.Emergency Rally Draws 6,000 to Center; Funds Sent to Israel hear some among us express fear "We are here as Americans they are confronted on every abor. Leonard Woodcock, vice that Israel is doomed. Never say it. with a tradition for justice, and Less than 24 hours before hos- i border. They face danger with president of the United Auto You must believe in the indestruc- we are determined that the tilities broke out on Israel's bor- a courage typical of Israel. Workers and member of the tibility of Israel. You must adhere sense of fair play shall not be ders. some 6.000 Detroit Jews: "Of 150 American students at to the faith in Israel's undying vowed Om% would not let the Jew-1 Wayne State University Board of sacrificed at any time and in any Hebrew University, not one left Governors, was cheered several status. You and the many others place on any altar. ish Ilo:neland stand alone. Israel even when the American times during his brief talk. who are not here are dedicated "We are here as Jews who know They cheered and prayed at an government urged that they do so . "Syria is not a nation ... Jordan that a time has come for a last with us to the proposition that even emergem y rally Sunday afternoon) The Danish government sent planes is not a nation . . . Egypt is not the most violent in church history stand. But we are here as wit- at the .tali ish Center playground; to bring home 640 Christian boys a nation. Only Israel, which in nesses to the historic truth that . . . could not down us. afteni.ird they thronged over to and girls working on Israel kibut- 20 years has built a vibrant, "First and foremost you must re- Nezach Yisrael Lo Yeshaker—that special tables and bought thousands zim. Forty boys actually hid to modern society, is a nation in Israel's eternity has not been nor ject fear of destruction and you , of dollars in Israel Bonds and paid; keep from going home. the entire Middle East. One of must adhere to the truth that the will it ever be sacrificed. thousands more into the Allied the great lessons of history is "Life will go on; we shall never "We are here as the kinsmen of People Israel Lives and Will Live! Jewish •.unpaign. that a great nation is not yield to threats." • Israelis who stand firm not to be —Am Yisrael Hai!" Including proceeds of that day, weighed in the number of arms On Tuesday, Gov. Romney sent Applause interrupted the speech pushed into the sea—which is their $1,500,000 had been collected by it possesses. many times, particularly when • adversaries' threat—not to be sub- a telegram to President Johnson, Campaign and sent on direct- the "The Egyptian blockade," said Slomovitz said "If anything should jected to servility. not to yield to saying: "I hope you will insist that ly to Israel. Sonic $600,000 in Israel Bonds had been sold in the Woodcock, "is aggression commit- happen to Haifa and Tel Aviv, you threats of extermination by inhu- conditions in the Middle East in- sure the true preservation of the I ted against all maritime nations. know what will happen to Cairo, man hordes. same period of one week. "Indeed, we are here as Israel's national integrity and independ- those who panic," said the The United States has a basic Damascus and Beirut. - To “ If this is a new Masada," he kinsmen who wish it be known by ence of the state of Israel." The Philip Slomovitz, "I interest: the seas. including Aqaba. , main speaker. I said, "we're here to defend it." all our fellow citizens that any statement, read at a press confer- say Israel is never ruined; it will must remain free. in the day, when Is- battle. But it "The cause of Israel." he went . Slomovitz appealed to the crowd threat to them also is a threat to ence earlier carry on and win its must not be handicapped econom- on, "is not just a cause for the as "a gathering of free men, of us. And as kinsmen of Israel we rael's victories were resounding throughout the world, also urged: Make sure, when Jews of the world, but for all free- , liberty-loving Americans, who are aver with them: Shenit Masada Lo ' allyphysically. " The U.S. should conti nue this crisis is over. you go back dom-loving people. here to assert that no man, noTipol—Masada shall not fall again, and the Third Commonwealth is work multilaterally to achieve a Rabbi Leiner Levin. head of the group of men, can abrogate to him- as tourist- . . in droves." cessation of hostilities, both at Council of Orthodox Rabbis, led self or to themselves the right tohere to stay. Young adults hurried indoors the United Nations and simul- .. It is our duty to come to Is- the gathering in a responsive read- threaten the existence of fellow after the rally to volunteer for taneously through the four ma- manpower, men. ed fe s, ra fu defense ,Aie tl h 'sdn the special summer program of ing of Psalm 83: "Keep not Thou powers. jor ne — vigilance. silence, 0 God: hold not Thy peace, ' "We are here to declare that volunteer, civilian work in Is- "The U.S. should maintain its "One urgent warning to all who rael. In less than, a week, Asher and be not still. 