served. Some swore they had known THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS nothing of these events; they had 22—Friday, June 2, 1967 carried out their duties in a state where by o r der of the Fuehrer every area was sealed off from mat- For Some ters outside its limits. But outside of the the courts of law, Catholics and Protestants met in solemn sessions best buys to confess their responsibility for on new what had happened. Collective guilt, Pontiacs though always rejected, clung to millions of Germans despite the Tempests philosophical and historical demon- and strations that it could scarcely Firebirds exist." While the men who were on trial, ASK FOR and who were executed, and their associates, have been evaluated be- fore, while the story h a s been recorded again and again, the David- AT son account adds data of great value. Since the holocaust can not and will not be forgotten, all basic details are important for the record. 18650 LIVERNOIS 1 block South of 7 Davidson's is a masterful supple- UN 3-9300 ment to the record. Important Addenda to Record of the Holocaust Compiled in Davidson's 'Trial of the Germans' Davidson has this to say in rela- industralists. he thought that nam- Eugene Davidson porforms a major task in The Trial of the tion to the mass murders and to ing some individually might cause Germans — Nuremberg 1945-46,' the guilty clique on trial at Nurem others to think they could escape. Stalin. however, said t ha t those published by Macmillan. Ile gives berg: listed were only examples. Krupp a thorough account of the criminals, "Even before the United States was there, he said, to show the their bestialities, their roles as Hit- entered the war, President Roose- general reason for trying German ler's associates. and he evaluates velt and Winston Churchill togethe the Nuremberg trial in a new rec- had warned the Germans that they industralists, and if the Americans ord that adds invaluably to the would be held accountable for war or British preferred to name an- other he would have no objection. history of the holocaust. crimes. In a statement on Oct. This view was stated more strongly He is fair in his treatment, indi. 25, 1941, Churchill declared. 'Retri- by the chief American prosecutor eating not only the injustices but , bution for these crimes must hence- at Nuremberg, Mr. Justice Robert also some of the motivations to forward take its place among the H. Jackson, who said, 'It has at all account for reservations in judging major purposes of this war.' These times been the position of the those who had resisted and those warnings were often repeated in the United States that the great indus- who attempted not to yield totally course of the war by all the warring trialists of Germany were guilty of to the crimes. He also deals with nations. In March, 1943, the United crimes charged in this indictment a sense of realism in judging the States Senate and House of Repre- quite as much as its politicians, Russians. in accounting for the sentatives in a concurrent resolution diplomats and soldiers.' much debated Katyn massacre, and declared unanimously: 'The dictates "The German people themselves of humanity and honorable conduct he states: .• "One, red thread runs through in war demand that the inexcusable were never to be formally indicted. The French prosecution, alone the trial and hinds in a curious way slaughter and mistreatment shall both the victors and the vanquished. cease . . and that those guilty of among the four victorious powers, It is the power exerted by an ideo- these criminal acts shall be held made no distinction between the logy. The power was manifested by accountable and punished. T h e Nazi and the rest of the nation. those on the German side who ac- Allied foreign ministers, as well as The Americans were careful to cepted the fixed ideas of their Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, and draw a line between the general society, in their Russian opposite indeed any attentive reader of the population and those on trial. members who could coolly accuse press, had no doubt whatever as to Thomas J. Dodd, in his opening the Germans of a crime they knew who the perpetrators of these crimes statement, said, 'As every German the defendants had not committed were. The chief criminals were Cabinet minister or high official (the Katyn m a's s acr e), in the leaders of the Nazi Party and State, knew, behind the laws and decrees American and British who could the High Command of the Army of the Reichsgesetzblatt was not swallow almost any legal nostrum and Navy, the diplomats, the indus- the agreement of the people or their representatives but the terror as long as it made them see a post- trialists, the bankers, the judges, war society of their imagining. and the bureaucrats. At the war's of the concentration camps and the Small things were rescued at Nu- end the Americans were holding for police state.' remberg, such as the unspoken trial some aoo 'major' criminals. "Mr. Justice Jackson declared in principle that no one be convicted The Russian Judge I. T. Nikitchenko his opening speech, 'We have no of the same crime the Allies con- thought the list in his country purpose to incriminate the whole ceded their side had committed; might run to 500, but the chief German people. We know that the that no one be hanged for the 'major' criminals were easy to iden- Nazi Party was not put into power crime of having waged or plotted tify. . Soviet Foreign Minister Molo- by a majority of the German vote,' to wage war. For the deeper an- tov wrote on Oct. 14, 1942, 'The but by an alliance of extreme Nazi, sw ers we roust look to history and whole of mankind knows