World Efforts Yield Millions in Cash for Israelis in This Time of Crisis Jewish organizations throughout the United States carried Israel's banner to Washington Thursday for a massive rally in Lafayette Pork. In an attempt to mobilize public support for vigorous U.S. action "to support Israel in its struggle to survive and to protect America's own vital interests in the Middle East," the Conference of Major American Jewish Orga- nizations also sponsored visits to members of the Senate and House. The rally climaxed a two-day "National Leadership Emergency Conference for Israel" under the auspices of the Conference. The Conference of Presidents called on President Johnson Tues- day to provide Israel with "ma- terial assistance and political sup- port" to end for all time the Arab threat to destroy Israel. Dr. Joachim Prinz, chairman of the group, said in outlining the organization's position, that Israel's cause in seeking to end Arab ag- gression and maintain the freedom of the seas was "identical" with American interests in the Middle East. He said that American action in the current crisis, "whether in concert with other peace-loving nations or unilaterally," must seek "to halt Arab aggression permana- nently, to terminate Arab threats against freedom of the seas, to end Arab refusal to live as neighbors with the people of Israel." The Conference spokesman de- clared that only when the Arab states accepted the permanent presence of Israel in the Middle East "can a beginning be made to the constructive tasks of justice and harmony among all the peoples of the region." Morris B. Abram, president of the American Jewish Committee, urged the United States to bring about "the conclusion of binding treaties to guarantee permanent peace" in the Middle East where Israel is battling the armies of four Arab countries. Abram was the principal speaker at the rally in support of Israel Thursday near the White House. The major Jewish rabbinic agen- cies called on their respective con- stituencies throughout the country to observe Thursday, June 8, as a national day of prayer for the peace and safety of Israel. In messages to their constitu- encies, the heads of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. the Rabbinical Assembly and the Rabbinical Council of America. urged Jews throughout the coun- try to attend special synagogue services on Thursday and to ob- serve the day as "a day of prayer for Divine help for the safety of Israel and the pres- ervation of peace in the world." Rabbi Seymour J. Cohen of Chi- cago, president of the Synagogue Council of America, welcomed statements of leading Christian clergymen who have publicly urged. as an act of conscience, that the United States support the in- tegrity and freedom of Israel and the freedom of passage through the Strait of Tiran. t See Conyers State- ment. Page 6). Lawrence Cardinal Shehan. Archbishop of Baltimore, said that "Israel has the right to live and to govern unharassed from with- out." Ile warned that "to deny this is to invite chaos.•' The prelate called on Catholics everywhere to pray that the United States gov- ernment would be guided to do all in its power to bring understand. ing and peace, and he expressed the hope that the United Nations will leave no step untaken to avert the catastrophe of open conflict between Israel and the nations of the Arab world." TORONTO CHRISTIANS A group of leading Protestants and Roman Catholics in Toronto, all engaged in various fields of religion and education, sent tele- grams to the leaders of the major world powers, as well as to re- ligious leaders, urging them "not to stand idly by" while the state of Israel was threatened with destruction. A joint statement issued by 15 Jewish and non-Jewish national organizations announced adop- tion of principles for a peaceful settlement of the Mideast crisis. The three main points agreed on were "international guarantees for the territorial integrity of all states in the area, free ac- cess to the waters of the Gulf of Aqaba and restoration of a United Nations presence in the area." Among the signatories were Americans for Democratic Action, American Veterans Committee. Catholic Association for Interna- tional Peace, Friends (Quakers) Committee on National Legislation, Industrial Union Department, AFL- CIO, National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, National Council of Negro Women, Unitar- ian Universalist Association, Wom- en's International League for Peace and Freedom and Young Women's Christian Association. President Walter P. Reuther of the United Automobile Workers Union wired President Johnson urging a strong United States po- sition against the Egyptian block- ade of the Strait of Tiran. Reuther said Egypt's action was "an ag- gression committed against the interest of all maritime nations." FACULTY STATEMENT A total of 3,742 faculty members from 128 universities around the United States signed a call ad- dressed to Congress and the Wash- ington administration to "restore the freedom of passage through the Gulf of Aqaba." Under the aegis of an Ad Hoc Committee of American Professors for Freedom of Navigation in the Gulf of Aqaba. the call was signed by university and college presidents, deans and professors from 23 states. repre- senting a cross-section of the American academic world. Throughout the country—and the world—this week, financial aid for the beleaguered Israelis was sought and immediately raised. The board of directors of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. which represents 221 Jewish community organiza- tions, called on its members to give "unprecedented. extraordin- ary support to the Israel Emer- gency Fund of the United Jewish Appeal." A resolution by the board urged its member agencies and all other Jewish organizations to post- pone other fund-raising efforts where feasible. Federations and welfare funds throughout the country were urged by the board to "mount a massive collection effort to turn all past and current commitments to the UJA into cash." The board reso- lution and appeal followed four days of meetings in New York at- tended by more than 400 presi- dents and executives of commu- nity organizations affiliated with CJFWF. In each city responsibility for raising the funds for the Israel Emergency Fund is being carried by the local federation or welfare fund. Nahum Shamir, economic min- ister of Israel in this country, announced here that Prime Minis- ter Eshkol had asked Israeli social and educational institutions to urge their American supporters to stop special fund-raising efforts "to give complete and unlimited sup- port to the Israel Emergency , Fund." Beyond maximum gifts to the fund, he said, Israel asked its friends to invest in Israel Bonds. Bnai Brith initiated Tuesday an emergency campaign with an appeal to its 2,100 local units for "an outpouring of funds to meet For Some of the best buys on new Pontiacs Tempests and the crisis' that confronts IsraeL First response to the appeal, made by president William A. 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