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April 28, 1967 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1967-04-28

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Plan Beth Hillel Israel Bond Dinner



Right Temple Listed
but Wrong Rabbi

The Allied Jewish Cam-
paign Proclamation by the
rabbis of Greater Detroit,
which appeared in an adver-
tisement last week, errone-
ously carried the name of
Rabbi Ernst J. Conrad as
spiritual leader of Temple
Beth Jacob of Pontiac. Rabbi
Conrad heads The New Tem-
ple in Birmingham. Rabbi
Philip Berkowitz is rabbi of
Temple Beth Jacob,

Forest to Commemorate Aviators Is Being Planted

JERUSALEM — In the Modiim lions of the Israel Air Force in
region of Northern Judea, plant the time of statehood.
ing has begun of the Aviators'
Forest which will eventually num-
One grove, it has been decided,
ber 100,000 trees and commemor- will be planted on the names of
ate Jewish flying officers fallen in the three astronauts who died in
the Second World War, in Israel's their training for the space flight
War of Independence and in ac- of "Apollo I."

We Are Pleased To AnnOunce


Has Joined Our Organization

Dr. Nemeth Reads
Haftora in Braille

Planning the Cong. Beth Hillel Israel anniversary dinner, on
behalf of Israel Bonds, which will be held May 28, are, (from left)
seated, Herman Strassburger, one of three honorees at the dinner;
Cantor Joseph Birnholtz, Rabbi Joel J. Litke, spiritual leader of the
congregation; Mrs. Herman Doiny, president of the sisterhood;
Mrs. Jack •Wildstrom and Otto Kaufman, the two other honorees;
standing, Herman Doiny, Bernard Lichtenstein, Norbert Robert,
Bernard Ohrenstein, Menashe Haar, president of the Men's Club;
Benoit Gorge, president of the congregation and Lawrence M. Ne-
delman, who will host a leadership reception in advance of the
dinner. The dinner will feature Jack Malon, noted entertainer and
TV personality, as guest star, and Circuit Judge Charles Kaufman
as guest speaker. This is the fifth annual Israel Bond affair spon-
sored by the congregation. For tickets call BR 3-0570 or DI 1-5707.

London Article Charges Argentina
Is Practicing Overt Anti-Semitism

LONDON (JTA)—The Financial
Times of London, in a report from
its Buenos Aires correspondent,
asserts that "one of the many
changes that took place when the
military deposed President Arturo
Illia on June 28 was the changing
of the Argentinian Jew from a first
class to a second class citizen."

The correspondent says that in
the turmoil after the coup, the
many Jewish names in top echelon
Argentine government posts have
disappeared and no more than one
or two have found their way onto
the new lists of officials.

Citing the Catholic church and
the armed forces in Argentina as
two spheres of "decision makers"
in the country, the report points
out that "the Jew obviously is no
candidate for membership in the
first and he has never been wel-
come in the second, except as a
conscript." The report also claims
that the Argentine Jew "is con-
stantly singled out most frequently
on the completely unproved—in-
deed, absurd—assumption that the
Jews are largely responsible for
the supposed Communist threat to

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Mr. David J. Steinhardt of Metropolitan's

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port from Jews and non-Jews of
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select group of Metropolitan represen-
tatives honored by the Company at the
"Metropolitan Millionaire" Business
Conference in Banff. Canada. lie has
qualified as a "Metropolitan Million-
aire" by creating future assets totaling
one million dollars or more during 1966
through the tailoring of personal and
business insurance programs to his
clients' needs.

Mr. Steinhardt began his career with
Metropolitan in December, 1963. Since
then he has qualified for the Million-
aire's club three times. A resident of
Oak Park, he is an accounting graduate
of Wayne State University, is married
and has two children.

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The day you hit a pot hole at
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The article asserts that with
the exception of the Soviet Union,

The day you sweep around a
sharp, rain-slicked curve. .

Prof. Abraham Nemeth, associate
professor of mathematics at the
University of Detroit, was given
the honor of reading the Haftora
on. Sabbath Hagadol (the Great
Sabbath) last Saturday at Adas
Shalom Synagogue.
Prof. Nemeth, who is blind, read
the entire Haftora (Malachi 3:4-24)
from the Braille volume which he
proofread some 15 years ago for
the Jewish Braille Institute of
Dr. Nemeth also proofread the
Braille volume of Psalms for the
institute, and he put into Braille
the High Holiday Prayer Book.
A long-time member and regular
Sabbath-goer at Adas Shalom, Dr.
Nemeth said this was the first
time he had received such an aliya
since his wedding.


Argentina has been more associ- Winston Churchill Forest
ated with anti-Semitism than any
other country in the world. 'In Dedicated in Galilee
JERUSALEM — The dedication
recent years," the report states,
ceremony of the Sir Winston
"as in the case of Russia, Argen-
tina's anti-Semitism is but the Churchill Forest was held recently
in the Galilee.
latest chapter of a historical pro-
The 300,000-tree forest, near
cess and is proving to be indeed
a burden for a republic already Nazareth, a project of the Jewish
beset by so many other prob- National Fund of Great Britain
and Ireland, received wide sup-

(A dispatch from Buenos Aires,
published Sunday in The New York
Times, charged that Argentine
policemen who raided faculty offi-
ces and classrooms in Argentinian
universities recently were heard
shouting anti-Semitic slogans and
curses. The government, according
to the dispatch, is charged through
its newly-published national uni-
versities law with seeking to force
most Jewish professors out of the

Friday, April 28, 1967-13

• Issued in multiples of $1,000.

This is a reproduction of the
portrait of David Ben-Gurion by
James N. Rosenberg, nonagen-
arian, eminent attorney who de-
voted all his time since his re-
tirement to his avocation—paint-
ing. Rosenberg, whose paintings
have been exhibited throughout
the world and who is recognized
among America's most distin-
guished artists, presented this
painting to Ben-Gurion in Israel
about 15 years ago.

Catholic U. Buys Bonds

University, a Catholic institution,
has become the first university in
the United States to purchase
shares of the Industrial Bank of
Israel as part of the Capital for
Israel program of the Israel Bond

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