Quiet Determination Grips Citizenry of Israel (Continued from Page 1) tiating on means of aiding em- battled Israel. The spokesmen for The newspapers have installed U. S. Jewish organizations bring such free service, and hundreds with them assurances that Ameri- of such messages appear in the can Jews stand solidly behind Is- Hebrew press daily. Many of the uniformed armed rael in tasks to assure the small forces are from the universities nation's sovereignty. • • whose student and teaching staffs In the north of Israel, at the have been depleted, from indus- trial plants whose activities have crucial Haifa port. as in the south, been curtailed, from all walks of close to the borders of Jordan, life. Saudi Arabia and Egypt in Eilat, The mass call-up of reservists there is no evidence of panic. T to meet the present emergencies There is full mobilization — men have created such havoc in many and women who were released dur- quarters, especially in the post of- mg the month and for whom plans fices and in tourist bureaus, that were being made to provide em- all available volunteer help is be- ployment commencing in June- ing used to solve the emerging are back in uniform. But there i sight, there are no are no tanks in problems , buzzing Mistere planes in view. Boys and girls of 10 and 11 have The army and air force are ready, volunteered to help sort the mails but they hope for peace to be en- and their help has been accepted., forced either by the U.S. living up Women not on active duty are 1 to its guarantee that freedom of helping tourist bureaus which have the seas would be provided for imen swamped with inquiries re- Israel—that was in the days of the garding travel status. Sinai Campaign in 1956 when Among, the President mass exits this week was th Eisenhower made the departure for Denmark of pledge—or by action of the Unit- 625 Chri;tian youth, mostly young ed Nations. y women, who had come here as part The general view here is that of a regular program of activities tically the same time. Last year should leave Israel on their own immigration dropped to its low- volition as soon as possible." est point and building construc- Many immediately began to pack tion operations ended abruptly. up to leave. It became known that The result was a recession that planes arriving at Lydda Airport contrasted seriously with the were practically empty. prosperity of 19 years. In contrast, however, it was re- It was claimed that 10 per cent ported that income tax offices were packed with Israelis who came to of Israel's working force — some show their loyalties by paying 96,000 — were unemployed. But their taxes far in advance — to while this figure was conceded by provide financial assistance and to government economists, there was show confidence that Israel's another explanation from official battle for freedom of the seas is sources. It was pointed out that not a lost cause. the 96,000 figure included house- Industrial plants are operating wives, and a counter figure of with limited staffs, the desalination 35,000 was offered, with the added plant in Eilat is practically at a claim that 25,000 of these were standstill, the Timna Copper Mines provided with part-time work. in the Negev are functioning with Meanwhile, the war threats half the working crew of more emerged anew, many have been than 700. called to active duty and the con- "It is because we must be pre- cern over unemployment has been pared, we must defend our very reduced. But the Israeli economists existence," is the simple explana- have made it quite clear that the Lion. high-pitched tension of the current war-threatening crisis has not re- Why did it all happen? There duced responsibility on the econo- is near unanimous blame on mic front and that the suddenly Soviet Russia. The contention is emerging new economic policy is that the USSR, desiring to create being enforced with great zeal in embarrassment for the United order to guarantee national plan- States over the Vietnam situa- ning that will assure a sound eco- tion, seeks to create another cri- nomic system under normal condi- tical area in the Middle East. It tions. hopes to present a direct chal- The first reported positive re- lenge to the nearby Sixth Fleet, sult of the new economic policy is intimidating the Jewish popula- an increase in productivity. There tion of Israel that is overwhelm- has been a freezing of wage in- ingly in support of the U.S. poll creases — the first such freeze des in Vietnam, at the same time since Israel's emergence to inde- placing the anti-Vietnam liberals quandary be- pendent statehood — and an in- in the U.S. in a cause they might ask for U.S. I teresting indication of the effec- intervention in the Middle East I tiveness of national pressures for while opposing intervention in higher productivity is the report Vietnam. from Kupat Holim, the sick bene- stades in applications for import licenses. Progress attained in recent months includes the entrance of Zenith Corp. in the manufacture of television sets, TV to be intro- duced here next year; the in- creases in exports of pharmaceuti- cal products; the markets obtained by Israel abroad for potatoes, eggs, vegetables, soy bean oils and num- erous other products. A factor in the reduction of un- employment is the established prin- ciple that no one person should remain unemployed more than 10 days, and by providing a solution to such possibilities the major prob- lem in Israel next to Arab anta- gonism is approaching solution. Hasidic Tales Sayings of the Parsischarer Simchah Bunam the Zaddik of Parsischa (died 1827), sought to cause a sinner to improve his ways. He invited him to a game of chess and, while playing, the Zaddik made an obviously false move. The man was about to take advantage of the error, but the other asked him to excuse the mistake. Soon the Zaddik made another wrong move, and this time his opponent refused to