Abe Kasle, Dora Ehrlich Co-Chairmen of Louis Berry Testimonial Dinner; Haber to Be Guest Speaker on Return From Israel Community leaders Abe Kasle Science, Development Corporation igan. is expected to report on his and Dora Ehrlich have been named of Israel and International Advis- impressions. co-chairmen for the Louis Berry ory Council of World Jewish ! Dr. Haber has just concluded Testimonial Dinner to be given by Congress. He is also a member of a tour of African countries in be- Jewish National Fund June 6 at the boards of Sinai Hospita I. h'alf of ORT, which he served as Cong. Shaarey Zedek, it was an- American Friends of Hebrew Uni- world president, and his address nounced by din- versity and United Synagogues of will contain comments on his find- ner chairman America and is a former board ings in the course of his tour of Leonard Simons. member of Jewish Welfare Fed- study. Kasle himself eration and United Service for Leonard N. Simons heads the New Americans. was honored by committee of arrangements for the the JNF in June Berry is the immediate past dinner in Berry's honor. 1963, when a tes- president of Cong. Shaarey timonial tribute Zedek and has served as chair- ! THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS was given to him man of the Allied Jewish Cam- Friday, May 19, 1967-3 in the establish- KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry • • • • • • • Fresh, Cut-Up Chicken Parts Ready Made Hamburger Patties Oven Ready Turkeys Mock Chicken Seasoned Meat Balls Veal for Scalopini Beef for Scalopini • Boneless Chicken Breasts Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry • • • • • • Cartwheels Cube Steaks Kosher TV Dinners Beef Ribs Seasoned Meat Loaf . Chinese Egg Rolls 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association paign. ment of the Kasle The Jewish National Fund, in Kasle Family Forest in Israel. The Joseph Ehrlich Forest in selecting Berry for the establish- Israel was named in the 1940s merit of a forest in his honor, is after Mrs. Ehr- paying tribute both to his leader- ship and services to local and lich's late hus- world Jewry • band. The Louis Berry Family Forest Berry's role in being planted in Israel is part of the growth of Is- the large land reclamation work rael is repr e- being done by JNF as the instru- seated by the in- mentality of the Jewish people for tegral part he the acquisition and development has played as a of land in Israel. board member of the Joint Distri- Having just returned from Is- rael at the time he will address bution Commit- American Mrs. Ehrlich the Jewish National Fund dinner, - t e e , ORT Federation. National Cam- Dr. William Haber. dean of the paign Cabinet of the United Jewish college of literature. science and Appeal. Weizmann Institute of the arts at the University of Mich- $200,000,000 ago Imestors Hear an Optimistic Report on Israel Eeonoinv Despite Slowdown NEW YORK (JTA1 Optimism for Israel's economic future in spite of the current slowdown was expressed -by Joseph Meyerhof f. chairman, and John Furman. presi- dent, at PEC Israel Economic Corp.'s annual stockholders' [fleet- . ing, held here. PEC. through the efforts of its Israeli subsidiaries and affiliates their exports and to expand through the new investments it has authorized, is assisting Israel to narrow the .country's trade gap. One of these investments - 51.500.- 000 in the newly formed Bulk Car- riers El - Yam Ltd. will help to build four 76,000-ton cargo ships whose operation will add to Is- rael's foreign currency earnings and will also provide off- and on- shore employment opportunities. Formation of a new company— Israel Industrial Services, Inc., New York was also announced at the meeting. IIS will initiate and develop projects suitable for U.S. corporations, with a view to their establishing industrial plants in Israel, and particularly those having a scientific orientation. IIS will also seek from U.S. corpora- tions, research and development contracts to be executed in Israel by Israeli institutions and scien- tists. Elected for the first time to l'EC's board of 60 directors were seven Israelis, Meanwhile., AMPAI.-American Israel Corp. reported the balance of loans and investments made in Israel by AMPAL and its affiliate Israel Development Corp. stood at a record S53,000,• 000 Jan. 31, compared with 519,- 000,000 at fiscal year-end a year earlier. AMPAL, which last year cele- brated its 25th anniversary, paid shareholders a cash dividend of :10 cents a share, the report said. The payment • represented the seventh straight. year in which preferred shareholders received 2 per - cent over and above the regu- lar 4 per-cent dividend, and the 25th consecutive year in which the company has made cash disburse- ments to its investors. AMPAL is one of seven com- panies known jointly as t h e ANIPAL Group, whose assets ex- ceed S85 million, 14 KT. GOLD OVERLAY Hand carved shell cameos are set in beautiful frames of 14 Kt. Gold overlay. From our selection of fine quality rementz Jewelry. GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler UN 1-8184 18963 Livernois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In Jerusalem, the Israeli gov- ernment was expected to report to parliament a 400,000,000 pound ($133,000,000) deficit in the state budget for the past fiscal year. Of the total, 100,- 000,000 pounds (S33,300,000) represents losses incurred in op- erating the national railway system, the post office and other government-owned enterprises, Meanwhile, it was reported that a special ministerial committee will meet Sunday to examine Is- rael's application for associate membership in the European Com- mon Market and to propose tactical steps to achieve that goal. Israel's present limited agreement with Euromart will expire June 30. The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star. —Brillat-Savarin. In ',Max- , 19-17 American Savings and Loan Association of Detroit opened the doors of its first office at 122-16 Dexter Boulevard. Our staff, directed by the experience and wisdom of Mr. Adolph Deutsch, totalled six. Our assets—about 5 100,000. Twenty years is not a very impressive age compared to the length of time some finan- cial institutions have been around. What is exceptional, however, is the record of growth American Savings has achieved over these two short decadcs. Since that first day . of business just twenty years ago, American Sayings has gtowli to be the largest state-chartered savings and loan association in NI ichigan and is anion . 7, -the largest 100 of more than 6uo0 in 'the' , , s. Our customers, once resi.=, .1. Tturett State 'dents of only the Dexter and Cortland! neighborhood, now number more than 80,000 and are served by fourteen of otir offices throughout metropolitan Detroit. •. But self acclaim is not the purpose of this message. AVe mean it: rather. as all expres- sion of gratitude to each of vou, who by your confidence and patronage have brought about this day. Your belie{ in and adherence to the principles which build family secur- ity, while adding to the economic strength of our community, just, as importantly, has reaffirmed the soundness of free enterprise and the American way of life. We can all be very proud. Alfred L. Deutsch President