Nasser M eking Grave Mistake--Eban One of the most striking aspects State Department spokesman strait by itself. if necessary. Its East crisis. since establishment of of Israel's response was the fact Robert McCloskey said "We are power to do this, he said, has not that Is- the Jewish state. most municipal councils for JERUSALEM — Abba Eban, been impaired and Israel ' s inten- r a el's foreign minister, defined Ben-Gurion called the press living through this hour by hour." tion was reported to the presidents the first time in history buried Tuesday the importance of free conference after Premier Levi Administration sources said that of France and the United States party rivalries and set up emerg- passage for its shipping in the Eshkol's statement to parliament. the U.S. government appreciated of and the British prime minister by ency councils with the participa- Egyptian-blockaded Tiran Strait as The cabinet barred debate on the Israeli government's policy tion of all parties. restraint. In appreciation, they in- Foreign Minister Eban. TRANSPORTATION AID statement. "the kind of an issue for which the The On Thursday, Wilson headed for former premier said that dicated, the U.S. reassured Israel Municipal officials have asked nations are prepared to stake ev- the United States and Canada to private car owners to provide trans- erything they have, assume the the Arab leaders were declaring that it America would honor its corn- discuss efforts to break the block- m ments. heaviest responsibilities and make night and day their intention to ade. He had earlier visited with the portation help because of a short- After a special meeting of the age of vehicles used in Israel's every sacrifice." destroy Israel and that a people other maritime nations and will Speaking at a press conference, which had suffered immense losses Israel cabinet devoted to the crisis, also make an appearance at the call-up of reserves. It also has Prime Minister Levi Sunday Eshkol night an- United Nations. France indicated been proposed that women replace the foreign minister said also that at the hands of the Nazis could nounced on the radio she would not join in such inter- mobilized drivers in special essen- i take such threats lightly. President Nasser of Egypt was not He also said that it was clear that Israel would fight for its se- tial transport services. national efforts. Committing a serious mistake if "he The ministry of education issued (Egypt's President Nasser told thinks he can erase in 10 minutes to anyone in the world who had curity along the borders and for special instructions for safety meas- that which has taken Israel 10 any understanding of the situation its right to freedom of passage a news conference in Cairo Sunday ures in all the schools and proce- that Egyptian President Nasser's ; through the Strait of Tiran. The that any effort to interfere with years to build." blockade of the Tiran Strait to cabinet meeting lasted more than his blockade of the Strait of Tiran dures to be followed in the event Describing the time element for the major powers and the Israel shipping was an attack on four hours was held in Tel would be considered an "act of the tension erupts into a shooting nstead and of Jerusalem. instead war." He said that the Gulf of war. security and independence of United Nations to act on opening the Voicing his confidence in Israel's Aqaba and the Strait of Tiran are Air-raid shelters were hastily 1 Israel. the Tiran Strait as critical, he army's capacity to repulse any act "Egyptian waters" and stated that being made ready for use by the LEADERSHIP STRESSED said that unless effective action civilian population in the event He added, however• that even ' of aggression, Eshkol asserted that the matter "is no longer a subject was taken soon by the major of any contingency. Teams of for discussion.") decisive action could not rest on . the Israel government would act powers, Israel would act alone Israel's armed forces alone. He . "to procure not only the opening housewives were organized to KOSYGIN MESSAGE in a matter of weeks as the said that "we do not always have of the Strait of Tiran, but also prepare the shelters already set Eshkol received a message Sun- "outer time limit." up in apartment houses and pri- to take the advice of our friends the withdrawal of Evpt's military day from Soviet Premier Alexei added that in his talks with vate homes. There was a signifi- He but neither can we always disre- ' build-up along Israel's borders." N. Kosygin, counseling Israel DIRECTIVES APPROVED United States and British leaders gard their views. The conduct of cant reduction in public bus centered Eshkol told the nation that the against any action that might ag- services in Tel Aviv and other Iast week , the discussions gravate the current Israeli-Arab eans for obtaining war, even if forced on us, calls for l m ractica cities, Some routes were discon- on p passage in the strait responsibility and military wisdom, cabinet has approved directives for crisis. Kosygin was reported to uring the withdrawal of Egyp- tinued and the frequency of op- freedom of they have sent a similar message to did not talk on and our stand and our leadership securing from the Sinai Penin- eration of others changed. and that de- tian President Nasser of Egypt. in these days and weeks can de- Officials said that 50 Tora scrolls matters of principle because those termine our fate for better or sula. Directives for political ac- the text of Kosygin's letter be tion, he said, have also been ap- to While had already been agreed on. Israel was not made public im- had been sent in the past few days proved by the cabinet. After re- w°rse'" 'SAME TENSION EXISTS' in an oblique reference to the peating his assertion that Egypt's mediately, Kosygin's attitude was to field synagogues opened for In somber tones, he told the collapse of efforts to broaden the current military build-up and