overlook it. The Zaddik turned to him and said: "You refuse to condone two false moves in a game of chess, yet you expect the Lord to pardon you re- gardless of the number of your own transgressions." The sinner was stricken with re- morse and promised to mend his conduct. • * • by young people in the kibutzim, Nasser's latest move, shutting the cooperative settlements. The the Than Strait, at Sharm el- Sheikh, to Israeli ships, is a departure by this group was on or- planned trick to force Israel to ders f rom the Danish embassy, start the shooting war. which arranged for special SAS Beersheba, the commencing planes for the group's evacuation. At least 25 more of the youths from point of the Israel Negev, offers Denmark refused to leave, and as little evidence of panic as does some said they would be ready to th north. The people are calm. Un- volunteer for service in Israel's less one queries factory foremen defense regarding the extent of industrial Expressed worldwide solidar- operations and then learns that working forces have been reduced ity was evidenced in the arrival over the Sabbath of 10 youths drastically due to the draft of re- servists for immediate army ser- from the Yeshiva University of Nasser's role is %ital. It is gen- workers fit agency, that leave requests from for sick dropped to vice, there would be no indication New York. Unable to travel on When Rabbi Bunam was a young . 40 per cent. of brewing troubles. the Sabbath for religious rea- conflict will remain a war of man, a friend borrowed a few dol- But the roads from Tel Aviv to nerves, and there is reason to be- I Then there is the reduction in lars from the chest established for sons, the Orthodox youths stay- Beersheba and farther south to the lieve that Nasser acted under the foreign trade deficit, the re- the repairing of damaged syna- ed from sunset Friday to sunset Eilat-Aqaba gulf provide added threat and pressure from his army sultant increase in exports and re- gogue books in order to donate a Saturday in Lydda Airport and evidence that there is action: many generals who demanded that he duction in imports. Exports over proceeded from there to volun- to a poor man who was col- cars and trucks, and even garbage take another stand against Israel imports were 11.7 per cent in 1948; lecting funds for the marriage teer their services. Such mass trucks, have la2en requisitioned to in order to keep the masses in a in 1966 the percentage was 58, dowries of dowerless brides. This enrollment has not been encour- aged because of the confidence carry troops and army supplies. state of hatred—a standard means marking a 16-fold increase in the became known and the trustees And while one sees no evidence of in backward countries to provide 19-year-period to a total of $475,- summoned entertained in Israel that its the borrower to a hear- army can tackle the developing army movements, the vast pre- a scapegoat for starving hordes 000,000 in exports. ing. The defendant asked Rabbi problems. paredness is acknowledged. whose attention must be averted The three major sources of in- Bunam to serve as his counsel. Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusa- from their very low standard of The Arab states know it. They come in Israel are diamonds and Rabbi Bunam narrated the fol- lem said the city faces four prob- are as aware of Israel's mili- living. citrus fruits, and another major lowing well-known fable: "There lems in the emergency — that of tary preparedness as the Israelis source of income is tourism. If There is also the possibility that was once an epidemic among the food supply. guarantee of avail- Nasser is hurting Israel at all, know about theirs. And this may Nasser needs face saving over his animals of the forest. The lion, the ability of water, establishment of i lead to peace more than all the it is in the latter category be- lack of success in Yemen; and he tiger, the wolf, and the fox held air raid shelters and civic de- negotiations at the UN or the cause of the lack of encourage. hopes to gain control of Aden, a consultation, and the fox af- tense. The latter. he said, is a intercessions by world powers. ment to travelers to Israel from while striving to acquire control firmed his belief that the epidemic most urgent challenge, but all are The Arabs know that a well-pre- the U. S. government in a per- over the oil-wealthy territories of was due to a great sin committed being resolved. pared Jewish army provides an iod of crisis and because of re- Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. by some resident of the forest. He Mayor Kollek gave assurances invincible force. There is no al- Except for Soviet Russia, whose curving fears over war threats. advised that all the animals assem that food hoarding has been avoid- ternative for Israel. Defeat influences in the Middle East are Nevertheless, the tourist bureau ble and confess their transgres- ed by speedily replenishing food means the state's destruction. viewed as deterrents to peace. the believes that the lull resulting sions. The beasts of prey were the shortages in markets — which re- therefore is fighting for world powers recognize that free- from the present tensions will van- first to confess, and their excuses quired retention of a regular truck- its Israel very life, and that's the little dom of the seas ismas ish and that the attractions from were accepted. Finally a sheep a or ing transporting service — and by state's strongest weapon. The in- at stake and that free h psage for Israel to religious-minded people timidly approached and confessed preventing exploitations through domitable will to live is Israel's Israeli ships throug the Theo will increase rather than diminish. that she had eaten a little hay price increases on food items. secret weapon. There are sharp di- Strait to the Red Sea is vital to In recent years the majority of from her owner's mattress. Mayor