Syria Drags Egypt to Brink Dr. Hertz, Beth El Board Come to Understanding Over Contract of Open Hostilities With Israel By ELIAIIU SALPETER JTA Correspondent In Israel (Copyright, 1967. JTA, Inc.) JERUSALEM—Such is the speed of events at this age of jet fighters and instant electronic communica- tions that. by the time this column reaches the reader, we may he , in the midst of a major war in the Middle East—or esle, the whole crisis may have blown over. Which- ever way it goes, it might he use- ful to analyze how things started and what is the meaning of the way the crisis developed. It seems that Syria managed to drag Egypt to the brink of hostil- ities with Israel, something most ' observers believed Nasser would suceed in avoiding. Ever since the left wing of the B.iath Party seized power in Syria! and included—for the first time in : Arab history — two Communist Ministers in the Damascus govern- ment, two somewhat contradictory things occurred. On the one hand. Moscow had a prime interest to prevent the fall of the Syrian regime. True. moneywise Moscow spent incomparably more on mili- tary and economic aid given to Egypt than on what it gave to the Syrians. But Syria is much closer to the borders of the Soviet Union and the Damascus rulers were more pro-Communist and mere satellite-like than Nasser. irost important. the Damps - • cus regime is much ,-.pre shaky than Nasser's rule. Therefore Mos- cow came out in support of Syrian aggression in more violent terms than ever before, apparently fear- ing a blow to her own interests :ind prestige. should the Baath reitime suffer a major defeat and fall. As part of his "show of force" and .or reasons that are not quite clear, Nasser also demanded that the United Nations Emergency Force evacuate positions along the Israel border on the Gaza Ctrip, held since the end of the Sinai campaign in 1956. L.N. Secretary- General U Thant, whose handling of the Middle East crisis has been far from imaginative or success- ful (to put it mindly), reportedly presented Nasser with the alter- native to leave the UNEF soldiers at their positions or ask for the complete withdrawal of the entire force. And he declared publicly that, should Nasser make such a demand, the UNEF would have to comply with it. (Most Western Powers by the way, question wheth- er U Thant had the right to ac- cept such demands, since UNEF was dispatched under a UN Gen- eral Assembly resolution.) Nasser responded but demand- ing the complete withdrawal of UNEF and U Thant hastily ac- cepted. This seems to have been the one single move that escalated the crisis more than anything be- fore. In the past 10 years it was tactily accepted by all that the presence o' UNEF was a conven- ient "explanation" for Nasser why no hostile acts against Israel were carried out from the Gaza Strip or the Sinai Peninsula. And what is even more important. UNEF troops at the Straits of Tiran were given as reason why Nasser cannot prevent Israel shipping in the Gulf of Eilat. Now that the UNEF is re- moved. Nasser may feel compelled to do just this. And Israel made it clear that interference with ship- ping to and from Eilat would be considered a full act of war and lead to the appropriate conse- quences. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, June 2, 1967 The board of trustees of Tem- ship to auxiliary groups of the ple Beth El voted at a meeting temple. 3. The rabbi and his administra- Wednesday night to recommend to the newly elected board that it tion of the temple. extend the contract of Rabbi Rich- 4. The leadership and guidance by the rabbi in the area of formal ard C. Hertz for one year. religious education of children of The rabbi signed a letter of understanding to that effect, an adult congregants. action which followed protracted discussion of functions under the rabbi's purview and those of the lay leadership. In a statement by the board following Wednesday night's meeting, it was pointed out that the recommendation for a con- tract extension was "in the nor- mal and usual manner, as has been its accepted practice under the bylaws of Temple Beth EL" MAC•O•LAC The new board will meet early in July. Only• two new members have been added, so that approval of the recommendation is assured. Dr. Hertz, the officers and trus- tees agreed in the letter of under- standing that a "full and honest effort will be made to permit a new and affirmative attitude to be developed between Dr. Hertz and the board of trustees." Sam Petok, who has sat in on board discussions of the issue since April, said Thursday that the dispute, extending over three years, revolved around the rabbi's concept and that of his lay leader- ship, of: 1. The responsibility of the rabbi as spiritual, pastoral, acad- emic and civic leader and how