0 God/ For, lo.! when the lives and freedoms and , Tarmon of the Jewish Center Thine enemies make a tumult: and , the security of free peoples are , may be pessimistic: too frequently position in support of political in- (Continued on Page 39) they that hate Thee have lifted up placed in jeopardy, it is the sacred I we hear people express doubts, we staff had the names of 100 young people willing to take part. Many I the head/ . . . Fill their faces with duty of human beings to stop ag' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I38 — Friday, June 9, 1967 shame; that they may seek Thy gression . . . had already been approved when the order came early Monday name, 0 Lord/ Let them be con- I morning that the just-announced founded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and state of war in the Middle East know Thou, would necessitate a change in , perish/ That men may plans for the program. ' whose name alone is Jehovah, art Arab demonstra- the most high over all the earth." An anticipated Cooper (D-Oakland tion at the Center never material-, Rep. Daniel - County). representing a group of ized There were a dozen city po resolution of lice and nine private police on the legislators. read the ground, to handle any eventuality I support he co-sponsored with Rep. Faxon. which the Legislature Two police ambulances were sta - Jack the Presi- Boned there and an emergency first passed and sent on to station was set up in the ('en- dent. Faxon and Mayor Cavanagh. aid the rally ter However. despite the hot sun who sent a me—age to beating down on the field, there could not be present because of a were only a few cases o' fainting. crime conference being held simul- There were close to 150 young tancously. Other messages from Sen. Robert volunteer w orkers from the city's Griffin and Sen Philip Hart were Jewish youth groups, and many read at the rally. They urged that more chit ren i n attendance. The the United States "honor her com- United Hebrew Schools adjourned mitments:: cla-, se. early .0 that students could Morris Lieberman, president of the Yes the rally. and tend at lovath Beth Yehudah and Beth Jacob School bussed 200 children to the gathering. Signs carried by the young peo- ple proclaimed "No Appeasement in the Middle East"; "Freedom of the Zionist Council, urged his fellow Jews to "demand deeds, not words, from our President, Congressmen and other officials . . . We must be faithful to Is- rael. demonstrate that we're de- termined that the people and the Seas Now'': "Preserve the Only Democracy in the Middle East. state of Israel must live. Other participants were Irwin I. The blue and white flags of , Israel waved in the hot, breezy Cohn, who made the appeal for funds; Rabbi Moses Lehrman, who afternoon, a color guard of Jew- ish veterans having opened the , delivered a prayer for peace; and Goldberg, joined by several rally with a presentation. Bella Dr. Samuel Krohn. president of cantors in the singing of the na- ' the Jewish Community Council, tional anthems of the United told the gathering: "We have come States and Israel. On the stage were represents- together to .7speak for peace and demand justice for Israel . . . So tives of the Legislature, Sen.; Sander Levin and Rep. Albert our friends in Israel will know that we stand with them . . . To Kramer; Mel Ravitz, who spoke for the Detroit Common Council; show our fellow Americans we Rev. William Sperry of the Coun- arc united . . . "The Israelis do not want war," cil of Churches: Francis Korne- he said. 'In war, there are no vic- gay, director of the Detroit Urban tories . . We appeal to the spirit League; Rep. William Ryan, House of justice. the spirit of humanity minority leader in Lansing; Rus- sell Leach of the Wayne County . . for justice for our people. "Is there no conscience in the UAW-CIO Council; Mrs. Harry L. world? I appeal to our Christian Jones for the United Jewish Ap- friends: Before God, do not com- peal; and William Avrunin for the Jewish Welfare Federation. mit the sin of silence." Also Benjamin Schiff, chairman He added, with firmness: "If forced to do so, Israel will give of the Citywide Jewish Youth Plan- ning Committee: Rev. Tracy Pull- a good accounting of herself . . man of the First Unitarian Church; And we will help her to do so." Dr. J Russell Bright, president Emma Schaver for State of Israel of the Detroit Council of Churches, Bonds; and other Jewish and civic represented the Protestant com- leaders. In his address. Slomovitz, edi-1 munity on the speakers' platform, saying the Detroit group supported for of The Jewish News, reported the national Protestant leadership's on the situation in Israel as he call for a cooling-off period and a viewed it only days before. "It took a return to this corm- se ttlement throu g h the United Na- try to see the vast difference: tions. there, all was calmness: here, it By far the strongest statement was panic. In Israel. they know of support for Israel came from Electric central air conditioning is within your reach. You may already own half of it. If you have a forced air heating system, you have ductwork and a furnace blower. That's a big part of an electric central air conditioning system. Just add two compact units—cooling coil and condenser—and your heating system becomes a cool- ing system, too. Electric central air conditioning costs less to install, less to operate. 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