Kollek also said that the visions here — politically, econo- econo- peace. Prompt action to avert an tourists to Israel were Christians, " `Aha,' roared the lion, 'you are transportation problem is being mically, between Sefardim (Orion- armed conflict may once again per- this being another indication of the solved. The requisitioning of taxis tal Jews) and Ashkenazim (West- petuate the cold war while rele- universal appeal to vacationists the great sinner. You have abused your master's confidence.' And the and buses has curtailed availabili- ern Jews and other Occidentals). gating Nasser's threats to the sta- and to students of history and re- sheep was condemned to death." ty of cabs. Kollek said that citi- But a crisis like the present united tus of another bluff which may ligion to visit Israel. Rabbi Bunam then turned to the zens have been urged to make the people as no other challenge retain for him the admiration of On the economic front, there judges, and said: "You, Reb Leo, pickups of those waiting for buses possibly could. the Arab nations while war dan- also has been a reduction in con- have been guilty of this and this; and lines at bus stops have thus That's why the new Nasser gers are shelved. sumption. It has been charged that and you, Reb Baer, have done so been averted. threats are viewed in many guar- * r. r prosperity caused Israelis to con- and so; you, Reb Wolf, have acted More than 100 war correspon- ters as tempests in a teapot, as The new Israeli crisis came at a sume more than they produced. wrongly in this and this instance. dents from many lands, especial- mere attempts to appease those time when Israel suffered from its This helped reduce the foreign yet you dare sit in judgment ly the democratic countries, have extremists who have been demand- worst economic recession. For 19 trade deficit by restoring compe- against a kind-hearted man be- come to Israel and are covering ing Israel's destruction. The Arabs years the new little state had com- titive values to Israel merchandise. cause he has borrowed money for the newly developing situation, know Israel must prepare and parative prosperity. The large im- Together with a reduction in em- a highly worthy cause." Israelis were especially hearten- fight to a finish to protect its ploye absenteeism, these have been Everyone present felt ashamed sovereignty — because its sover- migration necessitated a vast pro- ed by the convention of English- factors towards mak- and left without pronouncing judg- eignty means its life. Therefore gram of home building. In the first contributing Jewish newspaper editors from ing the new economic policy effec- i ment against the defendant. years of Israel's sovereignty, in they also know that Israel must be 20 American Jewish communi- • • • 1948 and 1949, the new immigrants tive and workable. ties. better prepared. Encouragement is being given When Rabbi Bunam was lying There the will to :ive of the numbered as many as 120,000 a A protest against "the injustice year. The refugees who came here to the establishment of new indus- on his deathbed, his wife wept bit- to Israel" and a demand for de- Jewish people could well serve as at first were housed in shanties trial plants, and successful Israel terly. Thereupon he said: "Why fense action in behalf of Israel by the strongest inducement for 7eace that were known as maabarot. Bond drives in the U.S. give added , dost thou weep? All my life has the United States, was made in a —because it will cause the Arab Then commenced a building pro- impetus to these projects. been given me merely that I might resolution signed by 150 Hebrew antagonists to think twice before gram on a large scale to provide Thus, Israel's Finance Minister learn to die." University students from America they put up too strong a battle new settlers. immediately upon • • • Pinhas Sapir estimates that 55,000 who are here on scholarships. Jay against Israel. their arrival in Israel, with mod- new jobs will be created in manu- Rabbi Bunam visited Germany, 4 • • Masserman of Detroit is complet- The confident and tl.e exper- ern apartments. There was a boom facturing enterprises in the corn- and observed the conduct of the ing such a stay here in August as ing three years and that by 1971 Jews there. Turning to a compan- ienced in Middle East politics feel and a resultant prosperity. a scholarship student. employment will be provided for ion, he said: "It is concerning this In the interim, there also was There was evidence of solidarity that the panic that gripped many 100,000 additional workers. land that Solomon said: 'Grace is 15-year period during which a tourists was due mainly to the in- this week in the arrival in Jeru- • * • deceitful and beauty is vain; but Israel received $800,000,000 in salem of Max M. Fisher of De- structions from the U.S. Embassy Much of the new economic pro- a woman who feareth the Lord, German reparations. The vast in- troit. national chairman of the in each hotel key box, informing graming stems from the efforts of she shall be praised' (Proverbs come provided Israel with rail- United Jewish Appeal, for con- the tourist and his family: Ze'ev Sharef, the new minister of 31:30). I paraphrase it thus: 'In roads, machinery for many plants, "The United States Embassy ferences with Israeli leaders and commerce and industry, who shuns a land where deceit is concerned aid with which to establish the advises that all U.S. citizens a group of representatives from paper work and red tape, who has as graceful, and vanity is beauty, expanded industries. Both the here on non-essential business the United States who are nego- simplified the issuance of official a woman who feareth the Lord de- large immigration and the Ger- documents and has removed ob- serves indeed to be praised.' " THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS man reparations ended at prac- 38 — Friday, June 2, 1967