Urgent Need to Maintain Global Jewish Unity Stressed by Goldmann 'Friday, May 5, 1967-17 Israeli Journalists THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Quietly Released Rabbi TeStifies on Privacy Law in DC TEL AVIV (JTA)—Two NEW YORK (JTA)—Dr. Nahum ■ Israeli country where the Jewish com- Goldmann, who as president of the munity is recognized as a nation- journalists who were sentenced to World Jewish Congress visited re- ality, proves that this is a specific a year's imprisonment at a secret cently the Jewish communities of problem of the Soviet Union and trial for publishing material con- Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hun- not a consequence of Socialist doc- sidered harmful to state security gary and Romania, told a meeting were quietly released from prison here last week at the Barbizon trine or the specific form of gov- last Friday. It has been indicated Plaza Hotel that his conclusion ernment of these countries." that the two, Shmuel Mor, editor The WJC leader reported that of the weekly newspaper, Bul, and from the visit to these East Euro- he met not only with leaders of his assistant, Maxim Gilan, would pean lands was that it is the duty of world Jewish organizations, and Jewish federations in each coun- be released just prior to the start try but with Jewish personali- of Passover recently. Presi- especially of the WJC, to develop ties of various groups and pro- dent Shazar commuted their sen- and strengthen contacts with East fessions, and with high officials tence last February, a month after European Jewish communities and of the governments who are res- they entered prison. countries. ponsible for Jewish affairs. The two journalists have ap- "To maintain the unity of the Though greatly reduced by the pealed for abolition of the law Jewish people is today one of the annihilation of their majority in under which they were convicted fundamental problems of Jewish the Nazi period, the Jews still and asked for public support of a life and Jewish survival, and it is number 100,000 in Romania, campaign to abolish the measure. essential that Jewish commurities about 10,000 in Hungary, but They said the law contained a exist and develop under all forms only 25,000 in Czechoslovakia clause which virtually barred any of social structure and forms of and 9,000 in Yugoslavia, he said. opportunity for a convicted person government except in countries In all four countries, Dr. Gold- to obtain acquittal. They asserted where anti-Semitism is an official doctrine," Dr. Goldmann said. mann asserted, Jewish citizens en- that the justice ministry had rec- "For the WJC, whose main aim is joy full equality and many of them ommended the reduction of their to express in ideology and prac- play an important role in govern- sentences only after news of their tice the unity of the Jewish people. ment and in the economic and cul- secret arrest, trial and sentencing it is of the greatest importance tural life of these countries. Being appeared in the foreign press. Their arrest followed publica- that East European Jewish com- recognized officially as religious tion in Bul last December of a munities were coming back to the groups, the Jewish communities report alleging that the Israeli not only had all facilities to main- fold ready to cooperate with the their religious and cultural secret service was involved in the Jewish communities in the rest of tain life but were to a large degree kidnapping of Ben Barka, an op- the world." helped by their governments both position leader, in Algeria. Dr. Goldmann said: "Jewish life economically and culturally. Dr. can continue in Socialist countries Goldmann cited as an example the Senate Urged to Start with no conflict in principle be- Yiddish theater in Bucharest, 90 tween the ideology and govern- per cent of the budget of which is Hearings on M.E. Policy WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen. mental system of such countries, covered by the government. Even and the right of Jews to enjoy such a small Jewish community as Jacob K. Javits New York Re- equality as citizens and secure is in Yugoslavia not only has regu- publican, urged the Senate Foreign their Jewish identity and their lar religious services but two Jew- Relations Committee to hold hear- contact with the Jewish people. ish choirs, lectures, courses in ings on U.S. policy in the Middle The fact that unfortunately the Judaism and other cultural activi- East, warning a "parallel with Vietnam" exists and America may same conditions do not prevail in ties, he said. become "the policeman in the Mid- the Soviet Union, despite the para- Dr. Goldmann said he was deep- dle East as well as the Far East." dox that it is the only Socialist ly impressed by the great efforts Sen. Javits noted that the French 1••••••••••••••••••••••S made by the leaders of East Euro- and British were withdrawing from pean Jewry to maintain Jewish involvement in the Middle East REMEMBER , „..