Purely Commentary By Philip SlOMOviTz Philo-Semitic Factor in the Loyola Tradition A famous Catholic name emerges in its fullest glory in Henry 'Yiddish Poets in Song' Contains Important Selections from Many Noted Jewish Writers "Yiddish Poets in Song," pub- lished by Jewish Music Alliance (1 Union Sq., NY), distributed here by Morris Citrin of the Jewish Folk Chorus, is a most interesting anthological work. Edited by Mordecai Yardeini and an assisting editorial board, this anthology was issued in honor of the 80th birthday of Reuven Youkelson, for many years presi- dent of the Jewish Music Alliance. Containing the musical scores as well as the poetic words of the numerous songs, the selection of many of the best known Jewish writers for inclusion in this volume elevates this work to high literary and musical standards. Kamen's "The Spanish Inquisition" (New American Library Publica- tion). Kamen's appraisal of the tribunal of horror and tyranny des- cribes the plight of "conversos"—the Jews who became converts to Christianity in order to escape the dangers of the Inquisition. The story is tragic enough. There was sufficient misery to con- demn the Inquisition for all time. But there were those in the Catholic Church who rejected racialism. Typically rebellious, against the ac- tions of the anti-Semites was the attitude of Saint 'Ignatius Loyola, whose spiritual qualities elevated him to significant recognition and to eventual sainthood and in appreciation of whose gifts to his faith a college has been established in his honor in Chicago: Loyola Col- lege. Kamen's story of the Inquisition relates the basic facts about Loyola's refusal to yield to pressures from the bigots. Loyola was so adamant in his adherence to faith that, as a student at Alcala in 1527, he was even suspected by his antagonists of adhering to Judaism. Countering the hysteria, Loyola: denied that he was practicing Judaism, and there was proof in his contention, since he stemmed from a noble Spanish family in the Guipuzcoa province, where there were no Jews at all. Later, however, he told a group of friends that; he would have considered it an honor to stem from Jews, explaining: "What! To be related to Christ Our Lord and to Our Lady of the Glorious Mary?" Especially interesting is the account of Loyola's rebuke to a friend—Don Pedro de Zarate—who had spat when ;mentioning the In a series of articles in the Lon- term "Jew." Loyola spoke so gloriously about Jew and Judaism don Times, Anthony Nutting, who that he all but convinced his friend to become a Jew. was minister of state in the for- • • eign office during the Sinai Cam- The account of Loyola's refusal to adopt a polic'y of hatred for paign of 1956, writes that Great "conversos" tells about the pressures that came from Archbishop Britain, France and Israel "plot- ted" the drive on Suez and that Siliceo. representatives of the three na- According to Kamen: "Ignatius (Loyola) refused to change his tions met to plan the attacks. attitude. All through the controversy in Spain about the statutes of According to the new revelations, 'limpieza' (the racialist cult of "limpieza de sangre" or purity of blood, by which descendants of Moors and Jews were forbidden to David Ben-Gurion and Guy Mollet represented Israel and France and hold any public office), and up to his death in 1556, he would not allow his order to discriminate against conversos, and when conversos Selwyn Lloyd, the British Foreign Secretary, was Britain's spokes- did apply to enter its ranks he advised them to join the company in Italy rather than in Spain. When talking of the "limpieza" cult he man. A new crisis may be anticipated would refer to it as the Spanish humor'—el humor espanol; or, more bitingly on one occasion, humor de la corte y del Rey Espana—"the by the articles which will appear in book form in July. humor of the Spanish king and his court." It is reported that a book by "Because of the opposition of the Jesuits, Siliceo conceived an ardent hatred of the order, and in this he was followed by other Prof. High Thomas, "The Suez Affair," charges that each denial prominent members of the Spanish clergy and the Dominican-con- trolled Inquisition. All three Generals of the order after Loyola were by the Israeli and French repre- firm in their opposition to the statutes. The immediate successor of sentatives "a ppears to be a Ignatius (in the Society of Jesus) was Diego Lainez General from straightforward lie" and that Nut- 1558 to 1565. The fact that he was a converso aroused bitter opposi- ting's story corroborates Prof. tion to his election from Philip II and the Spanish Church. In a letter Thomas' testimony. to Araoz in 1560 Lainez denounced limpieza as el humor or error nacional (the national humor or error) and demanded total obedience from the Spanish Jesuits. His successor was a Spaniard of unimpeach- able Old Christian blood—Francisco Borgia, Duke of Gandia, famous to history as St. Francis Borgia. Borgia's position was so well known that he was victimized to the extent of having some of his works put on the index of phohibited book.s." 3 Nations Met on Suez 'Plot', Nutting Says N.J. Senate OKs Busing for Pupils in Private Schools • • • Borgia had occasion to explain why he permitted "conversos" into the ranks