the said to be "moderate," especially newly mobilized troops in southern Israel. More scrolls were sent for newsmen that if it became appar when viewed in the context of the services Saturday. The scrolls were ent that the influence or action Israeli cabinet, Ben-Gurion said blockading of the Strait of Tiran of the major powers to end the that "whoever believed any subject endanger Israel's security, the Pre- Soviet government's harsh, anti- among several hundred recently blockade was not efficient enough. may be more important today than mier paid tribute to Israel's army Israeli statements of last week. In received from Romania. Israel would reserve its right to that of our security and existence which, he said, is "strong and has the earlier statements, in Moscow Many workers decided to give 1 the highest morale, and is capable as well as at the United Nations up part of their wages despite a argue with him." act. He stressed that "There is — I cannot After lauding the strength of of repulsing any attack." He called Security Council, Israel was ac- substantial increase in the work A certain danger in action, but c u s e d of planning "aggression" week from the normal 47 hours. the army, he ended with a the army "Israel's bulwark." there are moments when the den- "May we be worthy of 1 Israel is relying not only on its against its neighboring Arab states. Even the income tax collector Israeli political circles Sunday ger of no action is even greater." prayer: our soldiers and army Eshkol said in his address, the devotion of has had some surprises. In recent . Asked whether tension had de- hi h the whole Jew- but also on political and diplomatic studied the report filed with the days, many taxpayers have mailed creased during the past 24 hours— i sh people of the world rld shares means for efforts to find a solution United Nations Security Council checks in advance payment on by Secretary-General U Thant. their taxes. N. M. Roitman, a Tel a reference to a statement by i with US at this hour. of the current crisis. He said that It was stressed, however, that Aviv attorney, sent a check for Premier Levi Eshkol that Israel that Israel is "in constant contact" with A multination ho u r was counting for the time being on will watch over the Strait of Tiran the United States, Britain, France Nasser's speech in which he re- 250.000 pounds ($83,000) with a diplomatic action to resolve the at Sharm el Sheikh is being joined and other governments, including iterated his intention to destroy note that "With the enemy gather- deadlock—the foreign minister re- by troops from Iraq. it was report- the Soviet Union. Israel's mobiliza- Israel made Thant's proposal for ing at the gates, I would like to plied that the same tension existed. a revival of the Egyptian-Israeli join the national effort to the best ed Thursday. tion of its army reserves. he said. said that "the fact that it has Mixed Armistice Commission de- of my ability." More modest contri- He The force was expected to in- has played an important role in not exploded does not mean that elude void of meaning. troops from Kuwait, Sudan securing a possible solution of the Five Egyptians, including three buttons came from clerks and other it has ceased " and Algeria, as well as Iraq and crisis. lesser-paid workers. to a question as army officers and two privates. response In the United Arab Republic. (only The premier spoke in an emo• ARAB CITIZENS HELP to whether Israel was pinning Lebanon tion-packed v o i c e, especially were captured by an Israeli patrol has not committed mill- Many Israeli Arabs were re- any hopes on the United Nations. tary aid to the cause) Iraq's airlift ' when he emphasized Israel's de- Sunday morning while conducting he replied that "This unfortu- began Wednesday, and other troops sire to secure Egypt's with- a reconaissance mission inside Is- ported taking an active role in the nately is very limited, because were expected to be deployed else- i drawal of its military build-up rael. near Nitzana, on the Egyptian defense of their country. Deputy border. They were in an Egyptian Mayor Abdul Azzis Zuabi of the of past experience." He then de- where in the Sinai Peninsula. 1 along Israel's borders. all-Arab city of Nazareth volun- nounced the United Nations, de- premier's speech to the na- patrol Sharm el Sheikh was considered ; The (The car. five, including a lieutenant leered for farm work in neighbor- claring that it was "probably the , a likely target for any effort to tion was viewed here as Israel's understatement in most massive break the Tiran Strait blockade by reply to the anti-Israel declaration colonel, a major and a captain. ing collective settlements. Thirty made in Cairo Monday by Egypt's were believed to have been trying Arab teachers came to Afula Hos- history" to say that the United I i President Nasser. While recogniz- to gather information about Is- pital Tuesday to donate blood. Nations "has not emerged with force. A , 28-year-old lieutenant, Avin- AI I IES PLEDGE any particular brilliance from rael's troop movements on t h e It was reported in Washington ing the gravity of the current border. They were brought here oam Dahan of Tel Aviv said he the last crisis." had named his new-born son He flatly attributed the current that Britain, the Netherlands and situation. Israel was seen as em- for intensive interrogation. Portugal have pledged support for ploying all political and diplomatic (Seven Israelis were slightly in- "Tiran" for the strait blockaded crisis to the United Nations "fail- tire," and to the "rapidity" with an effort by maritime powers to means for easing the situation. jured Saturday morning when an by Egypt for the past two weeks. which Secretary General U Thant contest the blockade. The plan while not failing to envisage the armored half-track was blown up Attention of official Washing- yielded to Egyptian demands for calls for the establishment of