THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Women's Chub activities United Order True Sisters will hold its installation of officers 1 p.m. Tuesday at Northland Audi- torium, Mrs.' Adele Simons, president, a n d r s. Hortense Brisk, vice presi- dent of the Na- tional Order of True Sisters, will be present. Those to be installed a r e Mesdames Joseph Lupo- Mrs. Lupovitch vitch, president; Leon Becker, vice president; Stan- ley Baar, Nathan Oleshansky and David Redis•h, secretaries; Law- r en c e Herman, treasurer; Sam Zack, mentor; Ira Levy, warden; Arthur Markowitz, guardian; Leon- ard Pinter, monitress; and Edward Kreske, Barney Ross and Leslie Joseph, trustees. The Detroit chap- ter of UOTS is celebrating its 15th year. One of the special events being planned is a dinner-dance 7 p.m. June 3 at the Hillcrest Country Club. Friends are invited. For reservations, contact Mrs. Becker, LI 7-7469, or Mrs. Ole- shansky, 398-8263. • • • YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR CHOLEM ORGANIZATION will KINNERET CHAPTER. Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Councilman Mel Ravitz will talk on the current problems of the Detroit community. Host- esses for the afternoon will be Edith Shapiro and Sadie Begun. Prospective members and guests are invited. * c * UNIVERSITY SOUTH GROUP Hadassah, will hold an installation luncheon noon Tuesday at Hadas- sah House. Mrs. Nathan Goldman is installing officer. Featured will be the film, "The Sand Curtain," in which Drew Pearson interviews Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, David Ben-Gurion. Abba Eban and recent arrivals from many countries. * Akiva PTA Will Hold Closing Meeting Monday Akiva Hebrew Day School Par- in observance of Israel's 19th ent-Teachers Association will hold birthday. its final general meeting of the season 8 p.m. Monday at Young Israel Center of Oak-Woods. Mrs. Irving Hershman will give WHEN WE a preview of the honor role dinner CLEAN to be held June 19. ,Mrs. Charles YOUR CARPET, Levi and Mrs. Ithamar Koenigs- berg, co-chairmen of the nominat- STAYS CLEAN, WITH... ing committee, announce that SOIL RESISTANT elections will be held, and the film "Let My People Go", will be shown CORSETS BY EVA Histadrut Gets Grant to Aid Students Free Custom Fitting by Experienced Corsetieres 15842 W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Blks. W. of Greenfield Open to 6 p.m., Mon. thru Sat. BR 3-2509 FREE PARKING IN REAR • 4.* 4. CARPET CLEANING IT TAKES A GEMI...US HAGOPIAN E. SONS 1S1SO W. • MILE ID. 1150 - 000 164 rstioss ° LI 84300 • .4** ______ AILY- *44- * At a recent ceremony, the Jewish Women's European Welfare Organization and North Woodward Branch presented the Histadrut campaign with a perpetual scholarship which will help Israeli youngsters complete their schooling. Present at the ceremony were (from left) Mrs. Mollie Baseman, Mrs. Ida Goldsmith, Mrs. Morris Haut, president of North Woodward Branch, Mrs. Louis Honigman, Alfred Michaels, Histadrut director, Mrs. Morris Miller, president, Mrs. Julius Schlussel, Mrs. Jack Seder and Mrs. Joseph Zuckerman. • s • it * • UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS WOMAN'S AUXILIARY will hold its installation of officers at an open meeting noon Wednesday at the Esther Berman Building. The nominating committee will present sky, vice president, has arranged chairman of the day. Mrs. Albert program. Officers to be in- the candidates for election to of- the Elazar, will install the new offi- stalled are president. Mrs. Ben fice. Refreshments will be served. cers, and Mrs. Henry Berris will Chestnut; vice presidents, Mes- * * * review Is There an Answer?" by dames Willard Zamsky, Norman HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will _Adelman and Hyman Lazell: treas- David and Tamar De Sola Pool. hold both a regular and a board urer• Mrs. Samuel Wexler; secre- A petite luncheon will be served meeting noon Monday at the Met- taries. Mesdames Rubin Klein. Na- by Mrs. Erwin Friedman and her ropolitan Federal Savings Bank, than Weisenthal and Harry Letzer; committee. A c h e c k for funds Southfield and 14 Mile Rd. Lunch- case supervisor, Mrs. Daniel Wino- raised by the auxiliary will be pre- eon will be served, and there will grad: and hospital supervisor. Mrs. sented to the United Hebrew be a social hour. Friends invited. Paul Detach. For ticket informa- Schools for graduate study scholar- ships to Midrasha students who * tion, call Mrs. Zamsky, 862-8461. wish to prepare for Hebrew teach- NORTHWEST CHILD RESCUE * * ing as a profession: scholarships WOMEN ' will meet 12:30 p.m. MAIMONIDES MEDICAL SO- for high school students to He- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Joe CIETY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY brew-speaking camps; reference Glazer, 29450 Everett, Southfield. will hold its final meeting of the books for the library; and awards season 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at to outstanding graduate students. Raleigh House. Outgoing presi- Mrs. Isadore Goren, president of Now . . . dent. Mrs. Leonard Haking, will the auxiliary, invited friends in be presented with a president's the community. There Are pin by the immediate past presi- * * Two dent, Mrs. Arnold R. Axelrod. SOUTH WOODS CHAPTE R, Mrs. Reuben Mendelssohn, past Corners W . omen's American ORT, at its president, will install the follow installation May 11 at Greenfield's On ing new officers: president, Mrs. Restaurant installed Mesdames Je- Livernois Norman Schakne; vice presidents, rome Rosman, president; Norman Mesdames Julian Stern, Michael With Gallant. Sol Gainer, Julius Schiff- M. Levin, Victor S. Horvitz, Rob- man and Ilershel Sandberg. vice Internationale ert Baruch and Alan Lakin; secre- presidents; Robert Rosenbush, Fashions ! taries, Mesdames David Morton, Simon Morrell, Leonard Reider, Ralph Coskey, Maurice Silverman secretaries; and Mrs. Alan Cutler, and Louis Leipsitz; and treasurer, treasurer. Board members include Mrs. Alfred Klein. Twenty - five Mesdames Edward Chusid, Norton year pins will be presented by Flusty, Herbert Kay, Earl Ship- Mrs. David Kliger to Mesdames per, Herbert Furman, Gerald Man- Ilarold Ginsberg. Marcus Sugar- dell, Milton Isenberg, Robert . k•omp, . 1, man and Louis Kamin. The invo- Feldman, Bennie Zak, Harry Posar, cation will be given by Mrs. Mar- Irwin Goren, Carl Maness, Alfred vin B. Levy. The program will 1 4.14% Friedman, Ben Clicker, Howard be a presentation of "Songs of Ehrlichman, Barbara Berman and Our People" by Cantor Harold Or Irving Flanders. The invocation 19301 Livernois nr. 7 bach of Temple Israel. Mrs. I. was given by Mrs. Ben Brant, and Walter Silver, past president, wil EMILY BROWN, Bridal Consultant Mrs. Milton Superstein was in- be program chairman of the day stalling officer. * * * BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD will meet 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Protect Your Fur in Our Modern, Fire-Proof Storage Vaults! congregation. Mrs. Neil Kalef, president, announces that Mrs. , Henry Shore, nominating chair- nt FoR man, will present the slate. After the election of officers, refresh. ments will be served, ZEDAKAII CLUB will hold its hold a board meeting 11 a.m., fol- lowed by a regular meeting at annual mother-daughter luncheon and at Raleigh House noon, Monday at Southfield Civic noon installation Monday. Mrs. Willard Zam- Center Recreation Building. The 1. AVM 1 79 Friday, May 19, 1967-19 DIAMONDS DIAMONDS SAVE ! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER SEYMOUR KAPLAN IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS DI 1-5515 15738 Livernois savrAm For this gown with bodice. low scoop neckline and tiny sleeves. The gossamer-like skirt 's of flowing chiffon. The back is not too low and ha a large bow jezvelled h !WI time. orange. Sires 5-15 or OZ., 646. $59.9.5 e3 g ,tu:eif 901,7, RAGEjj SZ UR TE 2-3311 FOR FREE BONDED MESSENGER PICK-UP SPECIAL OFF SEASON RATES NOW ON FUR REMODELING AND RESTYLING Free Estimates — No Obligation Fur Cleaning On Our Own Premises EDWARD MILLER CO. 4632 WOODWARD AVE. * * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a paid-up mem- bership luncheon 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Membership chairman Mrs. Philip Saslove is arranging the program. Guests invited. * • • PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB will hold its nomination and election of officers 8 p.m. Monday at the Sholem Aleichem Institute. The slate committee includes Mes- dames William Belinsky, Thomas Zohott, Norman Goldenberg, Sam Weinman and Hymen Ehrlichman. (More Clubs on Page =) fine-t Your store for the collection of special occasion GOWNS $69.95 to $300 We allow no one to undersell us. awns Acct: ' Mao Several ' and wanton* Mon., Thurs., Fri., nites 'fit 9 Deny Ill 6 NINE MILE at COOUDGE A&P SHOPPING . CENTER, OAK . PARK