--- '4*- - . - • life despite their small numbers. while the United Nations Organi- His visit, during which he was ac- zation was "doing about all it 4 ; •• . • companied by two members of the can" to hold its own in truce • I. ' • WJC executive, meant a symbolic operations on the Israel-Arab bor- act of reunion with the Jewish ders. "Ohly the United States re- • PAY people which impressed them mains as a prime deterrent to • TRIBUTE • strongly, he reported. A Friday war, and in case the deterrence • • TO • • night service in the Bucharest syna- fails, only the U.S. remains ac- • • gogue which he addressed for over tively to intervene if it wishes to an hour was attended by thousands hold aggression there," he said. • The Senator stressed that "the of Jews and was characterized by the audience's deeply emotional parallel with Vietnam should not • On Mother's Day • reactions. be taken lightly. At first, we sup- • Sunday, May 14, by • Dr. Goldmann suggested the ported the interests of our allies • there. Then, our allies gradually • creation of a federation of Jewish communities of the Socialist coun- loosened and finally cut their re- tries which would enable its mem- sponsibilities. In the end we were bers to cooperate and consult with left with the bag." each other and also to establish relations with international Jew- 26,143 Jews Living ish organizations such as the WJC. in West G?rmany The governments of the coun- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire tries he had visited, Dr. Goldmann to The Jewish News) continued, made a clear distinction BONN — There are 26,143 IN HER NAME between relations with Israel on Jews in West Germany now, af- • • A Growing Tree is a Living • the one hand and world Jewry on filiated with the Jewish com- • the other. With regard to Israel, munities, according to statistics Tribute to Your Mother. itel relations varied from a rather cool issued Tuesday by the Federation Let Trees in Israel Honor, • or • view in Czechoslovakia to recent of German Communities. Memorialize Her. • sv warmth in Romania which was, Included are 1,648 members • while Dr. Goldmann was there, of 51 Jewish youth groups. The fp visited by an official Israel dele- date showed that 1,024 Jewish PHONE children are receiving religious • gation headed by the Finance instruction- The Jewish from 64 teachers. Minister who signed a far-reaching National Fund treaty on economic, technical and There are 45 synagogues in West Germany, 48 smaller Jewish cen- scientific co-operation between Ro- le ters of prayer, 15 rabbis and mania and Israel, the first such 38 cantors. act on behalf of an Eastern Euro- • FOR A TREE CERTIFICATE • pean country. • • • • • e ' ;---- J e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • so • • • • • • • • • • • • UN 4-2767 • • • a • • • FOR YOUR MOTHER • • • • • • • • • • • at ISRAEL NEEDS TREES • Soviet Yiddish Magazine • • Publishes Agnon's Stories • • LONDON (JTA) — The latest • • issue of Sovietish Ileimland, the • Yiddish-language monthly m aga- • zinc published in Moscow, carries • four short stories translated from • the Hebrew writings of Shmuel • Yosef Agnon, the Israeli author • • who last year was a co-winner DETROIT LEAGUE CHILDREN'S ASTHMA RESEARCH INST.-HOSPITAL ANNUAL DONOR LUNCHEON Wednesday, May 17th, 12 Noon Town and Country Club, Southfield Road Beautiful musical program by Mrs. Jonas Kiken formerly associated with San Francisco Opera. Fabulous door prizes — lovely favors No tickets available at the door. Chairman Mrs. Sol Perlman UN 3-2039 19519 Cranbrook A TREE IS A SYMBOL OF LIFE net stop and pick up' certificate on Sunday, May 14? The office will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. a •• of the Nobel Prize for literature. • The April issue of the magazine, • received here, promised that more • of Agnon's writings would be pub- •• lished in Yiddish in the future. t . • The same issue of Sovietish • ,„:..),,. S I Heimland included a note about . .,,Ifd ..:. •• • another famous Hebrew writer in •• Israel. Avigdor Hameiri, congratu- t la ing him on his 80th birthday. AN/ENO • Hameiri was for years editor ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO ./NF • • . : JEWISH. : • NATI ONAL • • _— FUND :194 t 4 WYOMING - - • "Dvar Haknesset." the official • • of journal o of the Israeli Parliament. ......•••••••••••••••••., ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE Co-Chairman Mrs. Ralph Levy UN 3-9592 17601 Roselawn Donation $6.75 Please make checks payable to Detroit League, Carib. When everyone starts talking about places they're going to this summer, keep quiet, wait foryour opening and say softly HAS SHE VISITED TOUT Hong Kong Why not? Hong Kong's one of the most fascinating places In the world. And now it's so easy to get to—on Lufthansa. But that shouldn't surprise you. Lufthansa makes it easy to go anywhere. To • • •• why • Roma Hall • • • • ' PLANTING TREES IN ISRAEL 0 MAY 7 • • • • • FLEA FAARKET MOTHER • • • • • • • • • I • WASHINGTON (JTA) — Rabbi tions of grave threats to national Norman Lamm of New York told security. However, he added, priv- a Senate subcommittee hearing on acy in Jewish Law "is more than privacy that Jewish religious law a legal right; there is also a moral considers non-physical intrusion duty for man to protect his own "the equivalent of physical tres- privacy." pass" and that "the spirit of Jew- ish Law rejects the idea of a national data bank." Rabbi Lamm, a member of the Jewish Law Commission of the Antiques & Will-Be's Rabbinical Council of America, testified before the Senate subcom- mittee headed by Sen. Edward Long of Missouri which is conduct- 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. ing hearings on threats to the privacy of Americans. He also told the Senators that Jewish law does not consider the LIVONIA right to privacy as absolute, hold- 45 Dealers Admission $1.00 ing that some rights would be automatically suspended in situa- Michigan Cancer Foundation volunteers are helping in a research study of Breast Cancer by getting answers to important questions. You can help! 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