an possibility of an armed clash as a by a land mine in the vicinity of ton was directed toward the naval force that could result of Nasser's aggressive inten- meeting of the Israeli cabinet Karem Shalom one mile inside Is- removal of the United Nat ions international rael's border on the Gaza Strip. Sunday at which Foreign Min- Emergency Force from the EgYP - provide armed escort, if necessary, tions. On Monday. in a statement to tian-Israeli border, without prior for Western merchant ships at the Knesset. Eshkol said that "The This was the first incident on that ister Abba Eban reported of his the talks with President Johnson. consultation or negotiations. Ile tempting to test the blockade. eat border since the withdrawal of 1 h to United Nations troops and the cur- French President de Gaulle and d a d e - gov ernment Egypt and Jordan signe mat said the UN had abandoned its envisaging, edly stated its det British statesmen on the crisis. tense pact Tuesday. responsibilities , which were "legal- exercise its freedom of passage rent crisis.) President Johnson's views as ormants, m ants, a accord ing to Arab infor FAST DAY DECREED ity and no belligerence." through the Strait of Tiran and Israel if Israel's chief rabbinate pro- conveyed to Eban suggested re- quick, all-out assault In response to a question about the Gulf of Aqaba, and will defend the pact should be invoked. it in case of need. This is a su- claimed a day of fast and prayer strain[ by Israel in order to give the role of the Soviet Union in the Syria charged on Damascus , I Kerne national intention on which Thursday and called on the entire the United Nations time to develop Crisis, Eban expressed the hope radio that King Hussein Jor- no concession is possible and no nation to "close ranks at this a formula for resolving the Egyp• that Moscow. which he said itself against of "Syria's den still plotted compromise is admissible. It is crucial hour" as preparations were tian-Isracli conflict without a was deeply interested in keeping shooting war. open, revolutionary regime." international waterways clear to us. and I feel it is now speeded for home defense. Eban had, during his flying trip make its influence felt in diplomatic Throughout Israel, synagogues Although foreign clear to the nations of the world would Cairo and Damascus. He asserted sources in Israel said the United that so long as the blockade exists, were filled Thursday, and many to Washington, also received defi- other Israeli Jews, now on guard nite affirmation from highest gov- that "It is no use asking Israel States might challenge the block- peace is in danger." ernment officials that the U.S. is con- ade by sending a warship through Eshkol paid tribute in his Knes- duty at the country's borders, were I to show restraint—we have have it. we to the southern Israeli port of Ei- set speech to what he described as joined by civilians in prayer. Prep- I definitely opposed to any Egyptian vincingly shown that blockade of the Strait of Tiran The important thing is to ask Cairo tat, the U.S. Defense Department the firm attitude taken by the orations to cope with the ultimate I preventing the passage of ships States in support of Israel's contingency were visible every- through the Gulf of Aqaba to and and Damascus" to show similar denied there was any such plan United i to test the blockade. claim to the right of freedom of where. restraint. from the Israeli port of Eilat. In Tel Aviv's streets, house- OPPOSITION INFORMED The U.S. carrier Intrepid was transit of the Strait of Tiran. He (A spokesman for the Israel Em- On the internal political situa- sent through the Suez Canal Thurs• had words of praise, too, for Prime wives and school children were I bassy said Tuesday that reported busy filling sandbags and using tion, he said that the government day moring to place it in the Red Minister Harold Wilson of Britain them to make improvised air , compromise proposals for Gulf of was consulting with the opposition Sea in the immediate vicinity of and for other countries which he passage, involving denial of raid shelters. Other pupils began ; ! Aqaba parties and keeping them closely the Gulf of Aqaba. Navy sources said supported the Israeli position. de- said the warship was headed di- The prime minister told Parlia- serving as substitute mailmen, transit to Israeli flag ships, had informed on developments. He replacing the mail deliverers ! not been discussed with the gov- dared that it was in moments such rectly for the western Pacific, with ment that Israel had firm com- ernment of Israel.) called up for reservist duty. as these that Israel's people have no instructions to stay in the Red ments from a number of marl- RUSK MEETING Housewives baked cakes by the time powers and expected firm shown their "obstinacy and ten- Sea or the Aqaba area. hundreds for men stationed far ; Secretary of State Dean Rusk effective action in the near acity. It is the gravity of resolu- The Soviet Union began moving and had a brief meeting with the So- tion, not the gravity of weakness This expectation, he as- away on Israel's borders. Munici- ciet charge T ff a reported 10 to 20 warships from future. serted. was based on firm and polities set up special departments nikov, who made an urgent call which we the Black Sea through the Bospo- for Prime Minister David and the Dardanelles to the definite commitments the Israel to collect clothing and candy Former feel." I rus (Continued on Page 39) Ben-Gurion a suddenly-con- the men in uniform. press 'told conference Monday eastern Mediterranean, where government had received. The prime minister told the vened that Israel was facing its units of the U.S. Sixth Fleet are Friday, June 2, 1967 - 23 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I Knesse t that Israel will open the night gravest test, in the current Middle crusing. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to T he Jewish News)