Bond Dinner Reaches Record (Continued from Page 13) "On this happy occasion I join in the hope and prayer that Israel will be enabled to continue in the works of peace which were the dream of the prophets and the sages down through the centuries. Resump- tion of the work of gathering in the exiles, of building, of healing, of enhancing and exalt. ing life — this is Phil's hope and it is sours and mine. To so many good friends from Detroit and throughout Michigan, salute, my fond greetings." 30—Friday, 16, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS une mending him for his lifetime of services to Michigan causes and for raising the standards of Rabbi Irwin Groner of Shaarey journalism. Zedek pronounced the Invocation and Rabbi James I. Gordon of In his address, "a report from Young Israel Oak-Woods, the the front," describing the experi- Benediction. The national anthems ences of a 19-day stay in Israel were sung by Mrs. Earl Ack, with during the serious days of the Mrs. Norman Allen at the piano. crisis that preceded actual war- In a message to the gathering fare, Slomovitz told of the new Mayor Jerome Cavanagh pro- unity in Israel, of the end to re- claimed last Monday "Philip ligious strife, the common bonds Slomovitz Day." The State Legis- that kept the people at their posts lature adopted a resolution corn- in defense of the embattled state. He made a strong plea that the efforts exerted in behalf of Israel Bonds that evening, the work for the Israel Emergency Fund, World Jewry Responds 9.750,000 pounds 027.300,000) has been raised for Israel by the Joint Palestine A p p e a 1, is was an- nounced by Donald Silk, chair- man of the British Zionist Feder- ation. AMSTERDAM (JTA) — The Dutch government has provided facilities for Dutch taxpayers making gifts to Israel. Thousands of Amsterdam residents have donated blood to the Red Mogen David for use in Israel. The second chamber of the Dutch Parliament approved un- animously a Liberal Party resolu- tibn urging that the European and addre,.-in-_; fund-raising meet- Economic Community give Israel ings. In a statement issued prior associate status quickly. Two El Al Boeing flights have to his departure. Pincus said: "The response of the American been made to Israel in the past Jewish community to the emer- 48 hours ferrying supplies of gency welfare needs of Israel that blood plasma. : adar components, have arisen as a result of the helicopter parts. electronic de- Middle East crisis, has been noth- vices and weap•-- ns needed as Is- ing short of phenomenal. The rael flailed its Arab foes on three solidarity of the American Jewish fronts. BONN (JTA) — The popular community with Israel, as ex- pressed both in the size and num- reaction to the speed and power ber of contributions and the out- of Israel's victory over its Arab ore,ino of manpower in behalf of foes evoked amazement and re- !u-d-raising effort, has been a spect throughout West Germany. -i' source of strength to the West German trade unions have 'le of Israel. In the time of purchased 3,000,000 marks ($750,- Is net's greatest danger, it but- 000) worth of Israel Bonds. NEW YORK (JTA) — Mrs. tressed the morale of our people. "Contributions to the Israel Mortimer J a cobso n, Hadassah Emergency Fund will allow the president. announced that the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem to women's Zionist group had flown continue its traditional program more than $100,000 worth of medi- of aid to the hundreds of thousands cal supplies to the Hadassah-He- of newcomers to Israel, who still brew University medical center need assistance in adjusting to a in Jerusalem. She said the sup- new life. Naturally, the disloca- plies, donated by many manufac- tions of a wartime mobilization turers and retailers, would be have created additional problems flown to the medical center on a NEW YORK (JTA) — Aryeh L. Pincus.. chairman of the execu- tive of the Jewish Agency for Is- rael. left for Israel after a 12-day visit to this country in behalf of the Israel Emergency Fund of the United Jewish Appeal. Following consultations in New York with leaders of the UJA. Jewish Agency-American Section, United Israel Appeal. