerns." (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) GENEVA — Not only the work- agency of the United Nations, Becker noted that, from this very Rosenberg Gives $1,000,000 platform, he had warned repeated- to Mt. Sinai Medical School ly that Israel had been threatened NEW YORK (JTA) — Murray by its Arab neighbors ever since M. Rosenberg, industrialist and Israel came into being in conform- Jewish philanthropist, has given the new Mount Sinai Medical ity with UN decisions. Noting that Arab states had not School here $1,000,000 to set up stopped at mere verbal vows to and maintain a Murray H. Rosen- destroy Israel, but had carried berg Chair of Medicine, according their threats into effect through to Dr. George James, dean of the murder and sabotage by terrorists new school which will accept its penetrating Israel's borders, Becker first students in 1968. Rosenberg said: "I have come here year after is a trustee of Mount Sinai Hospi- year and, from this very rostrum, tal and a former trustee of the appealed for peace with our neigh- Federation of Jewish Philanthro- bors in the interest of the working pies of Greater New York. "We are receiving reports of atrocities perpetrated against defenseless men, women and children," Gurfein said. "We shall not rest until these attacks and Alexandria.) Moroccan and Tunisian author- ities have prevented large-scale attacks against Jews in those countries, but street mobs have are stopped and Jews in Arab been allowed in Libya and Egypt lands are permitted to live in to attack Jews, with the official peace or to emigrate and resettle connivance of the two govern- in countries of security and free- dom." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The World Jewish Congress si- protested to United Nations Secretary-General U Thant against "measures now being taken by the Government of the United Arab Republic against its Jewish citizens and other Jewish residents in its territory, the ef- fect of which can only be the ex- tinction of the organized life of an ancient community with an un- broken history of more than 2.000 years." In its letter to Thant, signed by Dr. Maurice L. Perlzweig, head of the WJC's international affairs de- partment, the World Jewish Con- gress stressed that "the situation in the UAR is, in various degrees, paralleled in some of the neighbor- ing Arab states, where Jews have been arrested and even murdered, largely as a result of incessant radio incitement from Cairo." (In Geneva, the International Committee of the Red Cross noti- fied the World Jewish Congress here this weekend that it had ob- tained pt rmission from the Egypt- ian Government to visit Jews being held in C-iro prisons A spokesman for the WJC here said it was be- lieved that between 350 and 600 Jews were imprisoned in Cairo multaneously ment s, Jordan declared here. In Egy pt, Jorda n said, some Jews have been sent to internment camps, while street mobs in Libya beat Jews. By contrast, he said, authorities in Morocco and Tunisia had taken "prompt and vigorous" action to protect Jews after the war had broken out in the Middle East. Despite these efforts, how- ever, Mr. Jordan added, two Jews were shot and killed by an Arab in Meknes, Morocco, a week ago. See Commentary, Page 2 Friday, June 23, 1967-11 p Everyone and his brother found Phillips Northland Men's Shoe Shop. Israel Cooperating With Red Cross on Aid The spokesman for the Israel Embassy in Washington said on June 16: "International Red Cross personnel over the Sinai Peninsula yesterday, at the invitation of the Israeli authorities, in Israel helicopters, in order to inves- tigate the 'reports concerning Egyptian stragglers in the area. "It was determined that there are not many stragglers. Containers filled with water are being dropped from the air to all stragglers who have been spotted. 'Representatives of the International Red Cross, accompanied by Brigadier- General Shmuei Eyal, of Israel's Gen- eral Staff, yesterday toured the main roads in the Sinai Peninsula and saw no Egyptian soldiers wandering in the area. "The Red Cross personnel have met with local commanders of the Israeli Defense Forces in the area and learned from them of the orders that had been given to them to search, with heli- copters, planes and other means, for Egyptian stragglers, to tranport them to POW camps and to provide them with food and water. These orders are continuously being carried out. "In two locations in the Sinai the Red Cross representatives have seen interned Egyptian soldiers, talked with them and witnessed that proper treat- ment was given to them. "The Red Cross representatives saw the arrival of Egyptian soldiers to the main roads, who were subsequently transported to the Suez Canal and re- turned to Egypt. "For several days the Israeli author- ities have been transporting to the Suez Canal Egyptian soldiers who have given themselves up. 550 surrendered yesterday in the vicinity of the road leading to Ismailia and 150 the day before. About 6,000 Egyptian soldiers have given themselves up in recent days. "Yesterday Israel returned to Egypt 20 wounded soldiers and 36 today. "The International Red Cross per- sonnel expressed their satisfaction of the manner in which the Israeli author- ities were handling this situation." So how long can a little lost shoe store stay lost? Especially when it isn't so little. (In fact, it's big enough to be a fashion center and have more Florsheims and other quality shoes in a huge range of sizes, widths, colors and patterns than you'll find in most other places.) But lost it was. And then, one by one, people started finding it. And they bought shoes, and some of them got their pictures in the Jewish News. But it finally got to where there were a lot more people than there could be pictures. So what could we do? We had a choice to make: either stop running pictures or get lost again. And what kind of choice was that? Well it's a lot more serious than choosing a rye bread with seeds or without. It's more like choos7 ing between square challa sliced and a twist challa unsliced. PH ILLI NORTHLAND CENTER 1..,e at the south end of the Center Lots "G" or Right near Wright Kay STER THE UNIROYA IF IT SAVES YOUR LIFE ONCE ... IT'S A BARGAIN! With Uniroyal Masters on your car, you'll never know when you pick up a nail. Because we put a Seal Rite lining in our tire. Seal Rite is a special compound that covers the inside of the air chamber. When you hit a nail or a spike, the lining grips the puncturing object and seals in the air. Instead of a blowout, you get a slowout. And it could make all the difference in the world. ABE PPAS RP. KING TIRE CENTER R 31 W. MONTCALM PONTIAC . . . FEderal 3-7068 3