Goldberg Calls Upon UN for 'Breathing Spell' in Middle East (Continued from Page 23) at the State Department. No de- tails of the talk were made known but it was assumed that the Soviet diplomat delivered a special mes- sage to the State Department from Moscow with regard to the Arab- Israeli crisis. During his stay in Washington, Eban stressed that the Israel gov- ernment was not satisfied merely with the reopening of the Strait of Tiran. Additionally, Eban made two other requests: withdrawal of the Egyptian forces recently built up in the Sinai Peninsula along Israel's borders and a halt to the terrorist attacks inside Israel. He expressed the hope that the big world maritime powers would do what is necessary to reopen free navigation through t h e Strait of Tiran. Such measures, Eban had said, could include the dispatch of ships of the maritime nations carrying cargo to Israel, "or other adequate means." A bipartisan group of 41 Sena- tors and Congressmen last week issued a joint statement supporting , the pronouncement by President Johnson that the blockade is il- legal. Ninety-six members of the U.S. House of Representatives is- sued a strong statement earlier pledging support of "whatever ac- tion may he necessary to resist aggression against Israel and to preserve the peace." The statement said the administration must make clear to "those who are now bent on the destruction of Israel that the U.S. will take all necessary actions." Chairman J. W. Fulhright of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee said that he has concluded from available information that the Soviet Union holds the key to settlement of the Mideast crisis. Ile said the United States lacks influence in the MideaSt "because of its primary preoccupation with the war in Vietnam." Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, said Tuesday after a meeting with Secretary of State Dean Rusk that the United States Dauntless U.S. Editors Meet 150 Yards From Jordan 21) New 117-11 ]CAN JEWISH PRESS ASSII.COKIIENHOH 1961 - (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — The 30 editors and publishers of American Eng- lish-Jewish newspapers. meeting in a Jerusalem hotel 150 yards from a Jordanian village, adopted Tuesday a resolution at their 25th annual convention, assuring their support to the f justice for the embattled people of Israel dur- ing the present Middle East crisis. The convention of the American Jewish Press Association, meeting here despite state department warnings to American nationals to stay out of the Middle East, re- elected Adolph Rosenberg of At- lanta as president. The resolution stressed the solidarity of the delegates with kinsmen in Israel and said the people of Israel were being sub- jected to unnecessary suffering . by the "saber-rattling" of the neighboring Arab countries. In another resolution, the editors and publishers sent greetings to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on its 50th anniversary observance next October. The convention elected three vice presidents: Jimmy Wisch of Dallas, Conrad Isenberg of Wor- cester, Mass., and Milton Firestone of Kansas City. The journalists laid a wreath at the tomb of Theodor Herzl and were then received by Kaddish Luz, speaker of parliament, who expressed confidence that the Jews of the United States would con- tinue their partnership with Israel for better or worse. Philip Slomovitz of Detroit's Jewish News, replying for the I delegates, said American Jews would work together with Is- raelis for victory in the cause of justice. Because of the situation, a num- ber of leading Israel officials were forced to cancel planned meetings with the publishers. A planned "dialogue with 30 Israeli journal- ists scheduled for Monday did not take place, but tours of Israel's settlements and installations went ahead as scheduled. Premier Levi Eshkol, occupied with the current Middle East Crisis, was unable to attend. He sent a warm message of greetings. Expressing regrets over his ab- sence because of the emergency, the premier declared "I call on you as messengers and spokesmen for the Jewish community of the United States to inform our brethren there of the priorities of the hour. Tell them of Israel's strength, determination and deep sense of purpose and about Israel's gratitude for the manner in which our fellow Jews have rallied so spontaneously to this case of hu- man justice." The delegates were greeted by Aryeh L. Pincus, chairman of the Jewish Agency executive, who was scheduled to leave for the United States for talks with American Jewish leaders. Greetings also were presented by the Israel Union of Journalists and the World Bureau of Jewish Journalists. must prevent the Israelis from Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon tion adopted by the council in Aug- being "driven into the sea." He on the other. He warned the coun- ust 1949, following the conclusion said this should be done in concert cil that action was necessary and of Israel's four armistice agree- with other nations if possible but urgent, telling the members "the ments with Egypt, Jordan, Syria issue of war or