of Society of Jesus. He wrote to Prince Eboli, Philip ll's prime minister: "Why does the king keep in his service x and y, who are conver- sos? If his Majesty disregards this in those he places in his house- hold, why should I make an issue about admitting them into the service of that Lord for whom'there is no distinction between persons, between Greek and Jew, or barbarian and Scythian?" Worthy of note is another significant historic statement con- demning racialism. Francisco Villanueva, as rector of the Jesuit Alcala College, objecting to the anti-conversos campaign, wrote to Ignatius Loyola: "It is a great pity that there seems to be nobody willing to leave these poor people anywhere to stay on earth, and I would like to have the energy to become their defender, particularly since one encounters among them more virtue than among the Old Christians and hidalgos." For the record, it is important that it should be known that there was a vociferous minority that disapproved of the Inquisition's methods, and when Loyola University is mentioned it should be recognized as having been named after a very great spiritual figure in Catholicism. It is also interesting to note that the Loyola collegiate tradition began with the establishment of the St. Ignatius College in Chicago, Sept. 5, 1870. Loyola University's charter was acquired Nov. 21, 1909. A Catholic university "Dictionary of Saints" states that the members of the "company of spiritual soldiers" he founded originally intended to be missionaries in Palestine, that for 400 years its members "dis- tinguished themselves especially in fields of education." While this is primarily a Catholic story, the courage of an eminent Jesuit of the 16th Century who opposed the persecution of Jews during the Inquisition deserves recognition in Jewish records. (Copyright, 1967, JTA, Inc.) B. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TRENTON, N.J.—A bill to ex- tend publicly financed bus trans- portation to children attending pri- vate and religiously - sponsored schools in New Jersey was ap- proved Monday by the State Sen- ate after having previously been adopted by the assembly. Gov. Richard J. Hughes, a strong supporter of the proposal, was ex- pected to sign it without delay. The measure had been vigorously opposed by several Jewish organi- zations and civil liberties groups. The vote in the senate was 20 to 6. Before the voting, the measure was amended, requir- ing that it be sent back to the assembly, which approveu the changes by 37 to 11. Under existing state laws, non- the time, no one was injured. Belo Horizonte has a Jewish popu- lation of 300. Suspicion by police points to a young man, the son of a German immigrant. It is believed the at- tack may have been mounted as a threat against the Jewish com- munity which has been demanding number of people in the club at that Brazil extradite Franz Paul Boris Smolar's 'Between You . . and Me' By BORIS SMOLAR (Copyright, 1967, JTA, Inc.) THE "FORWARD" ANNIVERSARY: The Jewish Daily Forward, largest Yiddish daily newspaper in the world, will celebrate its 70th anniversary on May 14 ... Aside from the fact that no Jewish newspaper can boast 70 years of continued existence, the Forward has a good deal to boast about in the role it played in American Jewish life since the very first day of its publication . . . Its 70 years reflect the development of three generations in American Jewry, as well as the phenomenal changes that have come about in the life of the Jews in this country . .. Seventy years ago, when the Forward began to appear, the Jews in the United States were predominantly immigrants . . . In fact, it was for these Jewish immigrants — who began to come in wave after wave to this country from Eastern Europe — that the Forward was started . . . Most of them were penniless, did not know a word of English, worked endless hours in sweat shops, or eked out a meager living as peddlers . . . For them, -the Forward was not only a news- paper to read, but a guide to life in the new country — an adviser on their daily problems, a teacher of "Americanization," and a protector of their economic interests . . . It was with the aid of the Forward that Jewish workers in sweat shops won their strikes, and it was also with the aid of this newspaper that the weak needle-trade unions became what they are today — strong citadels of the organized American labor union movement . . . In fact, it was these unions — the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, the International Ladies Garment Work- ers, and other "Jewish" trade unions organized with the aid of the Forward — that paved the way for other American labor unions to become effective instruments in the fight against the merciless exploita- tion of labor that existed in this country at the end of the last century and in the early three decades of this country .. The Forward not only supported their strikes, but was to them like the Rock of Gibraltar in general in the years of their miserable existence as "greenhorns" — a word now long forgotten. • • • THE IN-BETWEEN GENERATION: Established by the generation of Jewish immigrants — which is now classified as the first generation of American Jews — the Forward played no small role also during the period of "second