fin Israel Soc i a li st Parties Stress Soli d ar i tyw With • 7 • 7 • • 7 • 1 W (Continued from Page 15) Monday in virtually every large agriculture and in other capacities, freeing Israelis for military ser- the Red Cross of Belgium and the 1 center in Switzerland. In Geneva, the largest synagogue vice. volunteer assistance of physicians! From London, a group of volun- and nurses and with more entice.; was packed overflowing, and a sec-1 teers left by air for Israel as offi- lions scheduled later. The Corn- and meeting was announced in i i cials reported that at least 1,000 mittee for Action for Israel has col- Geneva's largest auditorium. persons, many of them non-Jews In Zurich. largest city in the i lected sufficient funds to buy 12 had offered their services. A Jew- ambulances which will be sent to country. 2,000 persons attended a ish Agency spokesman said pro- Israel in a few days. Large quan- , - solidarity with Israel" rally spon- • duction. services and education in tities of medicine also were to he sored by the newly-formed Pro- i ' collective settlements and border ! Israel Committee. After the meet- - shipped. settlement camps in Israel were ing, the 2,000 marched en masse affected by the Gallup of the arm- The liaison bureau of Euro- to the Israeli Consulate in Zurich, at a Socialist parties, pean demonstrating silently on behalf . ed services. meeting in Brussels Wednesday Amsterdam Jewish officials said of support for Israel during the condemned statements by "ir- current crisis. A similar mass rally that a group of Dutch Jewish vol- responsible statesmen" in the unteers between the ages of 18 and was held at Lausanne. new Middle East war and Meanwhile, it was announced at 30 left for service in Israel settle- stressed the solidarity of the all the rallies that increasing num- ments. Hundreds of Jewish and parties with Israel. ' bers of Swiss Jews. in some cases non-Jewish would-be volunteers Belgian Foreign Minister Pierre supplemented by non-Jews. are came to the Israel Embassy at The Harmel outlined ill the Belgian volunteering for non-combatant, Hague to offer their services. A number of Belgian Jews, not Parliament Wednesday Belgian's civilian service in Israel. In a policy for a settlement of the Mid- number of Swiss centers, blood all of them young people, left for Israel on their own initiative and die East crisis. 1 banks for aid to Israel have also at their own expense. Another Ile said the policy called for a been opened. 1 group of 90 volunteers left this global settlement of Arab-Israel Jews in many lands have vol. week. differences. respect for the United unteered to go to Israel for non- The Weizrnann Institute of Nations charter by all parties. combatant service. More than Science and members of its staff assurance of peaceful existence 6,000 volunteers for civilian ser- have purchased Brera Develop- for all UN member states and vice in Israel have been register- ment Loan Bonds of- the govern- for the protection of Israel's ex- ed at the Israeli Embassy and ment of Israel in the amount of istem.e and free passage in inter- at special offices opened for this 1.000,000 pounds ($300,000). national waters, . a reference to purpose in the French capital of the Egyptian-Israeli dispute over Paris, the Egyptian blockade of the Strait More than 200 young Canadians. of "Iran to Israeli s hipping. some of them non-Jews volunteer- N.Y. publisher wants books on all sub- Professors of all Belgian uni- ed to go to Israel to help in non- jects, fiction, nonfiction. No fee for nal hoo sv pit ,ti o o u n r. FR E E : anl3rochurts. 3h ra tatf eg o ow versities issued a statement ap- military capacities. The volunteers book pealing to Belgium to reaffirm the include electricians. lawyer s, lished, publicized, sold; tips and article reprints on writing, publishing, con. security and sovereignty of Israel nurses and other medical person- tracts. Write Dept. 23-F. and to support free navigation in nel. They will work in industry, EXPOSITION 386 PARK AV. S., N.T.16 the world's waterways as an indis- pensable condition for any negotia- tions aimed at a lasting Middle East peace. WRITERS 16—Friday, June 9, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS This was announced by the In- stitute's president, Meyer W. Wies- what's L eli'S'il DOWN YOU WOW? IS A 7116111 WINE THAN Milan Wi■eri■ s. D.troit. 00 /1S '11-E C PAN 1J FROZEN 00 PIPES.... • A HAI RDRYER,HEAT LAMP OR JUST PLAIN LIGHT BULB ARE SLOW METHODS BUT SAFE • A PROPANE TORCH IS A FASTER METHOD. BUT GREAT CARE SHOULD BE GIVEN TO SAFETY 1. WIELD AREA TO LESSEN DANGER OF F/RE 2. VALVES ON H?07.9/ UNE •• Z, START NEATIN6 1 All Jewish organizations in West Germany were represent- ed in an emergency conference on Israel in Wiesbaden which agreed unanimously to call on every Jew in West Germany to contribute a share of his capital for Israeli emergency needs. IF YOU TURN MI gal, at a meeting of its entire staff. A general review was given of the measures taken at the Institute to cope with the emergency. It was stated that a large number of scientific, technical and adminis- trative personnel were already serving in various sectors of the country's defense effort. R/RE BACK AND MR711 SLOWLY AEA ESTOS WHEN AVAS'OZEPI Flat SY& START X u r y? Leaders of the conference esti- mated that the appeal would raise about 55,000.000. There are about 25.000 Jews in West Germany. many of them old people living on government pensions. Declaring "absolute and uncon- ditional" solidarity with Israel dur- ing the current Israeli-Arab crisis. representatives of virtually every national and local Jewish organi- zation in Argentina pledged to im- plement their solidarity "through material means and otherwise." The statement and the pledge by unanimously were adopted several hundred Jewish leaders who attended a special Israel emer- gency assembly. The meeting was sponsored by DAIA, the central body of organized Argentine Jew- ry. the Zionist Organization. the United Jewish Campaign, and other major bodies. Buenos Aires police, acting on Instructions from the federal government, prohibited a mass meeting. scheduled for Tuesday night, to demonstrate Argentine Jewry's solidarity with Israel. An official statement pointed out that "a war has broken out be- I tween countries friendly to Argen- tina and in order to avoid actions which could disturb the diplomatic relations of our country and also cause disturbances here," the fed- eral police did not authorize the holding of the meeting. Patricio Pueyrredon. head of the neo-Nazi ultra-nationalist Tacuara .youth movement, said he had vol- unteered at the Egyptian Embassy for service in Egypt. Many Jews queued up at im- provised stations to donate blood for wounded Israelis. The Catholic Center for Social Studies declared In a statement its firm support to Israel. "whose millenary cul- ture has been assimilated by Christianity and with whom we feel united by faith in a single God." SWISS RALLIES Mass rallies expressing Swiss solidarity with Israel. supported also by many non-Jews, were held ...etabi -, at&t.g.41,11M art b".. .11=11=1•••••• ammnimi n. oT► ■ C'S-4,„S .n$4... -.1"11111 111Lg'=.• Is it cruising in the Caribbean or weekending in the Catskills? no! Is it oodles of Philadelphia Cream, Cheese with smokey lox on bagels yes! LOXury begins with the finest, freshest, tastiest cream cheese in town ... Philadelphia brand! CERTIFIED KOSHER Kraft cm the package is your guarantee of the finest for flavor, freshness and witty