peace lies in our and Lebanon, in which the council alone if necessary. ' had asserted that "the armistice "I cannot conceive our country hands." abandoning the principle of free- Goldberg noted that the current agreements constitute an important dom of the sea." he declared' He crisis revolved not only about the step towards the establishment of pointed out that "this is not only blockade of the Strait of Tiran but permanent peace in Palestine." a struggle for the preservation of also on the facts that Egyptian. Thant requested also reaffirm- Israel, but vital interests of others. Israeli and Syrian armies were ation of the clause in that resolu- particularly maritime nations are now confronting each other and tion which had called on "all gov- involved." that terrorism and sabotage in ernments and authorities con- In the United Nations Security Israel must be prevented by all cerned to observe an uncondi- Council Wednesday, the United parties concerned. tional cease fire and, bearing in States introduced a resolution call- mind that the several armistice He quoted President Johnson ing for a Middle East "breathing agreements include firm pledges as saying that the United States spell". Ambassador Arthur Gold- against further acts of hostility considered the blockade of Tiran berg said it was an interim mea- between the parties, and also and the Gulf of Aqaba as illegal. sure calling on Israel and the provide for their supervision by He insisted that the strait, which an 's Arabs to comply wi th the parties themselves relies has been open to all shipping for appeal for a period of restraint to upon the parties to ensure the 10 years, must be kept open de-fuse the simmering war situa- continued application and observ- while diplomacy around the tion. ance of these agreements." world as well as here has an In a session marked by sharp opportunity to pacify the situa- Thant told the council in his re- exchanges between Goldberg and tion. port that, at the present moment, Soviet ' Ambassador Nikolai Fedo- the most essential need to ensure Mohamed Awad El-Kony of the renko, the UAR, backed by India, that the current Israeli-Arab crisis presented its own resolution call- United Arab Republic challenged does not explode into further dan- ing for reaffirmation of the armis- the right of Israel to any foothold ger, threatening not only the peace on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba. tice agreement with Egypt that He said Israel had occupied her in the Middle East region but po- Israel renounced in 1956. seven miles of coastline on the tentially endangering also the peace It also called for re-establish- gulf illegally. "We have always of the world, is "to try to gain ment of a UN truce supervision believed, and we still do, that time in order to lay the basis for a organization headquarters at El Israel was planted in the Middle detente. Auja, now called Nitsana. East by colonialism to serve the "In my view," he declared, "a A Soviet veto for the U.S. reso- colonial interests," he stated. peaceful outcome of the present lution appeared certain on the Fedorenko, told the council that crisis will depend upon a breathing basis of Fedorenko's remarks. The "the true culprit for dangerous spell, which will allow, tension to resolution followed failure to gain worsening of tensions in the Mid- subside from its present explosive sufficient support for a similar dle East is Israel, which directly level." measure proposed by Canada and and indirectly is being supported Thant also explained his reasons Denmark. by imperalist circles eager to re- for his precipitate action last week The representatives of t h e store colonialism in Arab states." in ordering the United Nations United States and Britain told the He repeated over and over again Emergency Force to withdraw from Security Council that their govern- that "the situation in the Near the Egyptian side of the Gaza Strip ments are firmly behind the princi- East is linked to aggressions by border with Israel and from Sharm ple that the Strait of Tiran was an Israel." el-Sheikh, overlooking the Strait of international waterway, and must He said Egypt took action for Tiran and guarding Israel's free- remain open to innocent ship pas- mobilization on May 14 because dom of shipping to and from its sage to - and from Israel. The Soviet she had information that Israel port of Eilat. Union was just as ardently opposed planned to launch an all-out attack He identified two principle areas to that view, holding that Egypt on Syria on May 17. He warned had the right to bar Israeli ship- that "those who push Israel to the of possible conflict. These, he saw, were the situation in the Strait of ping because it was still in a state brink of the abyss must know that Tiran. now blockaded by Egypt; of war with Israel. it is much easier to fan flames and the situation along the Israeli- FIVE-POINT PLAN than to put them out." rian border. Ambassador Gideon Rafael, head CONDEMNS ISRAEL EGYPT'S AIM of the Israeli delegation to the , Time and again in his speech. The secretary-general reported United Nations. inisisted in his