generation" which was composed of the children of the immigrants ... This was a generation which was mostly ashamed of being Jewish and made every effort to run away from it; it considered Jewishness as a synonym to living in poverty, not mastering the English language, being an outsider . . . This was a generation where younger Jews changed their names from Katz to Keats, from Cohen to Cowen, from Pressman to Preston, from Bernstein to Benson, in order not to be taken for Jews at least by their names . . . This was a time when Jewish girls working in offices as typists and filing clerks wore little crosses on their necks trying to create the impression in the office that they were not Jewish . . These were years when intermarriage made its first entry into Jewish families, where the American-born, or American high school educated Jewish youngsters looked down upon their immigrant parents who lived in poor sections of the city and spoke a broken English . . . Unlike their parents, these youngsters hated to work in shops, refused to live in cold tenement houses where there was no electricity and no hot running water, rejected Jewish education — even Bar Mitzva — and sought their way to an easier life . . . Many of them succeeded as salesmen and in small business, and some found themselves living in better sections of the city after being married . . . Secretly, however, a good many of them were read- ing the Forward, some studying the advertisements there for business and others finding the Forward as a link to the world in which their parents still livecL • • • public school students are allowed to ride free on public school buses on established public school THE PRESENT GENERATION: The present "third generation" of routes. American Jewry does not read Yiddish and is therefore not among the The measure approved Monday readers of the Forward - .. This explains why the circulation of the will extend this service to non- Forward is today far from what it was some 25 years ago ... However, public school students in communi- even the present generation of Jews — especially the studying Jewish ties which provide such transpor- youth — is aware of the important role which the Forward has played, tation for public school pupils but and is still playing, in American Jewish life .. - Jewish students in the not to non-public school pupils. field of social work have now in their textbooks much of the material There are 334,000 non-public school that had been published in the Forward for years, especially the feature students in New Jersey, including "Bintel Brief" ("A Bundle of Letters") in which readers sought and a number attending Jewish day received advice on family matters and other social problems . . . There schools. are today at least three books being written in English on Abraham zil Jewish Club Attacked; None Is Injured RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) — Federal and local police authori- ties here said they think they may have traced the identity of a per- son who fired a revolver bullet through a front window of the Jewish Club of Belo Horizonte, capital of the State of Minas Gerais. Although there were a The Yiddish group which pre- dominates includes the works of H. Leivik, I. L. Peretz, Morris Rosenfeld, Morris Vintchevsky, Mani Leib, Yehoyash, Sholem Alei- chem, Avrom Reizen, Jacob Glat- stein, Moishe Nadir, Itzig Manger, and many others. Noted musicians wrote the lyrics. The secretary of Jewish Music Alliance, Abraham Lechowitzky, Chaim Nahman Bialik's "Aharei authored an explanatory introduc- Moti" with music by Yardeini, tion to this work, in Yiddish. There Shaul Tchernichovsky's "S h i r is a section devoted, pictorially, to Eres" with music by Moishe Bik the composers who assisted in pro- ducing this valuable work. and other selections. In addition to the Yiddish songs, there are sections devoted to Israeli music and to English songs. Noteworthy among the latter is Morris Rosenfeld's "I Lift My Eyes," set to music by Yardeini. Another English selec- tion is Walt Whitman's "Come Be Free," set to music by Rich- ard Neuman. In the Hebrew group is included Stangl, the commandant of the Nazi concentration camps at Treblinka and Sobibor. Brazil's Supreme Court is to rule in 10 days or two weeks on applications for his ex- tradition filed here by Poland, West Germany and Austria. He has been in jail since his arrest as a war criminal at Sao Paulo on March 2. Cahan, the first editor of the Forward, who was a colorful figure and one of the best editors the American press — not only the American' Jewish press — ever had ... Much can be found about the role of the Forward in numerous English books dealing with American labor history and with the life of New York's Lower East Side . . . Out- standing figures in-the Forward were, in addition to Cahan, also its editor emeritus Hariy Rogoff — who is considered "the Walter Lippman of the Jewish press" — its late general manager, B. Charney Vladeck, after whom New York City named a building project; Adolf Held, a well- known figure in the Jewish world; and Dr. Lazar Fogelman, its present editor . . . The Forward is strongly pro-Israel, although in its early - years of existence it was anti-Zionist. • 2—Friday, .May 5, 1967 THE DETROIT. JEWISH. NEWS