the names German reactionaries, and the most and bloody crimes of the leaders aggressive of militarists. it- meaning for ourselves." Ne,ertheless the Germans, in the of the criminal Ilitlerite clique: "In effect, despite the disclaimers, main. emerge as so cruelly involved, Hitler Goering, Hess. Goebbels, so guilty, that the stain is inerasable. the indictments were inevitably ithon makes the charge by pointing Ilimmler, Ribbentrop. Rosenberg.' directed against the German people. to the lark of decency. stating: "What Such members of the Roosevelt Ad- bad distinguished the Nazi State from ministration as Secretaries Stimson When one defense lawyer heard other totalitarian systems was the effi. ciencv of its inversion of every value. and Stettinius and Attorney Gen- the testimony of the razing in 1943 Nut only was God to be killed, but with of the Warsaw ghetto, where 65,000 his religion. the family, and old notions eral Biddle wrote a memorandum to of Astir.'. Law was merely something the President for the Yalta Con- Jews were killed in what was called that reflected the intuition of the race. a military action although the police ' ference on Jan. 1. 1945, saying, The extermination process was as ra- tionalized as the production of war 'The names of the chief German and SS troops involved lost only goods: it was self-Justifying, an end leaders are well known and the sixteen men. he spoke of the in- in itself. The victim was born into it; delible besmirching of the German once placed in an undesirable category. ' proof of their guilt will not offer hr 1'0111(1 not escape. After. the prison- name—a reaction expressed by a great difficulties.' Cf:, bad been reduced to the status number of the -defendants during urea tures who were in tended to of "When Stalin appeared at Pots- the course of the trial. 'A thousand lose their sense of identity with other One dam with a list of those to be tried human beings, death followed. years shall pass,' said the former oncentr.ition camp man called his as major war criminals, no objec- Governor General of Poland, Hans dog Mensch (human being) and would turn hint lose on the prisoners, shout- tions were made to any of the Frank, 'and this guilt of Germany ing, •Ntrusch, go after the dogs!' This was not the abberration of a single , names by the English or the Ameri- will not be erased,' Robert Ley, Ss man: it was an expression of a corn- cans. On the Russian list were who hanged himself before the trial plicate(' party line. The efficiency of names equally well known among started, said much the same thing the process of extermination — its careful records, the turning of science the Western Allies—Goering, Hess, in a farewell note. Others talked and technology to pseudoresearch and Ribbentrop. Keitel, Doenitz, Kalten- as though they had been awakened inflicting of horrors — was unique. The SS men involved in the killings kept . brunner, Frick, Streicher, Krupp, from a fantastic dream in which talking of their hard task and the Schacht, Papen, Hans Frank—and they had somehow played a part. incomprehension of many of their own countrymen who did not like to have to this lineup was promptly accepted Now they found themselves in a lake part in them. The commandant of prosaic non-Nazi world where mur- the concentration camp at Auschwitz, at the August 1 meeting of the Big It ;idol( Hess, who supervised the Three at Potsdam. Looking at the ders of innocent people had to be million and a ha lf execution of a list President Truman expressed a accounted for, and they stared at prisoners, took to poetry to describe hat he had experienced ... His blos- mild objection, remarking that the pictures of atrocities in disbelief soming fruit trees were next to the while he liked none of the German and horror. They confessed and gas chambers." squirmed and alternately blamed themselves and even more readily the men and creeds they had Architect to Plan Martyrs Memorial SAUL BERGH Packer Pontiac only two weeks left Limited number of enrollments at CAMP SHOMRIA "HARMONY PINES" NEAR GRAND RAPIDS CANOEING • FOLK SINGING • DANCING EXTENSIVE AQUATICS • LIVING HEBREW JUNE 27 -JULY 10 AGES 10 - 17 For Information Call: Mr. Orr UN 4-5696 Shomria the camp with authentic Israeli atmosphere ■•■••■■•■■••■■■•■•■11.■0■0■ MINAP1=00........mry STOREWIDE SALE ! O~ Off On Entire Stoc k e / 0 of Brand • SUITS • SPORT COATS • RAINCOATS • SLACKS • SHIRTS and all FURNISHINGS FREE ALTERATIONS TUXEDOS • FORMAL ACCESSORIES SALES & RENTALS • TAILORING—Quality alterations on Ladies', Men's and Children's Clothing RADOM TAILORS OAK PARK 22141 COOLIDGE PHONE: 398-9188 SO. OF 9 MILE TOTEM POLE DAY CAMP Cordially invites you and your friends to OPEN HOUSE .1. .1 . 1 . .1. .1. 1. .1 . I. Sunday, June 4 1-5 p.m. New York Parks Commissioner August Heckscher (left) and Louis I. Kahn, prominent architect, meet for the first time, to discuss plans for a memorial to the Six Million Jewish martyrs of the Nazi holocaust. They are looking at a blueprint of the site, to be located alongside the Promenade at Battery Park, near the Emma Lazarus tablet and facing the Statue of Liberty. David Lloyd Kreeger, Wash- ington attorney and art collector who is a vice-president of the American Jewish Committee and chairman of the memorial art committee, announced that Kahn has been appointed architect for the memorial. Surprises Refreshments Fun Alternate Date in Case of Bad Weather Sunday, June 11 — 1-5 p.m. t Located at 47300 W. 12 Mile Rd. For Further Information CR 6-5881 W E Directions: Grand River X-Way to Beck Road exit, OR 12 Mile Road West to Beck Road, OR Lodge X - Way (696), merge with 1.96 to Beck Road exit. SPECIALIZE IN CHILDREN 1, -i