that responsibility is to be car- ried out. 2. The rabbi and his relation- Two savings plans from Michigan Bank On the other hand, the Damas- cus rulers. while enjoying the sup- port of Moscow, openly adonted the theories o' "popular warfare" promoted by Peking. Under the •logan of "popular warfare," Dam- ascus is training "guerilla fight- ( rs ' and sending assassins, ter rorists and saboteurs into Israel . A young man came to the Riz- Proltably as much because of this iner (died 1850) and asked to be a-, in reaction for the shelling of ordained as a rabbi. The Riziner triter settlements. Israel on Anril inquired regarding his daily con- 7 sent un her planes to silence duct, and the candidate replied: "I Si ri tri positions and, in the course always dress in white; I drink only of the action, downed six Soviet water; I place tacks in my shoes • With DAILY INTEREST you earn simPlted Syrian MIGs. for self-mortification; I roll naked every day on every dollar from in the snow; and I order the syna- This was a grave blow at Syria's date of deposit to date of with- REGULAR n•estige — but not only Syria's. gogue caretaker to give me forty drawal. SAVINGS Desnite the quite recent Syrian- stripes daily on my bare back." F ntian defense agreement • Interest is paid and compounded Just then a white horse entered wilich many considered a bad mis- the courtyard, drank water, and January 1, April 1, July 1 end tiil:o on the part o' Nasser. who began rolling in the snow. October 1. h , s thus committed himself to bear "Observe," said the Riziner. • Usual withdrawal privileges. the consequences of Damascus' nro- "This creature is white, it drinks 1 ,..,,;•1. o••itions) Egypt did not rush to only water, it has nails in its shoes, the aid of Syria. This was widely it rolls in the snow, and it receives seen—and gleefully touted by Nas- more than forty stripes a day. Still ser's numerous Arab enemies—as it is nothing but a horse." a Proof that the self-appointed * * ]cater of the Arab world is only Said the Riziner: "Coarse trades a "paper tiger," particularly as are held in contempt. A tinsmith Ion as half of his army is tied down in the war against the royal- is little esteemed, and a bricklayer less, because they handle crude ists in Yemen. Some Israelis hoped that, under materials. Now, how do matters such circumstances, Nasser would stand with me? What is coarser t an oaf who balks at spiritual do his best to induce the Syrian: than to call a halt to their terrorist improvement? Yet is not that the activities inside Israel. Whether material with which I have to labor ho tried or not• the fact remains all the time?" • • • that the Syrian-sponsored acts he- • Issued with 90 day, 6 month sr The Kobriner found the Riziner Came • instead more dangerous and 1 year maturity, automatically nro , ocative. Prime Minister Eshkol sitting in his chamber on a Friday renewed warned that, should the saboteurs ' before sunset, and smoking so furi- carry out any major act. Israel ously at his pipe that the room was -• Issued in multiples of $1,000 w ould retaliate in force. At that filled with fumes. The smoker no- stage. Nasser began pouring his ticed his friend's displeasure, and • Interest paid monthly or troops into the Sinai Peninsula. narrated to him the following story: quarterly as desired and tip toward Israel's borders. "A man lost his way in a forest honing to achieve a major diploma and chanced upon the but of a Your deposits are insured up to tie and political victory. brigand. Near the door stood a $15,000 by the Federal Deposit It is speculated that he hoped table on which a loaded gun was Insurance Corporation. that enough pressure would be lying. The man seized the gun and brought imon Israel (directly and thought to himself: "If I kill the through the Western powers) to robber, I save myself; if I miss MMUS FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORAT/011 prevent a major retaliatory action him, I may be able to escape in in case of the "usual type" of the smoke.' "By the same token, in order to Syrian terrorist acts. Thus Nasser could have claimed that his troops' purify my brain for the Sabbath, movements "single handedly" were I think holy thoughts and smoke 19201 Livernois NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 13403 W. 7 Mile Rd. sufficient to deter Israel from im- my pipe. If my thoughts fail me, IN cm. I.K. N Cambridge I MC E. of SchNoFer OFFICES THROUGHOUT GREATER DETROIT Plementing her warnings, even the tobacco fumes may at least while half of his army is down in dull my brain, so that I do not spfa VI1 440 every wukelay,.kacluding SATURDAY, brasselma eptila think unholy thoughts." Yemen. Hasidic Tales and Teachings For Regular Savings O DAILY INTEREST TIME CERTIFICATES ICH IGAN BANK