ad- Dr. Fedorenko voiced Moscow's that the "principal aim" of Egypt dress to the council that Israel absolute condemnation of Israel now, as outlined to him by Nasser had the absolute right to freedom and supported fully the contentions and Egypt's Foreign Minister Mah- of shipping through the Tir a n of the Egyptian government. He moud Riad, was "a return to the waterway. He proposed a five-point declared "the Soviet government conditions prevailing prior to 1956." plan for action by the present council session. These steps, he very closely follows the situation Under those pre-1956 conditions, high Israel had altered through said, should embrace the following in the Middle East and considers that the Security Council must con- its Sinai Campaign in 1956.1957, principles: demn Tel Aviv's provocations shipping to and from Israel through "1) All inflammatory statements against Arab states." the Strait of Tiran had been for- and threats agfinst the territorial All of the major powers, except , bidden by Egypt. integrity and political independ- France, had already expressed Israel, he reported, regarded ence of any state should cease; their views. Roger Seydoux, the free passage through the strait as "2) The United Nations Char- French permanent representative an issue "most vital" to her inter- ter's imposition upon all members in the council, has, thus far, sat ests. "The government of Israel," of the obligation of non-belliger- silent. he stated, "has further declared ance must he strictly observed: Since both Israel and Egypt had that Israel will regard the closing "3) Armed forces should he withdrawn to their positions held already addressed the council. the of the Strait of Tiran to Israeli as of the beginning of this month: only speeches of significance Tues- ships and any restriction of cargo day were by Syria and Jordan. ; of ships of other flags proceeding "4) All forms of armed incur- Syria spoke briefly Monday, but to Israel as a causus belli." sion, acts of sabotage and terror- ism should cease, and the only in reply to Israel's Ambassa- He added that he had discussed with the Egyptian government "the governments concerned should dor Gideon Rafael. A spokesman for one of the ma- dangerous consequences" likely take all steps to prevent their territory from being used for jor Western Powers here said - It from restrictions of innocent pas- seems that, now, the next move is sage in the strait and that he had hostile acts; and "5) In the Strait of Tiran and tip to the nonpermanent members. expressed his "deep concern" and the Gulf of Aqaba there should be and Mr. Tabor is doing his best." • his hope that "no precipitate action Hans Tabor was the co-sponsor, would be taken." no interference with any shipping." Goldberg called upon Egypt to with Canada, of the original call "In view of the conflicting exercise "special restraint" in re- for the present urgent session stands taken by the United Arab • gard to its blockade of the Strait of the council last week. Tabor, Republic and Israel, the situation of Tiran by not stopping or search- Denmark's ambassador, assumed in the Strait of Tiran represents ing vessels attempting to pass the the presidency of the council Thurs- a very serious potential threat to day. The nonpermanent members strait. peace," Thant emphasized. "I The U.S. ambassador pointed of the council, in addition to Den- greatly fear that a clash between out that Eshkol had pledged to mark, are Argentina, Brazil, Bul- the United Arab Republic and resort to political action to ensure garia. Canada, Ethiopia, India, Israel over the issue, in the pres- freedom of Israeli passage through Japan and Mali, ent circumstances, will inevitably the Strait of Tiran. Declaring that THANT SEES 'MENACE' set off a genreal conflict in the the U.S. government's position on Near East." Thant, following his return from that issue is the same as Israel's. Cairo. called the situation "menac- Thant then stated that "the free- Goldberg said that Eshkol's state- ing" in his report, and recommend- dom of navigation through the ment was "clearly in the spirit of ed that the Security Council remind Strait of Tiran is not, however, the the request made to us in the re- the Arab countries and Israel that, only immediate issue endangering port by Secretary-General U Thant. under an existing UN resolution, peace in the Near East. Other prob- in which Mr. Thant asked all the council could use blockade or lems, such as sabotage and terrorist governments to forego belliger- other measures to suppress viola- activities and rights of cultivation ence." tions of the existing Arab-Israel in disputed areas in the demilitar- EFFECTIVE STEPS armisttice agreements. ized zone between Israel and Syria Goldberg called upon the Se In his report, Thant told the will, unless controlled, almost curity Council to take "effective council "it would be useful" to re- surely lead to further serious steps" to reaffirm the validity of call at the present stage a resolu- fighting." the 1949 armistice agreements be tween Israel on the one hand and THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 2, 1967-39