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and leaders of welfare funds throughout the country, Pincus visited eight other com- munities in the United States and Canada. conferring with leaders and costs at a time when the Gov. daily basis "as long as the need ernment is least able to give as- for them exists." sistance. It is to meet these needs , NEW YORK (JTA) — A capa- that the United Jewish Appeal is city crowd of 20,000 at Madison conducting its present Israel Square Garden here paid the ad- Emergency Fund, which, it is mission price of $10 to $100 — hoped. will raise the money neces- with boxes ranging from $1,500 sary to complete the process of to"$2,000 — Sunday night to hear integration to which we are all Israel's former Foreign Minister Golda Meir eloquently call for dedicated." During his stay in the United new initiatives to further peace in States. Pincus visited Atlanta, Ga., the Middle East. Senators Jacob Philadelphia. Cleveland, Newark, K. Javits and Robert F. Kennedy Detroit. Baltimore and Montreal. of New York issued strong pleas Hundreds of Jewish communi- for American efforts to guarantee ties throughout the United States against further hostilities in the and Canada. from the smallest area. The rally, titled "Stars for Is- hamlet to the largest m1tropoli- tan area. have in one week re- rael." benefited the Israel Emer- the Israel crisis with gency Fund of the United Jewish sponded to a speed and magnitude unparal- Appeal and featured many of the leled in American Jewish history. nation's leading performers of the Council of Jewish Federations stage, screen, television and the and Welfare Funds reported. concert hall. Senator Javits said he will ex- MONTREAL (JTA) — Samuel Bronf man announced that the plore with his senatorial col- Canada-wale goal for the Israel leagues early next week a guide Emergency Campaign has been for the U.S. Government to for- set at 520.000.000. mulate a policy "for permanent In Toronto. the Coordinating peace in the Middle East based Committee for Israel's Survival on the realities of the situation was established at a meeting of in that part of the world." Sena- Jewish community leaders repre- for Kennedy advocated a program senting Canadian Jewish Congress, of development for the entire Federated Zionist Organization of Middle East. He called for a peace Canada and the United Jewish settlement that would recognize Welfare Fund. The committee Israel as a country, her borders, will lead and coordinate a "total and her right to survive and pros- community effort" to give moral per. and material assistance to the JOHANNESBURG (JTA)—The people of Israel and help raise government of South Africa an- At Monday's Israel Bond dinner: (from left) standing, Phillip Stollman, who presided, and Mrs. Emma Schaver, chairman of the Israel Bond women's division; seated, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Slomovitz " - beginning," with much yet to be and Ambassador Aryeh Eshel. done in Israel's defense. Part of the audience of 1,500 at the Israel Bond dinner held at Cobo Hall Monday night. You may already own half an electric central air conditioning system. 11111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- If you have a forced air heat system, you have ductwork and a furnace blower. So you're already moving and filtering air; that's a big part of electric central air conditioning. All you have to do is cool the air and wring the steamy dampness out. To do so, just add two compact units — cooling coil and con- denser — and your heating system be- comes a cooling system. Electric air conditioning costs less to buy, less to in- funds for their health and welfare nounced it will permit the Jewish needs "at a time of desperate community to transfer funds to urgency." Ray D. Wolfe was Israel. The special concession was elected chairman, with Meyer W. granted following representations Gasner and Julius Hayman as made by a delegation comprised vice chairmen. The committee en- , of South African Zionist Federa- dorsed the current major driveltion president, Israel Maisels; fed- for funds being conducted by the eration chairman. Edel Horwitz; United Jewish Welfare Fund. , and deputy chairman Maurice LONDON (JTA) — A total of Porter. Within your reach stall, less to operate than the flame type. Electric cool- ing works efficiently like your refrigerator to cool a 1,200-sq.-ft. house for an estimated $24.00 per season. So, you see, it's well within your reach. Get more detailed information on how easy and economi- cal it is to cool, clean, dehumidify and quiet your home with central electria air conditioning. Call your Edison office. In Detroit the number's 962-2100. EDISON