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May 12, 1967 - Image 19

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1967-05-12

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Friday, May 12, 1967-19

Gives Excess Property to


U.S. Protests USSR Aide's
at a high level, to make it abso-

The United States has made a chairman of the National Com-
formal complaint to the Soviet munity Relations Advisory Coun-
Mission to the United Nations cil, Secretary of State Dean Rusk
by Yakub Ostrovski, Soviet dele- wrote:
"The United States Mission to
gate to the human rights commis-
sion of the United Nations, upon the United Nations, under instruc-
from the Department of
Morris B. Abram, the United
States representative, during an State, made formal representations
to the Soviet Mission in New York,
exchange in Geneva last March.
In a letter to Aaron Goldman, about the "anti-Semitic aspersions"

lutely clear that Mr. Ostrovski's
conduct was considered to be a
regrettable departure from the
standards._ which should prevail—
and which normally have prevail-
ed—in United Nations bodies."
The letter was made public by
Goldman, who explained that he
had protested to the State Depart-
ment as soon as he had learned
of the incident in Geneva.
Goldman had written to Secre-
tary Rusk that "any slur upon the
no fear of God, is like a keeper of integrity of an American repre-
a treasury who has the inner keys sentative because of his religious
enter. — Sabbath, 31b.
association is obnoxious to the
* * *
American tradition, which makes
and recognizes no distinction
A learned man is better than a among American citizens on the
basis of faith or creed."
prophet. — Baba Batra, 12a.

Wisdom From the Gemara

The Joint Distribution Committee may receive up to $1,000,000
in excess machinery and equipment from the U.S. government for
use in developing countries, according to an agreement signed last
week by Herbert J. Waters, assistant administrator for Material
Resources of the Agency for International Development (AID),
(right) and Charles H. Jordan, JDC executive vice chairman. The
agreement provides that JDC will use the equipment in its relief,
rehabilitation and technical assistance work in four developing
countries—Morocco, Tunisia, Iran and Israel. Use of the excess
property in those countries has been approved by AID's Voluntary
Foreign Aid Service (in accordance with requirements established
by the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid.)

One day, at the close of the fig
harvest, Rabbi Tarfon was walk-
ing in a garden, and he ate some
figs which had been left behind.
The custodians of the garden came
up, caught him, and began to beat
him unmercifully. Then Tarfon
called out, and said who he was,
whereupon they let him go. Yet all
his days did he grieve, saying,
"Woe is me, for I have used the
crown of the Law for my own
profit." For the teaching ran: "A
man must not say, I will study
so as to be called a wise man, or
rabbi, or an elder, or to have a
seat in the college, but he must
study from love. The honor will
come of itself." — Nedarim, 62a.


Railway to Eilat

Yachya ben (son of) Saadia wiped
the sweat from his face. Ile had not
known work like this in Yemen. There
he dwelt in a village, in the middle
of the desert, and lived a quiet life.
When he wished to visit his sister, who
lived in the village nearby, he took
a donkey or a camel and rode upon
It to her. Ile did not know other
means of transport.
And now? Yachya Is a veteran rail-
be it for kings, 0 Lemuel,
way worker. Ile helped to lay the
railway tracks to Beersheba and now For kings to drink wine,
he is employed on the preparations
For princes to quaff strong drink;
to lay the Beersheba-Eilat 1.1ne.
Yachya stands and thinks in his
they drink, they forget
heart: God created the desert and Lest, as
created the camel. And what do Jews
the law,
do in Israel? Turn the desert into ,a
place of settlement and bring to it 1 And violate the rights of any in
noisy machines. God guard us!
The railway to Eilat will open the
desert to extensive development plans. , .4nd wine to the bitter in heart;
It will also make possible extensive
development of the port of ELUL by That as he drinks he may forget
connecting it with the north of the
his poverty,
country and with our Mediterranean
And think no more on behalf of
Now the railway line from Beersheba
his misery.
to Dimona is being prepared. From
there they will extend it to the phos-
phate fields in the Negev and then on Open your mouth on behalf of the
to EMU. (They are) thinking also of
laying a railway line from Dimona to
Sodom on the bank of the Dead Sea. In defense of the rights of all who
Thus it will be possible to bring the
arc suffering;
potash and other minerals of the Dead
Sea. from Sodom to the western and
,Open your mouth on the side of
southern roast by a cheap route.
Just as the railway brought about a
change in the face of the West in
America, so it will certainly bring And defend the rights of the poor
about a change of the face of the Negev
and the needy.
(Published by Brit Ivrit Otamit)




Fleet Manager


* *

A scholar who has abandoned
study of the Tora is like a bird
Advice To A King the
that has abandoned its nest.
From the Proverbs
— Hagigah, 9b.
• • •
What. 0 my son? 0 son of my
Rabba bar Rab Ilium said: He
who has knowledge of the Law, but
What, 0 son of my vows?
Gire not your strength to women,
Nor your love to those who are
the ruin of kings.

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